This group of people are upright and upright, with confident smiles on their faces. This self-confidence is naturally emanating from the inside. It gives the impression that there is nothing they can't do in Yanjing's three-quarter land.

Such a group of people standing there naturally attracted the attention of many passers-by, some admired, and some girls even showed their love altogether. If you can have a beautiful encounter with any of them, It seems to be pretty good too.

In terms of looks and temperament, Wei Lingyun is definitely the most ordinary among this group of people, and belongs to the kind that is immediately submerged when thrown into the crowd. But because of the Wei family's halo on his head, he looks so dazzling and hard to ignore, so there is no doubt that he is the leader in this small circle.

At this moment, he was looking forward with a faint smile, he was waiting for someone to arrive.

Wei Lingyun's actions made several other men and women with good family backgrounds inevitably extremely puzzled, and did not understand why he did this.

Because they knew very well that Wei Lingyun was waiting for Wang Hui, and Wang Hui was just a small person who barely squeezed into their circle. In this circle, Wang Hui's background is undoubtedly the weakest, so His existence is nothing more than playing a bottoming role.

When everyone gathers together, they want to make fun of someone. Wang Hui is undoubtedly the most suitable person to be ridiculed. Even Wang Hui sometimes becomes their chase and the exclusive driver.

In the past, Wei Lingyun never looked at this Wang Hui more seriously, but now he is waiting for him at the entrance of the club. The contrast between the front and the back is so big that people can't help but frighten them.

Therefore, they were secretly guessing in their hearts at this time, is this Wang Hui the lost child of which big family, and now he is about to return to the family, so Wei Shao has to take him seriously?

Or was it because of what thigh Wang Hui was holding. For example, his new girlfriend had a huge background, so Shao Wei had to take it seriously? After all, Shao Wei had spoken on the phone before and asked Wang Hui to bring his girlfriend over, and everyone would get to know each other.

Or is there something Wei Lingyun needs his help?

They are more inclined to the first two guesses. After all, the last guess is too unimaginable compared to the first two. If even Wei Lingyun can't solve the problem, how can Wang Hui be able to solve it?

Of course, Wei Lingyun didn't say much, they would naturally not be stupid but ask more, just wait with him.

"Come here." Someone muttered in his heart, the man and woman who really walked towards them.

Males are handsome and females are bright and beautiful. Of course, if you want to mix in this circle, background strength is the most important thing. The only purpose of being handsome and good-looking is to become an embellishment for others.

For example, a successful person brings a beauty to a party. The beauty is his embellishment, and its function is no different from the tie worn on his chest.

At the same time, Wei Lingyun already showed an enthusiastic smile on his face, and then greeted Wang Hui and Pan Xiaoting who came by.

This action undoubtedly caused everyone's mind to tremble more violently. Could it be that Wang Hui's identity is already so noble in just a few days? Wei Lingyun not only had to wait at the door, but also had to greet him?

But Wei Lingyun has passed by, how can they fall behind? So everyone with a smile quickly followed up. No matter what Wei Lingyun is doing, at least, they can't look at Wang Hui in the same way they used to look at Wang Hui. They must pay attention to him, and even respect him.

"Wang Hui, isn't there anything serious to your health? When I heard someone say that you fell in the store, I was in a cold sweat. Fortunately, it really doesn't look like anything now, so I'm relieved." Coming to the front, Wei Lingyun said with a smile, stretched out his hand and patted Wei Lingyun's shoulder lightly.

Wei Lingyun’s attitude didn’t mean flattery. Instead, he treated the other party as a person of the same level and was ridiculing, so the people behind him were a little relieved. Fortunately, if even Wei Lingyun bowed down, he would be like a grandson. Yes, they should really cry.

They clearly remember how they ridiculed Wang Hui before.

Looking at Wang Hui, he was in a state of complete confusion, as if he was stupefied by thunder.

When he saw Wei Lingyun greet someone with him, he was dumbfounded! Now that Wei Lingyun still said such concerned words, he was once again confused.

Then, his blood pressure soared, his face flushed all of a sudden, and his silly smile didn't know what to say.

It turns out that his weight in Wei Shao's mind is so heavy!

Wang Hui felt that it was necessary for him to criticize himself. Why did he feel so inferior when he was with Wei Shao and the others? Want to be so solemn?

"Damn, a **** is a bastard. He is so excited about him that he is a bit more charming and can't wait to kneel and lick your feet." Wei Lingyun couldn't help but sneer at Wang Hui's reaction.

"What's wrong with your kid? You fell stupid?" Wei Lingyun gently slammed his fist on Wang Hui's chest.

