As soon as the voice fell, the red-haired man suddenly punched and slammed his fist against the opponent's face that was really awkward. Bagua, what is he so handsome? Want to seduce the beauties of our island country?


His wrist fell into Li Zedao's hands.

"Crack!" The sound of the crunching bones that made the scalp numb immediately sounded, and Li Zedao's wrist was broken very simply.

The red-haired man's eyeballs suddenly widened, his expression was terrifying, he looked like a ghost, and in the next second, a screaming scream was about to be ejected from his mouth.


"Bang!" There was another muffled sound.

Li Zedao simply slammed a punch on this guy’s mouth, and slammed back his scream that was just about to scream. Not to mention, he slammed his body directly into the air, and finally hit Kato heavily. When they got together, the two fell directly to the ground.

From the time the red-haired man shot, to the moment when he was broken his wrist and then smashed into the air with a fist, it only happened in a few seconds, so that other people hadn’t even reacted to say what happened. Then They saw the red-haired man heavily pressing Kato under his body.

The red-haired man’s face was full of blood and his head was tilted. It was obvious that he passed out directly, and Kato, who became his pad, was so pained that tears were about to come out. His face was given to the back of the red-haired man’s head. After a heavy bump, the nose that had finally recovered a little collapsed again, and the nosebleed suddenly sprayed wildly, like two fountains.

After the remaining three men reacted, the look in Li Zedao's eyes had changed. It seemed that this kid would be the so-called Chinese Kung Fu! So the three people looked at each other and then rushed towards Li Zedao together.

Fighting alone is not an opponent, then fight in groups! This is also one of their best methods! So on the streets of island country djs, you can often see **** scenes of dozens of people fighting in arms.

It is undeniable that these members of the Sumiyoshi Association have a strong feeling in their bones. They are all of the kind that do not want to die, but compared to masters like Li Zedao, they are like toddlers. It's like a strong adult, so the only result is...killed in seconds!

Their hands were simply torn off at almost the same moment. Then, before they had time to scream, a fist of the size of a casserole directly hit their faces, and then they all flew. Going out and fainted.

"Trash is rubbish. After the fight, there is no sense of accomplishment at all, not to mention that they will vent their emotions when they are sandbags, and even feel that their hands are dirty after the fight." Li Zedao curled his lips and took a few steps forward. Condescendingly, he looked at Kato who managed to push the guy who was pressing on him aside.

For this guy, Li Zedao relies on his strong memory, so he still has a bit of an impression now. This is not the one who stopped and said bad words when he planned to treat the little girl with congenital heart disease before. What is dj? Are you a medical university student?

Li Zedao vaguely remembered that he seemed to have smashed a punch in the face before, and it seemed that there was no...Forget it, there is nothing for this kind of thing. So, is this revenge coming?

Well, Li Zedao just thought that these guys just had nothing to do when they were full. Seeing that he was from Huaxia, he planned to bully him.

It’s no secret that the islanders openly bullied the Chinese in public. This happens from time to time in island countries.

When Kato saw Li Zedao's gaze toward him, his body trembled suddenly, his face paled in fright, his eyes were full of panic, and his nosebleeds kept spraying out. Baga, what kind of monster did he provoked, why did he knock down all the elites of the Sumiyoshi Society?

"Seriously, beating you is purely a waste of time, money, and energy. It will also dirty your hands, but if you don't beat you, it seems that you are prone to abuse, so let's beat it." Li Ze said coldly. Said coldly, then twisted his neck slightly.

"Eight...Baga, do you know who my cousin is? Do you know that you have caused a disaster? My cousin is Fujii, the strongest Sumiyoshi society in the island nation. If you dare to do something to me, let me show you Brother will definitely not let you go!" Kato swallowed wildly, said sternly.

"Sumiyoshi Club? Fujii?" Li Zedao was stunned, his expression a little strange.

"Yes, Sumiyoshi Hui! Fujii! He is my cousin! If you dare to do something, you will definitely be chased by Sumiyoshi Hui. Even if you call the police, you will be hacked to death in front of the police." See this one The pig was so, Kato thought he was scared, so he relaxed a little now, and he already had confidence in his heart.

