The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1724: He is Li Zedao

However, even if Pan Xiaoting had left her now and was no longer her own woman, Li Zedao still couldn't bear it. He only felt that his whole person was about to explode, and he felt that he would be crazy if he didn't do it.

Moreover, fc still suspects that he is Li Zedao, and various despicable means are emerging in an endless stream, just to force him to show up, other things may be tolerable, but this kind of thing, Li Zedao can't bear anything.

"That girl is one of my women...Of course, looking at this situation, she thinks I'm dead, so she chose a new life, so Michiko, coax Yoko, the next picture may be a little bloody, don't let it Yoko sees it." After putting the hold in Michiko's arms, he said softly.

Michiko Haneda stunned slightly, and then nodded gently and said: "Nami Tomoko takes Yoko to the cafe for something to eat. After you finish processing, come to the store to find us."

Talking about Michiko's eyes fell on a brightly lit cafe not far away.

She knew that Li Zedao was planning to reveal his identity, and he was planning to beat others, and seeing him like this, she probably wanted to abolish many parties, so it was indeed not suitable for Yoko to see.

Of course, there is no jealousy in her heart, but her heart is warm, she knows that this man can do this to women who have left her, and he will naturally treat herself better.

Li Zedao nodded slightly and didn't say anything, his fist was slightly clenched, and he strode forward.

At the same time, the few pairs of eyes who were staring here saw Li Zedao's actions, and their brows were raised and their expressions were already a little serious.

"It seems that the islander is about to make a move?"

"He wouldn't really be Li Zedao?"


Wang Hui shook his somewhat numb hand and cursed with a grin: "Bitch, shameless, right? If that's the case, let's see who will die first!"

Pan Xiaoting was directly stunned. She was astonished and surprised for a moment. Then she became crazy. She rushed towards Wang Hui, and the long nails with **** nail polish scratched Wang Hui’s face. Past.

Wang Hui didn’t even think about saying that this woman would actually rush towards him like crazy, so if one of them was out of reach, his face was attacked, and there were five more blood stains on it. And know how hard Pan Xiaoting has.

While pushing the madman away fiercely, he quickly backed up two steps, wiped his hot face, full of blood.

"Smelly bitch, do you dare to catch Hua Lao Tzu's face?" Wang Hui's face became ugly and hideous. He often relies on his face to eat, but now his face is caught, so he can't help it. He is not furious.

"I still want to kill you!" Pan Xiaoting said in a vicious voice. The whole person seemed calm, but it gave people a very nervous feeling.

Looking at her face, there was an extra shocking palm print on it, which was simply swollen. One can imagine how much force Wang Hui used.

"Damn, I ruined you!" Wang Hui said fiercely. He stepped forward and kicked over, and he was about to kick Pan Xiaoting's stomach fiercely. He is already strong and physically strong and likes to exercise. In addition, it was an angry shot, so Pan Xiaoting had no chance of hiding.

"Ah..." someone exclaimed, as if they couldn't bear to see this scene.

Some people are full of excitement, helping cheer up while holding a mobile phone while taking pictures and recording over there. This is undoubtedly a very good material for posting to Moments.

Of course, no matter whether it was unbearable or excited, no one came forward to stop it.

Very often, onlookers are the most indifferent group. They base the pleasure and darkness in their hearts on the pain of others.

No, after all, someone took the shot. A figure appeared behind Pan Xiaoting, his hand stretched over and pulled her back, and then Pan Xiaoting’s trembling delicate body fell into a place that seemed so safe. In such a warm embrace.

At the same time, Wang Hui simply kicked his foot in the air, and because of too much force, he almost sat on the ground, his thigh was paralyzed, and then a pain came, obviously muscles Some strained.

"Ah!" Suddenly being pulled into her arms by a person, Pan Xiaoting subconsciously exclaimed, and then, as if being slashed by a thunder, her body stiffened suddenly, and her whole body People are already in a state of idiot.

Because the gentleness of this embrace, the sense of security, and the smell of him, so familiar and unforgettable!

It's him?

Her head was unusually stiff, like a machine, slowly raising her head, and finally, she saw a strange face...Yes, even if she had seen this face in Quanju Delhi, she would have such a face long ago. I forgot. She is a member of the Appearance Association. She never looked at people with ugly faces, let alone remembered them. Therefore, this face is strange to her.

