The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1663: Director Yang calls

Li Zedao would only use the so-called "fraternity" as an excuse all day to accept the love of one woman after another, but he ignored a more important thing, that is, even if he has such a terrifying skill now, he is not at all sufficient. In order to truly ensure their safety, it even brings them more danger.

In addition, he actually failed to give them the life they really wanted. In particular, after that, he would leave China in all likelihood. Then these women would have to give up their dreams, their family and friends, and their existing Everything, and then to a completely strange place...

Sister Bei said, there is only you in my world, where yours is, where I am, but... not all women are like this, there are others in their world, you let them all give up, which is somewhat cruel.

Li Zedao knew that Sister Bei's words would inevitably be selfish, but it is also a cruel fact.

The worse thing is whether he will hang up within this year, which is unknown.

"That... gently." Bei's face had a rare gentleness, and he stretched his hand over, gently hugged Li Zedao's waist, and put his head lightly on his chest.

"It hurts." Bei said.

"It doesn't hurt." Li Zedao said.

"I mean, I hurt." Bei said.


"Apply the medicine first, let's talk about the others later." Bei raised his head and stared into Li Zedao's eyes, and said in an irrefutable tone.

Entering the building and returning to the room, Bei carefully helped Li Zedao take off all his clothes, watching the shocking scratches on his body, and even a large amount of flesh was missing on his shoulders, and Bei's eyes were even redder.

Fortunately, Li Zedao’s body was modified by Shen Wan, so all aspects of the body’s qualities are far superior to ordinary people. If they were replaced by them, they have suffered such injuries, and they have already fallen down because of excessive blood loss. As for ordinary people, they are now dead. .

"Sister Bei, don't worry, I have protected the key parts very well. I didn't suffer any harm. If you don't believe me, please check it." Li Zedao reached out his hand and gently stroked this face, smiling and comforting.

"Get out!" Bei gave this guy a straight look. When is it, his thoughts are still so unhealthy.

At the moment, Bei was blowing gently on the wound, and cautiously applying the medicine to the bloodless wound of Li Zedao's shoulder. He found a bandage again, and bandaged it gently but quickly.

After dealing with the injury on the shoulder, there followed a series of shocking scars.

"I didn't expect that there really are vampires in this world." Bei said, looking at the scratches, some of his scalp tingling inexplicably.

"Even ghosts, what a vampire... well, when I knew she was the queen of vampires, I was completely shocked." Li Zedao said with a wry smile.

"It's just that I didn't expect you to secretly put the button* into her body." Bei raised his head and glanced at Li Zedao, "This is not your style."

"Everything I said, I was not careful." Li Zedao defended, "I sent four."


"Then what style should I be?" Li Zedao asked with interest while looking at this delicate little face.

"Are you a vampire? Are you really a vampire? Do you want to bite me and **** my flesh and blood? Come on!" Beitou said without looking up, "Then, you obediently stretched your neck to let people bite, even the neck Before you stretch it over, you will scrub it very carefully."

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched wildly, and he almost choked to death by Bei's words. Then he stretched out his hand and slapped Bei's hip. This woman dare to tease herself like that.

"After talking on the phone with you before, I told Sister Xiaoyue about He Xiaoyang, and then...she passed out, but nothing happened. She has been under too much psychological pressure these days. Let her sleep for a while." Bei looked up at Li Zedao and said.

Li Zedao's expression suddenly became bitter: "I'm sorry for her."

Bei shook his head, completely disagreeing with Li Zedao's view: "It's not your fault."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly and then shook his head. How could this not be his fault?

"Also, last night, I slapped her twice." Bei said lightly.

"..." Li Zedao widened his eyes, his face full of shock.

"She was crazy. She ordered people to cut off Zhang Hailong's hand and goug Zhang Hailong's eyes...Of course, just because of this, I would not smoke her."


"Anyway, if you feel distressed and feel that I shouldn't do it, then you also slap my face twice." Bei's head lifted up, looking at Li Zedao with indifferent eyes, and said without fear.

After thinking about it, he added: "Of course, if you dare to beat me, you will be dead."


"Can't you go down with your ass?" Li Ze asked.


"Slap! Slap!"


He Xiaoyue slowly opened her eyes, and the familiar face appeared in her eyes, and then a soft smile appeared on her pale face.

