The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1714: Rabbit dead dog cooking

"Grass, little devil, I said, he looks so superb. I must have not read the almanac today when I went out today, and I will have to wash the car later." The taxi driver muttered, not loud, but enough for Li Zedao and Haneda Michiko to listen. To.

Of course, the driver's master also expected that this island* and this island country **** would definitely not understand Chinese language, so he dared to mumble such a sentence unscrupulously.

But I have to say, this **** is still very good-looking, he must have taken av? Oh, that little kid will definitely be the first-class material for AV when he grows up...

While slandering him with evil in his heart, the driver's master glanced at the crooked words on the note, nodded to indicate that he knew it, and stepped down the accelerator and left the airport.

Next, it was obviously about fifteen minutes away, and the driver's master just went around for nearly an hour before arriving at the hotel where Li Zedao wanted to stay.

Li Zedao naturally pretended to be ignorant, and handed the driver three hundred-yuan bills in exchange, politely thanking him, but did not let him find the money, then took Haneda Michiko and Yoko out of the car, and took the luggage from the back of the taxi. Take it out from the box.

"Damn, just give it that?" The driver master didn't thank Li Zedao for giving more money, but felt that he gave less. After all, he resisted nausea and stayed with the three dogs for an hour. Doesn't he need to pay a little for mental damage? ?

After seeing Li Zedao taking out his luggage and closing the trunk door, the driver's master yelled a few words with a dirty mouth. At the same time, he kicked the accelerator and the car galloped forward.

At this moment, I only heard a muffled sound of "Boom!", the taxi that drove out about two hundred meters started to sway from side to side, and then suddenly lost control and crashed into the park. On a BMW car on the side of the road.

Looking at the driver in the car, he was gasping for breath, looking in a panic, but when he saw that he had hit a BMW, and the collision was very serious, the muscles on his face were instantly crazy. Pumped up.

He didn't even know what was going on, he just imagined the scene where the island country **** was pressed under his body in his mind, and then suddenly it went dark in front of him, and then he ran into someone else's car. On it.

And it was a BMW x6 with a price of millions of dollars... The driver's eyes were black, and he really fainted.

Not far away, Li Zedao, who was about to walk into the hotel with Yoko and Michiko Haneda in his arms, saw this scene, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Horse eggs, let you deliberately detour and make your mouth dirty!

Michiko Haneda took his eyes back from the taxi that suddenly lost control and hit the car on the side of the road. Seeing that sneer appeared at the corner of Li Zedao's mouth, he pursed his lips and smiled, knowing that Li Zedao did this.

She didn't know what the driver was muttering, but she probably didn't sound good, right? That's why Li Zedao taught him such a lesson.

"What happened?" Li Zedao expressed surprise, "Isn't that the taxi we just made?"

"Michiko doesn't know either." Michiko Haneda blinked her eyes slightly, a bit funny, but with a somewhat stunned expression.

"Dad, where is this place?" The little girl hugged Li Zedao's neck tightly with her hands, her big innocent eyes looked around. Since she woke up, she had asked Li Zedao this question more than once.

"This is Huaxia, Yanjing, Dad will take Yoko to eat some good food first, and then take Yoko to the zoo to see the tiger tomorrow, okay?" Li Zedao looked at his lovely daughter, only feeling that his heart melted. Pretending to continue to pay attention to the taxi.

"Dad, I also want to look at elephants, monkeys, and giraffes with such a long neck." The little girl cheered and embraced Li Zedao's neck and kissed him...

"Although Dad doesn't know how to become handsome in a while, and ugly in a while, Yoko will not dislike her father. Whether he is handsome or ugly, he is Yoko's good father..."

This is what the little girl said to Li Zedao very seriously before. When she heard this, Li Zedao's eyes were inexplicably wet and she kissed her pink face several times.

Li Zedao intends to stay in a five-star hotel without a reservation in advance, but he has stayed in this hotel before, so he knows that the environment here is not bad.

Of course, it's not the peak tourist season, so even if you don't make a reservation, you will definitely have a room available.

The hotel rooms are comfortable, and of course the price per night is also expensive, but this little money is of course not a big deal to a rich woman like Haneda Michiko, and even less to Li Zedao. If he is willing to earn tens of millions or even hundreds of millions a day, it is all easy, he only needs to enter a large casino.

