The car quickly left this small military base. After passing the last post unimpeded, the man in black grinned and said, "Get in the car without saying hello. Please don't be surprised."

Li Zedao smiled without looking back: "If you're offended, I've kicked you out of the car long ago."

"But you are really too awesome." The man simply stretched out a thumb to Li Zedao, "First I used Director Yang's hand to completely abolish Director Su, and then let Director Yang be so ugly. Make fc lose such a big face..."

"This has nothing to do with me. Who knows what medicine Director Yang took wrong?" Li Zedao interrupted the man's words and directly denied.

The man smiled and said nothing.

The car drove forward for a short distance, and then Li Zedao stopped the car on the side of the road, glanced back at the man and said, "You can get off the car. If you are there, I don’t feel embarrassed to make friends with my wife. Win the newlyweds, you know."

"Get out!" Bei's pretty face, who had been silent for a long time, was already blushing quietly. He almost kicked Li Zedao out of the car without a word. This guy really became more and more shameless.

"Thank you." The man chuckled, there was no more ink, he simply pushed the door and got out of the car, his figure flashed, he had completely disappeared into the night.

After the man left, Li Zedao did not step on the accelerator again to move forward, but looked at Bei with a slightly scorching look, looking at the girl he had been thinking about all these days.

Bei's eyes also looked at Li Zedao, and at the boy she had been thinking about all these days, his eyes became softer and more ambiguous.

They just stared at each other like this, without even blinking their eyes, as if they were afraid that if they blinked their eyes, they would disappear.

"I miss you." Bei took the lead to break the seemingly ambiguous atmosphere and said softly. She stretched out her hand and gently stroked this face, "I want to miss it very much."

"I also miss you very much... Do you think we should do something to alleviate this kind of lovesickness? Or is it too uncomfortable in my heart?" Li Zedao put forward his own suggestion, with a shy expression on his face. It's like a little virgin who is in love.

Li Ze Dao's hand also stretched over, his hand was as if he had returned home, and as if it was an instinctive action... His hand was directly pressed on Bei's chest, and then the whole person began to get excited.

Although the whole person is thinner, but here is not thin, the hand feels still so good.

"I think your suggestion is very good." Bei's **** chin lightly nodded, and the little face was already flushed, and he didn't pat Li Zedao's salty pig hands.

She wanted to die the man in front of her, and that kind of miss made her want to hug this man fiercely now, and completely merge with him.

"Then... how to do it?" Li Zedao looked at Sister Bei with a grumble throat, and couldn't help but swallow. Such a Sister Bei is really tempting. Even if she doesn't do anything, she doesn't do anything. Say, but it can also make you clearly feel that I am seduce you!

"You do not know?"

"Uh... I don't know." Li Zedao wanted to question Sister Bei, why should I know? How could I know? I am very pure and you don't know.

Sister Bei expressed regret: "Oh, I don't know... Then forget it, drive, let's go back soon.


Li Zedao's big hand slipped from her chest, and he immediately pulled the delicate* into his arms, let her sit on her lap, then raised his big hand and patted the **** again, humming: " It seems that I haven't used your **** for a long time, and you don't know the rules of our house anymore, so you dare to play with your husband."

"Fuck!" Bei's exquisite and pretty face suddenly saw red clouds flying up, and his big eyes stared at Li Zedao with watery eyes. Then he hugged Li Zedao's neck with both hands and actively kissed Li Zedao's lips.

Tightly, exhausted all the strength, as if afraid of losing again, cherish life.


After choosing to leave the villa that night, Wu Xin also resigned from all her positions in the Tiandao Foundation the next day. In the following three months, her life became monotonous, living at home, nowhere. go with.

She didn't contact the sisters who were once, whether it was the sisters who left the villa like her or the sisters who stayed in the villa and believed that he would return.

Of course the reverse is the same, none of them contacted her.

With her move of leaving the villa, the former sisters became completely strangers.

Of course, although they are basically strangers, many of them are actually paying attention to other sisters silently, and they want to know what other women have been doing during this time and how they lived. good or not.

For example, Wu Xin knew that Su Xuan set out to study in the United States within a few days after leaving the villa.

For example, big star Zhou Xiaolu is now in the United States, and she plans to develop in Hollywood.

For another example, Pan Xiaoting has already started another relationship.

More women are in the same situation as her. They stay at home and never go anywhere, just as a vacation, but in fact they are silently healing their injuries.

