The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1647: Cooperation

Because this call was from Li Zedao. He brought the call at this time, which proved that he might have solved the woman.

Bei secretly took a deep breath and quickly answered the phone.

He Xiaoyue saw that Bei was like this, and knew that it was Li Zedao's call. She also stood up, looking at Bei with a slightly nervous expression.

"Not asleep yet?" a familiar voice came.

At this moment, Bei's nose was sour and he wanted to cry inexplicably. This kind of torment-like waiting was really uncomfortable.

"Did I go to bed so early when you weren't there?" Bei said, even she didn't know it, and there was a hint of resentment in her tone.

"Early?" Li Zedao couldn't help but smiled bitterly. It's already early in the morning, still early?

Then said: "As we suspected, that woman is indeed not Zheng Wan'er, but I have already cooperated with her, and I will go to the DJ’s stronghold with her in a while, so don’t worry about it. , I will definitely return to Qingyun Building before noon. I will tell you more specifically."

"So, you put her in sleepwear?" Bei asked, taking a soft breath, and the whole person was completely relaxed. With that horrible woman, plus Li Zedao, Bei didn't think anyone could give Such a terrifying combination brings threats or something.

"Night clothes?" Li Zedao was really dumbfounded, and ridiculed, "Sister Bei, how can your thoughts be so unhealthy? Besides, you look down on me too much, right? You don't have to sleep and let out a little overlord. It can be completely conquered, okay?"

"Fuck!" Bei rolled his eyes and said in an angry tone.

"There's one more thing." Li Zedao's tone fell into a deep and sad tone, "I found He Xiaoyang, but it has become an experimental subject of the skull tissue, a failed experimental subject."

Bei's heart twitched slightly, and he looked up at He Xiaoyue who was looking a little nervously at him, and said softly, "I see, tell her?"

Li Zedao was silent for a while: "Let's talk, let her be psychologically prepared first."

"Good." Bei said, "It's not your fault, it's not your fault, I believe she will not blame you either."

Bei knew that Li Zedao's heart was burdened now, he was extremely uncomfortable, and he blamed himself. After all, He Xiaoyang suffered such a brutal attack because of him.

"I see, take care of her." Li Zedao said in a low tone.

"Do not worry."

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao put the phone in his pocket, took out a cigarette and a lighter, lit one, and took a big mouthful.

Looking up, a figure approached from far and near.

"Oh, I can finally talk, I almost suffocated me just now." Elena said with a grin looking at Li Zedao. It can be seen that the thing in the body was successfully removed, and there is no need to be controlled in the future. She was full too, so she was in a good mood.

Seeing this girl with brown eyeballs, fair skin, tall nose and golden hair, and the kind of hot figure not inferior to Alice, Li Zedao's spirit inevitably fell into a trance. It is hard to imagine that such a beautiful girl would be the kind of legendary vampire!

This completely subverted Li Zedao's cognition!

What made Li Zedao's heart madly trampled by a large herd of alpacas was that he actually had a week of "love" with a vampire, even kissed her on the mouth, touched her chest and butt, and his body was still I've been watched...Li Zedao's heart contracted, this woman shouldn't want to hold herself accountable to her, right?

A few hours ago, in room 711, Li Zedao took the initiative to force Zheng Wan'er to show up as soon as possible. He unceremoniously put one hand on Zheng Wan'er's chest and the other hand on her hip. on.

Then, Li Zedao's heartbeat speeded up involuntarily, which can be said to be playing with fire or even killing his life! So be prepared to withstand the sudden fatal blow of the opponent.

However, Zheng Wan'er did not violently send out the fiercest attack as Li Zedao thought, but the body was trembling gently, and her breathing became more and more intense, as if she was really emotional.

She even stretched out her hand and placed it gently on Li Zedao's back. Then, as if flirting, Li Zedao painted with her fingers lightly, sounding like a mosquito and flies, and said with extreme shyness: "I want to take a shower... Do you want to be together?"

Li Zedao did not immediately boil and spew nosebleeds because of the other party's words. Instead, his body's instant tightening expression was even more shocking.

Because the gesture of this woman's little hand gently drawing something behind him is not flirting... She is writing!

Yes, that's not a flirting action between couples, she is writing! Her fingers were writing on the back of Li Zedao!