Only then did Wang Hui react. Because of his excitement, his words were somewhat unfavorable: "Oh, it's okay, it's okay... Oh, this is my girlfriend, Pan Xiaoting."

Wang Hui quickly pushed Pan Xiaoting, who had her slender waist with her arm around her, to introduce herself to everyone: "Xiaoting, this is Shao Wei, that is Shao Zhou, Shao Li, Sister Su..."

"Wei Shaohao, how are you guys." Pan Xiaoting glanced at everyone. Finally, her eyes fell on Wei Lingyun, who was standing in front of her with ugly appearance and poor temperament, and she nodded gently, politely. .

Then, she was also quite puzzled in her heart. This Wei Shao's attitude towards Wang Hui was not normal at all, and there must be demons in the abnormal situation. So, what does he want to do?

But looking at Wang Hui, he still feels good and narcissistic.

For a while, Pan Xiaoting was even more disappointed with this man. Of course, she was even more disappointed with herself. She felt that she seemed to be a joke, and she knew that she had violated herself.

"Hello, younger brothers and sisters." Wei Lingyun smiled, looking at Pan Xiaoting, a certain undisguised light flashed in his eyes.

This squinting gaze fell into Pan Xiaoting's eyes, causing her brows to wrinkle slightly, and her heart was extremely depressed.

"You kid, you must have stepped on the shit, otherwise, how come you meet a girl who is so good-looking like a younger sibling?" Wei Lingyun looked ambiguous and moved away from Pan Xiaoting's body and fell on Wang Hui with a smile.

Wang Hui smiled and said quickly: "I also feel very lucky."

"Okay, I want to discuss something with you and take a step to talk." Wei Lingyun grabbed Wang Hui's neck with a look of brotherhood. Such a behavior fell into the eyes of others, and naturally it was even more heart-warming. It's rippling, but no matter what, it is natural that Wang Hui can't be regarded as the old man in the future. He is now at the same level as Wei Lingyun.

The look in Wang Hui's eyes changed for a while, friendly, polite, and even a smile.

As for Wang Hui, his body shivered again with excitement, and then he couldn't help but straighten his chest. He just felt that he had risen up all at once, and his body was full of confidence.

"Sister Su, take good care of your younger siblings, don't leave others in the cold, let me say a few words to Wang Hui." Wei Lingyun said, looking back at a beautiful woman.

"Don't worry, Shao Wei." Sister Su, who appeared to be generous, smiled and nodded.

At that moment, Wei Lingyun nodded at Pan Xiaoting again, and then he put his arms around Wang Hui's shoulders, and came to the side in the strange looks of the group of people.

"I don't know what's wrong with Wei Shao looking for me?" Wang Hui asked with a smile. Wei Shao gave him such a face, of course he would not be stupid and shameless, so his expression was as respectful as ever.

"Well, I want to enter the insurance industry recently. Are you interested in joining me?" Wei Lingyun smiled straightforwardly.

"Insurance industry?" Wang Hui's eyes widened slightly. You must know that the insurance industry is like a small bank. It is even more insured than the bank, because everyone’s money can only go in and it’s hard to get it out. In the end, you can naturally make a lot of money.

It's just that if you want to enter the insurance industry, you need a hard backstage and a huge amount of capital...Wang Hui doesn't think that he has such a huge amount of capital, even if he sells his entire company, it is far from enough.

"Wei Shao, of course I want to, but you also know my situation. I am afraid that the funds I can use are not much." Wang Hui said embarrassingly.

"Don't worry, you don't need to invest too much money. Even if all the money in your hand is invested in, it will not fill a big gap." Wei Lingyun said plainly, obviously not looking at what Wang Hui held. That little money.

Wang Hui could only smile awkwardly.

"However, I'm still willing to take you with me. That's because I like something beside you." Wei Lingyun said with a faint smile.

The smile on Wang Hui's face stiffened.

Wei Lingyun took out a cigarette and a lighter, and lit one: "Simply say, as long as you reluctantly give up that thing to me, I will take you into the business."

"Uh... I don't know what Wei Shao is referring to?" Wang Hui asked cautiously, the expression on his face already starting to become more exciting.

It turned out that Wei Shao's attitude suddenly changed a hundred and eighty degrees, because he fell in love with something about him, not because he recognized him as a person.

It's just that there is something in his body that can enter Wei Shao's eyes? I have what Wei Shao has, and what Wei Shao doesn’t have. I can’t possibly have it... Damn, it’s not someone who wants his bone marrow or even his kidneys to save someone, right?

Wang Hui's body suddenly became clever, his face turned pale, and his calves were shaking. What if he really wanted an organ in his body? Give or not?

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