The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1650: Led by the nose

Elena's tone changed, she was already a little sad: "But, I'm afraid I am the only vampire in this world, right?"

Li Zedao glanced at this woman. It seemed that this was a vampire with a story. Of course, Li Zedao didn't talk too much. What if one accidentally touched the woman's sore spot, what should she do if she turns her face?

Although the two are now in a cooperative state, Li Zedao can't guarantee that this woman will have the so-called spirit of contract.

"Hundreds of years ago, our family of vampires suffered an unprecedented catastrophe. After that catastrophe, almost all of the family of vampires perished. Even me, the strongest of the family of vampires, the queen of the family of vampires, did not I was spared, my soul was sealed, and I fell asleep." Elena's eyes fell out of the window, looking at the neon lights passing by, and did not elaborate on the catastrophe, but Li Zedao was very clear. I felt a trace of resentment in her tone.

Li Zedao listened and couldn't help swallowing his saliva. A huge wave was already in his heart. He was really curious as to who had such a powerful force and could kill such a terrifying race.

Human race encircles this race? Or is it the legendary werewolf who is as scary and mysterious as a vampire?

The werewolf is a kind of orc in the legend, and his usual behavior is the same as that of ordinary people, but once the night of the full moon is reached, he will transform into a wolf. At the same time, the werewolf also possesses extremely abnormal power and speed.

The more important point is that the werewolves and vampires are enemies. The two races have been fighting since ancient times, but no one can do anything about it.

Now the vampire really appeared in front of him, so Li Zedao decisively felt that perhaps the werewolf did not only exist in the legend, but the real existence in this world.

Perhaps it is more accurate to say that it once existed. After all, no one knows whether this race is now completely extinct, just like the dinosaurs that once overlord the earth.

Although this thought had arisen in his heart, Li Zedao didn't ask much, he was still afraid of touching the pain points of this woman.

After another moment of silence, Elena continued: "Today, hundreds of years later, I regained consciousness. It was the skull and crossbones that brought me back to life."

Although Li Zedao already knew about this, after hearing it, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he had to admire some of the skull and crossbones methods that were too awesome, and there was a way to wake up the vampire who had been sleeping for hundreds of years.

"Of course, this world has completely changed. The night in this world is no longer dark, even brighter than the day, and there is no place for me." At this moment, this powerful and terrifying woman was full of faces. Sigh, there was silence immediately, looking at the rushing night scene, it was obviously recalling something.

Li Zedao probably knows some of the weaknesses of vampires, such as disgust or even an instinctive fear of light, especially sunlight, which is said to cause fatal harm to vampires. Although it is not clear what method this woman used to go shopping with him in the sun these days, it can be inferred from her current words that she still repels light, and she likes darkness, endless darkness!

Would you like to remind her that there are actually many horribly poor places in the world that are actually without electricity? But unlike the super metropolis of DJ, there are feasting and feasting everywhere.

Elena did not speak, quietly recalling something, Li Zedao also remained silent and drove the car quietly.

After a long time, as if talking to herself, Elena said: "In fact, our family of vampires has a very strict hierarchy."

"Classification?" Li Zedao glanced at the woman, still quite interested.

"The lifespan and abilities of each level are also different. I am the queen of vampires. I naturally belong to the highest level in the vampire race. Without any accident, my life span can reach thousands of years. It’s not a problem. In addition, I don’t need to absorb human blood from time to time to maintain my life. Eating various foods that you humans like and the blood of some animals can also maintain my life. Of course, instinctively. Blood mine will have an extreme desire for human blood, and my temper will become grumpy."

"It turns out." Li Zedao frowned. No matter what, he still had to **** human blood from time to time. This undoubtedly made him a headache, because a terrible feeling was inexplicably surging in his heart, this vampire queen. It seems to rely on oneself not to leave.

"In addition, as the highest-level vampire queen with the purest blood, I can perfectly hide my fangs, my blood eyes, and my claws. I also have extremely fast speed, extremely powerful destructive power, and extremely Powerful healing ability...Oh, you have seen this before. Unless my heart is completely destroyed to pieces, no matter how much damage I suffer, I can quickly recover."