"It's been hard for you to talk with me for a week of love and pretense." This is what she wrote.

Li Zedao's body suddenly tightened, and his face was already full of horror, so this woman had known for a long time that she was acting?

"Don't move, otherwise the people around you will die, don't talk, because someone is monitoring every move in this room...Of course, I think you should take your hand away, what do you think? You can learn to write on me.” Feeling that Li Zedao's body was tightly held by him, Zheng Waner wrote behind his back, looking at her face, where is there any confusion and shyness? Expressive? It was a weird smile.

"What do you want?" Li Zedao hurriedly removed his salty pig hand while writing on her back. He originally intended to violent, but he was so threatened by this terrifying woman. He gave up decisively. He didn't feel that this woman was frightening him. The most important reason was that Li Zedao did not completely suppress it at all. Confidence.

So, the only thing I can do now is to hear what this woman wants to do.

"I think we can cooperate."


"Yes, cooperation, I think you must have guessed it too. I am a person sent by the Skull and Crossbones organization. Your guess is correct. It is indeed the Skull and Crossbones who asked me to deal with you, but now I have changed my attention. , I don’t want to be your enemy, and I don’t want to listen to them and do things for them, so let’s cooperate. I need you to do me a favor. After helping me, I promise to be gentle with you. I will not kill you. People like your sister Bei, sister Xiaoyue, and everyone in Qingyun Building.” After writing these words on Li Zedao's back, Zheng Wan'er raised her head and her eyes were a little weird. Staring at Li Zedao's eyes that had become cold and sharp.

"Are you a threat?" Li Zedao's voice was extremely cold. The thing he disliked the most was that someone used people around him to threaten him.

"Yes, this is a threat." Looking at Li Zedao's cold and sharp eyes, Zheng Waner's smile was even more strange and hot. "You have a minute to think about cooperation, or they are dead!"

"Okay, cooperation." Li Zedao was very simple, and quickly wrote these three words on her back. He can't despise the threat of this terrifying woman. The threat of this woman is undoubtedly more terrifying than the threat of fc Director Yang. After all, Director Yang has some frightening elements in it. He has scruples and jealousies, and he can't take things seriously. It's a big mess, but this woman doesn't have any scruples or jealousy. She kills whoever she wants.

On the other hand, he was also curious about what this woman wanted to do. If it was beneficial to him, Li Zedao wouldn't mind cooperating.

"Oh, we should continue acting, otherwise, those two damned guys should be suspicious." Zheng Wan'er wrote on the back of Li Zedao with a hot smile, "It's you."

Li Zedao twitched at the corner of his mouth, and said with a strange expression: "Dear Miss Wan'er, help me undress? Miss Zheng Wan'er, do you want me to take it off for you?"

"Hate, pervert." Zheng Wan'er's voice was very shy, but her expression was full of playfulness.

Li Zedao saw her like this, and his heart was full of powerlessness. He always thought he knew that the other party was acting, so even if she was terrifying, he still occupied the leading position, but he didn't expect anything. She also knew that he was acting. What was even more terrifying was that she knew she already knew she was acting.

In other words, from the very beginning, Li Zedao was actually completely led by the nose. Thinking of being led by a woman by the nose, Li Zedao felt like being insulted to death.

At the moment Zheng Wan'er pulled her clothes and made a rustling sound like undressing. At the same time, she quickly took out a pen and a small book from her backpack, and quickly placed it in front of Li Zedao. Write down a few words: "Since I have decided to cooperate, I will show my sincerity and briefly explain my situation. As you suspected, I am not Zheng Waner. It is true that Zheng Waner was a week ago. After she separated from you and left the airport, I was killed, and then I became her and approached you..."

Although there have been such speculations for a long time, Li Zedao still saw his heart pumping suddenly, full of apologies. A girl just died because of him, so Li Zedao was not uncomfortable.

"Oh, it seems that I killed that woman to make you very angry? Even murderous in my heart?" Zheng Wan'er looked at Li Ze, whose face had become extremely ugly, with an inexplicable smile.

Li Zedao looked at this woman coldly, did not nod or shook his head. He was tacitly acquiesced. At a certain moment, he did have murderous intent in his heart, but his reason kept him from doing it. After all, Li Zedao did not completely suppress this woman's grasp. Once let it escape, it is all light to say that it is difficult to sleep and eat.

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