The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1772: Director Yang who wants to kill

In other words, the Skull and Bones organization will secretly **** or purchase children from all over the world, and then these children will be secretly sent to the island to receive various cruel training.

Of course, not all children can survive this cruel training. Many children are exhausted alive during training, or if they disobey the management and try to escape, they will be brutally killed.

It is precisely this kind of cruel training that the combat effectiveness of these people trained by the Skull and Crossbones organization is stronger than the so-called elite troops of many countries.

Even those who stand out, such as Mia, as long as they don't encounter Li Zedao's abnormality, then no matter which country they put into the elite troops, they are the existence of elites among the soldiers.

"It's really cruel." Li Zedao's face was frosty, and his voice was full of coldness.

Mia lowered her head silently, her eyes not daring to meet Li Zedao. Of course she knew that their actions were absolutely intolerable in the eyes of a "righteous man" like Li Zedao, so she was somewhat worried that the devil would let herself be angry.

"Go and pack things, and leave with me in a while." After a while of silence, Li Zedao looked at Mia and said.

Mia nodded slightly, so this is considered to have passed the interview. Now stand up and go to pack things.

"Wait, eat this." Li Zedao flicked his finger, and a black pill burst out and shot towards Mia.

The latter stretched out his hand and grabbed the pill, just opened his palm and glanced, and then threw the pill directly into his mouth without hesitation.

Of course Mia knew that this was the method that the devil said before that he could control himself, just like the maggot system of the skull organization.

But now it's a betrayal of the Skeleton Organization, and she really doesn't want to die, so all she needs to do is to absolutely obey Li Zedao and follow Li Zedao honestly. Now he is the only one who can save her life.

Therefore, she swallowed the pill without hesitation, showing her own attitude.

As soon as the pill was swallowed into her belly, Mia only felt her heart contracted suddenly, as if a knife was stabbed in her heart. The pain caused her to simply hold her chest and her legs even more. It was unable to support her body and fell directly to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, her pupils suddenly rounded, and the face that turned crimson like a roasted chicken on the fire began to twist, and cold sweat kept coming out of her, soaking her. His clothes, his body twitched violently, and finally rolled out on the ground.

Her mouth was wide open, and her throat was squirming desperately, but she couldn't say a word. In the end, a lot of foam leaked from the corner of her mouth uncontrollably, looking so shocking.

pain! Heartache! The pain of cutting meat! The pain of scraping!

This kind of pain is not only physical, but also spiritual and spiritual.

Mia wanted to faint, even, as long as she still had a trace of strength and a knife in her hand, she wanted to stab herself to death.

But what is terrible is that she is so awake, awake more than ever, she feels soberly that a knife is cutting her soul.

After a while, her face changed from crimson to pale white, and she was panting as if she had died once.

Looking at her body, the clothes on her body were completely drenched, and drops of water dripped down from her hair, as if she had been in a heavy rain.

"From now on, you are my person. Whoever bullies you is bullying me." Li Zedao looked at this woman with a faint smile, and said in a very domineering tone.

Immediately, the overbearing tone became extremely gloomy: "Of course, if you have extra actions, then you will not get the antidote. This pain will come once a week, but I promise you will not be It hurts alive."

Mia looked up weakly at Li Zedao, her eyes showed extreme fear, and she felt that this guy was a devil... at least for the enemy, he was a devil.

Just now, the pain seemed to tear her soul apart. In short, Mia didn't want to endure that kind of pain anymore, so she didn't want to endure it for a second.

"Of course, you do well what you should do. I will take the initiative to give you an antidote before the effect of the drug strikes, and you will find that my boss is actually very good." The evil spirit on his body was reduced, and the whole person looked like a handsome boy with harmless humans and animals.

"I will... do what I should do." Mia stood up hard, wiped off the foam at the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, nodded slightly at Li Zedao, and said in a weak voice.

"Okay, go take a bath and change your clothes, then pack your things, I'll wait for you." Li Zedao said with a smile.

Mia nodded again and didn't say anything. She turned and dragged her weak body and walked towards the bathroom. She planned to take a shower and change into clean clothes and pack her things.

