Wang Hui smiled and squeezed these little hands firmly, as if he wanted to hold the world: "So, this is fate. God hopes that we can be together."

"Then treat me well, don't bully me or make me angry." Pan Xiaoting's beautiful eyes blinked.

"Haha, how dare I bully you, is it because you are bullying me?" Wang Hui pretended to be pitiful, "Look, once I confirm the relationship, I will take everything from my salary card, car keys, and house keys. Leave it to you, and then you can give me a monthly allowance of at most 20,000..."

This is naked-showing off his wealth, making the waiter on the side look at Wang Hui and start to light up, and Pan Xiaoting is full of envy.

I think about her monthly salary, but 20,000 yuan is just a month's pocket money. The waitress was melancholy, and she didn't look bad, how could she not find such a handsome and rich boyfriend?

"What? Do you think 20,000 yuan is too much?" Pan Xiaoting asked with a smile.

"My wife, I was wrong." Wang Hui surrendered decisively. If he was young, he would not even have the money to refuel.

"Fuck off, who is your wife?" Pan Xiaoting's pretty face floated with a seductive blush, her beautiful eyes simply looked around, when her eyes were opposite to Li Zedao, who seemed to have raised her head wretched eyes. , And then quickly moved away, at the same time, there was a trace of disgust in his eyes.

She didn't like those ugly eyes very much, and the point was that the ugly look in these ugly eyes made her dislike even more.

Then her eyes fell on the pink and jade-shaped Yoko sitting next to Li Zedao, her eyes lit up instantly, and she subconsciously whispered: "Wang Hui, look, that little girl is so cute."

The pink jade-shaped Yoko is undoubtedly the focus. Anyone who sees it will have the urge to come and pinch her pink face, and Pan Xiaoting is no exception.

At the same time, Pan Xiaoting wondered, is such a cute little girl the daughter of that wretched guy? Wouldn't it be abducted? Or did she follow her mother? Of course she had noticed the petite and beautiful girl sitting there, and she couldn't help but feel that the girl's eyes were too unique, or that the guy with the not surprisingly looking and wretched eyes was actually very rich. People?

You may not look good these days, but you must have a lot of money. It seems that he belongs to the latter.

Wang Hui looked over, and his eyes lit up and echoed: "It's really cute."

Then he closed his eyes and looked at Pan Xiaoting's pretty face, with an ambiguous tone: "However, I believe that if the two of us have daughters in the future, they will definitely be cuter than that little girl."

"Fuck you!" Pan Xiaoting gave him a smile, "Who gave birth to a daughter with you?"

"You, Xiaoting, let me tell you, don't want to go wrong. Last night you said that you want to give birth to a child. Then I recorded it. If you don't believe me, I will let you see."

"Ah, you hate it, you're a pervert..." Pan Xiaoting glared at Wang Hui angrily, and the powder fist hit his shoulder.

When Li Zedao's eyes looked at Pan Xiaoting unintentionally, the latter's somewhat disgusting reaction immediately caused Li Zedao to slam his heart down, although it has been carefully disguised and it has become completely I missed another person, but after spending some time together day and night, I really don’t recognize it at all?

And, what do you mean by what you just said?

"I think the most right thing I have done in my life is that I ran for an interview that day. In fact, I originally wanted to interview another company..."

These words were undoubtedly like a sharp knife, and it stabbed Li Zedao in the heart! He wanted to get up and walk in front of Pan Xiaoting, tear off his disguise in front of her, and then ask her if she meant it. I remember that you seemed to have told me before, the luckiest thing about you is meeting me, right?

After that, the sweet words of love and the ambiguous hands and feet between the two of them were more like flashes of lightning, constantly slashing on him, making Li Zedao feel that he was about to explode, and fiercely smashed a piece of his mouth. The duck meat was chewed and swallowed, and even the teeth were crushed, which made me feel better in my heart.

Finally, Li Zedao secretly exhaled a suffocating breath, and he had already figured it out. It was not that Pan Xiaoting gave him a cuckold, but that his mother Xiao Qiangwei and those women thought they were dead, so those women also made anew. chosen.

Isn't it what I wanted to do before letting them make another choice? So, shouldn't it be blessed now?

