The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1718: Don't be too Wang Hui

"Can this be okay? How did you open the restaurant? You even let the guests make this kind of chair that has broken one leg?" Wang Hui pointed to the short-legged chair on the floor and looked at the waiter and shouted, feeling his lungs. It's going to explode.

"Yes... I'm sorry..." the waiter wearing a cheongsam whispered. The expression of grievance and pain, but had to bear the anger of this customer.

"Damn you, I'm sorry to have a fart!" Wang Hui pointed at the waiter and cursed, "If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation in your store today, do you believe it or not that I smashed your store?"

"Don't get angry first, let's see if there is any injury." Pan Xiaoting took Wang Hui's hand. She saw Wang Hui holding her waist with one hand. She was somewhat worried. After all, the waist is very important to men.

Of course, I also feel embarrassed. After all, this is a big ugly under the public. You can clearly see from the corner of your eye that many people are laughing over there.

Of course, Wang Hui's violent mood was not shown in front of her at this time. It was completely different from his past calmness and temperament that seemed to control everything in his hands. , But Pan Xiaoting didn't think too much, who has no temper?

Moreover, this is indeed the store's responsibility. They put such a chair that was about to break down here, which caused Wang Hui to fall.

"I'm okay." Wang Hui glanced back at Pan Xiaoting, still having a bad attitude, and irritably threw off her hand holding her. What do you mean by holding on like this? After falling so badly, I couldn't even stand still.

Pan Xiaoting bit her lip lightly, a little annoyed, forget it, she's angry, so she won't care about you.

Involuntarily, she had already compared Wang Hui with Li Zedao in her mind.

If Li Zedao was sitting on the ground like today, he wouldn't feel embarrassed, would he not make such a big fire? After all, he has such a thick skin.

He wouldn't push the waiter away rudely, would he? Wouldn't you let go of your hand?

He just laughed, and when nothing happened, such a thing was a small thing to him, a small thing, he would not take such a small thing to heart.

Of course, he won't fall down either! He is so powerful that even if the leg of the chair suddenly breaks, he will not fall.

Pan Xiaoting shook her head slightly, and threw all the messy thoughts out of her mind.

Soon, a man in a suit and leather shoes walked over with a few waiters. The man looked at Wang Hui apologetically and said that he was the manager of the store and his surname was Wang. It was indeed their store’s responsibility that this happened. , I sincerely invited Wang Hui to go to his office to discuss future matters.

Wang Hui also felt that it would only be more embarrassing to continue being stared at by so many eyes, so he nodded in agreement with an ugly face.

"Sir, please here." Manager Wang made an inviting gesture very politely.

Wang Hui looked ugly and walked forward quickly, but at this moment, his foot suddenly stepped on the chopsticks that he had pulled on the tablecloth before and dropped to the ground, and then simply slid forward.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, he sat on the ground heavily.

Then, Pan Xiaoting who followed him was dumbfounded, Manager Wang and several other waiters were dumbfounded, and those watching the excitement were also dumbfounded, and their expressions became more exciting.

Why did this guy fall again? Addicted? Or do you feel that your injuries are not serious enough and want to make the shop compensate him more money after falling a little more?

Li Zedao was also stunned, because this time it really had nothing to do with him. He really wanted to pit this guy, who made him such a beast angered the beautiful waiter, and pushed it out, causing the girl to hit the table with her back. My face turned pale with pain.

His behavior naturally made Li Ze unhappy, and he also apologized to the girl.

However, before Li Zedao could make a move, he stepped on the chopsticks and sat down on the ground.

As for Wang Hui, who was sitting on the ground, his handsome face was already red, his mind roared, and his heart was trampled madly by tens of millions of Cao Nima, trampling on him so much that he doubted his life. He really I really don't know what words to use to describe my mood at this moment.

Anger, embarrassment, helplessness, collapse...

He thinks that what he can do now is to get up quickly, and then quickly flee from this place, or else someone will smash him down and shoot the scene and send it to Moments with this line of text...

The three-year-old giant fell twice in the restaurant...

Wang Hui's body was violent, and he quickly got up from the ground without paying any attention. He bowed his head and fled in strides, as if fleeing for his life.

