The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1730: apologize

"Although I know you guys want to show it, but the body is so bad, the belly is full of fat, and the chest is so small, don't show it ashamed and affect the appearance of the city." Li Zedao said again.

"..." Sister Su and the girl felt that there was some liquid from the corners of their mouths about to flow out, and they really had a feeling that they weighed hundreds of kinds of strange poison. What does this **** look in? Where are their **** smaller? Their lower abdomen is extremely flat and smooth, OK? If you don’t believe it, it’s a big deal to find a place where we can take off our clothes and let you check it.

He almost couldn't help but rushed towards the opponent and beat him to death!

Then the two girls knelt down first...The main reason was that their knees were weak, and they couldn't stand at all.

The other men looked at each other, but they had to take off their clothes, and then knelt down and learned how Wei Shao slapped himself.

They have to do this. Wei Shao is like this. If they don’t come here, Wei Shao’s heart will definitely be unbalanced, and there will be no way to follow Wei Shao at that time. With Wei Shao’s character, he will definitely be in secret. Trouble them.

The most important thing is that the pressure this man put on them is too great, even Shao Wei dare to punch him in, they are a fart, maybe they will end up there. Wang Hui, whose life is unknown, was as tragic.

So this scene at the gate of Qingyun Club is destined to be an unforgettable night for many people.

"Do you know that last night a violent man completely interrupted a person's hands and feet in the street...Oh, yes, he even smashed a sidewalk brick from the ground and smashed the glass in the clubhouse."

"Do you know what, do you know? At the gate of the Qingyun club, six men took off their clothes and pants. There was only a pair of underwear left over their bodies. Then they knelt there and slammed their faces. Two women, they are also smoking their faces. It is a pity that they did not undress..."

"That person is too miserable. I heard the sound of breaking eggs. I am afraid that he can only be a **** in this life, and his hands and feet have been interrupted. It is too cruel..."

"Did you know? These eight people are in very good backgrounds, their parents, elders, senior officials, or the boss of a large company..."

"Although that violent man looks ugly, he is so handsome when he hits people. He is my oppa..."

"It is said that the cause of all this is because of a woman whose appearance has harmed the country and the people."

"Come here, this is the latest news I got."



"Look at the time for yourself. I wake up in an hour. If it's less than a second..." Li Zedao looked at Wei Lingyun gloomily and said, "I promise you that every next night will be unforgettable."

"..." Wei Lingyun's body trembled fiercely, and he nodded wildly, saying that he would not miss a second, and he would even give away a few more seconds.

Then he slapped himself harder. It's actually not bad to pump himself so hard, at least the kind of pain it brings can make him temporarily forget the thing that he took off his clothes and knelt on the road at this moment and slapped himself violently.

Li Zedao didn't even look at their minds kneeling over there and slapped their ears. What's so interesting about a few idiots kneeling over there and slapped their ears? Therefore, after threatening Wei Lingyun, he put his hands in his trouser pockets, but did not walk to the cafe not far away to meet Haneda Michiko and Yoko, but bypassed those who were kneeling and slapped themselves. People walked into the clubhouse.

"Wow..." The waiter around the door and the guests who came to the club for consumption were startled, and they scattered, and walked clean in an instant. Some even had weakened legs and just sat on the ground. , And then fled by crawling.

"Uh..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched inaudibly, saying that he was so scary?

"This gentleman, please wait..." Li Zedao stopped the man in a suit in front of him. Seeing him like that, he was undoubtedly the staff of this club.

The man's body suddenly stiffened, and he turned very hard to look at Li Zedao, his face was pale and stiff, he tried very hard to squeeze a smile on his face, but the effect he showed was undoubtedly a failure.

"Don't... don't beat me, I'm just a part-time worker, I just quit my job, I don't know anything..." The man's voice trembled, his face full of horror and helplessness.

"Don't be afraid, I just want to ask you, where is the bathroom? I want to pee." Li Zedao said helplessly. It's all because Yingzi painted such an ugly costume. No wonder these people are so scared.


After entering the bathroom, Li Zedao stood in front of the sink, looked at the ugly face in the mirror for a while, then took off the eye on the bridge of the nose and threw it into the trash can.

Turning on the faucet, his face leaned forward, letting the cold water wash his face.

