"Uh..." Everyone's eyes almost rolled out of their eye sockets and fell to the ground, their faces full of horror. So, Director Yang is... in estrus?

As for Bei, the muscles on his face tugged violently, Qiao blushed, took a mouthful, and turned around decisively.

"Roar!" After Director Yang let out another muffled roar like a beast, he directly rushed towards Li Zedao, the action was as if a dirty and wretched man couldn't wait to rush towards a beauty.

"Fuck!" Li Zedao trembled, his figure flashed, and he hurriedly avoided. If he fell to the ground and molested it, would he see no one in the future?

After the unsuccessful flutter, Director Yang's muffled roar was truly earth-shattering, and it made people jealous. The whole person looked no different from a boar who was in love.

In the next second, he simply rushed towards the fc members who stood there and watched this scene dumbfounded, just like a wolf pounced on a flock of sheep.

"Fuck..." All of these members had their scalp numb, gasped, and their bodies trembled. Their expressions were utterly shocked. If this was thrown by Director Yang, what would happen next?

The picture is simply too beautiful to imagine.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, an unlucky fc member was simply thrown to the ground by Director Yang.

When Director Yang, transformed into a wolf, rushed towards their group of so delicious lambs, he originally wanted to avoid it, but Director Yang was so fast that he could not resist.

Moreover, Director Yang’s strength is there. At this moment, he is completely in this state of estrus, and he is even more powerful. Therefore, the unlucky fc is unable to move at all, and a bad premonition makes this fc. The members of's complexion was instantly pale, and they were truly shocked to the extreme, and helpless to the extreme.

At this moment, the other fc members who were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe secretly rejoiced, while watching this unimaginable scene dumbfounded.

"Ah, Director Yang, this is Xiao Wu, don't do this... Brothers help me..." The fc member let out a scream, his face pale, his expression extremely painful, his eyes blank and horrified.

He clearly felt that Director Yang had started to kiss his neck wildly. At the same time, his big hand was pulling up his trousers forcefully, and there was a stiff thing on it. There is his hip.

"No, please, Director Yang, don't... Brothers, save me... Ah..." This fc member was struggling desperately until he was crazy, his screams kept coming out, terribly harsh. This scene is earth-shattering, it has created an unprecedented precedent for fc.

Everyone is stupid, no one wants to come forward to stop it. On the one hand, this scene really stimulated their nerves so much that their brains turned white. Apart from looking stupidly, they didn't even think about making extra moves.

More importantly, that is Director Yang, the boss they most admired, Director Yang. Can they commit a crime against him? Can't! If this were replaced by someone else, they would have exploded his head with a single shot.

"Tsk tsk, this old man can't take the wrong medicine, right? Or is it that he actually wanted to do this kind of thing a long time ago, but it just broke out completely? Or is there some kind of evil spirit here, he is possessed by the evil spirit? Is it?" Li Ze, who was standing far away watching the excitement, started tut, and then exhaled a breath of smoke, his face was full of gloat.

Of course, my heart was unavoidable and my heart jumped. The effect of the aphrodisiac given by the old man was really too powerful for his grandma, and it was as good as Director Yang and he simply lost his mind...Of course, a more accurate statement is, He was actually very clear about what he was doing, but he couldn't control himself.

This is undoubtedly the cruelest part of this aphrodisiac.

Li Zedao actually didn't want to do this. It's too cruel, isn't it? For such a high-ranking person like Director Yang, if this happens, you might as well kill him.

But Qian Yugang said that he must ask Director Yang a good question for him. Faced with the request of his lifesaver, Li Zedao dare not refuse to agree, otherwise he would be a beast.

Bei, who didn't dare to look back, gave Li Zedao a blank look with the corner of her eyes. Of course she knew that Director Yang suddenly became a beast must be Li Zedao's actions in secret.

Of course, she is not worried that Li Zedao will smash things up. On the one hand, she knows that Li Zedao will not let the situation completely get out of control. In other words, Li Zedao will not let Director Yang carry out the last kind of brutality. .

Moreover, even if the trouble is big, that's nothing. After all, his current mentality has changed. It is better than fc that he dare not squeeze him as a soft persimmon at will, otherwise, they will pay an extremely painful price.

