The corner of Bei's mouth was slightly tilted up, his voice hoarse and charming. In the past half a month, she had left many tooth marks on Li Zedao's body, but still felt that she hadn't bitten enough.

The fact that she was almost lost before let Bei know how much she loves and how attached to this man, so much that she can't bear to be a bit stern with him.

Of course, not only Bei, but other women also have the same feelings, and the previous careful thinking has been reduced a lot, and they will not find all kinds of excuses to take Li Zedao away alone. The relationship between each other It is undoubtedly more intimate.

They also knew that Li Zedao had worked very hard to level a bowl of water, although sometimes he did not do well enough, but they wouldn't be tempted anymore.

"Still biting?" Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry. Except for that face, his whole body was covered with tooth marks after another.

Which woman you are with during this time, which woman will bite him, as if they were fighting in secret to see who left more tooth marks in the end.

Just for example, just now, there were a dozen more tooth marks on his body, which was naturally bitten by Alice and Susan.

According to Susan, this **** has a tendency to be abused. You have to bite him. If you don't bite him, he will be itchy. Facts have proved that Li Zedao does have a male gene.

"Bite...but take a shower before biting, you know, I don't like the smell of other women on you." Bei lovely wrinkled his nose, and said in disgust, but the corners of his mouth were extremely puckered. The ambiguous smile, the look in his eyes is more like seduce people to sin.

"Pop!" Li Zedao slapped Bei Na's buttocks with a smile, "Dare to despise me? See how I punish you!"

Then, he hugged this delicate body around his waist.

When the two fell on the bed together, the temperature in the room immediately rose, and soon, a man and a woman's most primitive lavish sound sounded in this room.

After the wind was calm and the waves were calm, Bei's little red face was pressed against Li Zedao's chest full of tooth marks, quietly listening to his powerful heartbeat, enjoying this quiet and tender moment.

This is something she likes to do very much. The powerful heartbeat sounds like the most beautiful movement in the world.

After a while, she got up from Li Zedao, picked up the lady's cigarette and lighter on the bedside, and lit one.

Li Zedao looked at her with a smile, took the half pack of cigarettes and lighter in her hand, and lit one as well.

"Something in your mind?" Li Zedao asked after slowly exhaling a puff of smoke. He clearly saw Sister Bei's brows twisted slightly, as if he had encountered some problem.

"You know." Bei glanced at him, then leaned his head on his shoulder.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, he really knew what Bei was thinking.

Although for every woman, Li Zedao has always worked hard to level a bowl of water, but it is undeniable that they have experienced life and death several times together in Wolf Village, Demon Cave Forest, and Sichuan-Tibet Plateau. Bei may have a little shadow of the South Pole on his body, and their personalities are somewhat similar, so his intimacy with Bei is the closest compared to other women.

A few months ago, Li Zedao met an old man who seemed so mysterious to him in Yanjing.

The old man claimed to be the heir of the legendary empty door that has fallen apart and no longer exists. Their purpose is to steal the rich and help the poor. When they look for the target, they are very particular. We have never made things worse. What he did, he did a lot of charcoal in the snow.

Because of the mercy of Li Zedao's men, the old man thought he owed Li Zedao a favor, so he said to Li Zedao basically the same things as Qing Xuzi.

He told Li Zedao that, judging from your aura, you are already the legendary master of returning to nature, but you can't be regarded as a real master of returning to nature. Of course, this is not important. The important thing is, There is a breath of cold to poison in your body. Although it is temporarily suppressed, there are signs of loosening. If it breaks out completely, then the body's functions will be burned instantly, and you will definitely die!

He also said that there is only one way to dissolve this insidious hostility, and that is to comprehend the Taoist treasure "Tianji Tujuan", and to understand this "Tianji Tujuan", you must go to a special place , Otherwise, when looking through the "Tianji Scroll", it will make people feel like looking through the heavenly book, drowsy and unable to resist.

And that special place is the legendary Immortal Cave Mansion, Wuming Cave.

Before leaving, the old man told Li Zedao that you only have one year left.

Now, from the one year that the old man said, there are only less than two months left. In other words, in less than two months, Li Zedao didn’t want to get rid of the hostility in his body. If so, he is likely to die.