Then, her wide-open eyes, utterly shocked, faced those eyes...

This is a pair of deep eyes like the stars in the sky, this is a pair of very familiar eyes.

"Boom!" It was as if a thunder burst into her ears instantly, making Pan Xiaoting's head completely blank, completely degrading into an idiot.

It's him! It really is him!

Pan Xiaoting had become an idiot, but the other people who watched the excitement looked disappointed.

Everyone is looking forward to the romantic plot of the hero saving the beauty, but the beauty is like this. Will the hero be too shabby?

If it's the age of gods and demons, at least have to fly over with colorful clouds like Supreme Treasure, right?

In the era of knights, which of those heroes who saved the United States is not of Chu Liuxiang's level? The grand marshal among robbers, the best son among gangsters!

If it is modern, at least it must be an Armani, wearing Patek Philippe, tall, with deep eyes, it is best to be a mature man with a sighing beard and a pair of dimples when smiling... and it is best to open A slick sports car came over.

But the guy who appeared now... is nothing like the hero they imagined. If he said he looked like a bear, he was being praised. Although the bear was ugly, it was not so thin at all.

As for Wang Hui, who is standing still, that face with five fiery bloodstains is even more hideous. He feels that there are all bad people in this world and they must fight him!

"There is nothing for you here, get out!" Wang Hui yelled while looking at this dick. Had it not been for a kick that made his thigh cramped, he would have rushed to kick this nosy fellow to death.

"Long time no see." Li Zedao gently pushed away the already stiff body in his arms, his voice was not deliberately low and hoarse, he had already restored the previous magnetism.

It's been a long time... this kind of opening remarks made Pan Xiaoting's heart pump violently.

", it's really you?" Pan Xiaoting's voice was hoarse and weak, and she felt black in front of her eyes, her whole person was in a state of spinning, and the teardrops were falling uncontrollably.

As for what I am feeling now... Pan Xiaoting doesn't know either. She should be ecstatic, she should be excited, she should be the happiness that was lost and regained... It is undeniable that these emotions did rise in her heart, but soon these emotions were completely restrained by the darkness, without any slightest sunlight.

Because, earlier, she personally cut off the relationship between her and him completely.

"It's me." Li Zedao smiled bitterly.

"Why... why?" Pan Xiaoting asked.

Why not come back earlier? Pan Xiaoting wanted to scream and vent her anger. I wanted to ask questions, and I wanted to jump into his arms and beat him in the chest, but she found that she didn't even have the strength to do these things. What's more terrible was that she found that she had been disqualified, and she left that night. After the villa, he was disqualified.

"Because, I almost lost my life in the island country. It wasn't until a few days ago that I really got my life back." Li Zedao said with a wry smile again.

When the people around saw this scene, their eyes widened. It seems that this is not an ordinary hero to save the United States.

The more it looked, the more it seemed that a pair of boyfriends and girlfriends were having a violent quarrel, and even started to fight, and when the scumbag was about to kill the woman, the woman's ex-boyfriend or concubine appeared in time.

Not far away, a black-clothed man listened to Li Zedao’s conversation with Pan Xiaoting, his face was already moved, and he quietly stepped back for a while, then turned on the headset in his ears. It was very difficult to report: "The report has been confirmed. Now, that islander named Kato Nanjia is...Li Zedao!"

"What?" On the other end of the phone, Director Yang, who was holding a tea cup and drinking tea, almost squirted out the sip of tea in his mouth. Looking at his old face, he was already full of consternation.

Sumen on the side also heard the report, shaking his hands altogether, and the tea soup in the cup in his hand sprinkled a little, and his expression was not calm to the extreme.

He didn't expect to say anything that Li Zedao, who had been lost for more than a hundred days, was still alive. Compared to his being alive, Sumen could not accept that the most unlikely Li Zedao was Kato Nanjia. Li Zedao!

After putting down the phone, Director Yang and Sumen looked at each other, and both could see the old face that was convulsing violently.

"What to do? What do you say?" Director Yang took the lead, and then his voice suddenly became louder, and the whole person instantly became excited, and suddenly got up, kicked over and kicked on the coffee table.

"Boom!" A muffled sound, the terrifying force simply let the coffee table fall apart.

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