The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1750: chopsticks

Yang Guangyi's gaze fell on the man Yang Qinglian pointed to, his eyes were slightly cold, and then he waved his hand again and drank: "Drag him over for me!"

He even dared to let his goddess make such a big fire, and the chief of staff said that he even threatened to interrupt Yang Qinglian's arm. His goddess had always bullied others. When was he bullied? Therefore, even if Yang Qinglian did not say, even if the chief of staff did not give an order, Yang Guangyi decided to give a lesson to this unaware boy!

At the moment, two soldiers with live ammunition rushed towards Li Zedao aggressively.

Looking at Li Zedao, he still looked like nothing had happened before, even sprinkling dog food.

He picked up a green vegetable and placed it next to Michiko Haneda's mouth. The latter had an ambiguous and happy smile, and his **** red lips slightly opened, gently holding the vegetable.

Sun Lingfei and Michiko Haneda should naturally do nothing. After all, they know very well that Li Zedao is here, let alone these soldiers, even the commander of the military region has come, and they have to be polite. If you dare to do something, you will be unlucky then, it must be them.

The two soldiers rushed to Li Zedao's skill in strides, one person with a big hand, and the movements were simple and rude. They slapped Li Zedao's left and right shoulders hard, and then slammed them tightly. Then drag him off the chair if there is no room for it, and then drag him away.

In the next second, their expressions changed slightly, and there was a stunned expression in their eyes. Because they only felt that their palms were numb and painful, as if they were patted on a rock.

Why is this guy's shoulders so hard?

Also because it doesn't move.

The force they used was no longer small, but the person they were trying to drag away was still sitting firmly in the chair, as if his **** had taken root.

At the same time, Yang Jingguo and the middle-aged man who walked in strode in and their eyes fell on Li Zedao, who was sitting there and was about to be dragged away by the soldiers. The expression of the former was still gloomy, his eyes flashed with fierce light, and his daughter belonged to him. A piece of meat, whoever dares to bully his daughter, he will bully him to death, it is so simple and rude!

Of course, seeing that his daughter had not suffered any harm, he was a little relieved, otherwise he would not be so calm now, he had already drew the gun and broke the bastard.

As for the fat woman standing next to Yang Qinglian, he simply ignored him. Regarding this bawdy who likes to be loud and pets and dresses like a crazy woman, Yang Jingguo looks at it and feels that it is insulting his own eyes. .

Had it not been for his wife's confession, he would have swept her out, so as not to be an eyesore.

The middle-aged man who followed Yang Jingguo walked in. After seeing Li Zedao, his eyes almost rolled out, his breathing stopped, his face was full of horror, he couldn't believe what he saw.

Isn't this **** already dead in the island country DJ? Why is it here now?

"Why always bully the kind-hearted people?" An extremely helpless voice came into the ears of the two soldiers.

The eyelids of the two soldiers twitched violently, and an inexplicable feeling of danger had already surged from their hearts. But it was too late for them to think about it. They only felt that their two hands clasping each other's shoulders were numb. When they fixed their eyes, they almost rolled down, leaving their brains in a blank state.

I saw a chopstick stuck in the back of their hand! The chopsticks did not pass through their palms, but they were almost there.

The two soldiers were dumbfounded for a few seconds, and then their bodies staggered back. The pain that seemed to come from the depths of their souls made them horribly screaming. At the same time, blood flowed out even more and spilled on the dining room. On the ground, it looked so shocking, and a strong smell of blood came out.

The sudden change also made the pupils of those around them rounded, their scalp numb and their heads roared, and a huge wave was already set off in their hearts.

The two soldiers didn’t know what was going on, but there were many of them, especially soldiers like Yang Jingguo and Yang Guangyi. They clearly saw that the man was holding a chopstick in one hand, and he was just like that. Stabbed into the backs of the two hands that clasped his left and right shoulders!

Its movements are fast, accurate, and fierce, and the control of strength is terrifying. It not only ensures that the chopsticks that are not sharp are pierced into the person's arm, but also that it does not pierce the palm of the hand and accidentally injure his own shoulder.

So, this is a master!

Li Zedao seemed as if nothing had happened, and shouted casually: "Waiter, send some more chopsticks here."

"..." When everyone heard this, the muscles of each face twitched wildly. Therefore, he had already stabbed two soldiers with a pair of chopsticks. He still felt dissatisfied. He wanted to stab a few, and even wanted to rush in. All these soldiers stabbed it again?

