"But..." Pan Xiaoting wanted to say, but I will be unhappy if I go, don't you understand? But looking at Wang Hui like this, Pan Xiaoting knew he definitely didn't understand.

"Don't be so troublesome, don't think too much, what kind of woman is there that Wei Shao is high above? Surely he won't like you or anything, so don't think too much. He can think of me and treat me as a brother, so I want to meet his younger siblings."

When Wang Hui interrupted Pan Xiaoting's words altogether, his expression was a little unhappy. In his opinion, Pan Xiaoting was worried about this. Does this woman feel too good about herself? Does a big man like Wei Shao want any woman? How can I fall in love with you?

"Wang Hui, what do you mean?" Pan Xiaoting was almost choked to death by Wang Hui's words. At the moment, her small face turned red, her chest was ups and downs, and Wang Hui's hand was shaken fiercely. .

"Okay, can't I say something wrong? I mean, for my face and for my future, so give me a face, okay? Come with me quickly, don't let Wei Shaojiu wait." Wang Hui curled his lips, and felt that what he said was somewhat excessive.

It doesn't matter if you belittle this woman, how can you simply belittle yourself? Isn't this a shame?

"You dream, I won't go with you! I tell you Wang Hui, I want to break up with you, now immediately!" Pan Xiaoting's anger broke out all at once, and Wang Hui's words were undoubtedly serious. To her nerves.

At the same time his body was shaking slightly with anger, he quickly opened the bag with his hand, and threw the bank card room door key car key back to Wang Hui fiercely.

"Get out! Get out of me!" she shouted as she looked at this completely exposed man with scarlet eyes. She thinks she is sick, really sick, why is she looking for a boyfriend so impatient? Why do you want to spoil yourself like this?

Wang Hui frowned and glanced at the woman who was yelling at him, then bent over and picked up the bank truck key room keys on the ground one by one, blowing off the dust on it, and then took his own. In the pocket.

"You said you want to break up with me?" The smile on Wang Hui's face became a little cold. Shame on your face, right? This bitch!

"Yes, break up! I've returned everything to you, and now we have nothing to do with each other!" Pan Xiaoting said in a nasty voice, and turned to leave. She really didn't want to look at this hypocritical man more. She wanted to vomit.

"Pan Xiaoting, there seems to be a very exciting video on my phone. I took it last night..." Wang Hui looked at the charming back with a playful look.

Pan Xiaoting's body suddenly stiffened, and her face changed wildly without any blood. She turned slowly, looking at Wang Hui with scarlet eyes.

When the two were passionate last night, Wang Hui offered to take a photo. Pan Xiaoting didn’t object to him much. Just let him. After all, she had taken this kind of thing when she was with Wang Bo before. She knew that men are good at it, but she didn’t expect it. Now the man threatened her with the video.

"Wang Hui, what do you want?" She looked so helpless at this moment.

"What I don't want, I just want to tell you, Xiaoting, I really like you, like your appearance, like your temperament, and like the way you are in bed...sao-like..." Wang Hui His expression is affectionate, but his tone is so ridiculous.

Pan Xiaoting's body trembled violently, and gritted her teeth and said, "Wang Hui, you are shameless..."

I couldn’t help it at the moment. She stretched her hand out abruptly and was about to greet Wang Hui's disgusting face severely. However, her wrist was immediately caught by Wang Hui, even Wang Hui also squeezed forcefully, and Pan Xiaoting screamed in pain, and even her tears almost fell. She felt that her wrist was about to be squeezed off.

"You let me go, let me go..."

"So, Xiaoting, you are breaking up with me now. I really feel really sad, and I can't help but want to publish the video so that everyone knows how loving we are." Wang Hui has a tight hand. He clasped Pan Xiaoting's wrist tightly, with the other hand covering his chest, the smile on his face looked a bit hideous and nervous.

"So, don't say such hurtful things in the future, okay? Now, keep smiling, and then go to see Wei Shao with me. Let Wei Shao wait for a long time. It's really not good." Wang Hui smiled. He said, and then firmly clasped Pan Xiaoting's hand and walked towards the car in front of Quanjude that he had parked a hundred meters away.

Pan Xiaoting had to keep up with him, let alone Wang Hui clasping her wrist tightly and holding her away, she was unable to break free with her strength, let alone Wang Hui can now be said to have torn his disguise She completely exposed her fangs, and even used such an indiscriminate method, which made her directly lose the courage to resist.

