"Go." Li Zedao's gaze fell on the dagger in his hand, and his face looked like a nervous and terrible smile to Mia, which made her body tremble again, and goose bumps all over her body.

He is really a devil, his methods are so cruel, his mouth is so vicious, and his smile is so awkward, just like a ghost is smiling at you.

Seeing this gloomy smile, Mia felt that she might have a nightmare tonight.

Li Zedao looked at her gently trembling back and shook her head helplessly. This woman was really mean, and she had to scare her to be honest.

A few minutes later, she returned with another cup of coffee. This time Li Zedao didn't say anything, but took a sip of the cup of coffee, and then suddenly felt sore.

Authentic cat feces coffee, an Antarctic favorite.

Before the DJ accident in the island country, Li Zedao received news that Antarctica had officially accepted ordination in a nun's house, and she had become a pretty little nun.

The reason why I know it is handsome is because Li Zedao also received a photo of Antarctica when he got the news.

In the photo, Antarctica is dressed in gray sea cyan. The blue silk has disappeared without a trace and turned into a big bald head. At this moment, she is kneeling on a futon with her eyes slightly closed and her face knocking coldly. Wooden fish.

It looks really handsome.

Even Li Zedao couldn't help but admire in his heart that my Antarctic is handsome. After the admiration, Li Zedao was inexplicably sad, because Antarctica was not his, and never was. Everything in the past was an illusion and was acting, but he was completely involved in the act without knowing it. Come out of the scene completely.

Li Zedao has reason to believe that if other men see the photo, they might have the urge to become a monk.

After taking a few breaths and suppressing all the messy thoughts in his heart, Li Zedao raised his head and glanced at Mia and said, "Sit down."

Miya Yiyan sat down on the chair beside her, glanced at Li Zedao with a slight panic, and then moved away.

"Introduce yourself." Li Zedao said. Taking another sip of the coffee in his hand, an inexplicable sourness continued to linger in my heart.

Well, Li Zedao admits that he is jealous, jealous of that **** guy, so evil and insignificant can actually capture the heart of Antarctica, making her willing to do this kind of thing for him, and now she is making her a nun. .

Li Zedao couldn't wait to find his body and whip the body.

In addition, Li Zedao couldn't recognize a cruel fact, that is, girls don't necessarily like handsome guys.

"Oh, **** it, and introduce yourself? This devil is interviewing employees?" Mia muttered in her heart, and then said, "My name is Mia, one of the twelve paladins of the Skeleton Organization... simple In other words, it is the person in charge of a certain branch of the organization. I am good at assassinations, fighting and firearms, and I am mainly responsible for training the members of the skull organization."

Of course, in front of the real powerhouse, what she is good at seems so useless, not as useful as her attractive body and beautiful face.

But obviously, her pretty face and attractive figure are not at all attractive to the devil, which makes Mia naturally very depressed.

In front of the devil, she felt that she was as weak as an ant, and the other party could easily kill her at any time.

"When did you come to Huaxia? What is the purpose? Just the two of you? Or is there a genetic superman following?" Li Zedao asked after taking a sip of coffee.

"At present, only Frank and I have come to Huaxia. We only arrived the day before yesterday." Mia swept the cold corpse on the ground with the corner of her eye, not daring to hide anything.

Of course, this undoubtedly made her extremely depressed. As soon as she arrived in Huaxia, before the plan could be implemented, she slammed into the muzzle of her gun. It was really unlucky.

What made her cry without tears was that she took the initiative to perform this mission in China. She originally thought that this mission was more like an unusually relaxing and pleasant trip.

"As for the genetic superman, there are indeed, but it is not a perfect genetic superman. It is not even close to perfection. It's just that it hasn't had time to reach China, but with the vigilance of General Skull and Crossbones, it probably won't let They are coming to China to let you chop off their heads." Mia said again.

Li Zedao nodded and motioned for her to continue. He didn't think this woman had concealed anything. Whether it was in Happy Valley in the morning or now in this hotel, Li Zedao did not find a trace of Gene Superman.

Probably, this woman and the corpse on the ground first arrived at Yanjing in the normal way, while Gene Superman arrived in another way.

