The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1648: I am vampire

Seeing that the other party did not answer her own question and looked at herself with cold eyes, Zheng Wan'er smiled and didn't care, and continued to write on the paper: "My real name is Elena. I come from a special race... a family of vampires. In other words, I am actually a vampire with extremely pure blood."

Uh... Vampire? She said she was... a vampire? Li Zedao had an idiotic expression very simply, and he couldn't believe what he had heard. After all, this thing was really incredible and unimaginable.

Li Zedao would rather believe that there are ghosts in this world than that there are vampires in this world.

In the next second, his eyeballs almost fell off, and he almost couldn't help but exclaimed that the appearance of this woman who claimed to be a vampire was happening just a little bit. It was jaw-dropping. The change.

The beautiful eastern face was gone, replaced by a beautiful western face. The jet-black hair was replaced by a golden hair. In addition, his height was about five centimeters higher than before. When I get up, it is more lordotic and warped, and it is really plump.

"Oh, dear Mr. Li Zedao, don't worry about being surprised, let's continue acting, or someone should be suspicious." Elena whispered in a shy voice while scribbling on the paper, "You... …Really big..."

"..." Li Ze said that the corners of his mouth twitched violently, almost wanting to ask how you knew it.

"That is, and it's very long-lasting, otherwise, how can you satisfy so many women? Soon you will know..." Li Zedao had to force himself to calm down first, and quickly continue his acting skills. According to this woman, the skull People are eavesdropping on every move in this room, so they can't be careless.

Then I felt that I was too awesome. At this time, I still have such superb acting skills.

"Ah, don't say, you hate it..." Elena said shyly, and blinked at Li Zedao, who had a stiff expression. There was an inexplicable smile in her big eyes, and she continued to write on the paper, "There is not much time. So if you have any questions, I will explain clearly to you one by one. Now I will focus on my plan."

Li Zedao took a deep breath and nodded. Of course, his mind was still roaring, and there was no way to immediately accept this strange scene that she saw in front of him. Will this woman make the legendary seventy-two changes? Otherwise, how to explain this scene?

Elena quickly wrote this line on the paper: "I know, you want to rescue a man named He Xiaoyang."

Li Zedao's expression changed slightly, he took a deep breath and nodded, feeling a little nervous inexplicably, he was afraid that this woman would tell him that He Xiaoyang had been killed or something.

"As far as I know, General Moore personally sneaked into the Qingyun Building some time ago and took him away. I don't know where He Xiaoyang is now, but it should be in the laboratory secretly built by the Skeleton Organization in DJ. In that laboratory, you should be able to find him, but I don’t know if he is alive or dead. What I can help you is that I can let you go to that place."

Li Zedao looked at him and breathed a sigh of relief. At least the worst hadn't happened yet. Maybe the people with skulls hadn't had time to attack He Xiaoyang.

After writing, Elena uttered a very nasty love sentence again ambiguously and shyly, and continued to play this super-high acting skill. The eyes looking at Li Zedao were also full of playfulness. This kind of dialogue and Li Zedao’s rigid and strange Her expression made her feel very interesting.

Li Zedao had to respond to a very wretched remark, and took the pen in her hand and wrote: "How to do it?"

He felt that this woman was too tough, and when he said such things, he was flushed and too weird. She was fine, she didn't have any embarrassing expressions.

"The skull organization hopes that I can bite you fiercely. Anyone who is bitten by me will immediately fall into a deep coma. After that, the skull organization will show up and take you back to the secret laboratory. When you use your wisdom and means to find that He Xiaoyang and escape, the problem shouldn't be too big." Elena continued to speak shy words of love while writing.

Li Zedao frowned, and while continuing to respond to her bashful love words, he took the pen and wrote: "So, I need to be bitten by you?"

The limited knowledge told him that if he was bitten by a vampire, he would be infected, and then you would become a vampire. Although his tongue had the yellow part of colorful stone, he could eat rat poison, but who knew Can the yellow stone withstand the virus peculiar to vampires?