At the moment, her heart is extremely gloomy, regretful, and helpless. She feels that she is really cheap, self-sustaining, she doesn’t know how to love herself, she doesn’t know how to wait, and she knows how to play tricks and tricks. Love of vanity, this has come to the end now!

When he came to the car, Wang Hui opened the door of the rear car and simply pushed Pan Xiaoting into the car, with a pale and painful face.

"Damn, bitch, it has to be this way." Wang Hui muttered very upset, and closed the car door heavily. If this woman cooperated with himself, he would not be so rude to her at all, but would be extremely gentle to her.

But it doesn’t matter, anyway, I’m tired of playing gentle recently, and then I’m going to play violently, **** it, when I finish talking with Wei Shao, I’ll go back and slap you to death with a whip!

With a cloudy expression, Wang Hui pulled the door and got into the car.

In less than ten minutes, Wang Hui drove to Wangfujing. Of course, there was no communication between the two in less than ten minutes.

Along the way, Wang Hui floated, excited, and completely immersed in a certain fantasy. As for Pan Xiaoting, her left hand gently covered her right wrist, which was already reddened by Wang Hui, her face was pale and expressionless. Red eyes fell outside the window, not knowing what he was thinking.

After stopping the car, Wang Hui looked back at Pan Xiaoting and said with a smile: "Cooperate, give me a face in front of Wei Shao, and I will give you a face later. Don't you want to break up? After tonight Just divide it. In addition, I will delete the video in front of you. The phone will do for you."

Pan Xiaoting turned her head, looked at the man, and said coldly: "Remember what you said, otherwise I promise you will regret it."

Wang Hui chuckled, obviously he didn't take this woman's threat to his mind at all. From his perspective, he told a kid who had just entered the first grade to say harsh words to a kid in the sixth grade. See you at the door of school It doesn't make a difference if there are different kinds of things. Of course, if the kid who just went to a toddler has a great dad and finds him, then it's a different matter of course.

But Wang Hui knows Pan Xiaoting's family background. She doesn't have a great father. Her father Wang Hui feels that he can kill at least two with a slap.

"Don't worry, I won't bother you, anyway, I've played enough." Wang Hui stretched out and said with a smile.

"..." Pan Xiaoting gritted her teeth with an ugly expression and said nothing.

"Okay, get out of the car, and be happy. Don't be bitter and hateful. Just smile and keep smiling." Wang Hui said, pushing the door and getting out of the car first.

After taking a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down, Pan Xiaoting pushed the door and got out of the car.

"Let's go." Wang Hui smiled and motioned to Pan Xiaoting to take her own arm. He had already recovered the handsome and sunny state he used to.

Pan Xiaoting gritted her teeth again and stretched her hand to take his arm. It was normal to make this kind of intimacy in the past, but now, she only felt that she was holding a stick for applying stool, which made her stomach twisted, her throat was itchy, and she felt like vomiting inexplicably.

However, she had to squeeze a slightly ugly and unnatural smile on her face. She had to hold the man temporarily, and if she wanted to resist, she would have to wait until the video he shot was obtained.

At the moment, the two of them walked toward the destination Nebula Clubhouse like a loving couple. The Nebula Club is located on the pedestrian street in front, and cars can't get in, so you have to walk a short distance.

When passing the food street, Pan Xiaoting did not notice that a pair of eyes fell on her at once, and there was an extremely strange feeling deep in those eyes.

Of course, on the surface, these eyes showed a slightly wretched look, just like a pervert who could not help but drool after seeing a beautiful woman on the street.

Nebula Club Wei Lingyun opened a leisure business club, usually when their small circle of elite gatherings, naturally choose here.

Wei Lingyun is a not-so-remarkable collateral child of the Wei family of Yanjing, but even if it is a collateral-child, and it is not a very prominent kind, after all, he is considered to be the child of a wealthy family like the Wei family of Yanjing, with his head on top The aura of the Wei family.

With this status, Wei Lingyun's one-third acre of land in Yanjing can be considered to be well-rounded. At least the business in the Nebula Club he opened is very good.

His ostentation is incomparable with those of real wealthy children...such as his cousin Wei Yaoming, but he is naturally the core existence compared to the average son who has a little money and a little underdog.

At this time, at the entrance of the Xingyun Club, seven or eight men and women gathered together. These people were all dressed in anger, with extraordinary clothes. Whether it is the clothes on the body or the gold watch on the wrist of a man and the silk scarf tied around the neck of a woman, they are all luxury items of the top international brands.

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