This violent daring to put such a heavy hand on him, plus until now, the police uncle has not even appeared, which undoubtedly can explain a lot of problems, that is, this guy is not ignorant so fearless, it is not crazy and does not know the consequences , On the contrary, his background is so big that the policemen didn’t even want to get involved. His so-called "Wei Shao" identity is a fart in his eyes. He stepped on it if he wanted to. Worrying about the consequences is like he doesn't need to worry about whether Wang Hui will retaliate after stepping on Wang Hui.

"Who are you... on earth?" Wei Lingyun tried hard to open his eyes, and looked up at the violent man who was staring at him condescendingly, with horror in his eyes. His right eye was completely red and swollen, making it difficult to see.

"Why? I realize that my background is probably very big, so my heart is starting to feel guilty?" Li Zedao sneered, matching his costume, so the whole person looked so gloomy, like a ghost in a ghost movie.


"Then regretted doing what I told you before?"

"You..." Wei Lingyun's throat was sweet, and he almost spewed a mouthful of blood. How could this guy not speak so much? He does regret it a bit. If the other party's background is really big and his identity is a fart to him, then it would not be too unacceptable for him to kneel over there and draw his face.

At least it can avoid being beaten up, right?

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders slightly to express his regret: "It's too late. I said I would beat you up first, and then let you kneel and slap yourself... Oh, yes, before you kneel down I have to take off my clothes and keep my underwear. Isn't it offensive?"

"...Why do you have to undress?" Wei Lingyun's mouth twitched wildly. What kind of perversion did he provoke?

"Because I beat you, I feel that my hands are dirty, so I asked you to take off your clothes as a little compensation for me... Have any comments?" Li Zedao sneered.

"..." The corner of Wei Lingyun's mouth simply leaked liquid, and he felt that all the humiliation he had suffered since childhood was not as much as he has suffered in these short few minutes.

Too bully, really bully, if he has a * in his hand, he wants to detonate and die with him. It's a pity that he has no *, so he can only silently greet his family women in his heart.

Then, when he saw the opponent's foot lifted up, he almost cried with a tremor. So, he hasn't finished the fight yet, does he want to continue fighting?

Li Zedao stepped on his foot, and stomped on Wei Lingyun's body, followed by another foot, two feet, several feet.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..." Every time Li Zedao kicked out, Wei Lingyun screamed, his body curled up on the ground, his hands clasped his head tightly, his whole person looked better than the one on the roadside Those stray dogs are still embarrassed.

Li Zedao kicked out every time, hiding far away Sister Su, the waiters and guests in the club who ran out to take a look after hearing the movement, and the security guards who stood far away. People who are busy, their bodies will tremble once.

People who watch the excitement think that this guy is a bit too cruel, so that he can't beat him to death.

Those onlookers who saw someone jumping off the building would encourage them and say to jump quickly. I still have to go to work. They all felt compassionate. They felt that the guy who was beaten was really pitiful. One can imagine how much Li Zedao did. Spicy, at least from the senses, extremely spicy.

These security guards secretly rejoiced, and they felt that one of the things they did the most right in their life was just to bravely throw away their professional ethics.

As for Sister Su and the others, they only felt that they were about to tremble in their hearts. The little Wei who was lying on the ground but they had been trying hard to please him, now he was kicked and kicked like a dog. Kicking, and more importantly, I haven't seen the shadow of the police at this time, so if they don't understand something, then they are really idiots.

This violent maniac, what kind of abnormal existence is he? What horrible identity does he have? Therefore, Sister Su and the others are almost too scared to stand on their feet, because they can still remember that they just laughed at him unscrupulously.

Although Li Zedao kicked more than a dozen feet, he controlled his strength very well. So although Wei Lingyun looked embarrassed, he didn't actually suffer much damage. After all, Li Zedao wanted him to take off his clothes and kneel down. Slap yourself in the middle of the road.

"Okay, I'm finished, you can take off your clothes, then kneel down in the middle of the road and slap yourself." Li Zedao looked at Wei Lingyun condescendingly, and said coldly.

Wei Lingyun looked up very hard. One of his eyes was hard to see, and blood flowed out of the socket. The other eye stared at Li Ze viciously, and shouted hoarsely: "There is a kind, you killed me. !"

The voice was sad, like Ye Xiao crying.