At this moment, she was lying in the bathtub, soaking in the bath, her eyes looked at the ceiling, but what she thought was the scenes when she used to be with Li Zedao.

Once, she took the initiative to pursue Li Zedao. Even though he already had many women, he couldn't help but get close. She couldn't help but want to be with him. She didn't care that she had other women, and she didn't care about the worldly gaze. And now, she took the initiative to leave the villa, completely away from the man who is now missing, and is also trying to erase him from her memory in the shortest time, but there is no doubt that she failed.

She can't forget him, she probably won't forget him in her entire life, after all, the small time with him was so good.

Wu Xin didn't think that her move to leave the villa was wrong, and of course, she didn't think it was wrong for Nintendo and the others to stay. It takes courage to stay, and more torture, and this torture is likely to accompany them for a lifetime.

Wu Xin didn't have the courage and couldn't stand the torture, so she chose to escape.

Of course, it takes courage to choose to leave in that situation, but as long as you bravely take the first step, the road behind will be easy.

The mobile phone placed aside rang abruptly, pulling Wu Xin's thoughts back, reaching out and taking a look at Pan Xiaoting's phone.

"What does she want to do with herself? Talking or complaining? I heard that she has found a boyfriend to lead a new life. Her boyfriend is still a well-known second-generation rich in Yanjing, and has a good life. It's sweet."

After pondering in her heart, Wu Xin answered the phone: "Xiao Ting..."

"Xin Xin..." Pan Xiaoting's hoarse and helpless voice came over, causing Wu Xin's heart to shrink slightly. Although it can be said to be a stranger now, but now Pan Xiaoting has such a reaction, Wu Xin is inevitable. worry.

"What's the matter with you? Don't worry, speak slowly." Wu Xin had already heard Pan Xiaoting's crying that seemed so depressed or even collapsed.

"Xinxin, I...I regret it, I regret leaving the villa, I should stay..." Pan Xiaoting's voice intermittently seemed so regretful and helpless.

"What's the matter with you?" Wu Xin stunned. She couldn't believe Pan Xiaoting would say such a thing, because she was the most realistic and fickle one among all the sisters.

Now that Li Zedao is no longer there, how could she say such a thing?


Thinking of something, the expression on Wu Xin's face instantly solidified, and her body instantly stood up from the bathtub.

"I saw him, he is not dead, he is back..."

"He's not dead? He's back?" Wu Xin's mind went blank for a moment, and then "Puff!" With a sound, the phone slipped from her hand and plunged into the bathtub with a thick layer of foam floating on it. in.

After a long time, Wu Xin smiled, and she shed tears, tears falling like pearls with broken wires.

"Really? That's great, but I won't say goodbye to you in front of you..." She muttered to herself.

Then, she squatted down and curled up her gently trembling body in the bathtub.

Soon, Su Xuan, Zhou Xiaolu, Lin Susu, Miffy, Zhao Xiaoying, Qin Shaomei, Ji Yuemo, Bai Xiaoxiao, Jia Qianqian, Pan Xiaoyan, etc... Some of these women who have left the villa are also After receiving the news that Li Zedao was not dead and had returned to Huaxia, people are now in Yanjing. The first reactions of these women were basically the same after receiving the news. They all shed tears because of joy, and then inevitably fell into dismay.

Not all regret it, after all, some of them are indeed tired of the life that seems to only have piston sports.

Naturally there are regrets, such as Pan Xiaoting.

But no matter whether they regret it or not, they will basically not appear in front of Li Zedao in the future, at least they will not take the initiative.

Although there was a reason for the incident, after all, they didn’t want to wait any longer and abandoned him. In this case, if they wanted to come back, they would undoubtedly draw their faces wildly. In addition, even if Li Zedao accepted them again, in the villa. I'm afraid those women won't agree, right?

At the same time, many forces also got the news for the first time, and their reactions were naturally different, but no matter what kind of reaction they were, they were extremely fierce.

After Sun Jundong received the news, he cried like a child, then looked up to the sky and laughed like a madness. Because it was Li Zedao's follower, he would inevitably suffer a lot of grievances these days, but he still gritted his teeth because he I firmly believe that it is impossible for such a man to be as dead as they say, he will definitely come back.

And when Wei Yaoming learned that Li Zedao was not dead, he even let his cousin Wei Lingyun take off his pants and kneel in front of his Qingyun clubhouse and slap himself, so angry that he smashed everything in the room.

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