The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1704: General Skull and Crossbones

In addition, the Skull and Crossbones organization is also secretly watching some movements in Huaxia. Various signs indicate that it has been almost three months, but Li Zedao has not returned to Huaxia to reassure his women whose emotions are on the verge of collapse.

Therefore, General Skeleton Iron is also very puzzled, who is this terrifying guy who pretends to be a ghost?

Want to blow me up? The corners of Li Zedao's mouth covered by the long hair have already curled up with a strange range: "If you don't want revenge for Tada, then that's it. If you want to, welcome, the garden will be here waiting for your arrival."

As for General Skull’s words, "You are very similar to the Li Zedao I know..." This was deliberately ignored by Li Zedao. This gives people the impression that this is a very idiotic question, a very idiotic guess. , I’m so stupid that I don’t want to make any response.

"Really not Li Zedao?" General Skull and Crossbones frowned.

On the one hand, General Skull and Crossbones really didn't think that Li Zedao could still survive. On the other hand, the performance of this pretending guy was too indifferent, and he didn't even bother to respond to his words.

"Dear Madam, since Tada killed his master, that is, your master, you should find him for revenge. How can I help him with revenge?" General Skull said with a deep groan.

Of course, the rhetoric of this pretending guy naturally cannot withstand any scrutiny, it is full of loopholes, but General Skull and Crossbones choose to believe it temporarily. What if he doesn't believe it?

"What I want to say is, are you interested in becoming one of us?" General Skull and Crossbones issued an invitation, "Don't rush to refuse, you can try to put forward the conditions for your willingness to join, I think, I can meet you."

General Skull’s voice was full of confidence. With the energy of the skull organization, he really didn’t believe that there was no way to satisfy this woman’s requirements.

This idiot! Li Zedao sneered in his heart and responded grimly with a whisper: "I'm not with a idiot, so I think what you said is insulting me, so Yuanzi doesn't mind finding all the rest and killing them all. !"

General Skull's face suddenly became gloomy: "Are you a threat?"

"Threat if you threaten, or that sentence, you are welcome to continue to send people or even come to me personally, I will wait for you here!" Li Zedao said coldly in ventral language, without paying attention to the other party. in.

"..." General Skull's face became even more ugly. It had been a long, long time no one dared to talk to him so arrogantly. It is undeniable that the Skull and Crossbones organization is extremely powerful, but in the face of such a master who has no scruples at all, General Skull and Crossbones can only feel helpless in his heart.

The reason why he could suppress Li Zedao before was because Li Zedao was scrupulous. He could use the lives of Qingyun people and even the lives of his women in China to threaten him, but this woman... No one knew it, and even her appearance was a bit inexplicable.

"Oh, Fuck!" General Skull couldn't help but explode in his heart.

Li Zedao didn't bother to pay attention to the old man. He threw out the mobile phone in his hand as if tossing garbage, and then turned to leave. At the same time, the corners of his mouth became even more indifferent.

He knew that this old man was furious, and he didn't dare to continue sending people to DJ in the island country. Even these people in DJ would evacuate in the shortest time. After that, he naturally didn't care about continuing to work on He Xiaoyue.


Edo District, which is one of the twenty-three districts of DJ, is located in the easternmost part of DJ, and it is also a large area of ​​DJ.

This major earthquake and the resulting tsunami suffered the least damage in this area. It just collapsed some houses. Compared with other areas, the casualties were almost negligible. Fortunately, it did not become a **** on earth.

So while other places are still undergoing intense post-disaster treatment and reconstruction, this district has already restored the previous order.

Of course, because of the lightest disaster, a lot of people swarmed into this area, so you can see that there is an extremely lively scene on the street, and there are many temporary tents set up for those affected by the disaster. live.

At this time, in an exquisite private residence in this area, a woman with a delicate face and a petite figure is standing there arranging flowers. Judging from the results, this woman has no low attainments in flower arranging art.

The woman is wearing an exquisite traditional island kimono, white socks and clogs on her feet, and with her small face that is more charming and delicate than that of a flower, she looks quiet and beautiful.