Sure enough, Li Zedao "can't stand it anymore"! He felt that this old man was too beast, how could he humiliate and trample his subordinates like this? How could he mutilate an elite like this?

As a good boy who loves five talks, four beauty and three loves, as a good boy who picks up fifty cents on the road and wants to give it to the police uncle, Li Zedao said that he can't just watch this scene happen.

Therefore, when he simply flicked off half of the cigarette in his hand, he appeared in front of Director Yang in a flash. With a flick of his hand, a few silver needles ejected out and simply pierced Director Yang. Of several acupuncture points.

The body of Director Yang, who was madly desperately molesting the fc member who was pressed by him, suddenly stiffened, his pupils suddenly enlarged, and then the whole person was lying heavily on the member's body, his body gently Trembling, panting heavily, and even more white air was constantly squirting from his nostrils and mouth.

His eyes were blood red, and they were full of desire-hope, but his body was unable to move now, and his desires could not be satisfied. So, soon, extremely painful emotions flowed out of his eyes.

Li Zedao reached out his hand and picked up Director Yang.

At the same time, after the fc member who almost had his **** pulled out was relieved, he looked at Li Zedao with extreme horror, showing a trace of gratitude, and then he hurriedly crawled away.

His body, with scratches on his body, trembled uncontrollably. The eyes that had become dazed and desperate looked around, and then closed his eyes, leaned back, and fainted. The moment he fell to the ground, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Although the virginity was preserved, the body and mind were undoubtedly suffered extremely serious trauma, which made this fc member simply suffocated his internal injury and vomited blood. He had to pass out in a coma, and he didn’t know how he would see him in the future. People, that kind of pain makes him feel all this like a nightmare.

Even at the moment of escaping, he wanted to desperately kill Director Yang, who he had always respected and admired the most!

At the same time, other FC members saw Li Zedao's action to stop Director Yang's atrocities, and they all looked at Li Zedao with grateful eyes and exhaled several times.

After all, if Director Yang is allowed to continue like this, let's not say whether the fc member will be tortured to death. If Director Yang is still not satisfied after torturing him to death, what should I do? Can't shoot him and kill him?

Not to mention, if this thing happens and if it spreads out, not only Director Yang, but the entire fc will not be able to look up and will be stared at the pillar of shame. Fortunately, the precipice reined in, the most horrible scene did not happen, and then Director Yang was also subdued.

Of course, things are already embarrassing at this point.

It’s a shame for Director Yang, and it’s also a shame for FC. For that member... it’s not as simple as shame. They think they have to find a psychiatrist for him quickly to help his emotions. Otherwise I am afraid I will commit suicide. Anyway, if this kind of thing happened to them, they really wouldn't want to live.

"Ahem...I think that Director Yang should have eaten something by mistake. You can take him down for a good physical examination and treatment." Li Zedao was somewhat embarrassed as he stared at such grateful eyes. Then he handed Director Yang he was carrying to them.

Several people looked at each other, and then two of them swallowed wildly, and took Director Yang from Li Zedao's hand extremely cautiously.

Their hearts are really disturbed, and they are afraid that Director Yang will suddenly violent again and then press them under their bodies.

"Oh, by the way, be careful not to pull out the silver needle from him, otherwise Director Yang will regain his mobility. You know what will happen then." Li Zedao looked at the man who passed out on the ground. At a glance, I felt embarrassed.

Although he was not exploded in the end, Ju, but such an encounter was enough to become his lifelong nightmare, right?

When the two heard this, their bodies trembled violently, and they quickly stated that they would definitely not touch the silver needle.

"Okay, then I'm going." Li Zedao waved his hand, turned his head and greeted Shimobei, and then under the gaze of the fc members who looked so complicated, the two got into the car.

At the same time, I don’t know when on the back seat of the car, there was a man in black sitting there. This is a middle-aged man in his thirties with thick eyebrows and big eyes. Strong, very explosive, and looking at his outfit, he is undoubtedly one of the members of fc.

But Li Zedao and Bei, who got in the car, seemed to not know that such an fc member was sitting in the car. They didn't react at all, and they didn't even look back at them.

At the same time, the black-clothed man saw the two of them getting in the car, and didn't say much, just that the corners of his mouth were slightly cracked.

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