The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1677: Gene Superman

At the moment when Li Zedao's brain had more information, the body of the black shadow suddenly started up, speeding like lightning, falling silent.

As he lunged towards Li Zedao, his right arm was raised high, aiming directly at the important part of Li Zedao's body.

And as the distance approached, with the blessing of strength, the genetic superman's arm actually began to gradually thicken, and the muscles on the arm trembled constantly, as if it could not contain such a strength, it would burst.

Li Zedao also moved, and his hand was also clenched into a fist, a chuckle came, and then he slammed into the opponent's fist.

Li Zedao chose to go head-to-head, because he wanted to know that the genetic superman that Akai said is close to perfection possesses such terrifying power.

Even Li Zedao hoped deep down in his heart that this killing machine in the true sense could be a little tougher, and it would be better to be strong enough to bring harm to himself.

He needs to vent, vent fiercely, the body hurts, so the heart will not hurt so much!

The next second, "Boom!" sounded like an explosion, and the two fists slammed together!

The airflow was not pushed away, and the air was torn apart. Even the two of them were motionless, and no one was beaten out!

Then the muscles on Li Zedao's face that had become extremely twisted and stiff began to twitch, twitching faster and faster, as if riding a roller coaster, and then, there was a trace of pain in his blood-red eyes.

However, there is no change in Gene Superman. The muscles on his face do not twitch, he is still stiff, and there is no trace of pain in his eyes... Of course, this is nonsense. After all, Gene Superman is a body without a soul. It can be said that he is actually a robot with a human appearance. How can a robot have pain?

Then, there was a muffled sound of "Boom...", and then it seemed as if a spring that had been suppressed to the extreme bounced away.

Li Zedao was bounced three or four steps away, a trace of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

As for the genetic superman, he simply flew out, and finally slammed his back heavily on the rock used to set the scenery, and even his body turned out to be made of iron. Not to mention the sound, it simply broke the stone!

Immediately afterwards, he stood there firmly, as if nothing had happened.

Li Zedao fiercely wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth, looking at the genetic superman who had no damage at all, there was a dignified look in his blood-red eyes.

In terms of strength and speed, he has the upper hand slightly, but in terms of fighting ability, it is naturally not as good as this genetic superman, who is harder than iron after a complete body transformation.

This kind of fighting ability is undoubtedly more terrifying than Elena. Helena is only hard in the palm of her hand, but Gene Superman is almost hard all over the body.

So it is conceivable that if a truly perfect genetic superman is made, then I am afraid that no one will be its opponent.

After standing firm, Gene Superman did not hesitate, his body moved again, and he appeared in front of Li Zedao in a flash.

Then, another punch containing extremely terrifying force slammed it at Li Zedao!

Li Zedao also smashed the past with a punch.

"Boom!" The two fists slammed together again.

Then, Gene Superman flew out again, and Li Zedao took two steps backwards again, blood leaking from the corners of his mouth again.

This time, before Gene Superman could stand firm, Li Zedao took the initiative to rush towards him.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The two kept banging at each other, punch after punch, punch more powerful than punch, punch more powerful than punch, like two beasts who never knew they were tired.


Old castle. fireplace. Burning flames and flickering candlelight.

On a chair by the fireplace, a tall figure was sitting there. This is an old man full of energy, handsome face, and meticulous silver hair! The old man was wearing a fitted green military uniform. On the left chest of the military uniform, he wore a dense number of various medals. Counting them, there were at least ten. The right chest was embroidered with a skull pattern.

General Skull! The master of the mysterious and powerful skeleton organization!

At this moment, he was holding a cigar that had been lit in his hand, his eyes slightly squinted at the big screen in front.

On the screen, the two figures banged their fists violently against each other, and there was a terrible air explosion.

"Oh, very good, that's it." The corner of General Skull's mouth curled up cruelly.

Judging from the confrontation between Superman and Li Zedao, Superman is naturally inferior, but so what? Gene Superman doesn't know that he is tired and won't get hurt, but that **** Chinese kid...Oh, it's so good-looking, you see he vomited blood.

