The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1672: He is the devil

"Uh...hh..." Roer's throat squirmed desperately, but he couldn't make any sound. This kind of pain that seemed to come from the depths of the soul was no longer what he could bear, and his body couldn't help it Shaking and even rolling on the ground.

His forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and his pupils swelled continuously, symbolizing that the pain had passed through his body and reached the extreme.

Li Zedao's feet were lifted from the rotten flesh, and his eyes were more as if stained by the scarlet flesh and blood, and even scarlet, the whole person was alive like a demon who sucked human blood.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zedao's blood-stained feet and ground meat directly stepped on the head of Roer, who was trembling with his body, and while crushing hard, he let out a low roar like a wounded beast, blood red. There was a terrible breath in his eyes: "You shot the woman in the room? Where is she now? Say, otherwise your head will be like your legs, it will directly become a pile of minced meat!"

When Li Zedao was at the door before, he not only smelled blood, but also asked a faint smell of gunpowder smoke, so he knew that this guy must have shot secretly, and he might even have a helper. With such skill, even if Sister Bei is invincible, she won't fall into the opponent's hands!

Yes, Li Zedao did not feel that Sister Bei had escaped, because if she had escaped, she would definitely contact her as soon as possible, and there was no trace of her in this room, so the only possibility is that she was caught Captured.

Being taken away means that she is still alive. This is also the fundamental reason why Li Zedao still maintains a trace of sanity, otherwise he would have fallen into a frenzy now and stepped on this guy who dared to attack the North.

Rohr only felt that his head was about to be stepped on, and he was even more shocked to the extreme. Although he could not understand what the other party was saying, he clearly felt that this man was really on the verge of rage. Now, if his emotions explode, his head will be crushed.

"NO! NO..." he shouted desperately in a hoarse and weak voice. Brother, I don't understand Chinese.

He didn't feel that the devil was joking with him, he would really trample on his head, just like trampling his calf.

Rohr, who takes the harvest of life as his profession and is proud of it, really feels the fragility of life and the touch of death at this time. In addition, what he feels most is the fear of death.

Roel didn't want to die, he really didn't want to die at all!

"Where is that woman?" Li Ze said, knowing that this guy can't understand Chinese, and now growled in English, crushing the head under his feet, and simply rubbing the skin off Roer's face. Blocked, blood dripping instantly.

"No, don't kill me... That woman was taken away by my employer. I don't know anything about other things... I'm just a killer..." Roel said weakly, blood leaking from the corners of his mouth. .

"Employer? Who is the employer? Say!" Li Zedao yelled and slapped himself fiercely again, and with a heavy hand, he simply cracked the corner of his mouth, dripping with blood.

He is so confused that he blames himself! Pumping himself hard like this can make him calm down for a while, so that he won't trample on the head of this **** assassin.

Of course, the feet still involuntarily crushed Roer's head with heavier force, causing Roer's head to be squeezed, so blood was leaking from his eyes, nostrils, mouth corners and ears. Eyeballs Zi is almost squeezed out, one can imagine how hard his head is now being squeezed, and his skull is almost on the edge of brittleness.

The pain caused by this kind of oppression is like stamping your soul with a hot red soldering iron, so don't even talk about it at this moment, Rohr, even his breathing seems to have stopped. , He can only wriggle his body weakly as if struggling to death.

Li Zedao's blood-filled eyes lowered his head and glanced at Roer under his feet, and slowly removed his feet from his head. If he continued to step on it, this guy would probably see God directly.

His head was liberated, and Rohr was panting heavily. The originally handsome face was now extremely white, covered with blood stains and cold sweat. It looked abnormally embarrassed, and the **** eyes looked at it. Li Zedao glanced at him, and his horrified eyes were already showing.

"Who is the employer?" Li Zedao said word by word.

Assassins naturally have some guidelines that must be followed. The most important point is that they must not disclose any information about their employers, otherwise they will be cast aside or even pursued by the entire assassin community!

