The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1749: Escalation

The girl who appeared behind must be a lover with him. If he is not a lover, can you have such a kiss in the public? Where is that island woman? Sister and brother? The look in the eyes is not the same, how could the sister look at the younger brother with that look? How scary is that?

However, if it is an island nation, it does not seem to be scary. After all, this kind of thing does not seem to be a great thing in an island nation.

Don't say it's sisters and brothers, it's mother, son, father and daughter, it's not a secret.

Some time ago, didn’t the Katsuta family, the master of the island nation’s Nisso Group, broke out such a scandal? As a result, Nisso is now plummeting, and overseas business is sold directly.

Bastard, even this kind of thing can hug right and left? And she was holding such a beautiful girl? The eyes of the two girls won't both be blind, right?

At this time, Yang Qinglian's two bodyguards had already stood up, but their faces were terribly pale, cold sweat was coming out on their foreheads, and their two thighs were shaking so badly that they might fall down at any time.

As for the fat woman whose hand was interrupted, she had already stood up. She was not in a hurry to go to the hospital, but stared at Li Zedao with extremely vicious and ferocious eyes, as if a poisonous snake was staring at its prey.

Yang Qinglian has already called her father, and with her father's calf-protecting temperament, she will definitely kill her. So the fat woman wanted to see with her own eyes how this **** turned into a dead dog.

Even though the onlookers around ran out of meals, no one left, just because they had reason to believe that a greater conflict would erupt, so naturally they had to stay and appreciate it.

Li Zedao, Su Lingfei and Michiko Haneda didn't know that there were so many eyes staring at them, eating their own food and talking about their own.

Unlike Sun Lingfei who is already hungry, so guts of food to wipe out the food, it is full of violence and beauty. Haneda Michiko cuts meat, forks meat, and chews, maintaining a smooth and fixed rhythm, not fast or slow, warm as spring water . As for the eyes projected from the surroundings, she simply ignored them. Only Li Zedao in her world.

When chewing the food in her mouth, she would stare at Li Zedao with tender eyes, and when she saw Li Zedao's ambiguous response and then opened his mouth, she would pursed her mouth and smiled, and then moved very vigorously. Gently sent a piece of steak into Li Zedao's mouth.

And Li Zedao, from time to time, brought drinks to Sun Lingfei's mouth, he was really afraid that she would choke.

So how you look at it, these are a couple who are sprinkling dog food with extreme affection. What is even more eye-catching is that they are still a couple of a man and a woman.

Seeing them like this, many men expressed envy, jealousy and even hatred, and they wished to lift Li Zedao up and throw them out, and then sit in between the two girls instead of him, enjoying such a gentle and ambiguous treatment.

Yang Qinglian was even more furious, and her body was trembling with anger. They did not put her in their eyes at all.

Do they really think that with the identity of that island nation, they can do whatever they want in China? Do you really feel like you are invincible when an aunt knocks down two bodyguards? Really ignorant and arrogant to heinous.

At this time, Yang Qinglian had probably understood the whole story from her aunt's mouth, so she decisively believed that they were all islanders, and that **** was still a middle-island hybrid!

At this moment, there was a huge movement outside the restaurant.

Yang Qinglian heard the movement, her tight face suddenly stretched out, and the eyes that looked at the **** were full of gloat.

My dad brought someone here! You are dead!

Outside the restaurant, an earth-green military truck parked there steadily. A row of soldiers with live ammunition was jumping off the truck, and then quickly assembled in a line.

Silent, but tense and orderly, you can clearly hear the sound of the extremely neat leather boots knocking on the floor that seems to pierce your soul.

Rolling Thunder, unstoppable!

There used to be young people with passion because they felt that the sound of this kind of leather boots stepping on the ground was too shocking during the National Day military parade, so they chose to join the army.

The leader was a young officer with a resolute face. His sharp eyes glanced at the soldiers standing neatly in front of him, and he shouted: "Go in and rescue the chief of staff's daughter!"

"Yes!" The voice was neat and loud, with murderous aura, as if they were already on the battlefield and were about to rush out of the battlefield and pounce on the enemy.

Then, the group of people stomped on their leather boots and rushed towards the gate of the Qinhuai restaurant. The waiter and security guard at the gate were all frightened, facing such a group of soldiers with live ammunition, they opened their mouths. There is no courage.

The victim still stayed in the restaurant, staring at the islander with unkind and vicious eyes, and the police did not come for so long. It is conceivable that the victim did not call the police.

