The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1712: Return to China

Yingzi listened, but also moved his heart. The eyes with teardrops swept Li Zedao amorously, and joked: "Little brother, after going to China, you will raise me?"

Li Zedao felt dumbfounded and touched his nose, and said, "Of course Michiko and I won't care about you. I can even introduce you to a handsome guy."

Yingzi's heart was depressed, and he cursed angrily: "Baga, there are a lot of beckonings if I want a handsome guy. How about introducing you? Nosy."

"Yes, yes, Sister Yingzi, of course, you have such a charm. If you beckon, the handsome guy you attract can at least circle the earth." Li Ze said with a smile and flattered.

He is not a wood, so he probably understands the cautious thinking of this sturdy woman, but he didn't dare to think more, nor did he want to provoke.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't mean to look down upon him. He was not so boring. The main reason is that this woman’s background is too terrifying. If she provokes her to let her fans know, Li Zedao feels that his name will spread throughout the world, and it will also cause many otaku attacks. At that time, one person will spit. You can drown him.

"Baga, two laps, okay?" Yingzi glared at Li Zedao, too dissatisfied with the flattering this guy took.

"Two laps, two laps." Li Zedao smiled and quickly changed his words.

"However, if you really want to introduce, if the handsome guy introduced is more handsome than you, you can consider it." Yingzi winked over. She has always been very familiar with Li Zedao for a few days, and from time to time she wants to "seduce" him, and every time she sees him in an unusual embarrassment or even running away, she laughs in a splendid manner.

Li Zedao said with a bitter face: "Sister Yingzi, you are embarrassing me too much. Even if you look at the whole world, you can't find anyone more handsome than me."

Yingzi couldn't hold back his joy, and then put up a **** directly at Li Zedao very contemptuously.

Michiko Haneda pursed her lips and smiled, looking at the man with admiration, she also agreed with Li Zedao's words.

At that moment, Hideko took Haneda Michiko and talked for a while, and then hugged Yoko very fondly. Then he put Yoko into Li Zedao's arms and waved his hand and said: "Time is almost up, you should go through security."

After thinking for a while, watching Li Zedao blinked and added: "Little brother, what you just said successfully moved my heart, so I might really go to China."

Li Zedao smiled and nodded and said: "Then I and Michiko are waiting for you in China. If there are any problems that can't be solved, please call me at any time."

"Of course, you are my little brother. Who do I call you when I am in trouble?" Yingzi said unceremoniously, "Okay, go in now."

Chaoyingzi waved his hand, and the three of them walked towards the security gate.

It wasn't until the backs of the three of them disappeared before her eyes that Yingzi turned around and left, and her heart was undoubtedly confused: "Go to Huaxia? Not to Huaxia? Annoying kid, this is not to make my sister tangled to death. ?"

After passing the security check with Yoko, the three came to the boarding gate and found a place to sit down, waiting for the boarding time to arrive.

"My dear, Eiko likes you." Michiko Haneda said softly, taking a look at Yoko who was sitting in Li Zedao's arms and reading the comic book, with his head resting on Li Zedao's shoulder, her small face was full of happiness and sweetness. There is also the kind of vision for the future.

Li Zedao smiled and looked down at this pretty face: "Aren't you jealous?"

"Do you think Michiko should be jealous?" Michiko Haneda smiled lightly. "I'm talking about it, Michiko is not qualified to be jealous, isn't it? And to be honest, if Eiko can be with you and you take care of her for the rest of her life, I will be very Happy for her."

"The way she feels about me can't be said to be like it, she has a good feeling at most. After all, I am so handsome and so delicious. If she doesn't respond, it will be impossible. Alas, dear Miss Michiko, she is handsome. It's really not my fault to be excellent." Li Zedao said with emotion.

Michiko Haneda pursed her lips and laughed, her eyes were full of love and looked at the man who was stinking, echoing: "It's indeed not your fault."

Li Zedao was really satisfied with what Haneda Michiko said and continued: "To be more precise, seeing you become so happy after meeting me, is it touched in my heart? However, even if she is tired of the present This kind of life, but I didn't dare to let it go easily... how can I put it? In fact, sister Ying's heart is very empty and insecure. Sudden changes in the environment will make her feel very insecure."

"That's it." Michiko Haneda nodded gently.