And the high standard of the hotel also has its advantages, at least there are staff who are familiar with the island’s Mandarin who can help with the translation... Naturally it is acting, naturally, it is natural to pretend not to understand Chinese. In addition, the hotel also helps provide travel by car and book tickets for various attractions.

After booking the room, Li Zedao also told the waiter about his itinerary over the past few days and asked him to book tickets for various attractions.

Li Zedao has already arranged the itinerary for these few days. He plans to take Michiko Haneda and Yoko to visit the major attractions in Yanjing and eat all kinds of delicious snacks in Yanjing.

This way, on the one hand, you can naturally enjoy the life of a family of three first, and you can also eliminate fc's guard against yourself as much as possible to facilitate some future actions.

The hotel naturally provides car rental services, but the price of car rental is expensive. Of course, this little money is not a big deal for Li Zedao. He soon signed a car rental contract, rented a car, and let the hotel The staff helped to change the navigation in the car to the island Mandarin version as soon as possible.

After that, he checked the car that he had rented and was parked at the entrance of the hotel, and got the car's key. Li Zedao was led by the waiter to the reserved room.

Sure enough, the room environment is very good, all kinds of equipment are readily available, just like a warm little home.

At the same time, at the corner of the five-star hotel, a man stood there, whispering to the invisible headset plugged in his ears, reporting: "Everything is normal, and nothing is going on."

Although the taxi they got off suddenly crashed, the man didn’t think it had anything to do with the islanders

On the other end of the phone, a low voice rang: "Tiger, report your situation."

"Report, I'm already in the hotel, and I'm ready." Another indifferent voice sounded.

"Go and install the invisible camera, and pay close attention to the actions of the islanders." A low voice sounded.


After entering the room, before Li Zedao had time to take off his shoes and take a rest, the door of the room was knocked gently.

Right now, after Li Zedao gave Haneda Michiko a look, he walked over to open the door, and saw that the beautiful waiter who helped translating at the front desk appeared there, followed by a man behind her, dressed up from the man Judging from the tool kit slanted across his body, it is not difficult to see that this should be an electrician.

"Sir, I’m sorry to disturb you. It’s like this. The internet in this room has some trouble before, which will cause your internet device to not connect to the internet. You just checked in when our master was about to repair it. So is it convenient for our master to go in for repairs? It won't take you too much time." The waitress nodded slightly towards Li Ze, and said apologetically.

"Of course it's convenient, please come in." Li Zedao nodded politely, and naturally sneered in his heart. He probably knew what the other party was planning to do.

Right now, he glanced at the electrician, but thought of something in his mind as if it had been electrically charged, and the heart contracted violently a few times.

Li Zedao has never seen this face, but the man's eyes Li Zedao is very familiar, and it can even be said that it is deeply portrayed in his heart!

He was an ordinary-looking foreign man in his forties, with a hooked nose, brown eyes, and a bare head. That foreign man had the same eyes as the electrician in front of him...indifferent and low, just As if there was no way to arouse his interest at any time.

The foreign man appeared in the hotel room at the same time as the assassin. Finally, he took Bei away!

Therefore, Li Zedao is almost 100% sure that the foreign man is actually the electrician who appears in front of him now!

And without even thinking about it, this electrician must be a member of fc, so my previous guesses have been verified once again. Please killer attacking the North and finally taking it with him is not the Skeleton Organization, but fc!

Their purpose is self-evident! They want to completely plunge themselves into a state of madness and then bite with the skeleton organization! They want to die with General Skull!

To put it more accurately, they don’t trust themselves, they are jealous of themselves, they are jealous of themselves, so they want to get rid of themselves through the hands of the Skeleton Organization!

This is a bit of a flavour!

Of course, this kind of thing has not happened rarely in the long history of history, but Li Zedao never expected that it would happen to him, which made Li Zedao angry and feel honored... After all, all those who received this treatment were left in history. The big people with thick ink strokes, they really value themselves too much.

Of course, although the heart contracted violently, Li Zedao's expression did not change, the various auras on his body were even more convergent, but the moment he turned around, the corner of his mouth was already curled up with an extremely cold touch. Range!

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