Therefore, the restaurant staff knew that the victim had called someone over. The restaurant staff can only pray, and the conflict will escalate further, so just don't smash the restaurant.

But unexpectedly, the soldiers who came here turned out to be armed with live ammunition!

Immediately afterwards, another army green off-road vehicle came to a halt, the door was pushed open, two middle-aged men got out of the car, one of them stared at the door of the restaurant with round eyes and gritted his teeth. Said: "Damn, I want to see, who would dare to bully my daughter and even interrupt her hand?"

"What if the other party is a rich second-generation official with no eyesight?" said the middle-aged man on the side, with teasing in his voice, and his heart trembled a few times as he thought of something, his face had become a bit ugly.

"It is the king of heaven, Lao Tzu, I also want to teach him how to be a man." Yang Jingguo said with a cold snort. Let alone Yanjing, it was in China, he really hadn't been afraid of anyone, even the children of those big families! Once a child of a big family pretended to be in front of him, he pulled out the belt directly and slapped him severely, and then the big family came over to apologize.

He is so awesome, so arrogant, so domineering!

Right now, Yang Jingguo strode in towards the gate.

The middle-aged man probably knows that Yang Jingguo has a great father, so he does have the confidence to say this. Of course, if Yang Jingguo had said such things before, he would say that he was arrogant, because there was one person, Yang Jingguo would definitely not dare to teach others the principles of life.

It's just that that person is now dead!

"It's good to die, heaven has eyes, son, you can rest in peace!" When the middle-aged man's thoughts surged, he strode after Yang Jingguo and entered the restaurant.

At the same time, the guests in the restaurant already saw a group of soldiers with live ammunition rushing in murderously, and there were a few pointed ears that had already heard the loud sound coming from outside.

"Rescued the chief of staff's daughter..."

Many people looked at Yang Qinglian’s eyes brighter. Before, they thought that this girl was very beautiful and bloody. When facing that cruel islander, she didn’t dare at all, but now they decisively think this The girl looks better and more bloody. The most important thing is that her father is very powerful.

For a while, many people looked at the two islanders who were still sitting there spreading dog food, and their eyes were full of gloat. It can be said that they are all looking forward to seeing that arrogant islander be beaten up. The scene of a dead dog.

After seeing these soldiers rushing in, Yang Qinglian immediately shouted at the man who took the lead: "Yang Guangyi, here."

Looking at the fat woman, she was over-excited because of the arrival of the savior. The face with "gully" appeared quickly flushed, and every piece of fat on her body was shaking with excitement, looking at the **** island country. People's eyes are even more vicious and vicious.

She promised that when this **** guy was beaten on the ground for a while, she would definitely stom on him a few feet...Of course, these feet were just interest, and she would have to give his hands hard. interrupt!

The young officer also saw Yang Qinglian beckoning to her. With a wave of his hand, the soldiers rushed over like wolves and surrounded Yang Qinglian. Someone was about to do something to her. It’s like protecting her quickly.

"What are you doing around me? Why don't you quickly take that **** to me?" Yang Qinglian pointed to the **** who was still eating there, nothing happened.

Seeing him so calm and calm, Yang Qinglian was very angry. She was so scared to death when she saw such a big battle, you just admit it. Can you pretend to be realistic?

"The chief of staff said, we must protect you." Yang Guangyi stood in front of Yang Qinglian, grinning silly, and there was an emotion of love in his eyes. He is the captain of the chief of staff's guard, so he knew the daughter of the chief of staff a long time ago.

Regarding Yang Qinglian, his heart is naturally full of love, but this love is firmly pressed in his heart. After all, the identity gap between the two is a bit big, and he also knows very clearly that Yang Qinglian is in his heart. I look down on myself.

Of course, this doesn't prevent him from having a feeling of admiration for her, and this feeling of admiration will only grow stronger over time.

Of course, although Yang Qinglian didn't look down on him, Yang Jingguo liked him quite a bit. Therefore, Yang Guangyi felt that he was still very promising.

"No one is trying to take advantage of me now. What are you doing to protect me? Hurry up and interrupt his hand first." Yang Qinglian pointed to the **** who was still sitting there and eating, very impatient Said.

The tone and expression seemed to say, hurry up, buy the tofu and go home.

In other words, the arrival of his father and his subordinates immediately burst Yang Qinglian's confidence.

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