The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1777: Distinguished guest

Behind General Skull and Crossbones, followed by a half-person tall, extremely brutal and **** wolf dog whose eyes were as big as a teacup, naturally his pet Bauer.

One person and one dog walked in this castle for ten minutes, and finally came to the end of this gloomy and cold corridor. On the wall directly in front, there was an old pendulum clock hung with the kind of "da da da da ......" The voice, instead of making the surrounding silence atmosphere noisier, added a bit of terrifying silence anyway.

The General Skull now stretched out his hand and tapped a few lightly on the ancient pendulum clock.

Only heard a muffled sound of "Kang...", a secret door under the wall next to the ancient wall clock appeared there suddenly, the inside was extremely dark, but it was vaguely visible through the dim wall lamp on the corridor wall, This is an entrance to the steps below. At the same time, there was a smell similar to rotten mold. When the secret door was opened, there were waves of dust. It is conceivable that this door has not been opened for a long time.

The General Skull looked at the entrance, and the corners of his mouth were already pursed with an inexplicable range. At the moment, his tall body was slightly bent and walked in, walking down the wooden steps step by step, his shoes on the board The voice echoed in this narrow and gloomy space, and it seemed so harsh and terrifying.

Bauer followed him closely, and let out a low growl of "Woo..." from time to time, and the blood-red eyes looked forward to the left and right, and bursts of ferocious aura appeared. Once there was some movement around, it would Immediately rushed to bark and bite.

Going down the steps to the bottom, there is already a gloomy corridor ahead. Oil lamps are lit on the walls on both sides of the corridor. Instead of making this place brighter, the oil lamps have the opposite effect, making it even darker. In addition, the air is filled with a pungent smell similar to decay, so put the courageous people in the whole place, as long as it is to scare out a heart attack.

General Skull patted Bauer's head with his hands, and then continued to walk forward. Finally, one person and one dog came to an iron gate with various ancient patterns on it.

General Skull's eyes fell on the iron door, his eyes flashed with inexplicable gloom, and he cursed impatiently: "Oh, **** it, don't you get out and open the door?"

As soon as the voice fell, a black shadow appeared in front of General Skull and Crossbones as if it appeared out of thin air, like a ghost.

It can be vaguely seen that his figure is very tall, but most of his body is almost completely covered by the darkness around him.

His round eyes are like night pearls, and they are shining with a dark green light, and they also reveal an extremely cruel and terrible aura. There is a viscous liquid flowing down the corners of the mouth. , As if a wolf that was extremely hungry had seen meat.

"Wangwang, woo..." Bauer's bark with a hint of horror suddenly broke the strange silence around him. Its big brutal and **** eyes stared at the black shadow that appeared out of thin air, and there was panic in its eyes. Its tall body trembled like chaff, and even gave its thick black tail. Clipped up.

"Oh, Bauer, you useless guy. This **** guy is a watchdog. It's not as good as you. What's to be afraid of? Shut up, sit down, otherwise don't blame me for giving you Slaughter the stew and drink it." General Skull patted Bauer's head with his big hand, and he was rather dissatisfied with the cowardly appearance of his pet dog.

"Oh, damn, you are so disgusting, don't hurry up to wipe off your disgusting saliva, do you believe that I killed you?" After scolding the wolf dog, General Skull looked at the black Ying cursed.

Sombra didn't reach out his hand to wipe off the saliva, but he stuck out his tongue and licked off the liquid at the corner of his mouth. His tongue is very long and very red, and as his mouth opens, his tongue sticks out, and there is a strong smell of blood.

"Woo..." Bauer was so scared that his body trembled even more, curled up its head, and made a series of low noises.

"Oh, damn, don't you quickly retract your disgusting tongue and open the door quickly, and be careful I cut it off and feed the dog." General Skeleton was really sickened by that tongue.

At that moment, the black shadow put his tongue back out and took out a key that looked so primitive. He inserted the key into the keyhole on the iron door, unscrewed it, and heard "click!" With a muffled sound, the lock on the iron door has already been opened, and then the black shadow stretched out his hand, placed it on the door and slowly pushed the door open.