But Rohr's life is almost gone now, where is there any **** killer creed? At the moment it was very difficult to say: "The employer...spent 15 million US dollars to ask me to take action against you, the women leave their names, and the men kill them... After I subdued that woman, she was taken by my employer. Take it away. As for the identity of my employer, I am not sure about it..."

"The value of your life has been taken away by your words." Li Zedao said, without any human emotion in his voice.

Of course, Li Zedao already had an answer in his heart, except for the skull, he really couldn't think of his influence.

As for why the skull should hire a killer instead of doing it by himself... I don't want to conflict with myself head-on, so I secretly make small moves? Anyway, you don’t have any evidence that I did it, so there’s no way I can do it?

"Oh, no, I am a devout Christian, I can swear to God, I really don't know the true identity of the employer..." Luo Er saw that the other party's feet were raised again, his voice was extremely weak, his body trembled involuntarily It was even more powerful. He didn't want to experience that kind of pain again, and he didn't want to die.

He has extremely powerful strength, he has money to spend, his great life is only about to begin, how can he be willing to die?

Rohr secretly swears in his mind that if he can escape the catastrophe, he will withdraw from the killer world and enjoy the good life.

"But I have seen his face, I...I can paint it, I am an amateur painter, mine can paint it very well." Rohr said in a very weak voice.

Li Zedao put his feet down and said grimly: "You, better not let me down."

Of course, Li Zedao knows very clearly that even if he knows the other person’s appearance, it is meaningless. He is doing this to let himself use the time of this killer painting portrait to calm down a bit. At this time, only calmness can be better. Rescue Bei.

"Oh, please don't worry, I..." Before he could finish the sentence, Rohr's expression instantly stiffened, because he suddenly remembered that both his hands had been cut off alive, and this It was not an ordinary fracture at all, but the bones were all broken, and now it hurts so much that I don't feel it, let alone pick up a pen to paint.

Seeing his expression like this, Li Zedao glanced at his hand again. He already understood why this guy had such a dying expression suddenly, and his brows were screwed up. He knew that he had just started. It's so heavy, so this guy's hand is completely abolished, and there will be no possibility of healing in the future, let alone drawing with a pen now, but he is so confused, so he just ignored this matter.

"It seems that you don't have any value to live." Li Zedao's eyes were **** red, and when he lifted his foot, he would slam this guy's head.

"Oh, no, please wait..." The fear caused by death made Rohr's physical strength seem to have recovered a little, and his voice was a lot louder, but it was full of horror. .

Roel was really wronged, he felt that this guy was the devil, the **** of death!

The **** guy actually said he was about the same as the female agent...Oh, God, what made him come to such a stupid conclusion?

Rohr almost hated that **** employer, even he thought of ten million...Oh, no, it's a dollar, please go and kill him yourself! The life of that **** scumbag is not so valuable, even saying that he is worth a dollar is too worthy of him.

"I... I suddenly remembered that the watch on my wrist has an invisible camera, so I must have clearly photographed that guy's face." Rohr said very hard, because he was too panicked. I almost forgot about it.

Of course he was willing to pay himself a dollar to kill that employer, but Rohr knew very well that he had completely lost that ability! Let alone whether he can survive, even if he survives by chance, he will become a completely disabled guy.

Therefore, Rohr didn't mind quickly telling the devil everything he knew about the employer's confidence, so that the devil could find him and tortured him to death.

It's a pity that Rohr really knows very little about the employer's information. He only met him a few times, but depending on his looks and the tone of his speech, he should be a **** American guy.

As for the invisible camera hidden in the watch, this is a habit of Rohr. Whenever he kills, he must turn on the hidden camera in the watch, take a picture of the killing, and wait for the killing. Enjoy it after you finish.

What Rohr likes to see most is the horrified and helpless expression of the target person before his death.

Li Zedao stretched out his hand, and he tore off the **** watch on Roer's left wrist.

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