The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1702: See also Gene Superman

Li Zedao knows very well that with the pride and mannerism of General Skull and Crossbones, even if he pays a high price, he will obliterate the instigator who was hiding in the dark. He did not hesitate to destroy an approach before. The perfect genetic superman plus the practice of letting him die in the laboratory can be seen.

Therefore, General Skull and Crossbones must have sent someone over, and even the genetic superman who is approaching perfection!

Li Zedao is waiting for the genetic superman!

Of course, if it were encountered this time, Li Zedao would naturally not be stupidly head-on, but would immediately use the fastest and most aggressive means to chop off his head.

For this reason, Li Zedao even sneaked into a knife shop that is well-known in DJ two days ago, and stole it...Uh, no, he bought a handful of*.

Although the earthquake and tsunami did not destroy the knife shop, the business was naturally severely affected, so the shop was naturally closed at this time.

Regarding *, Li Zedao didn’t know much about it. His original plan was that the one on the shelf* which was priced higher, he wanted which one, but after sneaking in, he saw the shopkeeper holding one* I went to bed and took it away decisively.

Of course, stealing is not good after all, which makes Li Zedao's conscience greatly condemned. So Li Zedao took out the tens of thousands of island currency in his wallet and gently placed it in front of the shopkeeper’s pillow, and even left a note, indicating that he is a swordsman. Recently, he was looking for someone to fight but lacked one. A good knife, so he bought that knife, and the money was right in front of the pillow... Sure enough, I felt a lot more comfortable in my heart, and I didn't feel any guilt anymore.

What Li Zedao didn't know was that when the shopkeeper got up the next day, his eyes were dull on the note and the money alternately, and then he simply spewed a mouthful of blood, and then violently insulted the **** **** swordsman with the most vicious words. .

At the moment, Li Zedao glanced at the family hotel not far away. While the corners of his mouth were slightly icy, he clenched the handle of the *bought from the prop shop and swept the sharpness. A few glances at his blade.

Even if he doesn't understand*, he can feel that this knife is naturally expensive, even if it is not comparable to the one previously broken by the vampire queen Elena, should it be about the same? With such a knife, it should be possible to chop off the head of the superhuman gene easily.

At this moment, Li Zedao clearly heard the roar of cars coming from far and near towards the family hotel.

"Are the people with skulls and crossbones here?" Li Zedao moved his gaze at the same time as he moved his mind, and even reduced his breath, even his breathing seemed to have stopped.

Soon, three identical black Toyota off-road vehicles appeared in Li Zedao's sight.

"One, two, three..." Li Zedao silently felt the breath from the car, and finally noticed that there were ten people in the three cars.

Of course, maybe even eleven people, because of the genetic superhuman breath, Li Zedao couldn't feel it. Li Zedao naturally couldn't feel the masters who could perfectly condense the aura on his body, such as the Queen of Vampire Elena.

Soon, the three cars stopped one by one in front of the family hotel, the doors were opened, and the people in the cars got out of the car one by one.

Li Zedao watched, his eyes narrowed slightly, and sure enough, not only ten people came down, but eleven people, and General Skull and Crossbones sent the genetic superman over!

Li Zedao's gaze fell on the breathless body. It was a small islander with a national face and a mustache, wearing traditional island kimono, clogs, and a handful of* on his waist. Dressed as a typical island swordsman.

It's just that there was a cold and dangerous aura radiating from his body. Those eyes were always open, without blinking, there was no human emotion.

"It seems that the swordsman is one of the two genetic supermen Akai said that are approaching perfection? I didn't expect to be an island country swordsman." Li Zedao muttered in his heart.

"Now you should be able to hit them by surprise, and maybe even cut off the head of that **** genetic superman at once." Li Zedao lightly bit his teeth.

Li Zedao made such a decision naturally for a reason. The time he used to act before was on the big night, mainly because he could better hide his traces through the night, and in the big night, such a terrifying woman with long hair fluttering. In front of you, it is naturally more terrifying. If it is during the day, people might think that you are a mentally ill from which neuropathy hospital.

Therefore, these guys with skulls will probably think that the evil spirit will only appear in the middle of the night, and now, it is undoubtedly their most relaxing time!