"Wang Hui..." Pan Xiaoting opened her mouth and tried to stop him. Then, she was stunned again, her mind roared, and the huge waves in her heart were only ten thousand times stronger than before.

Manager Wang and the waiters were also dumbfounded, and those who watched the excitement including Li Zedao were dumbfounded again, as if they had seen something incredible.

Because Wang Hui, who was trying to escape from the stairs, stepped on his feet, and then he simply rolled down the stairs.

"Ah...someone rolled down the stairs..."

"Hurry up, see if you still breathe, call an ambulance..."


Compared to the atmosphere in this area on the second floor where the air seems to have become quiet, the first floor is full of voices and lively.


Wang Hui, who didn’t know whether he was really dizzy or fake, was quickly carried into the ambulance and taken away. Of course, Pan Xiaoting was also the one who left. She could not stop her boyfriend from experiencing this kind of thing, and she was accompanied by others. The manager Wang and the two waiters in this store, the customer encountered this kind of thing, although this may have done too much with his usual wicked things so he is now being retributed, but after all, there is no escape in the store.

And this matter has naturally become the talk of the guests who come to dine.

"Falling weirdly three times in a row, even rolling down the stairs at the last time. Tsk tsk, how many wicked things have to be done in ordinary times to get such retribution..."

"That kid I have an impression of him. His name is Wang Hui. He is in the financial industry. He is a very dark old guy. As his good friend, I think I should tell him that his son has something wrong. , Any of you just took a picture, send me one..."

"Come and come, I would like to advise everyone, don't be too Wang Hui, or you will suffer retribution..."


After Wang Hui was sent to the hospital, Li Zedao and they quickly had dinner. Then, under the kind reminder of the waiter's "careful steps", they went downstairs, walked out of the roast duck restaurant, returned to the car, and drove away. .

At the same time, a black-clothed man also left the roast duck restaurant for dinner, took a glance at the car that was slowly leaving the parking space with the corner of his eye, and then walked to the side corner, facing the one in his ears. Invisible Headphones Hui reported: "The report did not find any special circumstances, and coincidentally, that Pan Xiaoting and her new boyfriend also appeared in the roast duck restaurant, but he looked at Pan Xiaoting with a slightly wretched look. Besides, there is no other special reaction."

The man in black also briefly reported the scene that happened in the shop.

As for that Wang Hui, they naturally followed and investigated it before. They also suspected that he would be Li Zedao before, and later determined that he was not Li Zedao at all, he was just a **** with a little money at home. Not so careful, there are many bad deeds, of course, those bad deeds are basically erased by money.

A low voice came: "Wang Hui really fell down by himself?"

"Yes." The black man reported in affirmative tone. He could see clearly. For the first time, the leg of the chair suddenly broke... He also checked the chair under his butt, and found that there was a crack in one of the legs of the chair. If the chair was not replaced in time , I don’t know who it is next time.

The second time, the hapless guy accidentally stepped on the chopsticks because he was too anxious to leave. As for the third time, because he was too anxious to leave, he stepped empty and rolled down the stairs.

"I see." Director Yang frowned and said on the other end of the phone, and then ended the call.

"Is he really not Li Zedao?" Director Yang muttered to himself.

"Nonsense!" Su Men curled his lips silently, isn't this something obvious? What is so doubtful? Counting this Kato Nanjia, they had doubted whether the eight men would be Li Zedao before and after. In Sumen's view, among these eight men, this Kato Nanjia is undoubtedly the most innocent one.

Sumen felt that the old man had done a little too far, and he even installed a camera in the hotel room where he stayed in a frenzy. This was simply to appreciate the ambiguity between the husband and wife.

"Didn't you already have his information? Is there any doubt about this? It is an authentic islander, a network engineer, nothing special. I think you are doing nothing to find fault with others... "

"Of course, that's a little devil, so just look for it, but I beg you, don't think he is Li Zedao. It's still the same sentence, although I think that kid is very upset, but I can't stand you like this. Insult him."

Director Yang simply ignored Su Men's sarcasm, frowned and shook his head: "The information can be falsified, so there is no reference. I still don't rest assured, find someone to continue testing."

"You can just go ahead and arrange for some **** to trouble that bitch, or arrange for a personal dealer to **** that **** to see how he reacts?" Sumen curled his lips.

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