This is a scene that General Skull and Crossbones would like to see. With a few punches, the kid will naturally suffer more serious damage. If he could not detonate the maggot system in the genetic superman and the laboratory, he would take the kid It was alive and dead, and naturally it was the best.

However, General Skull knows very clearly that this is just his own wishful thinking. Although the kid looks a bit abnormal now, he won't be stupid and keep fighting you like this.

Then, General Skull put the cigar next to his mouth, took a hard sip, and said to himself in a cold tone: "Oh, **** guy, it seems you are very angry!"

Although he was looking at Li Zedao through the screen, the already refined old guy like the skull can naturally see the monstrous anger and murderous intent in Li Zedao's heart at this time!

If he wasn't very angry and wanted to vent, how could he be stupid and confront the Superman? He can win with speed, so he is venting! Before he walked through the woods step by step and slaughtered the security personnel, he was also venting!

But what General Skull and Crossbones didn’t understand was that what the Skull and Crossbones organization did to make him so angry, even ignoring the previous transaction, and regardless of the safety of the people in Qingyun Building, went to the laboratory. This is simply trying to wash that place with blood.

Can't it be because He Xiaoyang is dead so that He Xiaoyue doesn't want him, so he is trapped by love so he killed?

After thinking about it, General Skull felt that such a reason was too lame and too persuasive. He wanted to scold himself. How could such a demented reason come up with his own wisdom?

I don’t think too much now, anyway, this **** guy must die tonight!

At the same time, on a big tree not far from the family hotel, Rozier stared at the screen of the mobile phone in his hand, his scalp was numb and his mind roared, and his heart was full of shock.

This kind of terrifying confrontation really scared him seriously. For him, he always said that if he received such a punch, the terrifying body would simply explode into a pile of minced meat.

"This guy, it's really horrible." Rozier licked his already dry lips and said in a voice that only he could hear.


"Boom!" There was another muffled noise.

Gene Superman flew upside down again simply, but as for Li Zedao, he took four or five steps back, with more blood leaking from the corners of his mouth.

After more than ten punches with the Gene Superman who didn't know the pain, Li Zedao simply suffered a serious internal injury.

But although he was injured, it was not without the slightest benefit. After this catharsis, his whole person seemed to be quite normal.

Then, Li Zedao was not rushing towards the genetic superman who had hit one of the rocks with his back heavily, his hand shook, and a bright dagger appeared in his hand.

From previous experience against Gene Superman, the weakness of Gene Superman is the neck. The dagger can’t cut the skin and flesh of other parts of his body, but it can cut off his head from the neck, and when his head is cut off , The genetic superman also completely loses the ability to attack.

Of course, Li's Dao is not sure now, whether this genetically perfect superman has also armed his neck, which is as hard as the rest of his body. Now, I can only give it a try.

Although Li Zedao has suffered serious internal injuries now, his speed is faster than that of Superman. I believe it is not too difficult to put the dagger in his hand on the neck of Superman.

Seeing that Li Zedao showed the knife, the genetic superman seemed to be in danger, and his figure flashed forward, rushing forward like lightning.

Li Zedao frowned while his figure flickered and chased after him. It seems that his neck is still his culprit, otherwise, why would the guy behind the scenes who control this genetic superman let the genetic superman escape?

Li Zedao had known for a long time that there were many cameras installed around this place, monitoring all the movements here, and naturally the scene of the battle between him and this genetic superman fell into the eyes of the opposite.

He intends to blood wash the experimental base of skulls and crossbones so that all the people here, including the dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, and so on, will be buried with Sister Bei...Of course, this place does not have those little pets.

Naturally, it also includes this genetic superman who is approaching perfection. If it can be destroyed, it will undoubtedly make the skull tissue loss more severe and make the **** old man even more painful.

Therefore, Li Zedao decisively chased after him, no matter what, he must completely destroy this genetic superman!

Soon, the figure of Superman Gene appeared in front of the stone tower at the northwest corner of the courtyard. At this time, the stone tower was moved aside, completely exposing the entrance to the laboratory below.

Gene Superman's figure flashed, and he had already entered the entrance of the cave, rushing down the steps, as if panicking for his life.

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