A minute later, he turned off the faucet, raised his head, looked at the handsome face in the mirror that was covered with drops of water, which had restored its previous appearance, grinned, showing a mouthful of white and neat teeth.

By now, there is no point in continuing to dress up.

Looking at this handsome and sunny face in the mirror, Li Zedao couldn't help being stunned by his own handsomeness, and then he said with emotion that it's no wonder so many girls like it everywhere.

Li Zedao, Li Zedao, you are good at everything, but you are too handsome and outstanding. This is not good. You can easily become a target of others.

Immediately thinking of something, the heart twitched a few times, the pain was so severe, and the eyes were bloodshot.

After taking a few big breaths and calming himself down, Li Zedao took out a tissue to wipe off the water stains on his face. Then he left the bathroom and walked out of the Qingyun Club. At this time, Wei Lingyun and the others were still kneeling there and slap after another. Slap slapped his own face, without any intention of being lazy.

Li Zedao couldn't help but shook his head, stupid is a stupid, he can't even be lazy.

Of course, Li Zedao naturally did not arouse other people’s ideas when he came out from the inside. He only regarded him as a customer who came to the club to consume. After all, everyone’s attention was almost on Wei Lingyun and the others. Besides, he had already restored his original appearance, not the one who let him. The people are full of cold and violence.

When I came to the street and was about to walk towards the cafe not far away to meet Michiko and the others, a black-clothed man walked towards him.

Li Zedao looked at the man, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. Since you have actively contacted, please settle the account clearly.

"Shao Li." When he came to the front, the man in black nodded slightly respectfully, and said straightforwardly, "Director Yang can't wait to talk to you after learning that you are okay."

"Can't wait?"

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth was already curled up in an inexplicable range and said, "In that case, give me the phone."

The black-clothed man immediately took out a mobile phone from his pocket, pressed a series of numbers, and handed it to Li Zedao.

Li Zedao reached out and took it, and put it to his ear. He already heard the long-lost voice of Director Huang. "I have been missing for so long. I thought that something happened to your kid. Now that you are fine, I can rest assured. Up."

Li Zedao smiled, and said in a flat tone: "Director Yang is really relieved? Isn't it that you are worried that you will have a headache?"

"You kid... you are still so choking." On the other end of the phone, Director Yang's smile froze slightly, and Li Zedao's indifferent and alienated tone made him feel an extremely unpleasant feeling.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just made a joke just now, what I actually want to say is, I'm worried about it."

"Why did your kid suddenly become so polite? This is not your style." Director Yang's voice was smiling, but the smile on his face solidified again. It has become a little gloomy, and even regrets inexplicably. Give him this call.

"Oh, nothing, I just want to understand something." Li Zedao infinitely sighed.

"What do you want to understand, kid?"

"You and fc stand behind the whole country, representing absolute justice, and controlling the power of life and death. Of course, I am a small common man who has to be respectful and even consider himself a grandson. What do you say That's it, otherwise, I am afraid I don't know how to die later?" Li Zedao said lightly.

Director Yang's brows wrinkled even more. This kid's grievance was so big that he had several thorns when he spoke. As expected, this kid had guessed something.

The bitterness of the mouth is full of emotions, and the threat of intimidation and intimidation. This kid also compromised and helped them solve one problem after another. But now, continue to know the words that are moved by emotion and reason. I'm afraid that even he himself blushes? If it is threatened...this kid is probably going to throw the table and beat people up, right?

As a result, Director Yang had an impulse to beat Sumen again. After Sumen killed Xiao Qingfeng, Director Yang's desire to beat him has never disappeared, and it is even more intense now.

At the moment, he had to respond in a relaxed and ridiculous tone: "Okay, don't you kidding me..."

"I'm serious." Li Zedao didn't give the other party any face.

There was resentment in his heart, a great resentment, and that resentment broke out in such a "humble" "apology" at this moment!

"And I have to sincerely apologize to Director Yang... Oh, and Director Sumensu, I sincerely apologize to you and say sorry to you."

Li Zedao continued: "I am young and frivolous, and I am so disrespectful to you. Even when I was at the base, I tried to challenge your authority and take away Xiao Qingfeng... Am I pretending to be compelling?"

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