The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1649: Scary woman

Li Zedao felt that this woman was a bit too scary.

Whether it is the coldness and murderous aura from his body, or the charming sound of humming in his mouth, Li Zedao feels heart palpitations. If he is an ordinary person, he will face such cold aura and redness. The scary eyes are so white that they are so horribly skinny, I am afraid that a heart attack has already been scared.

In the same way, if the average person hears such a charming moan-groan, I am afraid they have to change their underwear.

"It seems that I have no other choice." Li Zedao wrote on the paper taking the pen handed over by the other party.

"Oh, it is true, or cooperate with me to help me get rid of the **** thing in my body, so that I owe you a great favor...Oh, I have always been a gracious person, to At that time, even if you put forward some irrational ideas to me, you can still consider it." Elena threw a seductive wink at Li Zedao, if pointed.

Li Zedao calmed his mind, and at the same time directly ignored her wintry eyes.

He does have a passionate sign, he also has a heart of fraternity, and his resistance to beautiful women is extremely poor, but this does not mean that his fraternity can accommodate a vampire.

Ignored by the other party, Elena didn’t care. Looking at Li Zedao’s eyes, she was filled with inexplicable smiles. She also habitually licked her lips, and continued to write on the paper: "Or you have a way. I can’t get out of this door...but, I don’t think you have the strength to keep me behind, and I have always been guilty of retribution. If you dare to shoot me, I dare to let you I regret it. For example, the blood of your sister Xiaoyue or Sister Bei should be delicious, right?"

Li Zedao's face suddenly became hard to look like, and an extremely terrifying aura was already exuding from all over his body. His women were all his negative scales. If anyone dared to beat them, he would make the other person regret why they are still alive. !

Feeling the cold murderous aura emanating from the other party, Elena still had an inexplicable smile. The eyes looking at Li Zedao were full of playfulness, without the slightest fear.

There are naturally things in this world that make her feel scared, but this thing does not include the man in front of her. She thinks this man is not scary at all, and even interesting.

After taking a few deep breaths and forcing himself to calm down, Li Zedao simply wrote on the paper: "Cooperate, I will try to make you owe me favor."

Although he was extremely angry at this woman’s threat and wanted to take action immediately, but his reason told him that he must not take action. Otherwise, many people around him would not be able to escape Li Zedao’s murderous hand unless they were all together and they themselves They are all around them 24 hours a day, but this is obviously unrealistic.

The smile on Elena's face became even hotter, and she took the pen in Li Zedao's hand and wrote: "I knew you would choose to cooperate with me."

Li Zedao can't deny his lips, you threatened me like this. Can I cooperate with you obediently? Furthermore, Li Zedao didn't think that this terrifying woman had any malice towards him. If there was any malice, there would be no such troubles at all, just do it directly, so cooperation is indeed the best result.

At the moment Elena continued to write on the paper what she knew about General Moore and Wade, so that Li Zedao must not disturb the two if there is a way to escape, otherwise they might know that she has The problem, when the time comes, she may detonate the **** in her body, which is a tragedy. After * is successfully taken out, it is not too late to find them to settle accounts.

Of course Elena didn’t intend to let go of those two **** guys, although those two guys repeatedly promised that the skulls are extremely trustworthy, and will help her remove the damn* from the inner body in three days. But Elena knew very clearly that the other party was just perfunctory.

They tried their best to awaken themselves and the ultimate goal was nothing more than to make themselves completely surrendered to the organization and do things for them, but they didn't have any kindness.

However, as a proud and noble vampire queen, there is no such word as "surrender" in the dictionary. Some only have control, absolute control.

Then, she looked at Li Zedao with big eyes like a smile, and wrote on the paper: "I think you shouldn't make a fuss intentionally to let those two **** guys know that I have such a mind, and then borrow Will their hands get rid of me?"

Li Zedao rolled his eyes, took the pen in her hand and wrote: "You think too much. Skeleton and I have reached the point of immortality. There is no possibility of any cooperation. I don't want you to get rid of their control and find them. Afterwards."

"More importantly, do you think they will believe me? Even if they do, do you think they will kill you?" Li Zedao is not stupid, of course, I don’t think that the skeleton organization is working hard to wake this woman to deal with Even though I don't want to admit it, it's just easy to deal with myself.

