However, during the previous investigation of Michiko Haneda, her husband was dead and raised a daughter by herself. Why does she have a husband now? Moreover, according to the investigation, the relationship was formally confirmed by the marriage certificate received a few days before coming to Yanjing, and the certificate was received very low-key. No wedding banquet was held.

Choose to come to Yanjing...A vacation here?

"Lao Yang, you are so suspicious, isn't it necessary?" Su Men poured another cup of tea for himself, feeling somewhat disapproving, thinking that Director Yang was really too nervous.

It's been so long, even half of his women have left him, but the kid still has no news, so the only possibility is that the kid is dead, and Sumen said nothing that he thought the **** kid had Any possibility of being alive.

Director Yang took out a photo from his body and pushed it in front of Sumen.

"Who is this guy who looks so stupid?" Sumen glanced at the photo. With small eyes and big nose, it was ugly and wretched, so there is no doubt that this is an island nation, not mixed with any ethnic group. An island nation with a pure blood lineage!

"Naka ​​Kato, the current husband of Michiko Haneda, established a husband-and-wife relationship with Michiko Haneda a week ago. Once the relationship was established, they left DJ and came to Yenching." Director Yang's eyes fell on the photo, his expression appeared. Said somewhat solemnly.

"That's a new marriage. It's not impossible to choose to come to Yanjing for a honeymoon?" Su Men asked, of course he knew that Director Yang thought this was a suspicious point. Of course, in his opinion, there was nothing suspicious of it at all.

"You look at those eyes carefully, don't you think those eyes are a bit strange?"

Seeing Director Yang's expression so dignified, Su Men frowned, picked up the photo, stared at the dull man in the photo, and shook his head for a while and said, "What's weird?"

The look in the kid's eyes in the photo is indeed wretched, but isn't it a normal thing? Many islanders have such a pair of eyes. What's so strange?

"Don't you think how familiar his eyes are with that kid?" Director Yang had to remind him again. When he saw this photo, he instinctively thought that Nanjia Kato was pretending to be Li Zedao, and then the more he looked at his eyes, the more he felt like... that kid's eyes were sometimes so wretched.

With the black lines on Su Men’s face, looking at Director Yang is like looking at an idiot: "You can figure it out. Although I think that kid is very upset, I can’t stand it anymore, Lao Yang. He’s already Don't insult him when you die."


Director Yang was almost choked to death by Sumen's words, and said angrily: "Old Su, I'm serious!"

"Old Yang, I'm serious too." Sumen's eyes looked at Director Yang and looked at the idiot. "It's like not waking up at all. How can such a pair of wretched eyes be like that kid? How similar are they?"

Although Su Men looked down on Li Zedao very much, he had to think that the boy's eyes were too good-looking. To put it in plain terms, they were as deep as the starry sky.

When Sumen saw those eyes, he did have the feeling of seeing the stars in the sky.

As for the dark and dark eyes with bags under the eyes in the photo, Sumen thought of two bubbles of shit, which makes him feel sick.

"Old Su, if you look carefully, I really feel a bit like it." Director Yang still felt that he was right.

"Lao Yang, you are too nervous, and you value that kid too much. You always feel that he is still alive. If the women who saw the kid have contact with a man, you must think that the man is not Li Zedao pretending to be. If I remember correctly, this is the seventh man you think might be Li Zedao pretending to be, right?"

Director Yang thought for a while, this should be the eighth one.

"I said, you won't have a mental problem? Do you want to check it?" Sumen expressed concern.

"Ahem..." Director Yang's old face turned slightly red. Hearing what Sumen said, he felt that he was really a little mentally abnormal and suspicious all day long.

"However, I still can't be careless, can I?" Without being 100% sure that the island country man named Kato Nanjia is not Li Zedao, Director Yang couldn't rest assured of anything.

His heart is actually very contradictory. On the one hand, he is worried that Li Zedao is still alive, but on the other hand he hopes that he is still alive...

"Whatever you do, anyway, you have more power than me. I can't control you in any decision you make." Sumen didn't bother to say anything to the old man, and immediately pinched the photo in his hand into a ball. Throw it in the trash can aside. He thinks that this old man is probably already in the ranks of dementia, otherwise why is he always so nervous, not normal?


"Dear friends, dj's flight to Yanjing is about to land. At this time, the ground temperature in Yanjing..."

Affected by the DJ earthquake and the subsequent tsunami, the occupancy rate on the plane is actually not so ideal. There are not many passengers and the plane seems a bit empty.

