As long as you kill him, and then put a crime on him, then this matter will have the most perfect result.

He Sumen feels good, fc does not need to do such a shameful thing, and the security of the country will not be threatened!

In Sumen's view, the last point is undoubtedly the most important. Whoever is likely to threaten the security of the country, then who is his mortal enemy, must be obliterated.

And now, the couple of dogs are kissing passionately over there, so now is undoubtedly the best time to shoot!

With a thought in his heart, Su Men no longer hesitated, his expression instantly sullen, his hand was already stretched out of his pocket, the muzzle of the pistol in his hand was aimed at Li Zedao's head, and then he buckled without hesitation. The trigger is down.

His marksmanship is extremely powerful, plus the distance is so close, and it is a sneak attack, and this gun has also been carefully modified, with great power, so there is no possibility of missed!

"Bang!" The crisp gunfire sounded.

"Go to hell!" Sumen closed his eyes with great enjoyment, and then slowly opened his eyes, intending to appreciate the splashing scene, which must be spectacular.

Then, the smile on his face that hadn't completely dispersed in an instant, because he didn't see the *splashing scene.

He clearly saw Li Zedao still standing there, his hands still hugging his woman's waist, but the lips of the two of them had already separated, and even Sumen discovered that the other's eyes were also staring. From my own point of view, my eyes are full of playfulness, ridicule, as if watching a big idiot playing a monkey over there.

Even, his other hand didn’t know what was already holding a dagger shimmering with cold light.

"Drip!" A drop of blood on the sharp dagger slipped from the tip of the knife and fell to the ground.

Then Sumen's eyes widened little by little, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Shouldn't his head explode? Why are you still alive?

He said with great difficulty, "I shot it?"

"You shot." Li Zedao nodded and said affirmatively.

"Why didn't you die?" Sumen asked without understanding. He clearly aimed at his head, he clearly fired, he clearly heard the gunfire, and he was a sneak attack, no one thought he would shoot in this situation, right? Yang Guomin, an old bastard, must have never thought of it! This **** is even more unexpected.

One intentional sneak attack, one unintentional defense, the result is clear at a glance, but now, why is there such a result? His head didn't explode, and even there were no bullet holes anywhere on his body, he was not shot! This unscientific!

"Perhaps because your marksmanship is too bad, right?" Li Zedao sincerely gave his opinion.

"Impossible!" Seeing that this kid dared to insult his marksmanship, Sumen exploded decisively, and then he must continue to pull the trigger frantically. Since one shot can't kill you, then shoot a few more shots, I won't I believe you are not dead!

Then, his eyes widened, and his body trembled violently.

Because, his entire right wrist was severed! His hand holding the pistol didn't know when it fell to the ground, because the meridians were not dead, they were still twitching gently.

At the moment Sumen pulled the trigger frantically, Li Zedao not only avoided the bullet, but even cut off his wrist altogether!

Sumen didn't actually overestimate his marksmanship, but he seriously underestimated Li Zedao's strength. He knew that returning to the basics was terrible, but he didn't expect anything to be terrible to the point.

At the same time, Director Yang's old face standing in front of Sumen has become very ugly, the old skin on his face has been soaked, and his eyes are full of cold breath.

He didn't expect to say that Sumen dared to shoot in this situation. Isn't this a complete confirmation that their fc does have the idea of ​​killing him? Isn't this to completely push the relationship between each other to the abyss?

Of course, it’s okay to shoot, but you killed him, you **** kill him, if you kill him, I will invite you to drink every day, even I can let you sit in this position. ! But what are you doing like this? This will only make fc more passive, and will only make fc even more embarrassing.

There is really no room for relaxation now.

Director Yang really regretted it. He felt that he shouldn't be merciful just now, but should directly beat up this brain-dead so that he would have to lie in a hospital bed for at least a month to get up.

"This bastard!" At this moment, Director Yang had the urge to turn around and kill Su Men.

As for the other men in black, their minds trembled and couldn't believe what they saw. Of course they knew that the man standing in front of them was very powerful, but they didn't even think that he would be so powerful that he felt so powerless.