"Are you back?" she said, her voice hoarse. The hand stretched out and fell on Li Zedao's face lightly, and continued without waiting for Li Zedao to respond, "It's not your fault, it's really not, so don't blame yourself."

Then, her eyes were red, her voice choked, her body trembled slightly, and she started crying silently.

Li Zedao's expression was sad and his heart was twitching, and he stretched out his hand and gently hugged this trembling body. The latter's hands hugged each other tightly, tightly, exhausting all the strength of his body, as if he was afraid of losing his life again.

"I'm sorry." The two voices sounded at the same time, intertwined.

He Xiaoyang's funeral was unusually low-key, and only Qingyun's extremely heavyweight leaders, such as the Seven Loyalty Brothers, were present. As for the people below, he didn't even know that He Xiaoyang had been brutally killed, let alone people from other gangs.

Maybe he had vented all the sad emotions before. At the funeral, He Xiaoyue didn't shed a single tear. Her big red and swollen eyes stared at the black and white photo seriously, and she looked old. Somewhat, even a few more white hairs appeared on that blue silk.

She is motionless, like a sculpture.

He Xiaoyue did not intend to send He Xiaoyang's ashes back to Huaxia. She knew that his younger brother had no idea of ​​returning to the roots of leaves, and he also liked the cherry blossoms of the island country.

Therefore, He Xiaoyue buried him directly in the backyard of Qingyun Building, and simply piled a grave bag. Instead of engraving a tombstone, he planted two cherry blossom trees in front of Xiao Bao.

When attending He Xiaoyang’s funeral, Li Zedao also received a call. Zheng Waner’s colleague Qi Xiaojuan called. She asked Li Zedao what he did to Wan’er on the phone. Wan’er actually cried on the phone and said she wanted to be alone. Quietly, walk around, let her not worry, she wanted to call back to ask what happened, but the phone was turned off.

Li Zedao knew that the people of the Skull and Crossbones organization should have used something like a voice changer to imitate Zheng Wan'er's voice, and used her mobile phone to give Qi Xiaojuan the call. With this premise, it would be easy to carry out "kidnapping" later. Come, the trouble caused to him was really minimal, and she was kidnapped after a while, and it didn't matter to him.

Of course, it is inevitable to talk about the guilt in my heart. After all, the woman was sucked up by Elena because of her own sake. So Li Zedao was also trying to find an opportunity to make compensation to Zheng Wan'er's family as he could. This is what he is now The only thing that can be done.

"The outlook on the world and the outlook on life are not the same as the values, so we broke up." This is Li Zedao's answer.

"You...I misunderstood you!" Qi Xiaojuan was almost stunned by Li Zedao's such wonderful excuses. If it weren't for the terrifying identity and methods, he helped her a lot and helped her get rid of it completely. She had already cursed people for the harassment of the man who was not as good as the beast.

After Qi Xiaojuan was very depressed and hung up, another call came in not long.

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly while looking at this phone number, and he muttered for a few seconds before he answered, "Hey."

Director Yang's voice came over quickly: "I received the news, Qingyun's He Xiaoyang...oh..."

After a sigh, Director Yang continued: "Although Qingyun in the island country is a black gang, it has made great contributions to China. Its existence allows the Chinese in the island country and the businessmen who go to the island country to do business. Those tourists who travel in island countries have provided many safety guarantees and various rescues. Now that this kind of accident has occurred, we all feel sad and sorry."

Although the news of He Xiaoyang’s death has not been made public, it is extremely easy to get such news based on fc’s intelligence, not to mention that there are two fc guys guarding the Qingyun Building. Every move in the building is rarely possible. Escaped their ears.

Even Li Zedao knew vaguely that there seemed to be fc people in Qingyun, and there was more than one. It was just who those people were, Li Zedao didn’t bother to pay attention. After all, they wouldn’t do anything against Qingyun. When things came out, their lurking was nothing more than to better monitor themselves. As for Qingyun, it was not worth mentioning in their eyes.

Li Zedao faintly responded: "Since Director Yang feels sad and sorry, let's do something real. Set aside half of your fc's huge R&D transfer to support Qingyun's development and make Qingyun grow stronger. Come to Qingyun to make a better contribution to our country, right?"

Director Yang listened, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently, only to feel that there was a big hand twitching his old face fiercely. This kid, who knew the polite remarks, said it deliberately. This is not disgusting. What is he? ?

How can fc's funds be divided into half of that black organization? Even if it were in China, such an organization would have been destroyed long ago.

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