The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1703: You are Li Zedao

In the next second, Li Ze's hands grew violently, and he immediately clasped Kanter's shoulders. Kanter exhaled in pain. He only felt that his shoulder had been crushed in that moment!

At the same time, the cold flashing * in Tada's hand also severely slashed towards Li Zedao's back.

Suddenly, Li Zedao only felt the creeps, his back felt like he was stabbed fiercely by hundreds of needles, but he did not hold the knife in his hand to stop the genetic superman from cutting off his back. With that knife, his hand that clasped Kanter's shoulder violently pulled Kanter over, using his body as a meat shield to help himself block the sharp blade that was slashing towards his back. .

There is such a good shield, so you don't need it for nothing.

"Oh, Tada, stop..." Kanter was so scared that his soul was almost gone, his voice was stern, even his pants were wet... he was scared to pee!

"Wow!" The blade of * flashing cold light stopped abruptly at a distance of less than a centimeter from Kanter's forehead! But the sharp aura from the sharp blade left a blood stain on Kanter's face!

Kanter can be regarded as the master of the genetic superman Tada after all, so the orders that Kanter issued will be executed unconditionally!

Now Kanter asked Tada to stop, Tada naturally stopped his attack simply and neatly, as if the robot's light was turned off, and stood still there abruptly.

But at the moment Tada stopped the attack abruptly, a blade of light flashed suddenly, and Tada's head, which was still there, simply left his body and fell directly to the ground, like a piece of iron. The ball fell on the ground with a muffled sound.

Looking at the neat incision on the neck, there is not any blood flowing out, even the wound is green, weird green!

It was Li Zedao who made the shot. Of course, he would not miss this great opportunity he created!

With Li Zedao's eyesight, he naturally saw that Kanter was the person in charge here, and he was also the one who could give orders to Superman!

Therefore, Li Zedao directly grabbed Kanter as his shield. In the case of death threats, Kanter would naturally let the Gene Superman stop, and the moment the Gene Superman stopped attacking, it was the best mobile phone meeting.

Sure enough, the development of the matter was just as Li Zedao had simulated in his heart. He succeeded in making Superman genetically different.

Seeing the genetic superman whose head fell on the ground, Kanter's eyes went round and his head roared. He really couldn't believe what he saw. He couldn't believe it anyway. It was close to perfection. As soon as Gene Superman arrived at this stronghold in the island country, he was cut off and completely lost his combat effectiveness.

In the next second, I realized that the superhuman gene was cut off so quickly, as if it had a great relationship with him. It was he who ordered the superman to stop attacking his head before being cut off. If the General Skull and Crossbones blame it then After coming down, I am afraid I don't even know that I died.

Immediately, Kanter felt that she was thinking a little far away, because the terrifying ghost was still standing behind her, her hands were still clasped on her shoulders, and the head of the genetic superman was cut. Do you have to be in a different place?

For a while, the fear caused by death made Kanter's face pale and bloodless, and his body was trembling. If it weren't for a cold hand to clasp his shoulder, he would have sat on the ground in terror. Up.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the body of the genetic superman who was still standing there was kicked as if it were a ball, and finally hit the wall of the hotel heavily, making a bang. .

The wall was smashed through a big hole by the hard body of Superman. For a while, sand and rocks flew around, and immediately, the wall collapsed in half.

After kicking the Gene Superman far away altogether, Li Zedao was slightly relieved, and finally solved the trouble, and kicked his body far away, so even if he happened now It exploded, and it didn't affect him... Li Zedao was completely blown out of the shadows.

When I was in the laboratory before, the explosive power of the perfect genetic superman was terrifying. Li Zedao had seen it. At the moment of the explosion, at his speed, he couldn't escape at all and was directly involved. , The right leg was blown into a pile of minced meat at that moment.

At the moment, Li Zedao loosened Kanter's clasped hand, and Kanter's body fell to the ground. Then, a cold woman's voice rang in his ears: "Understand. Island Mandarin?"

Kanter looked up very hard, and his horrified gaze fell on the face that was covered by the long hair. He swallowed wildly and nodded: "Listen...understand..."

He wanted to say that not only did he understand, he was also proficient in island Mandarin, and even five languages...Of course, this is not the time to show off.

