The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1673: Self-blame

The bones of the wrist have been crushed, so Li Zedao's twitching like this is naturally no less than sprinkling salt on someone's wound, so Luo Er's body convulsed again, and the pain made him doubt his life! It was so painful that such an extreme thought appeared in his mind. What a blessing if he could die.

So at this moment, he actually wanted to tell the devil, "Kill me, you kill me, but... if this devil actually didn't want to kill himself, but when he speaks like this, he really hurts the killer." How to do?

As long as you can live, what if you are disabled? What he has is money. He can go to the best medical institution to install the most advanced prosthesis. After that, he can also live extremely moisturized!

Li Zedao quickly removed the memory card inserted in the watch, then looked around, finally set his eyes on the small laptop on the table.

With a flash of stature, Li Zedao turned on the laptop, and then inserted the memory card into the slot on the laptop while shaking his hand slightly.

Open this memory card, there is only one video file in it. Looking at the time, it was recorded more than an hour ago. It is conceivable that those recorded before were deleted by Roll.

Right now, Li Zedao took a few deep breaths, calmed his abnormally restless heart, and then clicked on the video file.

The video is not long, only four or five minutes.

As the video played forward, Li Zedao's face became more and more ugly, and the muscles on his face became more and more rigid. In the end, his face was without sadness or joy, as if he had become an idiot.

He clearly saw that Bei was first hit on the stomach with a fist, and then she was shot in the stomach, her chest was shot, and the blood stained her clothes. He still saw clearly. When she arrived in the north, she was kicked and blood was spraying from the corner of her mouth.

Seeing such a scene, Li Zedao only felt that his heart was twitching violently, as if a piece had been severely dug out with a knife. Even the blood seemed to be solidified and his breathing was about to stagnate. He even clenched into a fist involuntarily, his fingers pierced into the skin, blood was flowing, but he didn't feel at all.

He also saw a tall man in black appear, and he caught Bei's body.

He saw Bei closing tightly, and he heard the words coldly said by the man in black...No, you are wrong, this woman has died...

This sound was like a thunder bursting in Li Zedao's ears and then releasing a terrifying sound, making Li Zedao's mind buzzing, the whole person was directly confused, making him simply an idiot.

He cannot accept the facts before him, nor does he want to accept the facts before him!

Dead? How could Sister Bei die? How could Sister Bei die?

He just stared at the computer screen with an idiotic look, motionless, there were many pictures in his mind, and then his eyes became more and more blood red, and in the end even the dark eyes seemed to be red. The bloodshot was completely covered, and then big blood-red tears came out of his eye sockets uncontrollably.

He Xiaoyue left, he was sad, but he could accept and understand; but Bei died... he was directly on the verge of emotional breakdown.

I don't know how long it took, Li Zedao's heart that seemed to have stopped beating seemed to be severely pinched by an invisible hand, and his body was trembling involuntarily with pain.

"Ah...Ah..." Li Zedao's throat squirmed, groaning and roaring like a wounded beast, and even clutching his hair fiercely.

In the next second, he slammed his face with both hands, bowing left and right.

"Flap! Pop! Pop..."

Time after time, the palm of his hand contained extremely terrifying strength, so soon his face was completely swollen and turned purple-black, like a pig's head in braised sauce, and the corners of his mouth cracked even more. Now, the blood keeps leaking out.

"Puff..." Li Ze said with his mouth open, and he spouted a mouthful of blood, which was also mixed with two teeth that he had beaten out.

Luo Er, who collapsed there, saw that the devil was pulling his face madly, and for a while he forgot the pain, and his heart was even more shocked.

So this devil is because that woman died and was too sad and too self-blame that he slapped his face like this?

For that woman, he could do so harshly to himself, let alone those who hurt that woman.

Rol clearly remembered that he punched the woman, kicked her, and even left two deadly bullet holes on her body...

For a while, Rohr's heart sank to the bottom. He thoroughly understood that he had no chance of surviving. The devil would torture himself after he had tortured him.

Whenever there is a slight possibility, he would like to crawl out of this room while the devil is torturing him. What makes people desperate is that he even has the right to crawl like a dog. Deprived of it.

