Yingzi suddenly realized with a look on his face: "Baga, I know, he is asking you to help him solve his physical problems? Men really are animals that think in the lower body."

Yingzi glanced at his mouth and slandered Li Zedao severely.


Yingzi was actually very dissatisfied with this Chinese man, not because he left with a cheque after leaving a bullet hole on Fujiwara's body. This is really arrogant! But because he ignored himself! The most unacceptable thing for a beauty is to be ignored. That Huaxia guy just happened to do such a thing that makes beauty very annoying.

"Ah, what are you talking nonsense? It's not what you think." Michiko Haneda's cheeks were even more red, like two attractive red apples.

"I don't know if he can do it, do you want to help her prepare some medicine?"

"Miss Hideko, Michiko gets angry when you talk nonsense." Michiko Haneda looked helpless.

Yingzi chuckled, then stretched out and yawned, with a seductive figure, and said in a charming voice: "Miss Michiko, that Chinese man is coming over, so you want me to leave right? I won't leave. , I really want to see, what exactly does that annoying Huaxia kid do with you, I'll go to sleep first, oh, it's okay to think about him masturbating, do you have a great? I have one. Do you want to be together?"



After being devastated by the earthquake and tsunami, many road sections were severely damaged. At this time, they had not been completely cleaned up, so many roads were impassable.

Therefore, it took more than three hours for Li Zedao to arrive in a car that usually takes less than an hour, and several cars were changed in the middle.

These cars were randomly discarded on the side of the road, before they could be cleaned up. The owners of these cars were either killed in the earthquake, or the owners couldn’t find their cars after the disaster. Even if they found only eight or nine, they couldn’t drive back. It’s not practical to call a trailer when there is a mess everywhere. Can be thrown there.

Most of them were damaged by the sea water and could not start at all. Some started to emit black smoke after walking for a short distance. Therefore, Li Zedao changed several such cars without an owner in succession, and finally walked for a while. After passing a road with many tents, he turned into another alley that was much quieter than the outside, and came to the address mentioned by Michiko Haneda.

On both sides of this hutong are three-story small houses with independent courtyards. It is conceivable that the economic conditions of the people living here are very good.

Li Zedao did not know the specific situation of Michiko Haneda, but he knew that her financial condition was good. When he was at the beach for the first time before, he noticed the watch on her wrist, the Cartier blue balloon series. , The counter price is around one hundred thousand Chinese currency.

People who can afford a watch of this price naturally have a certain financial strength, except of course those who slap their faces to fill up fat.

At that moment, Li Zedao took off his mask and sunglasses, put them in his pocket, and then reached out and rang the doorbell.

Soon, the iron gate of this small courtyard was opened, and then Michiko Haneda, who was wearing a kimono and stepping on clogs, appeared there. After seeing Li Zedao, she showed a happy expression on her face and bowed slightly and said, "Zawa Dao, you are welcome."

"Miss Haneda, you are too polite." Li Zedao nodded and said, but was surprised by her dress like this. I have to say that this petite woman is very flavorful and makes people want to protect her.

But, why didn't you find her so beautiful when she was at the beach that day?

"Just call me Michiko." Michiko Haneda said softly. Seeing the other party smile at him, his heartbeat speeded up a bit inexplicably.

Once, when the deceased husband laughed at him for the first time, Michiko's heartbeat speeded up, and she had a feeling of being electrocuted, and now that feeling of being overcharged has appeared again.

"Michiko." Li Zedao was not hypocritical, and changed his name.

"Hello, dear sir." Another slightly respectful voice sounded.

Hideko, holding Yoko in his hand, appeared next to Haneda Michiko and bowed slightly to Li Zedao, with the same respect and politeness on his face as before.

Although he ridiculed Michiko Haneda, even said that he wanted to fantasize about the other party's masturbation, whether the other party's life was good, whether he needed medicine or something, but when this made Sumiyoshi, he had to bow his head and let Fujii completely eat the face of the deflated man, Hideko Naturally, I dare not show any disrespect.

"Hello, Miss Yingzi." Li Zedao looked at this stunner who made a sudden increase in hormones and nodded in greeting, thinking that if the old man knew that he was face to face with his idol at such a close distance, he would be jealous, right? Why don't you find a woman who wants to sign a photo and give it to the old man as a gift?