At the moment, Li Zedao didn't hesitate any more, clenching the * in his hand, his body shook, and the moment he landed on the ground, it turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the ten or so people who had just got off the car.

Of course, Li Zedao has only one real goal, that is, that genetic superman! As long as he is resolved smoothly, the remaining people are nothing more than a group of chickens and ducks. Whether to kill or not depends on his mood! Of course his mood is very bad, so let's kill it.


Li Zedao's figure had already changed into an afterimage, and he appeared behind Superman Gene in an instant. He lifted the knife and slashed at the neck of Superman Gene!

Others hadn't even noticed that such a white shadow had drifted in front of them, but Gene Superman Tada felt it.

The genetic superman approaching perfection is fundamentally different from the failed genetic superman! Needless to say the rigidity, speed and strength of the body, one of the biggest advantages of the genetic superman who is approaching perfection is that he is smart enough! To put it bluntly, he can clearly capture the danger, and make a defense or even counterattack in the shortest time, instead of letting you chop off his neck without receiving any instructions!

So when the sharp blade in Li Zedao's hand was about to cut Tada's neck, Tada reacted, and immediately drew the knife, perfectly blocking the sharp knife.

I only heard a muffled sound of "Kang!", sparks shot everywhere, it was the sound of a knife slashing on the knife!

Immediately afterwards, an astonishing force burst out, causing the Gene Superman to simply step back. Li Zedao did the same, stepping back a few steps, even Li Zedao clearly felt that the hand holding the knife was slightly slightly It's numb, it seems that this genetic superman's response is still stronger than the previous one.

Kanter and other security personnel who were in charge of this investigation to clarify the truth of the matter and launch frantic revenge missions then reacted. When they saw the "woman" who did not know what was already standing there with a tight grip on her hand, Everyone looked terrified, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

It's not just because this woman's dress is too weird, even if it is too daytime, such a dress is scary enough!

The wide pajamas that even covered her feet, the long hair that almost covered her face, exposed a strange white skin on the exposed skin, and the strange thing was that the bridge of her nose was still Wearing a sunglasses!

What's more frightening is that her appearance like a ghost!

Fortunately, she shot Tada. If she shot anyone except Tada, I am afraid that this person would not even know how to die.

At this moment, Tada took the initiative to rush towards Li Zedao, with a speed like an afterimage, and the knife fell with his hand!

The genetic superman who is approaching perfection is just like that...intelligent, they can accurately determine the potential threat, so you don't need to give any orders, they will directly remove the threat.

Li Zedao clenched the knife in his hand in response.

In an instant, both of them turned into an afterimage that was almost invisible to the naked eye. Everyone only heard the endless "Kang Klang..." that made their scalp numb, and saw sparks bursting out from time to time. .

At the same time, instinctively felt the danger, so Kanter and the other security personnel hurriedly stepped back, for fear of being accidentally injured in a while.

"Oh, damn, what are you doing in a daze? Why not shoot me quickly?" Kanter said with an extremely gloomy expression. Just now it really scared him and made him extremely angry. If that guy's target is himself, I'm afraid his head is gone?

Sure enough, just as they expected, there was a guy with extremely terrifying skills who was secretly doing a ghost, and he had done everything that happened in this stronghold this week.

But anyway, Kanter was very angry, and he wanted to beat that guy into a hornet's nest!

As for whether the bullet will hit Tada...Anyway, the loyal killing machine is not afraid of bullets.

Upon hearing this, these security personnel pulled out their pistols one after another, and they were about to shoot at the two intertwined shadows.

But at this moment, they were surprised to find that the white shadow was no longer fighting with Tada, but rushed towards them.

"Oh, no!" Kanter's eyes widened, and the feeling of danger in his heart had reached the extreme. Then he grabbed a security guard and pushed it hard in front of him, while his body Rewind quickly!

In the next second, the blade flashed! Blood splattered instantly!

Just like cutting leeks, five of the security personnel simply had different heads, including the one who was pushed forward by Kanter to replace the dead ghost!

The heads of the five security personnel were harvested with one knife, and Li Zedao's figure flashed, and he pounced on Kanter! At the same time, Tada also rushed towards Li Zedao at a speed that seemed a little faster than Li Zedao's!

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