Being beaten into a dead dog in a large court is equivalent to being thrown on the ground and then stomping on a few feet. If you take off your clothes and kneel down in the middle of the road to slap yourself, it is equivalent Yu that was thrown on the ground and stepped on the face was pulled up with a puff of shit. Wei Lingyun... is not good at doing this kind of thing, but he doesn't want to do it now, and he will not do it. Li Zedao's few feet are considered His blood was completely agitated.

This young master just quit, there is a kind of you kill me!

"Killing is illegal, don't you know? But I will trample the thing under your crotch... You heard it right, it's trampling! You have a minute to think about it, choose it yourself." Li Zedaoyin Said compassionately.

"..." Wei Lingyun's face changed violently in an instant, and his whole body was cold. He didn't think this violent man was joking with him. In fact, after being thrown on the ground and stepping on a few feet, Mianzi was pulled a shit, which seemed to be nothing, at least compared to good brothers, it was nothing.

"Could you not take off your clothes..." Wei Lingyun gritted his teeth and said in a voice that even felt unfamiliar to him. His eyes were moist, and he was crying. He was so wronged. He just wanted to rush into a woman. She cried happily in her arms.

"You are not qualified to talk to me about the conditions, let alone you, it is Wei Xiaobao, and now Wei Yaoming, not even your Wei family!" The corner of Li Zedao's mouth has already made a icy stroke, "Before Wei Xiaobao When I pretended to force Wei Yaoming and me, I was finally sent to the hospital. Even the Wei family had to pay me the imperial city teahouse as a compensation for mental damages.

"Boom!" It was as if a thunder blasted in Wei Lingyun's ears, making Wei Lingyun an idiot. He stared at Li Zedao with wide eyes, revealing incredibly incredible The look immediately turned into horror little by little.

"You, you are Li... Li Shao?" His throat squirmed desperately, squeezing out these two words very hard.

I understand, I understand everything! No wonder his methods are so terrifying and ruthless, no wonder he dare to be so arrogant, no wonder the police haven't come... But, isn't he dead in the island country? I heard that when the island country DJ broke out a major earthquake and tsunami, God had eyes, he was dead. For this reason, the Wei family had a family dinner for three days and set off fireworks and firecrackers to celebrate, even his After that, cousin Wei Yaoming secretly screamed up to the sky, crying like a child, the sky has eyes.

So he didn't die, but was disfigured?

"That's right, but there is no reward." Li Zedao grinned gloomily, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, "Oh, yes, you still have ten seconds to consider."

Like a cat with its tail severely stepped on, Wei Lingyun jumped up from the ground all of a sudden, and then, under the gaze of everyone's stunned eyes, he quickly pulled out his clothes and Pants, in the end, there is only a pair of shorts left.

Then his knees softened, and he knelt there, with both hands arching left and right, and he slammed his face, and the force was so strong, it seemed to have a deep hatred with him.

If he is not Li Zedao, he might want to be tough, but he is Li Zedao. He is the Li Zedao who hates and fears the entire Wei family, and even the master has spoken. Whoever dares to provoke Li Zedao in the future will let anyone get out. ! Therefore, Wei Lingyun couldn't afford any resistance.

Whatever you say.

Sister Su and the others were dumbfounded again. This scene undoubtedly stimulated their nerves severely, completely distorting their worldview, outlook on life and values.

They didn't hear the conversation between Li Zedao and Wei Lingyun clearly, so naturally they didn't know the identity of Li Zedao, but they could force Wei Lingyun to do this kind of thing, and the background was naturally extremely scary.

Then, they clearly felt that such a gloomy eye swept across them, making them cold and trembling.

"Several people, Wei Shao is now deeply repenting of what he has done. As Wei Shao’s best attendants or dogs, shouldn’t you also repent? The man took off his clothes and took off his clothes. Okay, woman...Forget it, don't take off your clothes." Li Zedao said gloomily, took out a cigarette and a lighter, lit one, and under the smoke were a pair of extremely cold and terrifying eyes.

Li Zedao is very hostile. He decisively remembered these people and laughed at him just now. He felt that he was clamoring for favor. He had to let these people remember. It is a very bad habit to judge people by appearance.

Sister Su and the other girl were trembling with fright, and they were a little relieved. It is still acceptable to kneel down and slap themselves, but let them take off their clothes... or kill them.

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