The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1667: Good things come in pairs

On the other side of the phone, Fujii's expression was almost crying, how could he forget this devil's voice?

Fujii really wanted to slap his **** cousin to death. Who is it good for you to offend? Go offend this evil spirit? Did you know that the eye-catching on my stomach is his masterpiece? Even Lao Tzu has been shot and has to obediently compensate one billion island currency!

misunderstanding? Li Zedao sneered, and came over with a raging popularity. If he accidentally kicked the iron plate, he said it was a misunderstanding? How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?

"It should be done to them, so Mr. Fujii, you don't need to repeat it. I want to tell you that my hands are dirty."

"Huh? Dirty hands?" Fujii didn't respond for a moment.

"Well, my hands are a little itchy in the past two days. Go to your Sumiyoshi gambling house to bet a few. Mr. Fujii should welcome you?" Li Zedao said lightly.


Fujii wanted to scold Paka, and finally understood what he meant when he said that his hands were dirty. He wanted to slaughter someone badly after he had beaten someone! Just like the last time at the casino! But can he enter the Sumiyoshi Club casino? Can't! Otherwise, I'm afraid the casino will close soon.

At this moment, Fujii's face was distorted into a ball, and tears slipped from his small eyes. It was too humiliating, what a humiliation!

"Or is it, Mr. Akai is asking someone to send me a check? Oh, I mean, the check you gave me the last time looks pretty good. If there is one, it would be better. I want to collect it. One pair, you know, we at Huaxia always pay attention to good things in pairs." Li Zedao said lightly.

"..." Fujii's tears were more, and his heart was trampled crazily by a large group of Cao Nima, messy in the cold wind blowing from the air conditioner, and trembling in the cold wind blowing from the air conditioner.

His outlook on life, life, and values ​​have collapsed. He really doesn't understand what is going on in this world. Does the so-called good repay evil and evil? If it really exists? Then why can such a frenzied guy live well?

"Forget it, let's go to the casino to play." Li Zedao muttered to himself, "It's really itchy these two days."

"Dear sir, where are you now, I will let Eiko send you a check." Fujii said in a voice that even felt strange to him, but he had to act decisively. If this guy enters the casino, he will not only It's just as simple as losing a billion island currency.

"Oh, I'm blowing the sea breeze on the beach here on Tokashiki Island." Li Zedao's tone suddenly became kind, as if bathing in the spring breeze. He has always had a good attitude towards people who give themselves money.

"Okay, please wait a moment, I'll let Eiko send it to you." Fujii said very hard, only feeling that the bullet holes in his belly that had not healed completely began to bleed out again.

"Okay, Mr. Fujii, I will wait here. Oh, it doesn't matter how long you wait." Li Zedao smiled and said, "Give the phone back to your cousin? I know you must have something to tell him."

"Trouble." Fujii gritted his teeth and squeezed out these three words.

Li Zedao smiled, and threw the phone back to Kato, who was looking at him with horror. The latter took the phone in a hurry, and put it to the ear with extreme anxiety: "Cousin..."

"Baga!" A roar burst into his ears instantly, causing Kato's ears to hum and tinnitus instantly.

Li Zedao swayed towards the wave not far away.

As for whether this Kato would be scolded to death by his cousin Fujii, and even eventually he was thrown off to feed the dog, it is not a matter of Li Ze.

Such a villain is not worthy of sympathy, let alone a villain from an island nation.

Although it was dark at this time, the beach was not dim due to the many lights on the shore not far away, and due to the relatively hot weather, many people were still stranded on the beach.

Before, Li Zedao and He Xiaoyue went to a corner with few people. So although Li Zedao has beaten Kato and the others, even his hands were interrupted, but it didn’t cause much movement. In addition, people in this area did not Not too much, so no one noticed something happened here.

His feet were washed by the waves, it was cold and comfortable. With the sound of the waves and the fresh air, Li Zedao's heart was instantly calm, and the heartache caused by He Xiaoyue's departure also disappeared. A lot.

After looking at the dark sea for a while, he stepped back and sat down on the beach again, continuing to stare at the sea.

Soon, a few people appeared here quietly, and finally dragged away Kato, who seemed to be half-life, and the four guys who had fainted, and the movements were very slight, naturally they were afraid to disturb the sitting. The ruthless man not far away.