Of course, the waiter did not dare to bring a few pairs of chopsticks to Li Zedao, not one pair.

But Li Zedao didn’t care. He picked up a pair of chopsticks placed aside. It was the chopsticks used by sister Bei to eat. He picked up a vegetable with the chopsticks and threw it into his mouth. Then, he felt that the vegetable seemed It has become more delicious, even more delicious than when you first ate it, probably because the chopsticks have Sister Bei’s saliva, right?

So Li Zedao was so upset that he took a bite of his chopsticks... As expected, it tasted good.

Yang Qinglian and the fat woman have completely become idiots, looking at Li Zedao as if looking at a monster. Because the situation is completely different from what they predicted, they originally thought that the two soldiers would drag him to them as if dragging garbage, and then they could kick him, draw his face, and face him. Shang Kuang spat, even interrupted his hand in person.

He was very angry, so angry that he didn't dare to fight back, so he could only look at them with hypocritical and eager eyes, begging them to let him go.

His two women also knelt down with horror and shed pitiful tears begging for mercy, indicating that they dare not pretend to be a calf, and dare not spread dog food to show affection in public.

Then they will look at him with contemptuous eyes, and say: "Asshole, now I know I'm afraid? Why should I have known this?"

Then he continued to kick him, spit on him, draw his face, and interrupt his hand.

But now, how can this be? How dare he do such a shocking thing? If he put such a heavy hand on a soldier, wouldn't he be afraid of shooting a gun?

Yang Guangyi and the remaining soldiers have embarrassed and solemn expressions, and their eyelids are jumping wildly. It is not only because the other party’s methods are so fierce that they feel palpitation, but they can’t make such a counterattack. .

It's also because this guy doesn't look like a lunatic. He dared to give such a heavy hand to the soldiers when he was not mentally troubled, and he didn't care about more than a dozen soldiers with guns and live ammunition standing by his side.

In this case, it is impossible to say that there is no reliance and no hole cards.

Right now Yang Guangyi looked at the Chief of Staff Yang Jingguo, whose expression had become very ugly. Next, he swarmed up or drew his guns at each other, or how to deal with it, and the Chief of Staff gave an order. This matter was completely beyond his ability to handle.

Yang Jingguo, whose face was already sullen as water, locked Li Zedao's eyes tightly. Of course, he had already guessed that this savage and innocent kid could only dare to be so arrogant because of this method.

However, he also said before that even if he is a heavenly king, he must teach him the principles of life! So if you don't do something, isn't it slap yourself in the face?

Yang Jingguo never slapped his old face. Besides, this **** had already injured two of his men, and he was already guilty. Even if he was shot and killed, no one could find any reason!

Therefore, Yang Jingguo shouted: "Yang Guangyi, take it away, shoot if you dare to resist!"

"Yes!" Yang Guangyi responded loudly, and then shouted, "Take it away, if you dare to resist, you can shoot directly!"

Of course, you can shoot directly, just to talk about it, just to frighten this guy who knows nothing about life and death. Yang Guangyi understands that the soldiers under his hands also understand. After all, if the shooting is really done, then things will definitely be a big deal. No matter who it is, Shi can't help it, it will cause a big wave.

After all, they are not detectives, they are not catching murderous criminals, let alone on the battlefield.

However, the momentum still has to be sufficient.

Therefore, after the soldiers got the order, they pulled off the safety latch of the *, rushed out, surrounded the table, and pointed their guns at Li Zedao. At the same time, there were two more soldiers with big hands on the left and the right. He patted Li Zedao's shoulder heavily. Of course, their sharp eyes were basically locked to Li Zedao's chopsticks hand. Once he dared to make that kind of chopsticks, then Immediately...Of course it is impossible to shoot, but it is really going to hit someone.

When the people around saw this formation, they all stared at it with wide-eyed eyes. They only felt that their blood was boiling. They decisively felt that choosing to eat at this restaurant at noon today was indeed the best choice they had made in their lives.

Su Qinglian and the fat woman were full of excitement, especially the fat woman. In fact, she really hoped that the **** **** could resist, and then be shot directly to death. That would be great.

The middle-aged man standing behind Yang Jingguo was shocked by Yang Jingguo's order and awakened from the consternation. Seeing so many gunpoints aimed at Li Zedao's head, he was so frightened that he almost broke his courage.

Although he also understands that shooting is impossible, what if it goes wrong? At that time, even the innocent people who came to watch the fun of soy sauce will have to follow him, and he may not even be able to get out of this restaurant.

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