After taking another slap in the face of the photon, Li Zedao's extremely trembling hand slowly stretched out to the laptop, once again clicked on the video file that had already ended, then fast forward, and finally Tentatively scheduled to play, blood-red eyes stared at the man in black who appeared on the screen.

This is an ordinary-looking foreign man, in his forties, with a hooked nose, brown eyes, and a bare big head.

At the same time, there is a striking tattoo on the back of his left hand, which is in the shape of a scary skull.

This kind of tattoo is undoubtedly very familiar to Li Zedao, because he has seen almost exactly the same tattoo from Akai and General Moore a few days ago! This is the sign of the skull member!

Therefore, this man in black is a member of the Skull and Crossbones, so the Skull and Crossbones organization did this thing! The Skulls and Crossbones hired killers to kill Sister Bei. They even took away Sister Bei's body!

"Skull and crossbones!" After Li Zedao said these three words without any human temperature, he stretched out his hand suddenly and slammed it on the laptop.

"Kang Dang!" With a muffled sound, this notebook was simply torn apart and turned into a pile of fragments under Li Zedao's terrifying force. Even the table with the laptop computer fell apart directly under Li Zedao's smash, the legs of the table were simply folded, and the table top was broken into pieces.

Then, Li Zedao stood up slowly, his whole person looked like a walking corpse, exuding a terrible breath of death, and then slowly walked towards Rolle lying on the ground.

When he came to the front, under the gaze of Luo Er's extremely shocked eyes, Li Zedao's feet slowly raised.

"Oh, for the sake of God... don't kill me..." Rohr's throat squirmed desperately, and said these words in a weak voice. The face was even more painful and fearful, so it was simply The twisted into a ball.

Although he had long realized that this devil could not let him go, he still held a bit of luck in his heart. Now that death is about to come, Rohr decisively can't stand the oppressive feeling of dying. He, who has been incarnate as a **** of death many times, has never thought to say that death is such a terrible thing.

Li Zedao seemed to have not heard his words, his feet still slowly lifted up, and then placed on Roer's head, and then he stepped on the weight bit by bit.

Death is not terrible. What's terrible is the fear, despair and pain that arise when death comes. Therefore, Li Zedao will not let this guy die so fast, he will torture him, torture him severely.

Rohr's heart was astonished: "Oh, God, no, please, don't kill me, I... I can give you a lot of money... Yes, I can give you a lot of money, 100 million dollars? Oh? , No, two hundred million..."

Li Zedao's feet lifted from his head.

Rohr's heart was relieved and he almost cried. It seemed that that sentence was absolutely the truth, and that it was a problem that could be solved with money.

"Kacha!" A tingling voice sounded, and flesh and blood splashed around again.

Li Zedao simply stepped on Rohr's other leg with one foot, and the terrifying force simply smashed that leg.

Rohr's eyes were round and his mouth was wide open. After all, no sound came out. Then his head crooked and he fainted completely.

Of course, this is not over yet. Although the bones of the hands are broken, they have not turned into a pile of minced meat. Therefore, Li Zedao simply stepped on the shoulder of Rohr's right hand again, so the flesh and blood were splashed The horror picture happened again.

How does it feel to wake up when you feel dizzy? It feels like being alive is better than dead.

Li Zedao stomped his other leg into muddy flesh, causing him to faint to death. The second foot stomped his shoulders into sludge, and Luo Er woke up from his faint state.

At this moment, Luo Er's face was distorted and hideous, even if his mother came over, he might not recognize the sweaty face, his face was dark and purple, and the guy who looked like a terminally ill patient was her son.

"Kill...Kill me...God...Kill me..." Rohr squirmed hard, his voice was extremely weak, he didn't want to live now, he wanted to die, he wanted to die quickly.

He begged: "Please kill me... I can give you all my money..."

Li Zedao seemed to have not heard his words, his feet were raised mechanically again, this time it was aimed at Roer's left shoulder, and then the horrible scene happened again.

This time, Rohr simply fainted again.

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