The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1763: Put down completely

When Ji Feiyang on the ground heard his cousin say this, he really felt a knife in his chest. What makes my vision not so bad? Is it shameful to find a boy like me to be a boyfriend? Are you kidding me? Is it because the ancestral grave is smoking, okay?

Of course, I was wondering, who is this guy and how did he know his cousin? And seeing them like that, the atmosphere seems a bit wrong, and the look in each other's eyes is strange.

"Cousin?" Li Zedao nodded. No wonder the name "Ji Changsheng" is a bit familiar, isn't he the grandfather of Ji Yuemo?

"Yeah." Ji Yuemo nodded with a wry smile, "My third grandfather's."

Of course, she was too lazy to look at Ji Feiyang, who was lying on the ground with a muffled sound. Even though his * is so skillful and not loud, it is very dull. It makes people know that he is seriously injured and that he is For the dignity of a man, he didn't want to shout out, even if he was his cousin.

She really despised this unlearned, unskilled and corrupted character and morality. All day long, she knew that the cousin who used the tiger skin of the family and pretended to be a bullshit, if it weren’t for the cousin relationship after all, he was the third grandfather’s generation. He was beaten at home and his face was not good. Even, with Li Zedao's previous methods, Ji Feiyang might lack arms or legs, otherwise she would never appear in front of Li Zedao to intercede for him.

Although she has let go of everything, when facing this man, Ji Yuemo still feels guilty. The feeling is as if she chose to leave and abandoned him when he was in the most difficult and painful time. It seems... although it is not.

The fact is that so many days have passed, and they think he is dead, and she is a rational person, and Xiao Qiangwei offered to help you pave the way, so leave.

Who can think about it, he came back intact.

Ji Yuemo was wondering, if he knew that Li Zedao was not dead that night, would he still leave? The answer is yes! Once she thought she was Bai Libing and the others, they could and they could, once, she thought that was the life she wanted, but in fact it was not.

"So." Li Zedao nodded, "In that case, take him away."

In any case, Ji Yuemo’s face still has to be given, let alone one of his mentors or Ji Changsheng’s daughter. In this way, he and this stupid are considered relatives... Li Zedao feels insulted and can’t wait. He turned around and stomped a few feet on him.

"Thank you." Ji Yuemo said, the complicated eyes gradually calmed down and became peaceful, as if she was facing a person who just knew.

Li Zedao smiled wryly, he had never thought about saying that Senior Sister Ji would say these two words to himself in such a tone one day in the future.

When Ji Yuemo looked at Meng Jing, he nodded slightly, said nothing, nor did he go to greet Ji Feiyang on the ground, and turned to leave.

Ji Feiyang didn't dare to expect that this cousin who couldn't see him would take the initiative to help him up. It would be nice if he didn't step on him. Right now, he got up from the ground obediently, and looked at Li Zedao with a slightly horrified look. He didn't forget to lift up the two dizzy attendants lying there, and fled so embarrassedly.

Although he doesn't know the origin of the other party, but from the attitude of his cousin towards him, Ji Feiyang already knows that this guy who seems harmless to humans and animals is actually a violent guy. He must have a good background, and he is considered ruthless this time. The kick was on the iron plate.

Of course, for the two followers who never left him, this guy's conduct is not too bad. Li Zedao believes that after passing this lesson, he should be more restrained in the future, right?

"Let's go too." Meng Jing said when she got out of the bumper car and stood in front of Li Zedao. She really couldn't stand the look the girls around him looked at Li Zedao, as if a bee had seen a flower, and might buzzing towards Li Zedao in a moment.

If I fantasize about that kind of scene a little bit, Meng Jing's heart is very upset, so I still leave here to talk.

Li Zedao took his gaze back from Ji Yuemo’s familiar back, looked at Senior Sister and smiled and said, "Senior Sister, don’t keep playing? I still want to hit you...his..."

Li Zedao's face changed drastically, and he gasped, because Meng Jing simply stepped on the back of his instep.

"Sorry, I accidentally stepped on it." Meng Jingqiao's face was reddened, and the soles of her feet were crushed hard, her eyes staring at Li Ze and said word by word, "It was really accidental."

Why does this pervert have to say such pornographic words? Really think you are a bully?

With a cold snort, he turned and left.

Li Zedao cried and followed with a limping leg, feeling very wronged. It's about hitting with a bumper car. That's right. Did the senior sister misunderstand something? How could her idea be so open?