It can be vaguely seen that his palm is very large, and there are even black hairs on the back of his hand.

"Hey..." The iron gate made an extremely dull voice, one can imagine how heavy the iron gate is.

And as the iron gate was pushed open, an indescribable stench puffed his nose all at once, making General Skull's face instantly pale, and his tall body trembled violently.

This foul smell made his tears fall continuously, and his stomach was already twisting, and he almost vomited it out without restraint. The whole person looked as if he had been poisoned.

He quickly took out his handkerchief, clutching his mouth and nose tightly, and said with difficulty, "Oh, God, this smell is terrible, I think I have been poisoned."

Then he set his gaze on the dark shadow and cursed: "Oh, **** it, how long has it been since you helped my respected guest clean the room?"

"One year." Sombra opened his lips slightly, and a cold and dry voice floated out, which also contained a strong smell of blood.

"One year? Oh, damn, didn't you ask you to clean it every few days when I came a year ago?" There were several thick black lines on the forehead of General Skull and he was almost caught by this. Lively choked to death.

A year ago, when he came here, the smell was so horrible, oh no, maybe even more horrible than it is now, because when he came a year ago, this **** guy hadn't helped clean this for two years. The room is out.

Because he didn't entertain the honorable guest well, General Skull had blamed himself in his heart, he was too bad for himself, and he almost cried. Right now, this **** watchdog must clean the room every few days, at least to make the distinguished guests feel more comfortable, right?

"I forgot." Sombra replied truthfully.

"Oh, God, you said you forgot? How could you forget? You stupid fellow!" General Skull twitched his mouth, wishing to slap this guy to death, this **** **** a year ago Said the same thing.

How can such an important thing be forgotten? Why don't you forget to eat meat? Don't forget to drink blood? Don't forget to sleep? Oh, **** guy.

"If my respected guest is smoked to death by this stench, I swear I will kill you."

"Not dead, alive and well," said the shadow.

"Oh, damn, did I ask you to answer? Do you believe that I killed you? Can I still know that he is still alive? How could that old **** see God and his old man so easily? Huh? Why don't you roll in and clean it up for me? Oh, spray some more air freshener... Oh, no, I have to leave first and come over in an hour, otherwise I will go to see God. "

General Skull only felt that his stomach was distorted, his throat was itchy, and something was about to squirt out at any moment. If he didn't leave, he would take everything he ate today, yesterday, and even the day before yesterday. If I vomit, of course I vomit, which is not a big deal.

The point is, he might be poisoned to death.

As for the great wolfhound, it left behind General Skull with its tail sandwiched between its tail. You can even clearly see that its four dog legs are twitching gently. Seeing something terrible, the dog is guilty. They were all shocked.

More than an hour later, General Skull came back here again, this time Bauer did not follow. Despite the scolding of General Skull, the great wolf dog said nothing to follow.

So General Skull was so angry that he chopped off his dog's head directly, and then felt happy that there was dog meat again. His favorite is this kind of disobedient dog.

If the dog was obedient and didn't make any mistakes, such as not breaking his clothes or shoes, not urinating and urinating and soiling his expensive carpet, General Skull and Crossbones would really be reluctant to start when he likes to eat dog meat.

At this time, the iron door had been completely pushed open, and a room appeared there, but the inside was extremely dim, and almost no fingers could be seen, and there were bursts of dangerous and cold air from inside, as if it was locked inside. It looked like a terrifying monster.

It gives people the feeling that this opened door is like a fierce monster opening its **** mouth, and when you walk in, it is equivalent to being swallowed by a terrifying monster.

The skull's eyes were slightly cold, looking at the dark space, smelling the strong smell of air freshener in the air, and he was satisfied. Although the air quality was still extremely bad, it was heavenly compared to just now. The difference with hell.

However, General Skull did not go in immediately. Instead, he lit a cigar and puffed out the smoke for a while. It seemed to calm his mood, as if he wanted to make the air more tobacco smell better and more comfortable, but from Judging from the subtle expression on his face, he seemed to be thinking about something again.

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