The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1762: My cousin

Driving the bumper car swaying to the front, Li Zedao first smiled ambiguously at Meng Jing. The latter simply gave him a hygienic eye, but the corners of his mouth were turned up with a very charming range.

Then Li Zedao set his eyes on Ji Feiyang, and said lightly: "Let's go, let's talk aside, don't affect other people's banging cars."

"Haha, let's talk? Talk about life, talk about ideals, and teach you how to be a human by the way?" Ji Feiyang sneered.

Feiyang is usually used to being domineering, so this handsome boy who is not as handsome as himself, who is not as strong as himself, dares to speak to himself in this tone, which makes Ji Feiyang naturally very upset. If he were not for a qualified person, he would have slapped him. Passed.

"If you have the patience, it's not impossible." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently.

"What are you that dare to talk to Ji Shao like this? Did you know that Wei Shao can poke you to death with just one finger?"

"That is, without Ji Shao's action, I will make you doubt life for a while, let you know that there are many people in this society that you can't offend, and make you pretend to be a fool!"

Before Ji Feiyang had time to say anything, his two followers directly exploded and immediately pointed at Li Zedao's threats, and even one of them was about to get out of the car and beat Li Zedao.

Li Zedao ignored them, looked back at Meng Jing, with an ambiguous smile on his face, and blinked at Meng Jing: "Sister, you play first, I will be able to solve this idiot soon, and then come back and play with you. ."

"Get out!" Meng Jing gave Li Zedao angrily.

"Bump!" The word was uttered in that tone by this guy, and it immediately became *red, which made Meng Jing's cheeks become hot instantly.

"Stupid?" Ji Feiyang's face instantly chilled. He was said to be a idiot. He said that he couldn't stand anything. He jumped up from the bumper car with agility, looking at Li Zedao with extremely unkind eyes.

Seeing that Ji Shao got off the car, his two got out of the car, standing in front of Ji Feiyang, one on the left and the other, staring at Li Zedao with extremely unkind eyes.

They all felt that they had been severely humiliated by this reckless kid. If Ji Shao is a stupid, then what are their two attendants who fawn on Ji Shao? The fighter in the idiot? This is unbearable!

Ji Feiyang took out a cigarette and a lighter, lit one in style, then squinted his eyes and said, "What are you still doing? Drag him out to teach him the principles of life, and then throw it out quickly. Don't delay my young master playing bumper cars. ."

After finishing talking, Ji Feiyang also glanced at Meng Jing with a sneer. He wanted this beauty to know that her boyfriend was a trash in his own eyes, and Ji Feiyang stepped on it if he wanted to.

However, beautiful women, of course, have to be given a chance, so if she is willing to beg for mercy and then pay some price, Ji Feiyang will still pity Yu, and it is not impossible to spare the arrogant kid.

But what makes Ji Feiyang extremely depressed is that the beauty does not even look at him, even her small face is still indifferent, she has no worried expression at all.

At the same time, his two attendants started gearing up and walked towards Li Zedao with a sneer on their faces.

Li Zedao looked helpless, so he could only get out of the car, wondering if this place was working? I have to be here to influence others to play bumper cars.

Li Zedao already saw that many people around had stopped the car, their eyes fell on this side, seeing the excitement, and even some faces were full of excitement. Sure enough, people who watched the excitement were not disgusted. It's a big deal.

One of the attendants pointed to Li Zedao's unkind face, and planned to start with the same opening statement as before: "Boy, you are very"

The sneer on his face immediately solidified, and he choked on the next words abruptly, because he didn't know when his collar had been dragged tightly.

And the person who grabbed his neck turned out to be the kid they planned to teach each other severely!

Looking at Li Zedao, he grabbed a guy's collar with one hand, then pulled them apart, and then hit them together.


There was an intimate contest between the two heads, and both suffered. Li Zedao's hands loosened, the attendant on the left fell, and the attendant on the right also fell. Neither of them passed out, but they were so dizzy that they couldn't get up again.

After solving these two attendants neatly, Li Zedao looked at Ji Feiyang and grinned.

Ji Feiyang's eyes were about to fall off, and the cigarette he was holding at the corner of his mouth had already slipped, his face was full of consternation, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

These two of his followers are not soft-footed shrimps. They usually fight fiercely and are still very fierce. Why didn't he have time to blink his eyes, the collars of both of them were caught, and they were completely lost. Resistance ability The two heads hit each other hard like this, and the two of them fell to the ground neatly...

