"You..." Director Yang felt that some liquid was flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said with a mockery: "What can I do if I can't forget it? I can only survive and passively accept, only to survive and trample on his dignity, Director Yang said What?"

"..." There was more liquid at the corner of Director Yang's mouth.

As a woman on the same front as Li Zedao, Bei was somewhat worried that Director Yang would have the most violent conflict with Li Zedao if he was desperate. Anyway, from Bei's point of view, if I were Director Yang, I would have ignored you and dealt with you a long time ago. I really deceived people too much, and even said such shameless words.

Bei felt that he hadn't seen it in 112 days, and the pervert's face had become much thicker.

"Are you sure, you want to do this?" Director Yang wiped off the liquid at the corner of his mouth with his sleeve and roared in a low voice. The liquid at the corner of his mouth made him feel very embarrassed.

Li Zedao chuckled, smiling like an old fox: "If Director Yang wants to do it for you, of course I, a small citizen, dare not not give face."

Director Yang's eyes narrowed slightly. Of course, he knew the meaning of Li Ze's words. He was actually giving him a step down to fc. This is to show fc with an attitude of admitting mistakes. You can not admit your mistakes, but you have to show your attitude, right? At least, you have to pull out a scapegoat.

There is no doubt that Sumen is the best scapegoat! Because he tortured Xiao Qingfeng to death with cruel methods, and because the relationship between the two parties became like this, Sumen had to pay at least 80% of the responsibility.

Director Yang took a deep breath and said, "I understand."

Then he turned around abruptly, looking blankly at the extreme despair, but his eyes were still filled with resentment and vicious Su Men. Without any hesitation, his right index finger and **** stretched out toward Su Men as fast as lightning. Eyes stuck in the past.

He decided to take this step and abolished Su Men and gave Li Zedao an explanation.

"Guo Guomin Yang, do you dare?" Sumen realized Director Yang's actions, and already understood that he had become the scapegoat. His expression suddenly rose up, and he yelled and tried to avoid him.

But he was injured too badly, and Director Yang didn't have any intention to discuss with him at all, so he hit the heaviest hand.

"Puff!" A voice that made the scalp numb.

The black-clothed men standing around jerked their hearts, their scalp numb. They are all warriors who have experienced many battles. What **** scenes have they not seen? But the scene before them seriously stimulated their nerves.

"Ah..." A miserable scream came out from the corner of Sumen's mouth, looking at his distorted and hideous face. Those eyes that were originally filled with viciousness are gone, replaced by two **** blood. The hole, his eyeballs were dug out by Director Yang.

After digging out Su Men's eyeballs with simple and rude methods, Director Yang did not hesitate, and quickly passed with his two feet and stepped on the knees of Su Men's two trembling thighs.

"Crack!" The sound of the brittle bones that made the scalp numb, the kneecaps of his two legs turned into scum, and there was no possibility of recovery.

Therefore, the rest of his life can only be spent in the dark in a wheelchair!

This time, Sumen didn't make any screams, he passed out directly, and even if it wasn't for his physical fitness, he might have died long ago.

The other black-clothed men saw Director Yang's hand so heavy, and their expressions were astonished to the extreme. They didn't expect to say that Director Yang would put such a heavy hand on Director Su, and they were still being forced. Made under circumstances!

Then, they were all moved suddenly. They felt that Director Yang had to meet the other party's request, otherwise, if conflict broke out, they would all have to die!

In order to save their lives, Director Yang had to sacrifice Director Su, and had to start with Director Su with extreme humiliation and grief... Director Yang is really great.

Of course, Director Su is even greater, even greater than Director Yang, because the sacrifice he made is far greater than Director Yang.

For a while, Director Yang's thin and old figure and Director Su's figure lying on the ground like a dead dog were infinitely magnified in their eyes, making their eyes moist.

After digging out Su Men's eyes neatly and stepping on his legs, Director Yang looked back at Li Zedao expressionlessly and said, "Is that enough?"

"Director Yang's unfavorable and cheating spirit really moved me." Li Zedao wiped the corner of his eyes and said sincerely.

Director Yang felt that there was fluid flowing down from the corners of his mouth again. The words the boy said were more disgusting than one, and he had already suffered a very serious internal injury.

