The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1752: Not a good thing

After taking a heavy punch, Yang Guangyi fell to the ground without any accident, his body convulsed violently, and blood kept pouring out of his already collapsed mouth, with a few teeth in it.

This **** and brutal scene severely stimulated the nerves of the people around, leaving their brains blank for an instant.

Especially Yang Qinglian and the fat woman were completely frightened by the scene before them, and the fat woman was so frightened that her legs were soft, and she just sat down on the ground.

A punch smashed Yang Guangyi's mouth. Li Zedao clapped his hands like a okay person. He had a harmless and sunny smile on his face. Therefore, it is really hard for you to imagine. In just a few seconds During that time, he actually beat a dozen soldiers to the ground, and the one in the lead was smashed with a punch.

"You were talking to me just now?" Li Zedao smiled at Yang Jingguo.

"I..." Yang Jingguo turned blue and wanted to scold his mother. It's already like this. Is this problem still important?

"Let them all go to the hospital as soon as possible." Li Zedao said with a smile, "It's not good if the blood drains to death."

"Liang Zhicheng, you take them away first." Yang Jingguo's already stiff face looked at the terrified soldier standing there, and his voice changed.

Yang Jingguo didn't know what kind of mood he was now, anger, sadness, fear...All kinds of emotions flooded into his heart, causing a breath to be blocked in his chest, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Just now, Liang Zhicheng didn't raise his gun... mainly because he didn't think it was necessary. Anyway, there were already so many gun points aimed at him. Therefore, he also became the only lucky person who avoided the bad luck of toothpicks piercing his hands.

"Yes." The pale-faced Liang Zhicheng hurried over and helped Yang Guangyi who had been completely stunned by a punch. As for the others, although their hands were severely injured, their feet were still fine, so I hurriedly used that without any injuries. Picking up the gun that fell on the ground with his hand, he quickly left the restaurant that made them feel terrible.

Before leaving, no one had the courage to look at Li Zedao more. In their hearts, he was already synonymous with the devil.

In less than a minute, all the soldiers who came in aggressively in this small group disappeared completely, leaving only the little blood on the ground and the extremely strong smell of blood.

Such a big reversal of the plot made the decisive hearts of those who watched the excitement unbearable, and the look in Li Zedao's eyes changed even more. They even secretly rejoiced in their hearts. Fortunately, they hadn't tried to resist him before, otherwise they might not know how they died, right?

As for Yang Qinglian, her small face was pale and stiff, and her wide-eyed eyes were filled with intense panic. She didn't expect to say anything. This **** didn't lie. He was really good at beating, even in the face. For a group of soldiers with guns and live ammunition, they can easily be subdued, and only a few pairs of chopsticks or even a few toothpicks are available.

No wonder, when he was put a gun on his head, not only was he not scared at all, he even said that kind of thing.

It seems that Dad will recognize his origin, otherwise it would be impossible to give such an order.

But, who is he?

And that fat woman knew that she had caused a big disaster without thinking, so the fat all over her body was trembling, and her heart was truly terrified.

After everyone under his hands had evacuated, Yang Jingguo took a few deep breaths, and his eyes fell on Li Zedao, trying very hard to squeeze a smile out, but there was no doubt that he failed.

His face was so stiff and hot. Even if he didn't look in the mirror, Yang Jingguo could clearly know how weird the expression on his face was at this time.

"Hey, isn't this Master Zhu? Master Zhu is here to eat?" Li Zedao raised his head, his eyes fell on Zhu Changle, and he smiled and said hello when he saw the appearance of an acquaintance.

"Shao Li." Zhu Changle had to bite the bullet and squeezed out a smile on his face, and nodded.

Compared with Yang Jingguo, he has a lot of smiles on his face. After all, Yang Jingguo has always been strong in life and life. Except for his own Laozi, he has never bowed his head and accompany smiling faces with anyone, but Zhu Changle is not The same, the family background is not as good as Yang Jingguo, so there are a lot of things bowing his head.

This can be said to be a pleasing scene that fell in the eyes of other people, directly making their hearts roar, and there was already a wave 10,000 times stronger than before.

Isn't he an islander? From this look, you can see how the soldiers with real power are inferior when facing him?

Especially Yang Qinglian, she naturally knew Zhu Changle and knew his level very clearly, but now Zhu Changle nodded and smiled at the bastard, his forehead was still covered with cold sweat, and there was a strong expression in his eyes. fear.