From start to finish, Li Zedao didn't look back, he didn't think this kind of thing had anything to do with him.

I don't know how long it took, and the sea in the distance became even darker. At this moment, Li Zedao heard the sound of footsteps on the sand coming from behind him, and two people were slowly approaching.

Then, a beautiful voice sounded behind him: "Good evening, sir."

Li Zedao turned his head and saw two beautiful island women have appeared behind him.

Leading the very hot island woman in professional attire, especially the amorous and mature taste that exudes from her body, the buttocks barely wrapped by the hip skirt, the white and unobstructed long The legs, the two deep waters that cover half of the chest*, none of them make hormones increase dramatically.

This stunner, Li Zedao, met once in the casino before, and he already knew that this woman had taken a lot of*, and was extremely popular with otaku. It was the sex-enlightenment teacher in the hearts of many men, of course, as early as a few years ago. Retired.

It is said that when she retired, many boys were very sad and cried. What is even more exaggerated is that some people just watched the little movie she played while playing-tube, all night, and finally sent away. The hospital was rescued just to express the kind of love for this sex-enlightenment teacher.

Behind Yingzi stood another beautiful woman wearing a dress. Although her figure was not as popular as Yingzi, she was quite predictable, giving her a petite and pleasant feeling.

After glanced at the woman, Li Zedao was slightly stunned. After the woman saw Li Zedao's face, her eyes widened slightly, and she subconsciously pointed to Li Zedao and said "Huh!"

"It's you..." There was a hint of surprise in the woman's voice, and it was full of joy and excitement. She thought she wouldn't see him again, but she didn't expect that the very powerful Chinese man who was extremely jealous of the Sumiyoshi Society that her cousin said was him.

Li Zedao nodded lightly, stood up, patted the sand on his pants, his attitude was a little cold, and he didn't respond much.

"Michiko, do you know this noble gentleman?" Yingzi looked back at the woman, with a somewhat surprised expression.

"Yes, cousin, he is the Chinese man I mentioned to you. He saved Yoko when he was at the beach." The woman looked at Li Ze, her eyes filled with gratitude. That day, if he hadn't forcibly assisted Yoko with treatment and first aid, I am afraid her Yoko would not be able to wake up.

Yingzi's eyes widened slightly, and she never expected that this honorable guest who even Fujii was so afraid of would be Yoko's savior. Not only was he good at gambling, he could also be a doctor? Oh, Fujii also said, should he still be a very good cook?

The woman took two steps forward and bowed to Li Zedao emotionally and said: "Dear Sir, thank you for your helplessness that day. If it weren't for you, my Yoko's situation would be in danger. This love Tomoko will always remember In the heart."

"Forget it." Li Zedao waved his hand and said lightly, "Don't get me wrong, just stare at me with vicious eyes and scold me."

"If we Huaxia didn't have the kindness that grows naturally in our bones, we would have patted our **** and left, where would we have treated your daughter?" Li Zedao did not forget to boast.

"Huh?" Haneda Michiko looked embarrassed and guilty, and bowed deeply: "I'm really sorry, Michiko is too stupid."

Li Zedao saw that this woman apologized so sincerely. He didn't find any excuses, and his tone was softened. He said, "It's not your fault. After all, you also showed up because you cared too much about your daughter. Reaction, it’s me, I don’t feel relieved to hand my daughter into the hands of a complete stranger."

Seeing that the other party was a little more friendly, even helping herself out, Michiko Haneda's heart warmed, and the smile on her face increased: "Thank you for your understanding. May I know your name and contact information?"

Li Zedao shook his head: "Again, you have always been hostile to the Chinese people. I don't have a good impression of the islanders, so don't leave any contact information?"

"..." Michiko Haneda smiled bitterly. She didn't actually agree with this. Not all islanders are hostile to Chinese people, such as herself. She has always longed for that country and for that The people of the country have no hostility.

Li Zedao didn't say anything, and stretched out his hand towards Yingzi, who was stunned by Li Zedao's directness, and then quickly took out the check and put it into his hand.

Li Zedao took it, and didn't bother to check the check, and didn't bother to say goodbye to the two women or something, and left directly.

"Dear sir, please wait..." Michiko Haneda bit her lip and chased forward two steps, looking at his back and shouted.

Li Zedao stopped, looked back at the woman, and asked faintly: "Is there anything else?"

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