The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1737: Angry Director Yang

Director Yang wants to scold his mother, what does it mean is none of your business? Is it you holding a gun against our head, OK?

With pupils staring at the black muzzle, Director Yang's expression was even more ugly, but his heart was full of powerlessness.

This kid’s mentality has completely changed. It’s no longer the rookie who threatened casually that day. If you put a few hats on a sense of honor in Xiaozhi, he will obey your orders obediently. He is now Just a mad dog, just wanting to bite you badly.

What makes Director Yang feel bitter is that they personally transformed this rookie into a mad dog.

Director Yang looked at the girl and tried to get the girl who seemed extremely calm and rational to her to persuade Li Zedao to accept it when she saw it, and stop making trouble, otherwise it would be of no benefit to anyone.

They suspected that the girl was Bei, but there was no evidence to prove that she was Bei. Of course, compared with Li Zedao, it really didn't matter whether she was Bei.

In fact, when he just walked out, he had already reminded the girl, and asked her to persuade him after Li Ze arrived, not to make matters worse.

What made Director Yang very hot was that the girl didn't make any response, and didn't even look at her.

Now, Director Yang was a little relieved that although the girl didn't even look at herself as before, her eyes were cold, as if she didn't care about everything happening around her, but somehow she spoke. :"stop."

"Hey." Li Zedao quickly put down the gun and looked back at Sister Bei with a smile.

"Give me cigarettes and lighters." Bei's eyes softened suddenly, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted.

Li Zedao hurriedly took out the lady's cigarette and lighter that Sister Bei liked to smoke when he came over, and drew out one that was very awkward and put it in Sister Bei's mouth to help light the cigarette.

Bei took a breath, spit out a breath of smoke lightly, and looked at Li Ze and said, "Go ahead."

She fell into the hands of fc, so she probably guessed something, so she was very angry, so even if Li Zedao killed all the people here, and later defected to China, she would not say anything, she would help Killing... Even though, she was once a member of this organization.

Of course, based on her understanding of Li Zedao, Li Zedao would not make things uncontrollable, at least it is far from that point now, he must have plans.

Li Zedao smiled, raised his hand, and aimed his muzzle at Director Yang's head again.

So, she told him to stop only because she wanted to smoke a cigarette? Director Yang almost spit out a mouthful of old blood without holding back, and almost greeted her mother. This girl is more annoying than the **** Li Zedao.

At this moment, Sumen’s roar was like pouring a barrel of oil fiercely in this extremely murderous atmosphere, and it burst into flames all at once: "I shot Laozi, killed him, I killed him..."

The old man had already reacted from that kind of astonishment. At the moment, his eyes were blood red, his expression was hideous and distorted, and his eyes were so hideous as to stare at Li Zedao.

His own hand was cut off by him? He wants him to die, he wants his whole family to die!

This kind of anger and the previous pride has completely lost his mind, leaving him with no other thoughts other than wanting to kill Li Zedao, making him forget that he is a moth at all, and the other party is. Raging fire. So while he roared, his figure flashed, and he rushed towards Li Zedao.

"Sumen, you come back to Lao Tzu!" Director Yang's heart shrank sharply and his hands grew violently, trying to stop Sumen. If he were to do it again, let alone whether he would be beaten to death. Things can't be cleaned up.

However, Director Yang failed.

Even if Su Men was seriously injured, his skills were there after all, so when he was completely mad and desperate, it was really difficult for Director Yang to stop him.

"Bang!" The gun shot.

Sumen's body suddenly stopped forward, and he stood there abruptly.

His eyes opened wider, and the hideous expression on his face solidified, and then slowly looked down, only to see an extra bullet hole on his stomach and chest, and blood kept flowing. He came out, and instantly dyed his clothes red!

Then, he raised his head and stared at Li Zedao with blood red eyes. At this time, the pistol in Li Zedao's hand was emitting wisps of smoke.

Li Zedao fired! And fired twice! It's just that he shot so fast, he shot two shots at almost the same time, so everyone basically only heard one shot.

On that day, Kita was shot in the abdomen and chest! Li Zedao now returned it back, blood for blood, tooth for tooth!

