The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1707: Stay overnight

"What's the matter?" Seeing this woman actually smiled, Li Zedao was a little inexplicable.

"Ah, it's okay, I'm really sorry, Michiko has lost her mind, Michiko just suddenly remembered a joke..." Michiko Haneda quickly stopped laughing and said with embarrassment, a trace of blush appeared on her pink cheeks.

Li Zedao nodded and didn't ask much, and continued: "Some reasons, so I want to be another person through makeup. Of course, it doesn't matter if I become a woman, but it doesn't matter if I become uglier."

Li Zedao feels that he has become extremely handsome now. Even the island makeup technique, one of the four major sorceries, cannot be more handsome. Of course, he cannot become more handsome, because the effect he wants is a little more popular. Don't be so eye-catching like the only firefly in the dark.

"It turns out that Yingzi can help you with this point." Michiko Haneda nodded. As for other things, she didn't ask much. She is a very smart woman. In addition, she is influenced by some traditions of the island country. , She won't ask too much, just do what she should do.

"In addition, after putting on makeup, I need an island country identity. Can you help me make one?" Li Zedao asked again, "At that time, you will say that your cousin will do anything."

"Michiko can help with this matter." Michiko Haneda nodded and said. With her connections and relationships, it is not too difficult to help him arrange an identity.

"Thank you." Li Zedao smiled and expressed his gratitude. Things went smoother than he had imagined, which made him feel very good.

"You are too polite, this is what Michiko should do." Michiko Haneda said with a soft smile, "If it weren't for you, my Yoko would be in danger of life, and the prescription you left that day was very effective. Yoko's complexion and physique are much better now."

"That's good." Li Zedao said. When I just looked at the little girl, I noticed that her complexion improved a lot, and she smelled the very faint smell of Chinese herbal medicine, so I guessed that Michiko Haneda still believed in the prescription she wrote. She has already purchased the medicine and decocted it for her daughter to take.

"In addition, after the earthquake, have you contacted me?" Li Zedao glanced at the woman, and immediately fell on the cup of fragrant tea in front of him, and took a sip.

Michiko nodded softly: "However, I have not been able to contact... The embassy staff said you are missing, but Michiko believes that you will be fine."

"Have you been to the embassy?" Li Zedao raised his brow slightly.

"Well, Michiko wanted to make sure you were okay, so I went to the embassy. They said that you were missing and that you are very important to China, so if you contact Michiko, Michiko must tell them. "Michiko nodded and said truthfully.

Although she didn't ask much, but Bingxue was smart and she was already aware that something was wrong. The reason why Li Zedao needed to disguise and be an island resident should be to avoid something.

"Don't let them know that I have come to you." Li Zedao solemnly explained.

Li Zedao knows very clearly that the embassy's actions are not only because of the influence of his mother and his women, but also because of the shadow of fc. They want to finally determine whether he is dead or not.

Even the haggard and sad expressions of the previous mother Xiao Qiangwei and the girls were featured and reported in major media. They are probably also fc's masterpieces. Is it to determine whether you are dead or not? If he weren't dead, he would definitely not help showing up when he saw his mother and Nintendo and the others.

Of course, at that time, Li Zedao couldn't even take care of himself, and couldn't even speak out, so even if he wanted to show up, it was impossible.

After that, Li Zedao, who had completely calmed down, figured out many things. In this case, he would not show up easily. He believed that once he showed up, fc would definitely do something, and the skull organization would definitely do it. If you try to kill him desperately, then, I am afraid that you will not be so lucky.

"Michiko knows." Michiko Haneda nodded seriously, and the guess in his heart was confirmed. Li Zedao was the official personnel who wanted to avoid China.

Of course, Michiko Haneda didn't care about why he avoided China's official personnel, as long as the Chinese man was safe.

Then there was a long period of silence. Li Zedao's problems were solved. Michiko Haneda didn't know what to say. The eyes of the two met occasionally, and they quickly moved away. The atmosphere seemed a little weird. There was also a slightly ambiguous atmosphere...It was mainly because Haneda Michiko's eyes that looked at Li Zedao involuntarily showed this emotion.

