The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1662: Deal reached

"I don't think so." General Skull and Crossbones said, "This is the end of this matter. You leave this hotel, as if you never knew there was this place, I wouldn't be asking people to trouble Qingyun. This is I want to make a deal with you."

Li Zedao's eyes narrowed, and it seemed that this terrifying old man had already guessed his intention.

Li Zedao originally wanted to stay around this hotel because he knew that the members of the skull and crossbones would definitely return here. After all, there is a well-built laboratory of the skull and crossbones under the ground. Even if the skull and crossbones are to be evacuated, it must be. It has to be cleaned up, otherwise, once such a terrifying human research is exposed, it will cause great turmoil throughout the world and make a certain country a public enemy of the world. The Skeleton Organization obviously does not want to see This kind of thing happens.

Li Zedao planned to wait for them to come back. When the time comes, one will kill one, and two will kill one pair, and then expose this place.

"I don't believe in your character and reputation." Li Zedao said coldly.

General Skull almost vomited blood, and said in a vicious voice: "Damn boy, I swear by the reputation of a soldier, the island country dj will end this matter, and I will not trouble Qingyun in the future, otherwise I will not die and go to **** immediately... Is this all right? If it doesn't work, then cancel the transaction, but I am afraid you will stay in Qingyun Building forever, otherwise many people will die."

Li Zedao's eyes were narrowed, and he was already showing a terrifying murderous aura.

"I threw Akai's corpse by the roadside, remember to collect the corpse!" Li Zedao looked at the old man and said word by word, and then slightly hardened his hand, and the phone in his hand instantly turned into a pile of fragments!

Under the bright moonlight shining on Li Zedao's pale and hideous face, the threat of General Skull and Crossbones undoubtedly seriously stimulated Li Zedao's nerves.

Li Zedao, who had a tight chest, coughed a few more times, and then vomited another mouthful of blood. Elena's foot caused a lot of trauma to his body. Li Zedao clearly felt his internal organ bleeding. Now, if an ordinary person suffered a kick like that, I'm afraid he fell to the ground and died, not just vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood.

At that moment, Li Zedao vomited a few more mouthfuls of blood, and then he turned his gaze on Akai who had turned into a corpse, reached out and lifted it up, and threw it on the side of the road as if tossing garbage, he knew , The people of the skull and crossbones will naturally come and take it away.

He glanced at the cold body bag again, and sighed softly before closing the rear door, then sitting back in the driving position and drove away.

Not long after the car drove forward, Li Zedao saw a car parked in front. At the same time, there was a dark figure leaning on the car and smoking a cigarette. After seeing the car coming, his hand was still stretched out. Went out and waved his hand.

Li Zedao frowned, and slowly pulled the car to a stop.

After Li Zedao stopped the car, the dark shadow flicked off half of the cigarette in his hand, and then walked towards Li Zedao's car.

When he came to the front, the black shadow knocked on the car window lightly.

Li Zedao opened the car window while lighting a cigarette, and then glanced coldly at the guy who came and knocked on the car window.

This was a tall, handsome looking man with blond hair. He wore a vest on his upper body, completely exposing his extremely scary muscles. At this moment, with a faint smile on his face, he greeted him in quite fluent Chinese: "Good evening, sir."

"A person from the skull and crossbones organization?" Li Zedao asked coldly, "Aren't you afraid that I would kill you?"

"Oh, I don't think you will. Our general said, you are very contractual." The man outside shrugged and smiled, "Besides, if you wanted to kill me, I would have seen God. After all, there is no chance to stand in front of you and talk to you."

Li Zedao couldn't deny his words, he probably knew the purpose of this guy's appearance, General Skull and Crossbones, this was for him to verify and verify that the transaction had been completed.

If Li Zedao simply killed him, then the deal would naturally fall through.

"Dear Sir, that is the car we prepared for you. Let us take care of the car you are driving now." The blond man smiled and said respectfully.

Li Zedao glanced at him, pushed the door and got out of the car. After all, driving the car that was robbed halfway was a little trouble. Although he was not afraid, Li Zedao was unwilling to get into that kind of unnecessary trouble. Therefore, the Skeleton Organization took the initiative to solve it. Of course, Li Zedao had no reason to refuse.