Looking at her father Yang Jingguo, his face was not calm at this time, plus his unusual behavior just now, so... his background is terrifying! It was so terrible that these two big men in the army looked like grandsons in front of him, and they called him... Li Shao? A place like Yanjing is called Li Shao by his father's level. What is that concept?

At the moment, big eyes full of stunned stare at Li Zedao, no matter how you look at it, it is difficult to connect him with that kind of terrifying background.

No matter how you look at it, it's a rascal, a lecher, and a violent maniac.

And that fat woman was so scared that every inch of fat on her body was shivering. Therefore, he was not an islander, what a mixed race, what kind of Li Shao he was... She wanted to cry, you are so awesome. Speak, you said that I dare to use you as a soft persimmon?

"This is?" Li Zedao looked at Yang Jingguo and asked with a smile.

"Oh, I'm Yang Jingguo, the chief of staff of the military region." Yang Jingguoqiang nodded and said, trying hard to calm himself down. His old face was stiff and embarrassed. After all, he had never been like this before, lowered his head, let alone Said that the **** had destroyed everyone under his hands in front of him a few minutes ago.

So, how awkward and awkward is in his heart, even, he feels that he is really so cheap, he should draw his gun and choke at the other party, that is his style, what is this now?

However, he didn't dare. The other party's brutal means completely lost any thought of resistance. Moreover, he had to bow his head. Not bowing his head would only make things worse, and he would be more passive. , Even Yang Guangyi is more than just leaving some blood and losing a few teeth.

On the surface, Yang Guangyi and the others are the ultimate victims, but in fact, their behavior is enough to make them go to a military court. After all, they are not going to step on ordinary people, but Li Zedao!

In other words, if you are guilty or not, it depends on who you are facing. That's the reality.

So far, I can only hope that the other party will not pursue the matter. Of course, it is too difficult for the **** not to pursue the matter. Yang Jingguo has heard that the most favorite thing this **** does is to act as a pig. Eat tigers and make trouble later, the bigger the trouble, the better.

"It turns out to be Chief of Staff Yang... There is really no good thing surnamed Yang, and they all like to do this kind of bullying against innocent and kind people like me." Li Zedao shook his head, naturally thinking of Director Yang, and this was the feeling. And made.

Of course, in Li Zedao's mind, compared with Yang, Su is not a thing.

"..." The muscles on Yang Jingguo's face twitched violently, and his heart was trampled crazily by a large group of Cao Nima. Who is bullying whom?

Some of those around who watched the excitement even felt like lying innocently shot, because their surname was Yang.

Sun Lingfei, who was sitting next to Li Zedao, kicked Li Zedao's calf, swallowed the mouthful of food, and said angrily: "Sister Xueer is also surnamed Yang. Be careful that she slaps you to death."

"Uh...I mean, all the people surnamed Yang in this restaurant have nothing good." Li Ze said with a smile and quickly changed his words, but also felt that he was too much. How could he be beaten to death with a stick? His Cher is such an innocent and cute girl, how could it be something bad?

As for the surname Su, you see how nice teacher Susan Su is. She has a beautiful face and a hot body. The most important thing is that she is so responsible and always keeps herself in the office to help her physiology in time... ...No, it's a psychological problem.

Thinking of the greatness of Teacher Su, Li Zedao was even more ashamed. He had such extreme thoughts in his heart. It was too unreasonable, and he criticized himself cruelly in his heart.

At the same time, those Yang people in the restaurant felt that they had been shot innocent again, and they all had an urge to jump out and have a good theory with this **** guy...if he wasn't that cruel. .

"Shao Li, this... is a misunderstanding." Yang Jingguo said very difficultly. Such a low voice naturally made him extremely uncomfortable. The old face became extremely hot and flushed.

"Misunderstanding?" The corner of Li Zedao's mouth pursed with a sneer. Sure enough, it's all this virtue. If you step on it, you will die. If you can't step on it, it is a misunderstanding.

"Qinglian, don't you hurry to apologize to Shao Li?" Yang Jingguo turned around and yelled at his daughter, his eyes sharp.

"Dad..." Yang Qinglian bit her lip with her teeth, her face pale, her small face stubborn. Even if you know that the other party's background is very big, the methods are terrifying and ruthless, but let her apologize to this bastard, it is better to kill her.

"Asshole, don't you hurry up?" Yang Jingguo's eyes became sharper, and even his big hands were raised, as if he was not hurrying to apologize, be careful that Lao Tzu draws you.

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