"Oh, you can understand this." Elena said with a smile, just as she knew, this man's IQ was sufficient, and he could clearly see the essence of the matter.

If you let Li Zedao know that this woman's evaluation of him is sufficient IQ, I'm afraid it will be depressed to death, right? Can a person with sufficient IQ get such a bad score and become the top pick in the college entrance examination?

Finally, after discussing some details, Elena looked at Li Zedao with an ambiguous smile, and wrote on the paper: "The flirting is almost complete, I think you should take off your clothes and pants, let me see if you are It's not really as big as you said..."


Seeing this woman's look so ill-intentioned fell on her crotch, Li Zedao's crotch seemed to have a cool breeze blowing, really chilly.

Of course, it’s impossible not to take it off. After all, in this case, your pants are still well dressed, or are you not a man? At that time, those people with skulls and crossbones will be suspicious and let alone, at least they will be despised to death. At this time, your pants have not taken off? Is it a man?

At the moment, Li Zedao’s mind has been filled with the heroic deeds of countless martyrs. Dong Cunrui sacrificed himself to explode the bunker. In order to avoid exposing the traces of his own troops, Qiu Shaoyun kept his body motionless and let the fire burn. Sister Jiang and a female stream were facing the enemy’s tiger. Do not confess when pepper water...what's the big deal about taking off your pants in front of a woman? Didn't you often do this kind of thing before?

Li Zedao wanted to cry inexplicably, mainly because the other party was not an ordinary woman at all, she was a vampire! Li Zedao has no experience of taking off his pants in front of a vampire.

"Isn't it too young to let me see it?" Elena wrote on the paper, her expression full of playfulness, her eyes brighter and full of interest.

These words can be regarded as completely irritating to Li Zedao, and somehow he had a love relationship with a vampire for a week. This can be tolerated! Threatened by a vampire, this can be tolerated, but to say that he is can't stand anything!

So, he raised his head, with his head upright, as if going to death impassionedly, he took off his pants resolutely, and then he clearly saw that the eyes of this terrible vampire were slightly widened. Up...

Li Zedao coldly snorted in his heart: "Huh, dare you say I'm young? Scared you to death!"

The next thing is logical.

Elena simply took a bite on Li Zedao's neck, and then Li Zedao screamed... This is not acting, but it really hurts! The pain seemed to come from the depths of the soul, even though Li Zedao could bear such a strong, but the pain was so cold sweat on his forehead.

Then, Li Zedao yelled a few words in shock, and then Elena kicked over, and simply kicked all the water pipes on the glass wall of the bathtub, and then Li Zedao said "Puff!" He fell into the water, pretending to be unconscious. Up.

After successfully deceiving General Skeleton Iron and Wade, Li Zedao also successfully entered the laboratory and successfully brought Akai and He Xiaoyang out. Now, Akai has also successfully removed the maggot system from Elena. ...It can be said that the entire plan has been executed perfectly so far, and there are no mistakes.

However, Li Zedao's mood was extremely low and bad, because He Xiaoyang died tragically in the hands of the skull. He Xiaoyue, who regarded this younger brother very seriously, might not be able to accept such a result, right?

In addition, the innocent flight attendant died tragically in the hands of this woman, and Li Zedao's heart was full of guilt. He once again felt that he was a broom star and would only bring misfortune to those around him.


It’s hard to imagine a foreign girl with brown eyes, fair skin, tall nose, golden hair, and a hot body that is not inferior to Alice. , She turned out to be a vampire.

At the moment, Li Zedao slowly spit out a puff of smoke, then flicked the cigarette **** off and said, "Go?"

Elena licked her lips, her eyes shone with a palpitating light, and smiled and said, "Oh, of course, although I'm full, but I don't mind eating more."


After the two got into the car, Li Zedao looked at the woman and asked casually: "Are you...really a vampire?"

The latter's mouth pulled out a very charming range, looking at the other side's face, and said, with a tone full of pride: "Oh, the truth is already in front of you, isn't it? I am not only a vampire, but also a vampire. The queen, in the vampire family, has the supreme right and status."

Li Zedao glanced at this woman and nodded slightly. The facts were right in front of him, and he couldn't help but believe it, but after all, it was too hard to accept and imagine.

There is such a terrifying race as vampires in this world!

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