Li Zedao couldn’t help but exclaimed. This race is really terrifying. This is basically equivalent to possessing an immortal body. Even if you encounter her many powerful opponents, you can rely on this abnormal healing ability to live the opponent. Drag to death.

Elena's eyes fell on Li Zedao's neck, and she said in surprise: "Oh, your healing ability is far beyond my expectation. I originally thought that the wound would not heal without ten and a half months."

I saw Li Zedao's neck, and the shocking bite marks he had healed a lot. According to this healing rate, it is estimated that it will be fully healed in a few hours. Although this healing speed is incomparable to his own, it is stronger than a low-level vampire, so Elena is not surprised, after all, he is a human, not a vampire.

It seems that this guy also has secrets in his body, and ordinary human races do not need such healing ability at all.

Li Zedao glanced at the woman, nodded, and said nothing.

Elena pursed her lips, this guy is really cold, but don't try to escape from my palm. Now continue to say: "In addition, I can not only absorb the flesh and blood of a person, I can also absorb the soul of the other person, absorb all the memories in his mind, and even use his soul and memory, I can perfectly become that person. ."

As Li Zedao listened, his discoloration changed again, his mind roared, and an incredible expression appeared in his eyes. This woman still has such a power against the sky? No wonder, she can perfectly become Zheng Wan'er, and even know everything about Zheng Wan'er so well, even the trivial things.

It is precisely because that Zheng Wan'er is so perfect. If Li Zedao has been skeptical that his judgment is wrong, there is no such thing as a fake Zheng Wan'er. I didn't expect the truth to be like this!

Elena shrugged and smiled: "Oh, it's not perfect, because you still doubt it. I'm very curious. Why did you doubt me? Is my performance not perfect?"

"The smell on you." Li Zedao said, "It's different from the jasmine scent on Zheng Wan'er that I met at the airport gate in the afternoon. It is a smell I have never smelled... just two short. In a few hours, the smell on my body has changed without changing clothes, and there is no jasmine scent as before. It is inevitable that people wonder if there will be any problems, right?"

"Taste? Oh, I didn't expect your nose to be so sensitive." Elena suddenly realized that she just changed into Zheng Wan'er's clothes that day, and she didn't think so much about the smell.

Of course, there must be a scent of jasmine on Zheng Wan'er's clothes, but it was too weak after all, and it was quickly covered up by the smell on her body.

It's just that I didn't expect this boy to be so perverted, and he caught the point all at once.

"That is the special smell of our vampire family. The higher the level of vampires, the lighter the smell. Of course, there is no way to disappear completely. Enemies who are familiar with us will usually find us through this smell. , So we will use various spices to cover up this taste.” Elena explained briefly.

"What about you? Why do you suspect me?" Li Zedao nodded and asked. He also felt that there was nothing wrong with his acting skills, and there should be no flaws.

"Oh, I think you underestimated me. When you came back and followed me secretly that night, I found you sneakily following me."

"...So, you violently beat up those gangsters later, did you deliberately let me see?" Li Zedao directly dumbfounded, and asked very hard.

"What do you think? I just suddenly felt that playing a game like this with you seems quite interesting. I think you must be nervous and worried in your heart these days? What is the origin of this woman? The method is so terrifying, what should I do if I am not necessarily her opponent? But fortunately, I know her details..."

Elena looked at Li Zedao with a smile, there was an inexplicable playfulness in her beautiful eyes.

It was Li Zedao who was thick enough, and at this time he couldn't help his face flushing, and he felt that he was really a big fool.

He thought that the development of things was always under his control, but he didn't expect to be led by the nose from beginning to end.

"However, in the past few days I fell in love with you as Zheng Wan'er, and I have traveled almost all over the DJ. It is also very interesting. I think I will never forget the experience of the past few days." Elena's tone has changed. Becoming a little gentle, there was an inexplicable emotion in the eyes looking at Li Zedao.

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