Just like Michiko, she loves her ex-husband very much, but her ex-husband has passed away, you can't ask her to say that she must be a widow and not pursue a new life, otherwise she will be shameless and a **** or something.

Li Ze Daoxin was relieved all of a sudden, without any discomfort. He only wants to grasp the present, and he also wants to control his future, so what has passed, let it pass.

But... why do you want to teach that man so much? It must be that he laughed too wretchedly, too hypocritical, and it is really disgusting to eat.

Judging from Li Zedao's eyes, that Wang Hui seemed gentle and refined, but that was actually pretended to be. From what I said just now, 20,000 yuan a month, it can be seen that this is actually a hypocritical. The guy... Li Zedao was willing to send four, and his conclusion had nothing to do with Pan Xiaoting.

In order to have a little appetite, and to enable Pan Xiaoting to see the disguise of this hypocritical guy earlier, Li Zedao felt that he should do something, so his hand under the table flicked, one The button torn from his clothes screamed out in an instant, as fast as a bullet, and slammed into one of the legs of the chair sitting under Wang Hui's ass.

"Bang!" With a soft sound, the button hit one leg of the chair severely. The button turned directly into powder, and the chair's leg was cracked.

Of course, no one can hear this kind of sound in this noisy environment, and even if he hears it, he won't care about it at all.

But the noise that followed, and the noise that came out immediately attracted the attention of many people.

He only heard a sharp sound of "click!", one of the legs of the chair where Wang Hui was sitting on his buttocks simply broke from the middle.

Wang Hui was a person who could not be prevented. He fell heavily to the ground. He screamed subconsciously, and instinctively his hand panicked on the tablecloth, trying to grab something to protect him. He kept his body balanced, so the chopsticks and plates on the table were simply torn off by him.

Fortunately, the food and drinks ordered have not been delivered in time, otherwise it would be really messed up.

Pan Xiaoting also subconsciously exclaimed "Ah!", got up and avoided the chopsticks that were about to fall on her body, and then stared at Wang Hui who fell to the ground in embarrassment with wide eyes, a little dumbfounded for a while.

Like everyone else, Li Zedao's eyes were naturally "attracted" by this movement. Of course, no one saw the strange extent of the corner of his mouth.

Yoko's big eyes opened wide to watch this scene, and then her little head shook her head very incomprehensibly. She didn't understand why that uncle was so stupid that he could not even sit on a chair. Yoko was only four years old. , Will sit on their own.

"Ah, Wang Hui, are you okay?" After a few seconds of dumbfounded, Pan Xiaoting finally reacted, and quickly helped Wang Hui up.

At the same time, the waiter, who was also dumbfounded, rushed over. She didn't understand how this man who was the best standard for finding a boyfriend in her eyes fell.

The two women, one on the left and the other, helped Wang Hui, who looked so embarrassed, up.

Being supported, Wang Hui only felt the pain in his buttocks was like a needle stick, which was not enough to prevent a fall, but it was not light. Of course, the injury is minor, mainly because in this kind of public, there are so many eyes staring at him, and it is undoubtedly an extremely embarrassing thing to fall by such a big person.

Feeling the scorching and ridiculous gazes around, Wang Hui felt that his face was hot, as if he was slapped a few times by an invisible big hand. Find a gap and get in quickly.

"Sir, are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?" The waiter was a little nervous. She glanced at the chair that fell there and found that one of the legs of the chair had broken from it, which caused the customer to fall to the ground. , It's not that he accidentally fell. In other words, in this kind of thing, their restaurant is estimated to have to pay the full responsibility. You can never blame the customer for saying that you are too fat and the legs of the chair are folded, right?

Even if the customer's temper is a little bit irritable, he might swear, or even throw the table.

Therefore, this matter is naturally far beyond what the waiter can handle. Therefore, she intends to first determine if the customer has anything to do, and then report it to the manager to negotiate and deal with it.

It’s just that for Wang Hui, the waiter’s words of concern were tantamount to adding fuel to the fire, making his face even more ugly. At the same time, he also noticed that the reason why he fell was because of it. A chair leg broke in the middle, and it was not because of accidentally falling.

So, all of his anger suddenly came out, his handsome face was hideous, and he pushed away the waiter who helped him up, and the latter was unsteady. , Slammed his back heavily on a table beside him, and his face turned pale with pain.

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