Of course, this is far from enough! Li Zedao certainly did not intend to kill this narrow-minded and vicious old man. If he were to be killed here, then things would really be out of control. He would naturally have the ability to leave this place, but I am afraid he will be here in China from then on. Can't stay any longer, and many people will be implicated.

But he wants to completely abolish him, so that in the days to come, he can only live like a disuse, unable to take care of himself in the most basic life!

For this kind of arrogant and conceited old man, it is a hundred times more cruel to destroy him directly than to kill him directly. Li Zedao wanted this effect.

Therefore, the two shots he fired naturally did not hit important parts of his body, and he could not kill him!

Sumen stared at Li Zedao with stern eyes and resentment, and his body trembled so badly that he finally sat on the ground, vomiting blood. He was injured so badly that no matter how he wanted to continue to stand, he felt resentful in his heart and couldn't stand up anymore, let alone continue to attack Li Zedao.

Li Zedao's face is full of ridicule, even a trash like you wants to kill me? Now walked towards the old man.

In front of him, Director Yang had already appeared there, directly blocking Li Zedao's path. He has already become murderous. If you dare to take a step forward, don't blame Lao Tzu for being rude to you.

At the same time, two men in black swiftly stepped forward to help Sumen with emergency treatment. The remaining men in black also stared at Li Zedao nervously, ready to do it at any time.

The atmosphere in the entire space was suddenly suppressed, and the air was filled with an extremely irritable smell. At this time, any move by both parties is likely to become the fire that ignites.

"Enough?" Director Yang stared at Li Zedao with his eyes fixedly, and shouted in a low voice. Sumen’s gunman was cut off. Sumen launched the attack and he had two more shots on his body... Director Yang is still acceptable if such a thing happens. After all, Li Zedao just made a counterattack and Sumen killed himself I can't blame others.

But now, if Li Zedao is allowed to take the initiative to attack Sumen and he does not act at all, the old face will naturally be ashamed, and the fc members will be completely chilled.

Li Zedao dug out his ears with his fingers, looked at the furious Director Yang with a smile, and said, "Enough... your mother!"

"..." The muscles on Director Yang's face twitched and his body was shaking. He seemed to be about to fall, and he felt like a thunderous sensation.

The **** cut Su Men’s hand and left two bullet holes on Su Men’s body. That’s fine, provoking fc’s authority, holding a gun against their heads, this is fine, but greeting him That mother, who has been dead for many years, can't bear this.

The corners of Bei's mouth standing behind Li Zedao also twitched. Even she felt that Li Zedao's words were too much. Under such an atmosphere, she naturally had a cold face stretched, but now, she is almost unable to stretch herself. , It's too much!

The black-clothed men also looked strange and weird, and didn't even think about that he would explode. Where is this expert? This is just a little bastard.

Director Yang worked very hard to suppress the anger and murderous intent, his face was so gloomy, he wanted to do it, but he knew very well that he could not take the initiative... he didn’t want to end up with Sumen, besides, he It is impossible to make this matter unmanageable. They cannot force Li Zedao to stand on their opposite side, otherwise, no one will be able to bear the consequences.

He said in a voice that even felt unfamiliar to him: "If it is not enough, what do you want? Kill Sumen? Bloodbath this place and kill all of us?"

Li Zedao looked at Director Yang, who was on the verge of an outbreak, sneered, and said: "If Director Yang really wants me to do this, I don't mind meeting your wish."

"..." Director Yang wanted to fight this **** for three hundred rounds. There is really an mmp saying that I don’t know how to be a curse. Lao Tzu is just defending his dignity and showing his blood in front of the people under his hands. Why should you take it seriously? why? Didn't your teacher teach you how to respect the old and love the young?

Li Zedao shook his head and laughed at himself: "Besides, what can I do as a little ordinary person? I hope at best, you fc can show the most sincere attitude to apologize to me and my family...Of course, this is a luxury. , How can your fc lower your noble head? How can you get the three words "I'm sorry"? In your eyes, whatever you do is right, all for the good of this country, all Contributing to this country...Tsk, it’s amazing, it’s amazing."


"Therefore, there is no need to apologize. I interrupted the old man's legs and dug out his eyeballs. Then everything in the past is forgotten. What if I don't forget it?" Li Ze said with a smile. , "I will leave after that, or I am afraid I will have to live here for a few days... The environment here is pretty good. It would be better if you take care of the food."

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