The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1753: Too handsome is wrong

Yang Qinglian's small face is already full of grievances. Since she was young, her father has not been fierce to her, but he has never been so fierce as he is now, even he wants to beat herself?

"I didn't do anything wrong, why should I apologize to him?" Yang Qinglian gritted her teeth and glared at Li Zedao with extremely ferocious eyes. She even wanted to rush to beat him to death.

Dare not to bully people like this?

"You..." Yang Jingguo flushed with anger. Daughter, I'm teaching you to be soft, don't you understand? Many people will be unlucky if they are not convinced, you know?

Yang Jingguo was so angry that he was about to pass, and slapped Yang Qinglian's face with a vicious slap.

But obviously, the raised hand was extremely stiff. It is conceivable that he was just doing it, and he couldn't bear to fan his daughter's pink face.

Yang Qinglian lifted her head up and moved her face to the side with a stubborn look. Hit me, you kill me. Even if you beat me to death, I won’t be the bastard. Apologies, I'm right again!

"You... do you apologize?" Yang Jingguo shouted loudly, having to wink his eyebrows.

"No apology!" Yang Qinglian continued to be stubborn, ignoring the look in her father's eyes. Anyway, it was impossible for her to bow her head to the bastard.

"You..." Yang Jingguo felt that his blood pressure had soared, and it would not be right to pull his hand down, or to pull it off.

"Okay, Chief of Staff Yang." Li Zedao didn't give Chief of Staff Yang a trace of his disguise. "You don't really mean anything to pretend over there."

Chief of Staff Yang’s old face was hot, and he said: "I really feel that my daughter is wrong with this matter. I hope she can realize her mistake."

I want to vomit blood in my heart. Why does this kid speak so directly? I really don't understand the world.

Li Zedao sneered: "Could it be that Chief of Staff Yang thinks that as long as your daughter apologizes to me and admits her mistakes, then this thing will be the case?

"Uh..." Yang Jingguo wanted to say, yeah yeah, that's what I think, otherwise what do you want? However, Yang Jingguo also took this opportunity to put his hands down, and he held it like this, really sour.

"You think I'm a soft persimmon, so you want to squeeze it hard, and after the squeezing, throw it on the ground and stomped on your feet severely. Now you find that I can't squeeze it anymore. I think it was a misunderstanding and then apologize That's how it was solved... Chief of Staff Yang, don't you think your idea is stupid?"

Li Zedao sneered again and again: "If I were not me, I would be an ordinary, kind, and honest, unarmed common people. Have my hand been interrupted by your daughter a long time ago? I was beaten into a dead dog by the group of people under your hand and then thrown away. Going on the street, will the guns in your hands go off and leave a bullet hole on me?"

"..." Yang Jingguo's old face twitched, this guy dare to call himself a stupid?

Zhu Changle on the side glanced at Yang Jingguo with the corner of his eye, his heart was full of sympathy, thinking that he was insulted to death by his words at the beginning, this bastard, his mouth is really vicious.

"You did it to my cousin first, okay? You interrupted her hand, what's the matter?" Yang Qinglian looked at Li Zedao in her eyes as if she was about to burst into flames, "You think you are a big man. Can you distort the facts? You can bully?"

Li Zedao looked at Yang Qinglian as if he was looking at an idiot: "Isn't this kind of fact-distorting thing that the second generation of officials are best at and often do?"


"Oh, I was wrong, what you are best at should be bullying and fearing hard work." Li Ze changed his words.

"..." Su Qinglian felt that if she had a pistol in her hand, she would definitely shoot him without hesitation.

"As for why I should do something to your cousin... Ask the fat aunt yourself, maybe she didn't tell the truth to you?" Li Zedao's eyes fell on the fat woman with a sneer.

The fat woman's face changed drastically, and she didn't even dare to lift her head. She did distort the facts. For example, she said that she was knocked down by the island woman, and that's fine. The island woman laughed at her. , She couldn't say a few words in anger, and then the **** started beating people.

When Yang Qinglian saw the fat woman reacting like this, her face suddenly became very ugly. After a long time, she was fooled by her aunt.

As for Yang Jingguo, he almost broke this **** woman by drawing a gun without holding back.

"The fat aunt wanted to bully me, but the bullying didn't succeed. So this proud and arrogant young lady appeared. She let the bodyguard break my hand as soon as she appeared, but she didn't succeed. Then she became angry and screamed. People killed them and even ordered them to shoot if they dare to resist, only to find that I was stepping on the iron plate. My background was too big to provoke me. Then I quickly expressed my misunderstanding and wanted to apologize... …"

Li Zedao shook his head and looked at Yang Jingguo and said, "Chief of Staff Yang, Miss Yang, if someone wants to bully you, and finally finds that they can’t afford it, they want to apologize to you and then this thing is forgotten, you will easily Did you let him go?"