In consternation, Ji Feiyang saw that the guy looked at him and smiled so unkindly, his heart began to tremble. What kind of violent maniac did he provoke? No wonder this guy dared to be so arrogant, the beauty over there didn't mean to worry at all.

"You... do you know who I am? If you dare to move me, I promise you will end up miserably..." Ji Feiyang saw the opponent approaching him, and subconsciously backed away and swallowed wildly.

If you can't beat it, then show your identity and scare you to death.

"I really want to see how terrible it is after beating you, what should I do?" Li Zedao asked.

"Uh...I suggest that you still don't know anything about it. You can't afford the kind of consequences..." Ji Feiyang continued to swallow, wondering if this guy is brain-dead? Can such a terrible thing be seen casually?

"I like to do things that others think I can't afford." Li Zedao said with a smile.

When Li Zedao spoke, he had already slapped Ji Feiyang's face with a slap in his face, making Ji Feiyang's mind instantly bewildered, and he even forgot the pain.

This time, Li Zedao changed to a fist. He hit Ji Feiyang’s chin with a side uppercut. This guy’s body was really fragile. He screamed and fell heavily to the ground. The pain caused his face to be distorted and he only felt that his jaw was broken. Yes, the bones all over the body are broken.

"Wow... that man looks very thin, but he is so manly when beating people."

"Look, he is so handsome, especially when he laughs, he is so charming."

"Luoluo, you can ask for his phone number for me in a while..."


I clearly felt that many of the lively girls around me were directly fascinated by Li Zedao, and Meng Jing was slightly upset in her heart, as if her personal belongings were being missed by others.

Of course, her mindset is also the mood that most women in love should have, but Meng Jing herself is not so clear.

At least, she didn't know that, in fact, she was already jealous.

His gaze fell on Li Zedao, his eyes already showing an inexplicable gloom, his teeth bit his lip lightly, and muttered: "It's pretty handsome."

"Your sister, dare to molest my senior sister?" Li Zedao kicked it.

Li Zedao kicked it again: "Dare to threaten me?"

Li Zedao didn't have time to kick his third kick because someone pulled his clothes behind his back.

Li Zedao looked back and saw that he hadn't seen him for a long time. Ji Yuemo, who had chosen to leave the villa before, stood there pretty freshly, looking at him with such complicated eyes.

The expression was slightly stunned, and a faint smile appeared immediately.

"Long time no see." Ji Yuemo took the lead, her eyes were still complicated, excited, nostalgic, sad...but her expression was calm, and it felt like she had met a good friend who hadn't seen for a long time. .

"Long time no see." Li Zedao looked calm and responded with a smile. He could see that this woman had really let go of everything she used to and started a new life, so she was able to face herself so calmly.

Her kind of letting go is different from Pan Xiaoting's kind of letting go. She really let go, and after letting go, she no longer struggles with the kind of letting go without thinking about it.

Now Ji Yuemo can face Li Zedao more calmly. There is no need to deliberately avoid it, and he can’t afford too many waves, and he does not regard Li Zedao as a familiar stranger. The previous paragraph can be said to be "absurd. The love that is full of sweetness is now a memory.

And Pan Xiaoting's kind of letting go is emptiness and loneliness, desire and dissatisfaction, she is trying to numb herself, toss herself, and deceive herself.

Of course, Li Zedao is also relieved, so he is so calm now, and even he can easily say "I wish you happiness".

"You're fine, that's good." Ji Yuemo said again.

"Well, I'm fine." Li Zedao nodded and said.

Then, both of them didn't know what to say, they were calm, but they seemed to have nothing to say, so the atmosphere was still somewhat awkward.

Therefore, Ji Yuemo also took the initiative to end this mutual greeting, pointing to Ji Feiyang, who was unable to get up on the ground, and said embarrassingly: "Can you... let him go?"

"You know her? Isn't it your boyfriend?" Li Zedao smiled. If it was her boyfriend, it would be nothing to be jealous and depressed, just to think that Ji Yuemo was depraved or something? Why did the vision become so bad?

Li Zedao firmly believes that as long as anyone who is not blind can see, this guy is far less handsome than himself.

", my vision is not that bad." Ji Yuemo smiled helplessly, she didn't want to start a new relationship so quickly, at least not at all now.

"He is my cousin." Ji Yuemo said again, the expression that gave people the impression that admitting such a relationship made her feel extremely ashamed.

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