"In addition, there is a small backpack in the car. We have put all the personal belongings you left in the Mingwu Hotel." The man nodded slightly and said, "As for Miss Zheng Wan'er...Oh, I think, over time. In time, her family and friends will get the unfortunate news that Miss Wan'er was kidnapped by some crazy guy, and her whereabouts are unknown. Oh, this is really an unfortunate thing."

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes.

Of course he knew what this guy meant. Of course, it helped him solve an extremely troublesome problem. After all, Zheng Wan'er's colleagues Qi Xiaojuan and others didn't know that Zheng Wan'er had died long ago. The Zheng Wan'er they saw afterwards was completely It's not really Zheng Wan'er.

They only know that Zheng Wan'er has been with him Li Zedao these days.

But after that, Zheng Wan'er completely lost contact. Who should I look for? Naturally, he is looking for someone! If Li Zedao can't hand over someone, they will even think that Li Zedao killed Zheng Wan'er or something. This will undoubtedly cause a lot of trouble for Li Zedao.

Now the Skulls and Crossbones organization has expressed that it wants to solve this problem that caused Li Zedao's headache, and Li Zedao naturally has no reason to refuse.

Of course, he also knew that this was a small compensation or a good gesture made by General Skull to ensure that the transaction could be completed smoothly. It seemed that Skull did not want to expose the laboratory at all.

Li Zedao said coldly: "This is indeed a very unfortunate thing."

"We will arrange things and will definitely not cause any trouble to you, sir." The blond man nodded slightly and smiled.

Li Zedao nodded and didn't say anything. He opened the trunk of the car, took out the body bag containing He Xiaoyang's body and put it in the trunk of another car, then pulled the door and got on the car. .

Sure enough, he saw a small backpack on the seat. He reached out and took it and opened it. There were all things like cell phone wallets and watches, even the clothes and shoes and socks he took off in Room 711 of the Famous Hotel. It was carefully folded and neatly wrapped, and placed in this backpack.

Li Zedao had to sigh with the horror of the skull-headed general's mind. When he and Elena were ready to do it, the old man had already made two arrangements. If Elena wins, naturally there will be another arrangement. , If Elena loses, then proceed with this transaction. At the same time, let people get ready to send his personal belongings early.

With emotion, Li Zedao decisively took off the clothes of the security personnel who was already ragged and full of blood stains, threw it out the window, and put on his original clothes.

Of course, although his body's healing ability is also against the sky, it is insignificant compared to the Vampire Queen. What's more, the damage on the shoulder is extremely serious, and naturally he does not heal so quickly, so it is inevitable to touch when changing clothes. The pain caused Li Zedao to grin and gasp.

After the change, he only started the car and stepped down the accelerator. The car quickly disappeared into the night.

After more than an hour, the car had already arrived in front of Qingyun Building. At this time, the east showed a hint of white belly, and the sky was already bright.

Li Zedao exhaled heavily, pushed the door and got out of the car, already seeing a pretty figure appearing there.

Li Zedao looked at this woman with a smile on her face, opened his arms and said, "I'm back."

Peking University’s eyes were clearly pale, and Li Zedao, who smelled blood all over his body, saw the blood seeping out from his left shoulder. His eyes were already red and there was a trace of mist, and his heart was so painful. Awesome.

She never thought that when she wanted to cry, she cried because she felt sorry for a man.

On the way back, Li Zedao made a phone call with Beibei, and gave a general overview of the matter.

Although Bei didn't participate, after listening to it, he felt like he was left behind.

This time it was really dangerous to the extreme. That woman turned out to be a vampire that only exists in the legend. Bei said nothing. She always thought that she was like you Li Zedao, a master of returning to innocence, or something that she had eaten. After the medicine was used, what methods did he use to increase his strength to such a terrifying level.

Although Li Zedao made it lightly, Bei was able to imagine the danger.

Had it not been for Li Zedao's mindfulness and secretly left a button* in her body, he would not be able to come back, he really couldn't.

"Don't give me a hug?" Li Ze said, seeing the cold sister Bei be like this, he just felt his whole heart melted directly.

Bei bit his lip, his heart felt painful, as if a piece of meat had been dug out, and he shook his head and said, "No, I'm afraid of hurting you."

"But, I want to hug you." Li Zedao said. My heart was suddenly full of guilt, guilt for Sister Bei, guilt for Li Mengchen, Xiaoyu, Nintendo and others, and guilt for He Xiaoyue.

He worried too many people and pushed too many people to danger or even death.

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