Moreover, many people on the plane were Chinese, and they were basically not tourists. Many of them were family friends who went to DJ to bring back the remains of the deceased or were waiting for news of the missing persons.

Many Chinese people who went to DJ to travel or do business or study abroad were killed in this earthquake and tsunami, and even their bodies were not found.

Therefore, the atmosphere on the plane is naturally not very good. It is filled with a touch of sadness. Some even hold a delicate small jar in their arms, which is naturally filled with ashes.

Li Zedao, Haneda Michiko and Yoko are in the first class, and there are only three of them in the first class.

When he first got on the plane, the little guy was very excited, and then became tired, and fell asleep curled up in Li Zedao's arms. After Yoko fell asleep, Li Zedao and Michiko Haneda hugged each other and took out the tablet to watch the movie. Michiko Haneda was very interested in ghost movies, but she didn't dare to watch it when she was alone, but with Li Zedao watching it with her, she was much bolder.

However, she was so frightened that Hua Rong almost screamed. In the end, she even covered her face, staring at the gap between her fingers.

Such behavior naturally made Li Zedao dumbfounded. He felt that Michiko like this was really cute, so cute that he even wanted to put him in his arms and kiss him.

After the broadcast, the plane quickly began to taxi on the ground, like a silver monster rumbling towards the castle ahead.

Li Zedao looked outside the window, and said with inexplicable emotion: "This is China's power center, Yanjing City."

In fact, when he was in the laboratory, Li Zedao really thought he was dead, not to mention that he had suffered extremely serious injuries. Even if he was well, he would not want to escape from there, and he would definitely suffocate to death afterwards.

But unexpectedly, a big earthquake occurred, and the strong vibration threw him out of the gap. Then there was a tsunami, and the sea water backflowed him to the small island.

Therefore, I can still return to Yanjing now, but Li Zedao can't help but sigh.

"This is Yanjing City." Michiko Haneda also looked at this familiar and unfamiliar city seriously and curiously. The reason why she is said to be familiar is that she has seen its wonderful stories on TV before and seen its legends in novels, so she is familiar with this city.

Moreover, after she decided to come to China with Li Zedao, she checked a lot of information about the two cities of Yanjing and Phoenix.

The reason why she is said to be unfamiliar is naturally because this is the first time she has come to this country with a long history and set foot on this magical land.

"This is Yanjing." Li Zedao's eyes fell outside the window, and there was already a touch of coldness in the depths of his eyes that was not easily noticeable.

The plane finally stopped, Li Zedao took Haneda Michiko, holding Yoko who was still asleep, and took the lead to disembark under the guidance of the stewardess.

After getting off the plane, Li Zedao first took off the luggage. Not much, only two suitcases. After taking out the luggage, he did not leave the airport in a hurry. Instead, he went to the bank at the airport and exchanged some island currency. Huaxia coins, after all, island currencies cannot buy things in China.

After the change, he held Yoko, who was looking at the completely different scenery around him with wide eyes curiously, and walked out of the airport with his suitcase to the outside.

Sweeping the surrounding scenery that seemed so familiar, and looking at the people around him who seemed so friendly, Li Zedao took a deep breath and frowned slightly.

"My dear, are you okay?" Seeing Li Zedao frowned, Haneda Michiko thought he had remembered something bad, and asked softly.

"Oh, it's okay, but the air is still so bad." Li Zedao smiled.

"Puff!" Michiko Haneda couldn't hold back his joy, and cast a blank look at his beloved man, with a happy and ambiguous face. Then she wrinkled her nose, and sure enough, the air was not ideal.

At that moment, Li Zedao glanced at a man who was making a call not far away with the corner of his eye. The corner of his mouth was already slightly tilted with a hint of indifference. As expected, as soon as they arrived in Yanjing, It is in a state of being closely monitored.

They suspect that they might be Li Zedao? What look? So frantic? How could it be Li Zedao that this face is so terrible?

Following the flow of people in line to board the taxi, it was quickly their turn. At the moment, Li Zedao first let Michiko, who was holding Yoko, get in the car first. After he put the suitcase in the trunk of the taxi, he got on the car.

After getting in the car, Li Zedao looked at the middle-aged driver and smiled dumbly, then handed a note in his hand and gestured to indicate that he planned to go to this hotel.

Of course, the note was prepared in advance, with two lines of Chinese characters written skewedly on it, including the name and address of the hotel.

Since I'm acting, I have to prepare some props. This note is undoubtedly props.

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