"What's his relationship with you?" The cold voice sounded again, and Kanter saw the terrifying woman's finger on the head of the person on the ground.

"This... he is my subordinate." Kanter swallowed. He actually wanted to say that he had nothing to do with me, because from the situation on the scene, it seemed that this horrible woman had come for Tada.

After just saying this, would this terrifying woman think that she insulted her IQ and chop off her head in anger?

Therefore, Kanter has lost the courage to lie.

"Master, Yuanzi has killed the wolf-hearted traitor and avenges your old man. Your old man can rest in peace." There was a trace of sadness in his cold voice.

This voice was made by Li Zedao using ventriloquism to imitate the voice of the garden he encountered on the small island before, and he spoke a very pure island national language, the purpose of which was naturally to confuse the audience.

"Uh, revenge?" Even though Kanter might have guessed it, now he is still confused.

"He is Yuanzi's brother and Yuanzi's enemy! He cruelly killed his mentor, my master, so I came to send him to hell. Since he is your subordinate, then you deserve to die too!" The cold voice was full of ferociousness and viciousness.

"Uh..." Kanter twitched. They had made various inferences before, trying to infer which power this person who secretly provoked the authority of the skull and crossbones belonged to, but they really didn't want to say that she would be transformed by them. The younger sister of Tada of Gene Superman, she appeared here to find revenge for Tada...

Kanter actually wanted to say, I read little, so don't lie to me.

How could he easily believe such a leaky argument? After all, Tada's background was clearly investigated, and there was no so-called junior sister at all.

"So, go to hell!" An angry and ferocious voice sounded. Immediately, the sharp blade drew towards his neck fiercely.

Kanter was so scared that his eyes jumped out: "Oh, no..."

The blade flashed! There was already a tiny blood-red gap in Kanter's neck, and the gap was getting bigger and bigger, and the blood spilled out like a fountain, and then his body fell heavily to the ground, after a few violent strokes. , He was motionless.

After killing the person in charge cleanly, Li Zedao raised his head and saw that there was no one in sight except the few corpses in the ground. The remaining security personnel were already scared to urinate. I was too lazy to chase them one by one and wipe them out, but found a few * on the bodies of the security personnel lying on the ground, and threw them all into the hotel.

"Boom!" With a few muffled noises, the family hotel simply fell into a sea of ​​flames!

The gaze hidden under the wig swept the fire for a while, and when he was about to leave, an old and indifferent voice rang from Kanter's body on the ground.

Kanter has a cell phone on his body, and the sound comes from that cell phone.

"Oh, hello, ma'am, is it convenient for a chat?"

This is the voice of General Skull!

Li Zedao glanced back at the corpse. The corners of the mouth covered by the long hair were already curled up with a very cold range. The appearance of this old man was within his expectation. After all, the dj personnel he sent to the island country had just arrived. When he was completely obliterated, there was also a genetic superman who became tighter and perfect, and he couldn't help but not be angry.

Li Zedao stretched out his hand with a thick layer of white foundation, and took out the phone that made the noise from Kanter's body, and saw the tall figure of General Skull and Crossbones appearing on the screen. Those hands were still carefully trimming a cigar.

"What are you talking about? These people including Tada are yours? Do you want them to avenge?" The indifferent woman's voice came from Li Zedao.

"Oh, no, I just think that you are like someone I know, so I want to talk to you." General Skull and Crossbones lit the cigar, took a sip, and slowly exhaled the smoke. Deep in his eyes, there was The extremely fierce murderous aura surged.

Without waiting for the other party to say anything, he continued: "The person I'm talking about is a Chinese young man, his name is Li Zedao...So, is that you? Mr. Li Zedao!"

General Skull leaned forward slightly, his eyes were like two sharp swords, as if he wanted to see the face hidden under his long hair.

It's no wonder that General Skull doesn't doubt this, because it is probably only Li Zedao who can be so familiar with the weaknesses of genetic superman and possess such terrifying strength!

Not to mention that even though he was separated from the screen, the "woman" who pretended to be a ghost gave him a somewhat familiar feeling.

But how is this possible? Even Iron Man had to be crushed into a pile of rotten iron after encountering such a bombing. It was impossible for him to survive, not to mention that they found Li Zedao's severed hands and feet.

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