Behind her stood another woman with a burst of body. The woman had a simple Korean-style blouse and a pair of pencil pants on her lower body. The tight pencil pants wrapped her plump thighs very well, and it was even better. Her moving curves. The upper body is a loose Korean dress, but it can't conceal her hot figure in any way, but it adds a bit of hormonal maturity.

This is a stunner, a stunner who basically thinks of a "bed" at first sight.

In addition, there is a little girl who is about four years old sitting there, her big smart eyes are looking at a comic book in her hand very seriously, it seems that everything around can not disturb her. .

"Dear Ms. Michiko, if I were a man, I could not help but throw you on the ground now." Looking at the delicate woman wearing a kimono and building flowers in front of him, Eiko already had an evil smile on his face. It's even getting hot.

Michiko Haneda’s body is not the hot one, but she exudes a heart-wrenching beauty. Hideko wants to say that if Michiko Haneda’s face shows that kind of charm, that kind of charm. Voice, it is estimated that many men will surrender directly, right?

"Oh, I really want to hear the sound she makes when doing that kind of thing, and I want to see her expression." Yingzi said evilly in her heart.

"Don't talk nonsense in front of Yoko." Haneda Michiko turned her head and said helplessly, who had always liked to tease her cousin. This cousin is good at everything, but she's too open in that respect, always saying red-faced things, and even arrogantly.

"Hehe, you don't know our little princess. When reading a comic book she is interested in, she won't respond even if it thunders." Yingzi's eyes scanned not far away and she was looking at the comic book very seriously. The little girl pursed her lips and smiled, her face flashed with the brilliance of maternal love.

Yingzi likes children very much, let alone such a cute little girl like Yoko. She often induces Yoko to ask Yoko to call her mother, but the little girl never cooperates and keeps calling her Aunt Yingzi, which makes Yingzi extremely depressed.

"Then don't talk nonsense." Michiko Haneda said with a glance at Eiko, suddenly thinking of something, and another trace of sadness appeared between her brows.

"Why? Worrying about that arrogant little kid from China again?" Seeing Michiko Haneda's expression again, Yingzi naturally knew what she was thinking.

Michiko Haneda shook her head, and said with a slightly sad expression, "I don't believe he died like this." When the earthquake and tsunami happened, Michiko Haneda was not affected. After that, she tried to contact the Li Zedao to ask how he was. , But his phone is always turned off and unable to connect.

Even afterwards, she entrusted her relationship to visit the China Embassy in DJ and asked them about this Li Zedao. The staff of the embassy obviously paid much attention to Li Zedao.

They first inquired about the relationship between Michiko Haneda and Li Zedao. Michiko Haneda said that he had helped her sick daughter with acupuncture and saved her daughter's life. Later, they wanted to ask him to help treat his daughter. This happened now. So care about him.

The staff of the embassy said that Li Zedao is currently in a state of losing contact, and they are also working hard to find Li Zedao. If she has any news about Li Zedao, please tell our staff immediately and leave it to Michiko Haneda. A contact method.

And now, nearly three months have passed. Li Zedao is still out of touch. Everyone knows that he, like those listed as missing, is actually dead, but it is very likely that he will never be found. It's the corpse, because their corpse may have sunk to the bottom of the sea.

Michiko Haneda stubbornly didn't believe that he died just like that. She always felt that he was still alive. It was a feeling, a very strange feeling.

Perhaps this feeling comes from the kind of strong trust in him?

From Hideko, Haneda Michiko also probably understood the contradiction between Li Zedao and Sumiyoshikai, so there is no doubt that this is a very strong boy, how could he die so easily?

"Sure enough, your heart is really moved." Yingzi sighed softly, how can he be so worried if he is not moved? Even if he saved Yoko's life, that would be impossible! The doctor in the hospital also helped Yoko treat, but I didn't see this woman thinking about her.

Of course, this is not to say that Michiko Haneda is not the kind of person who doesn’t know about the rewards of grace, but because the average savior doesn’t need to worry about it at all. It’s enough to buy out this kindness at once, and it doesn’t need to be all the time. Worry about the other person’s safety, right? Not to mention, that arrogant Huaxia guy doesn't need your reward at all, and he even bores you very much.

"He is Yoko's lifesaver." Michiko Haneda used such a crappy excuse again. Of course, she also knew that her cousin wouldn't believe this excuse... She herself didn't believe it either.

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