From the moment Director Su shot and his wrist was cut off, it happened in a flash. In less than two seconds at all, he first avoided the bullet, and then slapped Master Su’s Cut the wrist...

What’s more terrifying is that when Director Su fired, he was still holding that beautiful girl’s little mouth; what’s even more terrifying was that none of them saw him shoot, and then Director Su’s hand was Cut off.

Li Zedao paid no attention to Su Sect, whose expression was extremely shocked, his eyes fell on Director Yang, and he said with a cold smile: "What? It's not only illegal to kiss my girlfriend here, it even has to be shot on the spot?"

Director Yang smiled bitterly, his mouth was full of bitterness: "Let's go."

Up to now, any explanation is so pale and feeble, even if it is emphasized that this is Sumen’s personal behavior and has nothing to do with fc, what can it be? In the end, fc will have to carry this scapegoat.

As for Sumen's hand being severed, can Li Zedao be to blame? It's not impossible, but there is a prerequisite for this, that is, Li Zedao did not have such a terrifying skill. If he was just an ordinary person, for example, he was a governor, then he would have been destroyed.

Li Zedao pointed to Su Sect who hadn't reacted yet, shook his head and said, "He wants to kill me, shouldn't I seek justice for myself?"

"You have cut off his hand." Director Yang's breath froze, and he already realized that it seemed not so easy to send him away.

This kid still wants to continue to vent his dissatisfaction, continue to draw fc's face, and watch fc's jokes!

Li Zedao sneered: "Have you fc always settled accounts like this? If so, can I also shoot your head, if you can dodge the bullet and cut my hand, I can't Okay, let's forget about it?"

"..." Director Yang felt that Li Zedao's words were too reasonable, and he had nothing to refute.

Of course, they have never refuted anything, because no one has ever dared to tell their fc so-called truth, their fc itself is the truth, it is the law, you are guilty when you say you are guilty, and you are a fool if you are a fool. Saying that you must die within a minute, you must not live for another second.

It's so overbearing! It's so awesome! Just so proud!

But now, their kind of domineering, this kind of arrogance, this kind of pride is trampled under their feet by a guy, which naturally makes them extremely uncomfortable.

"In that case, follow your fc rules. Who of you wants to come first? You? You? Or you? Or you?" Li Zedao said with a smile, but his eyes turned scarlet. At the same time, there was an extra pistol in his hand, and the muzzle was swept over the foreheads of these people one by one, and the whole person suddenly became murderous.

At the same time, the black-clothed men standing behind Director Yang looked nervous, and immediately took out their pistols. The muzzle was pointed at Li Zedao and confronted him. For a while, the two sides were furious. It was freezing and killing.

The black-clothed man standing behind Su Men's eyes suddenly rounded, his face was extremely shocked, his forehead was covered with cold sweat. Because, he found that his pistol was missing, and the dagger on his body was also missing.

And the pistol in the opponent's hand seems to look very similar to the one he lost. That is to say, the opponent only cut off Director Su's wrist with a knife after the dagger and pistol were taken from him. ? And he didn't even notice it at all? This is too scary, right?

If the other party really wanted to kill, then he would have become a corpse long ago.

Li Zedao didn't seem to see so many gunpoints aimed at him, but his gaze fell on Director Yang, and then the corner of his mouth was slightly pulled out with an extremely dangerous range: "Someone once held a gun against my head. In the end, they either died or were disabled."

"Uh..." These fc members have more cold sweat on their foreheads, and they don't know whether to put down the pistol or not.

"What are you doing? Put down the gun for Lao Tzu!" Director Yang's eyelids twitched violently, and he roared in a low voice. He already felt danger. If they continued to point their guns at him, he would do it.

Director Yang gave the order. The men in black sighed in relief and quickly put down their pistols. They felt that their palms were already sweating. They all knew that this man was not pretending to be bragging, and once he continued to hold the gun at him. As far as his head is concerned, I am afraid that they will all end up like Director Su, right?

"You put down the gun, too." Director Yang looked at Li Ze and said, "We don't like to be put on the head with a gun."

"Why should I listen to your orders?" Li Zedao asked with a smile, "Besides, what is it that you don't like being held to your head with a gun?"

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