The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1776: Angry General Skull

Bei's body suddenly softened, and then, she bit her lip with her teeth, and her pretty face turned red all of a sudden. Then, she seemed to have made up some determination and mustered her courage. After that, she also blew into Li Zedao's ear, her voice was light and slightly trembling and said, "My husband..."

"Old...husband?" Li Zedao's eyes widened suddenly, and his body was numb. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, and his breathing became even more rapid. You know, Bei Ke has never called himself that way.

"You were so popular just now, it makes people feel so comfortable, they still...think..."

Li Zedao's eyes that were already staring widened widened, and his blood pressure soared instantly. His eyes became blood-red as he looked at this woman who was completely different from the past, and his breathing became extremely impatience.

For Nintendo and Susan, this kind of remarks just opened their mouths, and it was normal.

But she is the North, the fairy who usually sits on top of the sky as if she doesn't eat the fireworks in the world. It is the fairy who usually listens to a nonsense and directly beats the woman. Such a fairy who does not eat the fireworks in the world is like a blush His voice said something like that... So Li Zedao felt that he was about to explode.

Li Zedao felt that he must have accidentally ingested the kind of aphrodisiac given by Qian Yugang. Otherwise, why would the body react so strongly?

In the next second, he just felt his nose hot, and two nosebleeds spurted frantically, like two fountains.


The dark castle is like an old vampire house. The burning flame and the flickering candlelight in the fireplace undoubtedly added a bit of eerie atmosphere.

The long dining table was full of people. These people are men and women. Men wear decent suits or tuxedos, women also wear long skirts or evening dresses.

Their gazes fell on the tall skeleton general sitting in the first place. At this moment, the general skeleton was talking about something with a smile, but the laughter he made made none of these people. The scalp is not numb, as if the voice of the devil is lingering in their ears.

Even though they have heard this terrible laugh many times, they are still not used to it and feel terrible.

"Oh, God, that Li Zedao is not dead, yes, he is not dead, he is now back to Huaxia without lack of arms and legs, can anyone tell me what happened? How did he escape that* What? How did he escape from that place? Why could his broken hands and feet grow on their own?"

No one answered, they had already grasped General Skull’s temper, so they clearly understood when to answer his question, when to just shut up and listen to him with a serious but torture Just complain over there.

"Is he a vampire? He can recover from any damage he has suffered? Oh, no, I think it’s even more terrifying than Queen Elena, because I don’t think our dear Queen Elena will be able to recover on her own after she breaks. He grows out, but he can grow on his own even after his hands and feet are broken. Oh, God, this is a miracle, this is amazing, more amazing than the genetic superman we made, and even more amazing than the vampire queen Elena, God, What kind of monster is he?"

General Skull exclaimed: "He must not be human."

He could not help showing such an expression and exclaiming, because they found the stump at the scene of the explosion, proving that it was Li Zedao's, but now Li Zedao has returned to China without any damage.

It doesn't matter if you live well, there is no lack of arms or legs. This is too unscientific, too hard to believe, and too angry.

At least, although the General Skull and Crossbones is now laughing and marveling, there is a huge anger burning in his heart.

Of course, there is also a fortunate in the anger. Fortunately, Gene Superman has not had time to travel to China, so only two Paladins have died, and the loss is not heavy.

In the eyes of General Skull, even the imperfect genetic superman is much more precious than Paladins like Mia and Frank. Two Paladins died, and a lot of people lined up behind them to take their place. After all, they have cultivated many similar talents over the years. But losing a genetic superman would cost at least hundreds of millions of dollars.

Although the skull and crossbones are not bad for money, they can't stand the burn.

In addition, General Skull has already understood that some time ago, in the island country DJ’s stronghold, posing as the "female ghost", wanted to kill the people in that stronghold, and even chopped off the head of the nearly perfect genetic superman Tada. That person, there is no doubt Li Zedao.

And the reason why he did that was simply because the Skulls and Crossbones planned to act on He Xiaoyue.

However, General Skull had no intention of sending people to the island country. DJ to kill all He Xiaoyue Qingyun. After all, in his eyes, they were a few weak and poor ants, and even if they were killed now, There is no way to alleviate his hatred.

