The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1678: earthquake

If in normal times, Gene Superman escaped into this experimental base, Li Zedao would of course wonder if there were any traps or conspiracies.

But now, Li Zedao's whole person is completely in a state that can be said to be muddled. Although he had a lot of emotional venting with the genetic superman before, he is still muddled and still wants to kill. Therefore, the only idea in his mind is to put this gene Let's talk about Superman's destruction.

Right now, blood-red and cold eyes stared at the dark shadow, and rushed in afterward.

After rushing down the steps, Gene Superman didn't stay at all, his figure flashed into the door made of special materials that had been opened and even ordinary cannonballs could not blast it, and then quickly passed through. The corridor full of science and technology finally got through another door that was also opened, and then into the huge laboratory hall.

When Li Zedao's figure followed this genetic superman into the hall, the door made of special materials was quickly closed, making it an independent space, plus the surrounding walls. And the roof is decorated with special materials, and it is said that even shells cannot be blasted away, so it is not an exaggeration to say that this is a prison with copper walls and iron walls.

At this time, this experimental base is also different from when Li Zedao came for the first time. Of course, the layout has not changed at all, but the terrifying experimental subjects have been cleared away, and the unknown instruments have also been removed. Moved away, so the whole experimental hall looked empty and empty.

Subconsciously, Li Zedao glanced back at the closed iron gate, frowned, and his confused brain regained a little thinking ability. So, Gene Superman deliberately lured him to this place? General Skull is planning to catch turtles in the urn?

Soon, Li Zedao put this speculation behind his head. The most important thing now is to solve the genetic superman, as for the rest of the matter. Moreover, Li Zedao didn't think that this laboratory could trap him.

Right now, he turned around, his blood-red eyes staring at the genetic superman who stood motionless and looked like a sculpture, and even clenched the dagger that shone with cold light in his hand. Then, his body was already there. The place disappeared.


He appeared in front of the genetic superman Yass at lightning speed, and then, the dagger that shone with cold light in his hand shook his neck fiercely.

Gene Superman's reaction is also not slow, his arm has already been swung out quickly, blocking the sharp blade that shone with cold light.

"Hey!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao severely slashed the dagger in his hand on the arm of Gene Superman, slashing the clothes on his arm, but there was no way to cause any damage to his flesh, even , Sparks appeared vaguely, as if Li Zedao's knife was slashing on an iron rod.

Li Zedao even felt that his hands were a little numb, and he cursed secretly, **** it, this guy's body is really comparable to the hardness of steel.

Of course, the move by Superman also proved that Li Zedao's guess was correct, and his neck was still his culprit.

While his arm blocked the knife that Li Zedao had cut over, the other hand of Gene Superman was already clenched into a fist and rushed towards Li Zedao fiercely.

How could Li Zedao be hit by his fists? Even, he didn't intend to face this guy head-on, but his body flashed, he had already circled behind Superman, his hand dropped the knife and slashed towards Superman's neck.

"Hey!" The dull sound from the steel sounded again. It turned out that when Li Zedao's dagger was about to be scratched on his neck, Gene Superman's palm suddenly stretched out and placed it on his back. There was the neck, so Li Zedao cut it directly on the back of his hand.

This time the attack naturally ended in failure and did not cause any harm to the genetic superman.

Secretly gritted his teeth, Li Zedao squatted slightly, swept his feet, and swept the two legs of Gene Superman fiercely.

"Kang Dang!" Gene Superman's body simply fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

Li Zedao immediately rushed over, and his whole body simply rode on the back waist of Superman who was lying there before he had time to get up. At the same time, his two knees firmly withstood Superman's. Two arms.

Suddenly controlled in this way, the strength of the genetic Superman's struggle is also extremely astonishing, if it hadn't been for Li Zedao's strength to even eat milk, there would be no way to suppress him for a while.

At the moment when he stubbornly withstood the body of the Superman, Li Zedao clenched the dagger in his hand and slashed at the neck of the Superman again fiercely.

When the blade was about to cut the opponent's neck, Li Zedao's heart was slightly relaxed and he succeeded.

But at this moment, an extremely bad feeling suddenly rushed into Li Zedao's heart. It was a kind of feedback that the body would instinctively produce after encountering danger, and the more dangerous, the stronger the feedback. .

Before he could think about it, Li Zedao's hand simply loosened the dagger that he had held tightly, and then his whole person was like a spring, jumping from the superhuman gene.