Forget it, what if the old man does something bad with his photo? At the level of the old man's insignificance, he could completely do that kind of thing.

Yingzi's heart was inexplicably weird, wondering if the attitude of this Chinese man would be a little better? Is the change so big because the sea was soaked in the water during the tsunami or was there any purpose? He doesn't think he wants to have a double-flying too, right? Baga, this guy knows how to play.

If Li Zedao knew that Yingzi was slandering him like this in his heart, he would probably spit out old blood.

At the same time, the pink Yoko that Yingzi was holding in her arms, her smart eyes were also looking at the uncle very seriously and curiously.

My mother said before that the uncle who is coming home in a while is Yoko, a very important person, even as important as her mother. So the little girl is inevitably curious.

"Yoko, hurry up and say hello to uncle." Haneda Michiko looked at her daughter dotingly and said.

"Good uncle." The little girl's voice was tender and beautiful.

"Yoko is good." Li Zedao responded with a soft smile. He stretched out his hand and tried to stroke the cute little girl's head. The latter did not resist avoiding it, but smiled sweetly, letting Li Zedao touch it.

This made Yingzi's eyes widened slightly. It seems that Yoko is also very fond of this Chinese man, otherwise she would never like to be touched by someone, saying that she would become stupid if she touched it. How could she allow him to touch it? Where's your head?

The smile on Michiko Haneda's face even worsened, and even thinking of something in her mind, her face started to get a little hot.

Gently touched the cute little girl’s head, Li Zedao had a soft smile on his face, but his heart was agitated. If Antarctica’s feelings for him are true, if he is not caught by the **** yellow stone. It was cheated, so if you count the time, you have already upgraded to become a father, right?

Slightly shook his head, threw all these messy emotions out of his mind, and then entered this simple but delicate small courtyard, and then passed through this small courtyard to the entrance.

Michiko Haneda took out a pair of slippers and put them in front of Li Zedao, even knelt down, stretched out his hand, and wanted to help Li Zedao slippers.

"Uh...I can do it myself, thank you." Li Zedao dodged and said with a weird face and a light cough. I thought that this woman was really thinking about herself, and as time went by, that kind of thinking became stronger, otherwise how could she make such a move? It’s too dangerous. This place is too dangerous. What's the difference between a sheep entering a wolf den?

"Ah... okay." Michiko Haneda reacted, hurriedly got up and his head was low, his eyes were a little afraid to meet Li Zedao's eyes, that face was already red and hot, just like a ripe red apple .

In fact, she has just fallen into a state of opening the door to welcome her husband who is coming home. She has put her slippers in front of her husband in this way many times, and helped him take off his shoes, unconsciously. , She also regarded Li Zedao as her husband.

Seeing this, Yingzi, who was behind them, shook her head slightly. She knew that Michiko was completely stunned here. She really regarded this Chinese man as her husband in her heart, otherwise she would not be able to do it. This move came out.

Meisou glanced at Li Zedao, and there was an urge to beat him violently. How many people were thinking of Michiko, this guy is good, Michiko took the initiative to approach him but pushed him away. It’s better to be in front of a beast. !

Yingzi has always looked down on those who are inferior to animals!

After changing the shoes, Michiko Haneda invited Li Zedao into the room and sat down on the sofa, while Eiko took Yoko back to the room and gave the space to Michiko Haneda and Li Zedao.

After consulting Li Zedao’s opinion, Haneda Michiko sent a cup of fragrant tea on the table in front of Li Zedao, and then sat down on the sofa in front of him, watching Li Zedao open the door and asked softly: "You are on the phone. Li said, do you need Michiko's help?"

Li Zedao nodded and said, "Do you know how to make-up? After painting, you can completely turn one person into another."

There are four major sorceries in Asia, namely, China’s PS, island country makeup, Korean cosmetic surgery, and Thailand’s transgender. These four sorceries can make ugly women beautiful, and even men into women. Call terror!

"Make-up?" Michiko was stunned. Obviously, she didn't expect that Li Zedao would suddenly have this completely infinite question, and then replied, "Michiko will only put on some simple light makeup, the kind you said, Michiko doesn't Yes, but Yingzi will do. Her makeup skills are very powerful. She can turn a girl with an ordinary face into a very cute girl, and even make a boy into a girl... You want the kind The effect?"

Looking at this handsome face, I imagined him in makeup as a woman, and couldn't help but "huh!" I was amused.

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