After leaving the bumper car area, Meng Jing slowly walked forward, while Li Zedao put his hands in his pockets and slowly followed behind him.

Of course, under the deliberate efforts of both parties, the distance was kept very close. As long as Li Zedao was more courageous and hugged her hand forward, he could hug her sexy* directly.

Li Zedao didn’t dare to hug, he just...well, still dare not. He believes that as long as he moves his feet, the senior sister will definitely fight back. Then it’s not as simple as stepping on your foot. She might Picked you up and threw you in the trash can.

Besides, the direct domineering approach is too low-level. The point is that it is useless for women like senior sisters, at least for now.

In Li Zedao's view, facing a woman like a senior sister, you have to be soft at the beginning. Don't imagine trying to conquer with violence like a domineering president, otherwise the senior sister will definitely use violence to control violence.

Li Zedao was breathing the unique scent that radiated from Meng Jing with enjoyment, but he couldn't stand the constant gazes from the surroundings.

After all, Meng Jing looks too tasteful. Although she only wears simple shirts and denims that do not see the brand, she has a proud figure and a beautiful face, especially the kind that exudes Xiao Qiangwei. Some acquaintances are glamorous with a noble atmosphere, which is really fascinating.

Some people hurriedly passed by, glanced amazingly, and couldn't help but look back and look carefully, and then secretly cursed the soil bun who was following this stunning beauty, walking and falling to death quickly, so as not to be an eyesore.

Some people even took out their mobile phones from a distance, and secretly took a picture of Li Zedao and Meng Jing, and then used the p-picture software to replace Li Zedao’s head with his own, and uploaded the picture to Moments. Said: Today with my goddess in Happy Valley, I plan to challenge the speed car. What level?

Li Zedao decisively thinks these people are too boring, aren't they just beautiful women? What's so exciting? Can't you calm down? You see me being so close to her, am I excited? No!

Li Zedao decisively moved closer to Meng Jing, so that the clothes of the two of them were about to be put on, and their faces were full of complacency. He glanced at those people provocatively. He was declaring that this woman has become famous. , Don't worry about it.

"Cut..." Someone straightened up a **** to Li Zedao and cursed: "This is the best Chinese cabbage that is so watery and spirited by the pig."

"Senior Sister, what are you going to play next?" Li Zedao asked with a smile, ignoring the envy and hatred eyes around him.

Feeling the exhaled heat from Li Zedao lingering in her ears, Meng Jing's heartbeat speeded up inexplicably, her pretty face was a little hot, and her heart was slightly annoyed. Why is this guy so close? It's as if the relationship between the two of us is very intimate.

"I want to eat marshmallows." Meng Jing pointed to the marshmallow stall not far away.

But she did not speed up or slow down, so that she could be a little farther away from Li Zedao. It is undeniable that the feeling of being so close seemed to be good, so she pretended not to notice the two of them at this time. The distance is so close that the skin is almost touching.

When I saw Marshmallows, because I watched some dog-blooded idol dramas with Xiao Qiangwei many times, it was inevitable that Meng Jing had some romantic scenes in her mind.

For example, the beautiful heroine tears off a small piece of sweet marshmallow and puts it into the beautiful actor's mouth, and then the actor simply holds the woman's finger, and the heroine is extremely shy and angered at the other party. Wolf……

To replenish the scene, the heroine became herself, and the actor became Li Zedao. She tore the marshmallow and put it into Li Zedao's mouth. Li Zedao held her finger... Meng Jing's pretty face turned red, even breathing I got up in a hurry, and then quickly slapped my face with my hand.

After buying marshmallows for a while, it is impossible for her to tear off a piece and put it in this pervert's mouth, so... Yes, buy two, one for each person, otherwise when he eats it later, will he give it or not?

No, is that too stingy? How can I give it? Tear a piece to him? Or put the whole root in front of him and let him bite by himself? Didn’t you eat your own saliva?

Well, I have to say that Meng Jing really has a lot of ideas.

"Then eat marshmallows... Sister, what's wrong with you?" Li Ze asked, seeing Meng Jing's expression weird.

Immediately he joked, "It's not that some handsome guy is too close to you, so I'm embarrassed?"

"Hi, senior sister, it hurts..." The smile on Li Zedao's face solidified, and he took a cold breath, because Meng Jing simply stepped on the back of his instep.

"Sorry, I accidentally stepped on it again... If you don't want to be stepped on by me, stay away from me." Meng Jing gave Li Zedao a blank look and said, "Furthermore, are you handsome?"

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