"Then... please ask Miss Yingzi to come out and help me make up, and then help me get the identity of an island citizen as soon as possible." Li Zedao took the lead in breaking this silence. The woman's look at her made him a little bit Can't stand it.

"Oh, okay, please wait a moment, Michiko will go and talk to Eiko, and she will also explain to her, don't let anyone know your whereabouts." Michiko Haneda stood up and said to Li Ze with a slightly shy look in her eyes. Nodded slightly, then turned to leave, and handed the beautiful back to Li Zedao.

Li Zedao looked at that figure, feeling in his heart, no matter where it was, he would always be liked by beautiful girls... Li Zedao silently asked himself such a question in his heart, why am I so good?

Rao's IQ was completely reformed by Shen Wan, but Li Zedao still didn't understand the answer to this question.

Michiko Haneda did not go to Eiko immediately, but with a shy face, she brought Li Zedao a cup of fragrant tea. Then she went up to the second floor and found Eiko in the room. She first planned Li Zedao to let her help with makeup. Tell Yingzi, and also solemnly told Yingzi, don't let anyone know that Li Zedao has been here.

Yingzi listened, her eyes widened slightly: "That Huaxia person did not commit any major things in China, right? Is he trying to avoid Huaxia's official eyeliner?"

Michiko Haneda shook his head, saying that he didn't know, and of course, he didn't care. She believed that Li Zedao would not do anything that hurts the world, after all, the devil would not take care of the consequences to rescue her daughter.

"Don't get involved in any bad things because of him." Seeing Haneda Michiko's indifferent smile, Hideko reminded with a happy mood in her eyes.

"Don't worry, he is so powerful, so even if there is anything, he will definitely solve it." Michiko Haneda has inexplicable confidence in Li Zedao, "It's you, hurry up and help him put on makeup, but don't let him Waited a long time."

"I got it." Yingzi said irritably.

Although Eiko ridiculed Haneda Michiko habitually, but in front of Li Zedao, she seemed to be a different person, respectful, and even a little nervous.

Regardless of whether this man committed something serious in China or not, the scene at the Sumiyoshi Club Casino really happened. Not only did this man leave a bullet hole on Fujii's body, he even took away a face value five. If the check of 100 million island national currency angered him, God knows what will happen.

Yingzi briefly communicated with Li Zedao, and then said that he knew what kind of costume he wanted to put on for him. It is much easier to dress a handsome person as ugly and a little more popular than to dress an ugly woman as a cute girl.

But Michiko Haneda doesn't have those makeup tools that make people dazzling at first sight, so she has to go back and get them, and she also has to choose a few suitable clothes.

If you want to be unobtrusive, you can't wear clothes that are too eye-catching.

"Trouble." Li Zedao looked at the woman and expressed his gratitude.

"You are polite." Yingzi said with a smile. After this brief exchange, her impression of this Chinese man has changed a bit. At the same time, her secret nervousness has decreased a lot and she has become a little more casual.

In her impression, this Chinese man should be arrogant and imposingly cool, but it is obviously inappropriate to put these labels on him now.

Funny, elegant, and even occasionally a hint of shyness is revealed, just like a young virgin who has just begun to love him. This shyness makes Yingzi find it very interesting.

"Then I’ll go and prepare first, but today’s time is too late, plus I still have some things to deal with, so, I’ll be here tomorrow morning, and you can stay at Michiko. There are still some djs now. It's messy, Michiko and Yoko are at home, I'm not so relieved." Yingzi directly helped Li Zedao decide where to live, and looked back at Michiko and blinked.

Since Michiko fell in love with him, Eiko naturally had to help her create an opportunity.

The latter's face was already reddened, and there was a touch of shyness between her brows. Of course, deep in her heart, she naturally hoped that Li Zedao could stay. It was very simple and had no other meaning, that is... She actually didn't understand that she was now. What kind of mood, it seems that there are all kinds of emotions, exciting, shy, warm...

"Uh...this..." Li Zedao looked at Michiko Haneda with a little embarrassment and hesitation. It was obviously not good to stay. After all, people who are orphans and widows do not have a bad reputation when they go out... Okay, here it is. Island countries are far more open than China, so the so-called badness does not seem to exist.

Don't stay... will it be a bit beast? *My sister said, now DJ is a bit messy and unsafe. This is really tangled.

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