And this matter, now only North one person knows.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Li Zedao stroked Xiabei's hair with a big hand, his voice was full of fearlessness, "Even the violent explosion at such a short distance, followed by the heavy ceiling weighing thousands of tons. The smashed down, followed by an earthquake and a tsunami, failed to kill me... Even, I think that the dj’s earthquake and the subsequent tsunami were deliberately arranged by God, God did not want me to die , So don’t worry."

"Get out!" Bei said angrily, and the worry in his heart was somewhat less. Although Li Zedao's words were very awkward, I was afraid that he would be sprayed to death when he said it. But I have to think that it seems like in the dark, God really doesn't want Li Zedao to die like this, so the earthquake and tsunami were arranged.

If it were not for the earthquake and tsunami, Li Zedao would have died long ago.

Perhaps, as Qing Xuzi had "fudged", he was a rich man and would not die so easily.

"However, it's time to set off to the Wuming Cave on the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau?" Bei said. Anyway, you have to try it.

Li Zedao nodded lightly. Although he was fearless, sitting and waiting for death was undoubtedly a very stupid behavior, so the nameless cave naturally had to go.

He smiled and said: "I will go back in a short time."

Of course, before going to the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau, you have to go to Yanjing first. Mia’s words undoubtedly make Li Zedao extremely concerned, so he wants to enter the Demon Cave Forest again to find out. There is another extremely important thing that should be started. I am ready to do it, although I can't imagine that it can be successful, but...what if it succeeds?

"Then go there in a while." Bei has no opinion. Such a mysterious thing does not mean that you will gain something if you go early, but it seems that there are certain things that are destined to be good. It seems.

It was like, in that tomb that day, at the moment when his body was detonated, Bei Ke could never imagine that she would be resurrected again, and then followed Li Zedao desperately.

Before, she didn't even dare to say that people can be resurrected after death, but now this kind of thing really happened to her.

Besides, it has only been a few days since Li Zedao came back safe and sound? Bei also wanted to stay with Li Zedao for a few more days, even if one more second was good.

Rubbing his face against his shoulder, he thought for a while and added: "I will stay when the time comes and I won't go with you."

"Huh?" Li Zedao lowered his head and looked at this little face with surprise. Some could not believe what he was hearing. Of course he didn't want this woman to follow him to the nameless cave in the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau. After all, he didn't know what would happen to him. What potential danger, but if Bei Zhen wanted to go with him, Li Zedao couldn't stop her.

Unexpectedly, North actually took the initiative to say not to go, which made Li Zedao somewhat surprised.

"Maybe, there is any potential danger. I will only distract you and drag you back by following you." Bei said.

When I remembered that because Li Zedao had entered the base of the Skull and Crossbones, he almost died. Bei was moved and distressed, and of course he blamed himself.

She didn't want something similar to happen again, didn't want to drag Li Zedao any hindrances, didn't want Li Zedao to encounter any danger because of her, so she didn't want to follow, she would wait in this villa for him to come back safe and sound, she I also firmly believe that he will definitely come back.

"However, take that woman Mia with you. If you are not there, she might become a fatal *." Bei frowned and said.

Bei couldn't see through that woman, and didn't know whether the hard work and the light-heartedness she showed now came from the heart or if she had to do it.

Moreover, this is a very terrifying woman, and Bei knows very clearly that he is against her and has no certainty to suppress her at all.

The best outcome is that she died with her.

"Of course." Li Zedao nodded. Without absolute trust, how could he leave such a dangerous* beside these women?

Although the woman was controlled with drugs, Li Zedao couldn't guarantee that she was absolutely loyal. After all, using this method to force the other party to yield is not an absolutely reliable behavior after all.

"With her, you can also vent your *." Bei said again.

"..." Li Zedao was almost choked to death by this woman's words.

"In addition, if you haven't come back for a long, long time, I will take good care of Mom and Yoko for you. When they don't need my care, I will set off to the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau to find you." He looked at Li Zedao seriously and said.

"Sister Bei, you are like this..." Li Zedao was so touched, "Don't say anything, let's do it once...Twice, just for fear that your body can't bear it."

"Get out!" The corner of Bei's mouth twitched, his pretty face was reddened, and he was so depressed. He always wanted to add some **** to things that were obviously very serious and sentimental, which destroyed the atmosphere all at once.

"Sister Bei, don't you want to?" Li Zedao blew into her ear with an ambiguous expression.

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