More importantly, when he was in the video with Li Zedao, he had already received threats from Li Zedao. If he really dared to attack He Xiaoyue or any woman beside Li Zedao, then Li Zedao would dare to kill the skull castle. Come.

Facing the threat of such a terrifying opponent, General Skull and Crossbones did not take it seriously. Even under the attack of that*, there are men who can withstand escape and are innocent. There is no doubt that he must have a way to reach Skull Island.

As for the reason why Li Zedao killed the stronghold in such a state before, General Skull and Crossbones is naturally very clear. Based on his understanding of China’s national conditions and some evidence he has obtained, Huaxia officials are worried that they can’t suppress the damned guy. , So set up secretly, trying to let the **** guy die with their skull organization.

It was a pity that General Skull and Crossbones felt that he was soliciting each other with the utmost sincerity, and he was willing to become a close partner with him, but the kid simply refused, saying that he loves that country, and even said that he didn't want to be a fool. Cooperation……

Oh, **** guy, you are a stupid, your whole family are all stupid... I'll go to your uncle!

"So, guys, what do you think we should do to let him go to hell?" General Skull Head's already chilled gaze swept over these people one by one, and his tone became cold.

General Skull's heart was extremely angry, but it was full of powerlessness. That **** guy's amazing methods really made him a headache.

"Dear sir, in at most half a month, the most perfect genetic superman will be born. At that time, you only need to send him to China, and he will definitely be able to kill that **** fellow." One of the men saw General Skull and Crossbones' eyes fell. On myself, quickly nodded slightly to report.

He is the Hill of the Science Gene Department, the general person in charge of the genetic superman research, and the scientific madman Akai who was sent to the island country dj base was his most effective stop.

"Oh, half a month? If I remember correctly, you told me the same way half a month ago, and half a month ago, half a month ago, you seem to have said something similar." General Skull and Crossbones held up The wine glass took a sip of the red wine, and he smiled at the man and said.

Hill only felt as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead: "Dear Sir, please trust me once. After so many years of research and accumulation, we are indeed confident in half. Months later, the most perfect genetic superman will be born. By that time, whether it is speed or strength, it is naturally better than the approaching perfect genetic superman. More importantly, his neck will no longer be a dead spot. It will be completely hardened, and even that Li Zedao can't cut off his head."

"Oh, of course, dear Mr. Hill, of course I am willing to believe you once. You are the head of our genetic superhuman research. How could I not believe you?" General Skull and Crossbones said with a smile, "But if so Half a month later, you still failed and failed to hand in the answer that satisfies me... I think you will become food for my dear Ball."

Bauer is a new wolf dog raised by General Skeleton. It is extremely fierce and bloody. He once had a beastly hair and bit the neck of a servant in the castle, and also ate a lot of his flesh and blood.

And when the dog started to come back cruelly, the security guards in this castle who were stronger than ordinary special forces were not their opponents at all with their bare hands.

Before raising this wolf dog as a pet, General Skull’s pet was a husky.

That husky bit General Skull’s favorite pair of leather shoes that day. General Skull looked at the husky with a smile, and cut off its dog’s head directly with a knife in his hand, and then let it be stewed. Soup.

Hill's face changed drastically, and the cold sweat on his forehead increased. He nodded and said: "Oh, sir, please rest assured, I will definitely complete the task."

General Skull and Crossbones nodded with satisfaction: "Oh, yes, dear Mr. Hill, I will be very relieved to wait for your good news."

Then he put down the wine glass, with an extremely religious look, and said: "Well, let's pray, and then start enjoying this delicious food."

The sound of devout prayers quickly echoed in this gloomy castle, as if a ghost was moaning-groaning over there.

After enjoying a delicious dinner, General Skull took the lead to leave the table, and then his tall figure shuttled through the dark and gloomy castle, and his leather shoes handmade by top Italian craftsmen stepped on the wooden floor extremely powerfully. Above, the sound reverberated in this quiet and gloomy castle, undoubtedly adding a bit of terror.

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