"Of course, if you don’t bite, they won’t believe it, but don’t worry, you won’t fall into a deep coma. At most, you will leave a bite mark on your neck, because when I bit you, I won’t inject blood. It entered your body." Of course Elena knew what the man in front of her was worried about.

"Blood element?" Li Zedao didn't quite understand.

Elena looked at Li Zedao with a weird grin. Li Zedao looked at her, her scalp numb suddenly, because he clearly saw that there were two sharp fangs on the upper teeth of this woman, just like what they used to be. The teeth of the vampire seen in the picture are the same.

So, is she really a vampire? Are there really vampires in this world?

If Elena said she was a vampire before, and Li Zedao was still skeptical, now he really has to believe that this woman is really a legendary vampire, so Li Zedao doesn’t know what words to describe himself at this time. His mood is strange, weird, absurd, horrified...All kinds of emotions are glued together, filling his whole heart, and also stimulating his nerves fiercely.

"This is an ability possessed by our vampire family." Elena quickly wrote on the paper, "Our teeth are born with a certain toxin, we call it hemoglobin, which can be The person who bites first falls into a severe coma, and when he wakes up, he may become a low-level vampire with no blood. If he fails to wake up, he will die in a coma. But when the bite goes down, the blood will not be released. If it comes out, we can control it."

"So it’s not that if we are bitten by a vampire, we will definitely become a vampire. But there are not many people who know this kind of thing. Usually people just think that as long as we are bitten by a vampire, we will become a vampire. Yes. More often, the person we bite will turn into a shriveled corpse, because his flesh and blood have been sucked up by us."

Listening to Li Zedao, he already felt a tingling scalp.

After writing these words, Elena even walked into the bathroom aside, turned on the nozzle, and then continued to make some charming sounds, as if there was a really exciting picture in this bathroom. Similar.

Then he looked at Li Zedao with a weird smile, indicating that he should cooperate to continue acting.

Li Zedao swallowed a few mouthfuls with difficulty, and had to follow along with a certain sound... He decisively felt that his act like dubbing some passionate films was really stupid.

What makes him feel better is that that terrifying woman is also being stupid.

While Elena made a charming moan-groan, she continued to quickly write on the paper: "When I bite you for a while, I won't release the bleeding element. After that, how can I pretend to be fainted by those two damned? You have to rely on yourself...Of course, I believe you will be fine, because your acting skills are really good."

"..." Li Zedao felt insulted to death.

"What's your purpose?" Li Zedao looked at this terrifying woman, took the pen in her hand and wrote this line on the paper.

"I want to get rid of the control of the skull and crossbones. That **** organization has some kind of* in my body. They can remotely control that*, or locate my specific location at any time through that*, and eavesdrop on it. Every word I say, once they detonate it, my body will be directly exploded into a pile of pieces. Damn it."

Li Zedao could clearly see that the big eyes of this woman had turned into a weird blood red, and a terrible breath appeared in her eyes, and even the color of her skin had changed. It was healthy and white before. But now it is strangely white, and it feels like a thick layer of white foundation is applied to it.

"It seems that she hates the skull organization very much. If she can fight fiercely with the skull and even destroy the skull, that would be even better." Li Zedao muttered in his heart.

Elena continued to write quickly on the paper: "So, I need you to sneak into the laboratory. Before leaving, except after bringing out the person you are looking for, after bringing out one more person, that is a person named Akai’s island nation is an old man. He is the general manager of the laboratory. He is mainly responsible for the development of superhuman genetics. He should be able to remove the **** thing from my body."

Although Elena snorted extremely seductively, her eyes were blood red as if blood would drip down at any time, revealing a terrifying aura.

The dignified Queen of Vampires had such a thing in her body, and used this to threaten her, forcing her to do things for the skulls. This is undoubtedly a huge shame for the Queen of Vampires, who has always been proud and domineering.

Although her face is full of palpitating coldness, her scarlet lips are light, and all kinds of enchanting hums keep coming out of her mouth. This huge contrast, weird The scene is undoubtedly making the scalp numb, at least Li Zedao's scalp is numb now.

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