At the same time, even though Li Zedao had loosened the dagger, the dagger still struck the neck of Superman with a terrifying speed and strength, and instantly cut the skin and flesh of Superman's neck.

In the next second, there was a muffled sound of "Boom!", the Gene Superman who was lying there instantly exploded, and the hot aftermath of the explosion that was released severely engulfed the jumping Li Zedao directly.

After Li Zedao felt the strong danger, he decisively discarded the dagger and jumped up to plan the principle. When the dagger slashed the skin and flesh on the neck of Gene Superman, when he broke the Gene Superman, and the terrifying energy produced after the explosion Li Zedao was involved...

All this is a long story, but in fact it only happened in less than two seconds, so even if Li Zedao's reaction speed was fast, he was still caught in the hot energy.

But this is not over yet!

In less than a second, there was a sound of explosion after another, and the big pillars in this experimental hall seemed to be one after another. They all burst, and the entire space was instantly destroyed. The scorching flames and dense smoke filled up, and it shook violently. In the end, only a deafening muffled sound was heard. The ceiling, which was more than ten meters thick and weighed hundreds of thousands of tons, crashed. It collapsed, pressed down heavily, and hit the ground fiercely.

The force of this impact, not to mention the flesh and blood, even steel, has to be crushed.


On a big tree not far from the family hotel, because the ground was shaking at this time, the big tree was shaking violently, and the leaves fell one after another.

Rozier's body was trembling too, but it was not because the tree was trembling that he was not standing still and trembling, but because he was completely shocked by the scene not far away.

At this time, his eyes were round, and his heart was already shocking, and his face was full of horror. I saw a place not far ahead, where the family hotel was originally built. At this time, the hotel has disappeared. There has been an extra large hole with a diameter of about two hundred meters and a depth of about ten meters. At the same time, a lot of sand and stones continued to roll down from the side of the pit into the pit, and there was a lot of thick smoke coming out of the pit, blending with the dense night.

And the appearance of such a big pit also caused the surrounding ground to shake violently for a while, as if an earthquake of not small magnitude had occurred.

"Oh, even God, there is no way to survive this attack." Rozier swallowed.

First, the aftermath of the explosion of the three maggot systems in the genetic superhuman body was affected at close range, and then the powerful * buried in every corner of the laboratory exploded, plus the ceiling that weighed hundreds of thousands of tons. Smashed down from a height of ten meters...

Even if you haven’t been bombed to death, you’ll be burned to death. Even if you’re not burned to death, you’ll be crushed alive...If you don’t die like this, you will be suffocated alive later...If you don’t die...oh, God how is this possible? This is impossible, Xiaoqiang's vitality is not so tenacious!

Just as Rohr was in turmoil over there, the big tree, which had stabilized with the stability of the ground, shook violently again, and then the whole ground shook and the mountain shook, as if there was something under the ground. The big monster is trying hard to get out of the ground.

"Oh, God, this is... an earthquake? It was not caused by an explosion, but a real earthquake?" Rozier was stunned. Although earthquakes are common in the island country, Rozier has long been used to it. , But this time the tremor was obviously different from the previous ones. He even heard the sound of the stone colliding with the stone coming from a distance, that is, the stone on the mountain fell.

There was even a fire not far away. It was because the telephone pole broke due to the earthquake, so the high-voltage power line directly caught fire.

"Oh, **** it!" Rohr secretly cursed Ju, his body flashed, he had already jumped from the tree that was not swaying, and quickly disappeared into the night.


"The latest international news, a large trench-type earthquake with a magnitude of 8.0 or higher occurred in the island country late at night..."

"The latest news has caused numerous casualties, and DJ has become a **** on earth..."

"The dj people hold on, we are with you..."

"The DJ earthquake has touched the hearts of countless people, and pray for the DJ people."

"The leaders of the United States, China and other countries immediately expressed their concern and condolences to DJ for the strong earthquake, and announced that they would send rescue teams to DJ to participate in rescue operations as soon as possible..."

"The latest news is that a super strong earthquake has caused a large vortex on the sea, which may cause a strong tsunami.


In this era of extremely advanced communication technology, a piece of explosive news about island djs spread all over the world in an instant. These four world-class cities have attracted the attention of almost everyone from all corners of the world for a while, and they are also involved. The hearts of countless people.

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