After all, after Wei Fengsheng and the genetic superman were uncovered, Director Yang and the others did not dare to relax at all. They let people closely monitor the entire Yanjing to ensure that once the genetic superman arrives in Yanjing again, they will The first time I learned.

And judging whether he is a genetic superman is actually very simple. It mainly depends on whether he is breathing. In addition, some high-tech instruments can quickly detect the maggot system installed in his body, that is, *.

With the great attention of fc, it is not too easy for Gene Superman to appear in Yanjing without knowing it.

"As for the purpose...presumably you should have heard that there is a place called Demon Cave Prison in Yanjing. In that prison there is a dense forest shrouded in toxic mist, called Demon Cave Forest, right?"

Li Zedao raised his brows in an instant, and his expression moved slightly: "Devil's Cave Forest? General Skeleton let you enter the Devil's Cave Forest?"

"Yes, he asked us to arrange for Gene Superman to enter the magic cave forest to find out, and find a chance to find a mysterious hole." Mia nodded and said.

"Hole? What hole?" Li Zedao can now be said to be extremely familiar with the Demon Cave Forest, but he has never heard of any holes in the Demon Cave Forest.

"General Skull and Crossbones said that the cave is called the Unknown Cave. You may find the entrance to the cave in the forest of the Devil's Cave." Mia said.

Li Zedao's brows jumped violently, and there was already a huge wave in his heart, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

Therefore, General Skull Tong not only knows the Devil Cave Forest, but he even knows the Wuming Cave! He even said that there is an entrance to that nameless cave in the forest of the Devil's Cave?

Are you kidding me?

You know, that Wuming Cave is somewhere in the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau that stretches thousands of miles away, and it is tens of thousands of kilometers away from Yanjing. So, how can there be an entrance to the Wuming Cave in the forest of the magic cave?

Of course, Li Zedao could not guarantee that the nameless hole he had strayed into was the nameless hole Qing Xuzi said.

It’s just that Li Zedao cares, where did General Skull know the Devil’s Cave Forest and the Nameless Cave? What purpose does he want to find Wumingdong?

"What is the purpose of General Skull?" Li Zedao took a deep breath, looking at Mia and asked.

Mia gently shook her head: "Oh, I don’t know this. In the Skull and Crossbones organization, the only thing we need to do is to absolutely obey every instruction given by General Skull and Crossbones and work hard to complete the task. Those who ask questions, otherwise, what awaits us will be the anger or even death of General Skull."

"General Skull is very strong?" Li Zedao asked.

"Oh, yes, I saw him play against Tada, a genetic superman who is approaching perfection. Although he didn't win, he didn't lose." Mia said, "So, I can conclude that his strength is even less than that. Boss, you are not much worse."

Li Zedao's pupils were slightly widened, and his expression was slightly moved, so that **** old man turned out to be... a power back to the basics? So, he is actually an old monster who has lived for a long, long time? Or is it like Elena, the Queen of Vampires, who is not human?

This, you can't be a real person.

"Where is the specific location of the Skull Castle?" After pondering, Li Zedao asked again.

"On a hidden island in the Arctic Ocean called Skull Head, which is not even found on the map, the island has been shrouded in mist for many years, and you can hardly see the sun throughout the year. It’s full of darkness and humidity...oh, anyway, I don’t like that place very much."

"As for the specific location, I don't know." Mia said, "Because when Frank and I left the island, there were special personnel using a submarine to take us away. The same is true when we finish the mission and want to go back. Special personnel used submarines to send us to the island."

Li Zedao nodded, but Mia's statement was within his expectation. With the old and cunning temperament of General Skull, it is impossible for him to easily find his lair.

However, the old man chose to stay in a place where there is no sunshine almost all year round. Wouldn't he really not be a person, but a monster? For example, he is also a vampire? Or, what werewolf is he?

"What is his origin? A retired general in the United States? The US government stands behind the Skeleton Organization?" Li Zedao asked again.

"Oh, I don’t know this much. I just know that we do have some contacts with the U.S. government, not only the U.S. government, but also some other countries. We are responsible for helping them develop various weapons and some genetic drugs. As for General Skull, from the point of view that he always wears the military uniform and the medal full of his chest, he should be a soldier." Mia said, and then she explained some general conditions on the island.

Since she remembered things, she had been on Skull Island, and then began to receive various cruel training, and then sat down to her present position step by step.

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