"..." Yang Jingguo and Yang Qinglian were speechless, because if there was such a thing, how could it be possible to forgive each other with an apology? Why should the opponent lack arms and legs?

"Shao Li...hasn't he already taught them a bitter lesson?" Yang Jingguo said with difficulty.

"Chief of Staff Yang thinks that is a lesson? In my opinion, it is self-defense. You don’t even know that Chief of Staff Yang, so many guns are directed at me, and I’m scared and sweaty. If I don’t resist, I would have a gun. What should I do if there is a fire?"

"..." Yang Jingguo wanted to yell at him, so can you say so shamelessly?

"Also, the group of people with guns and live ammunition just rushed in, and the bumpers of the * were all opened. Tsk tsk... It's scary! I don't know if you thought it was a devil who entered the village, the guns were on your forehead, If you are not obediently interrupted, I will shoot you at the hornet's nest...Tsk tsk, Chief of Staff Yang, it's so majestic."

"Shao Li..." Yang Jingguo's old face was so fierce that he couldn't listen anymore.

"Okay, or come up with something practical, such as compensation for mental damage, it doesn't cost too much, 200 million is almost the same..." Li Zedao waved his hand and said, no matter the look or tone, it feels like this. Seriously, not at all joking with you.

"Two hundred million?" Many people heard their ears buzzing and their tongues were about to cramp.

Yang Jingguo's face turned dark, and he almost choked to death by what the other party said. 200 million? Why don't you rob the bank? Even if you sell him thousands of times, you can't get it out.

"Either find someone with weight to come over, who can firmly suppress me, so that I don't dare to pursue it, otherwise this matter will make a big deal."

With that said, Li Zedao took a mobile phone from Michiko Haneda, shook it in front of Yang Jingguo, and continued: "Oh, yes, just now the devil entered the village... Uh, no, the scene of the soldier rushing to the enemy is all It was recorded by my girlfriend, and my girlfriend gave you a few close-ups of Chief of Staff Yang. Then I don’t mind letting it spread on all major platforms and let the people across the country see it. That’s...Oh, our soldiers, look at them, how powerful they are! We will also let everyone know that Chief of Staff Yang is really a good father. Her daughter tried to bully others and failed, so she directly pulled a carload of soldiers with live ammunition to act as a fighter. , Too awesome."

"..." Yang Jingguo looked at the phone and listened to Li Zedao's cynicism. His pupils shrank suddenly. His old face was so cold that he felt cold sweat on his forehead. He didn't feel that this **** was joking with him. .

"Oh, my girlfriend also had a close-up with Master Zhu you." Li Zedao grinned at Zhu Changle.

Then Zhu Changle's face began to smoke, and he felt like lying innocently shot.

"So, is it to pay for the mental damage, or find someone to suppress me, or, now turn around and leave to show that you want to do whatever you want... Chief of Staff Yang will watch the election by himself." Li Zedao said with a smile, " Of course, everyone is very busy, so I only give Staff Yang five minutes. After five minutes, either put the money in front of me, or ask someone to come and talk to me. If after five minutes, Chief of Staff Yang still doesn’t If I make a decision... I will congratulate Chief of Staff Yang in advance, and I will definitely be able to win the honorary title of'China Good Father'."

"..." Yang Jingguo felt that he must have been condemned by the heavens, otherwise why would his body tremble so much?

"What do you...what do you want? Don't you think you are so excessive?" The unruly and willful Miss Yang bit her lip and stared at Li Zedao with her eyes, her tone of voice was subdued, not like before, so The domineering.

"Excessive? You said I said points? I'm just trying to learn how to squeeze the soft persimmon to death." Li Zedao's eyes are already a little scarlet, "Also, what qualifications do you have to talk to me excessively? If I don’t have the ability, I would have been interrupted by your bodyguard a long time ago, so who is going too far? What did I do wrong? Am I just too good and handsome? Is this **** wrong too? His grandma's!"

"Cut..." Many people secretly pointed their middle fingers at Li Ze, this guy was really shameless.

Although he smoked FC's face severely last night, now, Li Zedao still has a breath of malice in his heart.

If in the past, Li Zedao would certainly not make things so extreme, he would have worried about some things, but now, after experiencing nine deaths in the island country, Li Zedao understands a truth, even if your skills are terrible, but your methods are If it is weak, then some people will treat you as a soft persimmon and want your life.

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