The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1723: Angry Li Zedao

If you give it, you won't be dead, but who wants to lose a kidney in the body? If you don’t give it, it’s equivalent to waiting for the death of Wei, let alone wanting to be in this circle in the future, even in Yanjing, or even in China, it is estimated that it will be difficult to make progress, right? Wei Shao wanted to fix you, but it was just a sentence.

"I want your girlfriend, Pan Xiaoting." Wei Lingyun slowly breathed out a puff of smoke, and said word by word, "I can't wait to press her under my body now."

When he said this, his expression was so relaxed and calm, as if he was saying, a handful of five cents of greens, one piece of tofu, it's such a simple matter without any burden.

Wang Hui's eyes widened suddenly, his mind roared, and his heart was madly trampled by a large group of alpacas.

When he came here before, he mocked Pan Xiaoting and said that Shao Wei would not like you, but now...Wang Hui has a feeling of being humiliated to death. After all, this kind of thing can't be taken by a man. Wang Hui naturally couldn't stand it, even if the opponent was Shao Wei who made him feel powerless!

However, he still worked very hard to squeeze out a stiff smile on his face, indicating that Shao Wei, are you kidding me?

"Someone sent me a picture of you making a fool of yourself in Quanju Delhi. As soon as I saw your girlfriend, I was immediately moved." Wei Lingyun slowly spit out a puff of smoke, his face was serious, and I was not joking with you. The expression, "Do you think I stood at the door of the club to welcome you? Wrong, I just want to see the goddess who made my heart beat sooner."

"..." Wang Hui felt that this was not as simple as being killed.

And this cruel truth made his body tremble slightly, and even, his fist was slightly clenched, and there was a voice in his heart yelling over there: "Beat him, beat his mother!"

But, soon, another voice completely suppressed the voice: "Wei Shao has a fancy to your horse, that is the blessing of your three lives cultivation, let alone your horse is a bitch. One, I still want to break up with you. Besides, you can still get Wei Shao's friendship..."

Wang Hui's fist was loosened little by little.

"A **** is a bastard, not as good as a dog. It's already like this and there is not even a bit of blood." Wei Lingyun glanced at his loose fist, sneered in his heart, and immediately admired that he couldn't admire him.

Just want to ask who else! Who else would dare to demand his horse in front of the other party so blatantly and the other party would not even dare to put a fart?

"Of course, it's your horse after all. I didn't want to completely own it. It's okay to play, but she can't show her face if she can't take it out. If she is shameless, I still want it. In addition, I belong to this person. The freshness period is very short. I think she is a goddess tonight, and maybe she will be a **** tomorrow, so just accompany me tonight." Wei Lingyun added with a smile.

"Well, I'll leave it to you to persuade her. I'll wait for your good news in the box of the clubhouse." Wei Lingyun patted Wang Hui on the shoulder and continued, "Of course, if you are reluctant, it doesn't matter, I It won't be hard for others, really not."

Wang Hui's heart trembled suddenly, he knew very well that this was a threat, a naked threat!

After speaking, Wei Lingyun turned around and returned to those few people regardless of how Wang Hui reacted.

As for Wang Hui, the kind of excitement a few minutes ago had disappeared from a young age, replaced by a stiff and idiotic expression, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At the moment, Wei Lingyun nodded at Pan Xiaoting with a faint smile, and then greeted the few curious attendants who were really curious and went back to the Xingyun Club, leaving Pan Xiaoting and Wang Hui there. They were so curious, after all, Wei Lingyun had never whispered to anyone alone in front of everyone.

"It's okay? Give me the phone." Pan Xiaoting looked at Wang Hui with an ugly face and stretched out her hand.

As for what Wei Lingyun said to him, he now looks like his family is dead, and he is different from the previous kind of excitement and arrogance. Pan Xiaoting is not interested in knowing, she just wants to take Wang Hui's hand. The video in here has been a stranger from now on, and there won't be any intersection here.

"If you want a mobile phone, you can, but you have to promise me two things." Wang Hui took a deep breath, looking at Pan Xiaoting with a strange and ugly expression.

Pan Xiaoting frowned slightly, and said coldly: "Wang Hui, don't go too far."

"Those two things are good for you." Wang Hui said, "I agree, and the phone will be given to you immediately. From then on, you and I have nothing to do with you."

Pan Xiaoting's brow furrowed even more. She didn't believe that the two things he had promised would be good for her nonsense, but she had to say a little bit: "Let's listen."