For Mia, this mission is more like a trip, so after coming over the day before yesterday, she started shopping. Only yesterday, she spent millions of clothes and bags that she accidentally bought. , Now those things are piled there by her, there is no time to clean them up.

Li Zedao took his gaze back from her, glanced at the corpse on the ground, drank the coffee in the cup, lit a cigarette, and remembered the fond memories of himself and Antarctica.

After smoking a cigarette, he thought for a while and called Director Yang.

In Li Zedao's view, although it was about 3:30 in the morning, the old man must have not fallen asleep. Even if he fell asleep, he answered the phone as soon as the phone rang.

This is an old man who has dedicated his life for the country and the people and died, and Li Zedao was so touched by his spirit.

Sure enough, within ten seconds, Director Yang answered the phone.

"Things about Qian Yugang are not so fast." This was the first sentence that Director Yang said after he got on the phone. His voice was even more suppressed. One can imagine how hard he wanted to be. The violent beating Li Ze said.

Although Director Yang still does not have any evidence to prove that Li Zedao did something secretly when he did that kind of thing, Director Yang believes 100% that he did it, not him or him, whoever dares to say that it is not him, he will do it. Pounce!

One thing that Director Yang can’t accept most is that when his subordinates see him now, their eyes no longer have the absolute respect and admiration they used to be, but how weird and weird they are, even, you can say It was instinctive, and they all made moves that were ready to slip away at any time. Although their movements were so obscure, Director Yang clearly saw them.

Once, they regarded themselves as idols, now they regard themselves as perverted... His personality has completely collapsed!

Therefore, Director Yang is even more not allowed to **** this kid first and then kill him immediately.

"It's not Qian Yugang's business." Li Zedao smiled.

Of course, Li Zedao knew that this incident could not have a result so quickly, but it has been more than ten years since this incident, and it must have involved many people with huge energy. After all, it was destined to the head of the deputy leader of the Tangtang Dark Team. The energy of a person with a certain hat like that is not much smaller at all.

So even Director Yang, if he wants to re-investigate, he will definitely be severely hindered.

Even his immediate boss, that is, the big boss in charge of the entire fx, would not agree with him to investigate again.

"What's that? What do you want to do when your kid doesn't sleep in the middle of the night? I warn you if you dare to use any video to threaten me, I will fight you desperately." Director Yang gritted his teeth.

Li Zedao rolled his eyes and muttered disdainfully: "Will I do such a despicable thing?"

The old man's character is bad, but he always thinks that others are just as bad as him.

Hearing this excuse, Director Yang's tears were almost coming out. Wouldn't you do something like that? When you say this, you are not afraid of thunderstorms? Anyway, if anyone dares to say that Li Zedao is not a shameless person, he will be anxious.

"It's a coincidence. When I went to Happy Valley with my girlfriend in the morning, I met someone from the Skeleton Organization." Li Zedao was too lazy to talk nonsense with this shameless old man, and went straight to the topic.

"Skull and Crossbones Organization?" Director Yang's voice was already full of undue calmness, thinking this kid is probably the nemesis of the Skull and Crossbones organization, right? Otherwise, how could the people of the Skull and Crossbones organization be so unlucky that he would run into a Happy Valley.

"Is it a genetic superman?" This is naturally the issue that Director Yang is most concerned about. After all, he has seen that kind of genetic superman, and he can indeed use the word "horror" to describe it.

Therefore, now Director Yang is also secretly rejoicing that this kid is okay, and fortunate that he simply sacrificed Sumen and relieved this kid so that he would stop making things big.

How appropriate it is for this kid to deal with that genetic superman.

"It's not a genetic superman. The other party is one of the twelve paladins in the Skull and Crossbones organization. After I controlled it, I tried to detonate*, so I wiped my neck." Li Zedao said, "He arrived in China the day before yesterday. Gene Superman hasn't had time to follow along. In addition, their purpose this time is not to start with some *system as you said, but to dive into the Devil's Cave Forest."

"Devil's Cave Forest? What do they do when they enter the Devil's Cave Forest?" Director Yang exclaimed, his voice filled with confusion.

"You don't know?" Li Zedao asked rhetorically.

"Nonsense, how could I know?" Director Yang said silently, "Of course, don't tell Laozi, you don't know."

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