"Of course, if she really gave up everything she had in the island country and went to China, of course I would not leave her alone." Li Zedao said again.

After a few days of getting along, Li Zedao still admires this woman as she learns more about this woman. She is generous and righteous but also sleek. He has his own set of management methods. No wonder Sumiyoshi would value her so much. , Let her control part of the financial power.

However, it may be due to other occupational reasons. This woman actually lacks a serious sense of security.

Michiko Haneda smiled charmingly, put his arms around his arms, and leaned his head on his shoulders. While enjoying such a warm moment, he asked: "Shall we arrive in Yanjing first? Then go back to the Phoenix city you mentioned?"

"Well, let's go to Yanjing first." Li Zedao nodded and said, the eyes hidden under the black-rimmed glasses were already filled with a daunting coldness.

fc, Sumen, Director Yang, and the man pretending to be a member of the skull and should pay a price!

Of course, Li Zedao will not make things big, not because they can’t, but because they can’t, really can’t. After making things big, he can of course go away, but fc will definitely anger those he knows. Not what Li Zedao wanted to see.

But it's okay to bite a big piece of meat on fc, and slap a few slaps on their faces. He wants fc to know that he is not ruthless, but he does not want to be ruthless, that's all!

At the same time, Sister Bei's figure appeared in Li Zedao's mind.

"Sister Bei, wait for me, and I will appear in front of you soon and take you away." Li Zedao said in a voice that only he could hear, his hand was already slightly clenched into a fist.


The foothills of Tianshou Mountain in Yanjing are familiar to most people. That is because the famous Ming Tombs are located here. Of course, what’s less known is that the ground of Tianshou Mountain has already been built. A high-tech product, a powerful weapon, and a variety of other research laboratories.

But without exception, the research directions in this laboratory are all related to war and national defense, how to improve the weapons and equipment of soldiers, how to improve individual combat capabilities, so as to improve the accuracy and power of attack...

At this time, in this underground world, in a room with white walls on all sides and only a small window that even children cannot pass through, a thin but pretty figure lying quietly on the only one. Small bed.

Her large indifferent eyes stared at the ceiling quietly, as if nothing could be noticed, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

At the same time, Director Yang and Su Men were standing in front of the small window. They had been standing here for ten minutes. During these ten minutes, the woman in the room remained motionless, even her eyes seemed to be Never blinked.

Looking at the girl in the room through the window, Director Yang let out a sigh of apology in his heart.

By now, he himself was confused as to whether the decision he made hastily was right or wrong. Of course, it had already happened, so even if he regretted it, it was of no use anymore.

"Let's go, I got some news." Director Yang looked back at Su Men and said.

Sumen nodded and said nothing. Of course, he was quite dissatisfied with the old man in his heart. He had already said that he would offer this woman as a bodhisattva, but this old man was good, and he would come and see it from time to time. People stared at him as if he was going to do something beastly to him.

This move made Su Men very upset.

At the moment the two returned to the office one after another.

Sumen was making tea, while Director Yang frowned and briefly said the news he had received.

Sumen picked up the cup of green tea soup in front of him, took a sip and glanced at Director Yang who was aside, and said, "You mean, that Michiko Haneda came to Yanjing?"

Director Yang frowned slightly and nodded.

More than three months ago, DJ had a major earthquake and tsunami. After that, Li Zedao completely lost track. Although Director Yang and Su Men didn't think that Li Zedao still had any chance of being alive, many arrangements were still being made and many eye lines were laid in order to get Li Zedao's whereabouts as soon as possible.

After that, a woman named Michiko Haneda went to the China DJ Embassy in the island country to find out the whereabouts of Li Zedao, and naturally it attracted the attention of Director Yang and the others.

After some investigation, Li Zedao did save the life of Michiko Haneda's daughter at the beach before. Perhaps because of this reason, this woman expressed concern.

And now, Michiko Haneda is about to arrive in Yenching.

Of course this is nothing. Who ruled that islanders cannot come to Yanjing? It's just that she was listed as one of the people related to Li Zedao, so her move to reach Yanjing was naturally amplified by fc.

Will her sudden visit to Yanjing have anything to do with Li Zedao?

Not to mention, she was not the only one who came here, but also her husband, Nanjia Kato...a name that made people wonder how to complain.

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