"First, we will break up immediately now." Wang Hui said simply.

Since this **** has been missed by Wei Shao, Wang Hui naturally does not want to have any relationship with her. He does not want to have a green hat on his head, so the best thing to do is to break up now, and then she will be Wei Shao got on, and that didn't matter to him.

Wang Hui felt that he was so **** smart, he couldn't help but clicked thirty-two likes in his heart.

When Pan Xiaoting heard it, her expression turned weird. She didn't expect anything to say that Wang Hui not only agreed to break up, but even, he took the initiative to bring it up, and he seemed so impatient, as if he had some infectious disease and he wanted to hide. Look far away.

Then Pan Xiaoting started to feel uncomfortable. Even if she wants to break up, I will mention it. What are you going to mention?

But the uncomfortable turned uncomfortable, and she didn't have any reason to refuse, and said lightly: "We broke up half a time ago, didn't we, so now we are at best people who are familiar but have a bad relationship."

"That's great." Wang Hui nodded and said.

"..." Miss Pan has an urge to beat someone, so why does he really want to break up with himself sooner?

"As for the second condition...tonight with Wei Shao to sleep for one night." Wang Hui said, anyway, he is no longer his girlfriend, so he doesn't have any burden in his heart. Of course, he feels a little weird in his heart. It is very similar to the turtle head in a brothel.

"What?" Pan Xiaoting's eyes widened, she couldn't believe what she heard.

"Anyway, just changing a radish. There is no loss for you at all?" Wang Hui was a little dissatisfied with Pan Xiaoting's reaction. He was just a bitch. What's the point of acting pure? There are so many tricks in the bed, if it weren't for me to take medicine secretly, Ken would not be able to consume you, so I would like to use my knees to know how sassy you are and how rich your **** life is.

"And who is Shao Wei? There are a lot of women waiting in line to have **** with him, but now Shao Wei is attracted to him, you should snicker..."

"Wang Hui, you bastard!" Pan Xiaoting was so angry that her pale face twitched wildly. "You even found such a high-sounding excuse to let your girlfriend go to sleep with another man. Are you still a man?"

"Don't you know if I am a man?" Wang Hui sneered, "Besides, we have broken up, don't you? Don't forget to put gold on your face saying that I am the boyfriend... I can't bear it. "

Wang Hui didn't want to be a green hat, and he didn't want to be a scumbag man who was too scumbag and not bloody, so he felt that he was so **** smart that he just knew to break up first.

"So, I am not talking to you as a boyfriend, I just want to make a deal with you, stay with Wei Shao for one night, and I will give you the mobile phone. Otherwise, don't blame me for sending it online and then Add some text, such as your name, your measurements, your home address and contact information..." Wang Hui smiled evilly, looking like Pan Xiaoting, "I think it will cause a sensation?"

"Wang Hui, you beasts, you beasts are not as good as...get out, get out of me!" Pan Xiaoting was so angry that her chest was ups and downs very badly, and he roared with exhaustion, which immediately caused a lot of people to watch.

Wang Hui smiled coldly and said: "Miss Pan, you can be a little louder, anyway, I have lost my face today, don't care to lose more."

First, I fell three times in a row in the roast duck restaurant inexplicably, and then the original gentle girlfriend expressed disappointment and broke up with her... The disappointment and even disgust in her eyes undoubtedly stimulated Wang Hui's nerves seriously. Unusual fire! Then Wei Shao came again...

Therefore, the face has long gone. Wang Hui is not afraid of shame now. He just wants to persuade this woman to agree to sleep with Wei Shao for one night. When Wei Shao counts himself, then this shame is worth it.

"So, Miss Pan, do you agree? If you disagree, I uploaded the video." Wang Hui took out a mobile phone from his pocket and shook it in front of Pan Xiaoting, "Oh, of course, before uploading, I will definitely not forget to mosaic my handsome face."

"Wang Hui, I curse you, curse you to die quickly..." Pan Xiaoting stared at this ugly face viciously, her voice was abnormally cold, "I curse your family to die!"

"Slap!" Pan Xiaoting slapped her face heavily.

Not far away, Li Zedao was watching the scene quietly, just like those watching the excitement, but seeing that Wang Hui slapped Pan Xiaoting’s face, his heart contracted violently, and his eyes Already exuding an unusually cold aura!

This scene happened in front of him by a coincidence, and there are several pairs of eyes around him watching here, so it is not difficult to see that someone is driving this scene in secret, and its purpose is self-evident!

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