"Is the Fujii you talking about a very fat, pig-like guy?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes..." After answering, the muscles on Kato's face twitched violently. Doesn't this mean admitting that his cousin is a pig? This was upset in his heart right now. He felt that this **** Chinese pig was digging a hole for him to jump. This was destroying the innocent brotherhood between him and his cousin, and it was distorting the way he treated his cousin. Kind of worship.

How could his cousin be a pig? It must be a pig if it looks like a pig? Ba Ga, what kind of **** logic is this!

So he hurriedly added: "Baga, my cousin is wise and martial, handsome, he is burly, not fat!"

Li Zedao looked at this guy with contempt in his eyes. You can speak so smoothly if you go against your conscience. It's really shameless.

Right now, he lifted his foot and stepped on the guy's face.

That foot was so powerful, as if it were a big rock, it directly stomped Kato's head on the beach, half of his face was directly buried by the sand, and even the sand pierced his skin and entered his In the flesh and blood.

"Paga, let me go... My cousin is Fujii of Sumiyoshi, he won't let you go..." No matter how Kato struggles, his head can't be lifted from the surface of the sand. It used to be so soft. The sand of Ran was so hard at this time, and he took a mouthful of sand with one mouth, which really made him feel very uncomfortable. The pain at the moment made him tears down, and a trace of regret appeared in his heart. Why do you want to provoke such a pervert?

"Can you contact your cousin?" Li Ze said that the corners of his mouth were already curled up, and his feet were crushed harder, so the guy's entire head was almost buried in soft sand. "If you can, give him a call. I want to talk to him."

Kato did not answer, he was completely speechless, because his entire face was buried in the sand, and now he felt that he was suffocating, so instinctively, he stretched out his hand and slapped Tang Zhong's calf desperately. Grasping with his hands, pinching with his nails, if possible, he wants to bite with his teeth.

Li Zedao smashed his feet, and the pain caused by this ravages made him no longer have the power to fight back.

I think it's almost done. If you continue to step on it, this guy may suffocate and die. Li Zedao then removed his foot from Kato's head, and the latter finally regained his freedom.

He quickly drew his head out of the sand, panting heavily, and constantly poaching the sand out of his mouth. At the same time, his eyes were full of Li Zedao. Frightened. At a moment earlier, he felt that he was really going to be suffocated to death.

"If you don't want to continue eating sand, please call." Li Zedao said coldly.

"Eight... do you know my cousin?" Kato had a strange feeling inexplicably in his heart. The Chinese DJ in the island country dare to be so arrogant, and knows that his cousin is Fujii of Sumiyoshi Society, and he is not afraid of anything... So, his background is also very big? Even a big man like his cousin should be a grandson when he sees him? If so...

Kato's body trembled involuntarily, and he suddenly realized that he seemed to have done something quite stupid.

Li Zedao didn't say anything, but he raised his foot again.

Kato looked shocked, and quickly rolled back, trying to stay away from this terrifying Chinese pig. Then he hurriedly took out the phone, found the phone number of his cousin Fujii, and dialed it out.

The phone rang for a long time before being picked up, and then a very impatient voice came over: "Baga, didn't you tell me? Don't bother me!"

"Cousin...It's not that I want me to bother you, but there is someone...Chinese people want to find you..." Kato swallowed and looked up at Li Zedao in horror.

"Which Chinese?" a more impatient voice came over.

"It's the Chinese man who beat me that I told you before..." Before Kato finished his sentence, Li Zedao stretched out his hand and simply snatched him from him, put it to his ear, and said lightly. : "Hello, Mr. Fujii."

"Who are you? are..." A surprised voice came over, and then Li Zedao heard all kinds of noisy sounds, obviously something was broken or something.

"It seems that Mr. Fujii still remembers my voice. It's really my honor." Li Zedao's mouth curled up with a icy width. "A guy with four guys just stopped me, and that guy said He is your cousin. Those four people are all elites of the Sumiyoshi Society. Ask me to kneel down and draw my face, otherwise I will show it to me... I have to do it. They are all lying there half dead now. Mr. Fujii, look at this..."

"Misunderstanding, dear sir, this is a misunderstanding. I don't know about it at all. As for those who don't have eyesight, you should do something with them. I will give them a severe lesson when I look back."

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