"Is that enough?" Director Yang took a deep breath, staring hard at Li Ze. If it is not enough, then hurt each other.

"Enough is enough." Li Zedao smiled and quickly nodded and said. His purpose is to abolish the vicious old man Sumen, and he is fiercely disgusting fc. Now that the goal has been achieved, naturally he will not be stupid. It's in a decent way.

Director Yang’s face was ugly, but he was slightly relieved. The **** finally didn’t make any progress. When he waved his hand, two people immediately took Su Men who had fainted away from here for treatment. If he doesn't hurry up for treatment, his blood may be drained.

Li Zedao took out a cigarette and a lighter, lit one, and then looked at Director Yang: "Dr. Yang, come one too?"

Director Yang nodded and did not refuse.

Just now, Li Zedao asked him to help dig out Su Men’s eyes and interrupt Su’s legs. In fact, he was giving fc a chance to admit his mistake. Since your pride makes you unable to say the three words "I'm sorry", then Just use action to apologize.

Director Yang "grasp" this opportunity, and he has to grasp it, otherwise, this matter will not be accepted at all. What if this kid really lives here?

Moreover, Li Zedao must completely abolish Su Sect, and he must not watch Li Zedao abolish Su Sect, so in the end the only result is a complete conflict. At that time, no one can bear the consequences. .

At the moment, Director Yang took the cigarette handed over by Li Zedao, and Li Zedao doggedly helped Director Yang light the cigarette, and the two began to throw up.

"Nothing happened before, and nothing happened tonight, how?" Director Yang looked at Li Ze and asked.

The subtext is, what is our relationship in the past, what will be the relationship in the future, the harm that FC has done to you and your trampling on FC's dignity tonight are all written off.

In any case, Director Yang is still apologetic for what happened before, and he also doesn't want the country to lose such talents.

"What happened before? What happened tonight?" Li Zedao looked blank.

"You kid..." Director Yang smiled, decisively thinking that this was the first human word the kid said tonight. The murderous aura on the body at the moment was reduced, and then he said with a serious face: "I assure you, that kind of thing will not happen."

Li Zedao smiled and said: "Even if you don’t guarantee Director Yang, that kind of thing shouldn’t happen, right? I’ve been bitten by a mad dog before, and Director Yang thinks I will allow myself to Bitten once?"

"Ahem..." Director Yang was simply choked by the cigarette, and coughed fiercely, his old face turned red, and this kid still didn't know how to speak.

At this moment, Director Yang only felt that his brain was suddenly dizzy, and his eyes began to blur, and he felt that the blood in his body seemed to be boiling little by little, and he felt like he was being It's like thrown in the fire, and the whole person is extremely hot.

He suddenly thought of something, his expression was extremely shocked, the eyes that were about to fall out stared at Li Zedao, and whispered: "You kid, what did you do to Laozi?"

He felt very hot and thirsty, and he wanted to rip off his clothes. At the same time, he felt that the thing under his crotch was out of control, and he simply pushed out a tent.

"Dr. Yang, what did you say? What did I do to you?" Li Zedao looked puzzled, and his eyes widened slightly as if seeing something terrifying. "Dr. Yang, what's the matter with you? Why is your face so red?"

"Asshole, stop making trouble, quickly cure Laozi or stun Laozi... quickly..." Director Yang roared, his voice filled with panic, as if something terrible had happened.

The fc members standing there were also secretly stunned, not understanding what had happened, causing Director Yang to utter such a panic scream.

Looking at Director Yang, I saw that his old face was flushed, and his mouth and nostrils kept emitting a strong breath, and his eyes turned blood red little by little, and the whole person looked so irritable. .

Li Zedao was even more stunned when he saw this, his voice asked eagerly, "Director Yang, what's the matter with you? Epilepsy?"

The members of fc saw Director Yang suddenly this, and the muffled roars in their mouths were all dumbfounded. They don’t know what happened. Is it really like what this terrifying man said, epilepsy? Guilty?

Then, a scene that made them stunned happened.

"Roar!" Director Yang roared at the same time, he started to tear his clothes desperately. Soon the clothes he was wearing were torn to pieces by him, and then soon there were only pieces left on his body. The wispy Director Yang appeared in front of them, and under his crotch... masculine, arrogant, and optimistic.

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