The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1778: Imprisoned for a thousand years

General Skull actually didn't like to remember some things in the past. After all, in his opinion, the memory of this kind of thing is the patent of the elderly, and it is the kind of elderly who have little time left.

Is he an old man with little time left? Not!

However, he still couldn't help but recalled some things, so the subtle expressions on his face now are quite wonderful, with sorrow, pride, and even a trace of resentment.

After smoking two cigars, General Skull took out an exquisite little electric stick and opened it. In an instant, the darkness around him was washed away a lot.

The Skull General has always been quite repulsive to light, so the skull castle is in a dim state from beginning to end, so the light from this delicate flashlight is naturally not for himself, but for him. Prepared by that distinguished guest.

"It's time to let that poor fellow see the light." This was the thought of General Skull.

"Oh, damn, you can disappear, remember, anyone coming here, allow you to bite their blood vessels and eat them!" The general skull and crossbones shot the light beam from the small flashlight in his hand. Reflecting on the eyes of the dark shadow, he said impatiently.

And the eyes flashing with dark green light and showing cruel blood were squinted by the light, and even the dark shadow hurriedly reached out to block the light, obviously repelling the light extremely.

Then his body shape flashed and disappeared there instantly.

"Oh, what a stupid idiot." General Skull wrinkled his nose, smelling the air freshener in the air, and cursed in a bad tone before he strode into the door.

By the light of the small electric stick in General Skull’s hand, one can vaguely see that this is a room of about 20 square meters without any windows. The only entrance and exit is the one that General Skull walked in. iron gate.

There are wet water stains on the floor of the room. It is conceivable that this place has just been washed with water, and the dull sound from the expensive leather shoes worn by General Skull’s feet is coming. Judging, the floor on the ground is not the wooden floor in this castle, nor is it ceramic tiles, but steel plates, thick steel plates.

Looking at the four walls and the ceiling above, judging from the shining light shining on them, they are also made of thick steel.

Therefore, this can be said to be a cell, a cell made of steel on all six sides. It is a mouse that is good at piercing holes and an ant that can make the Dike of Thousand Miles collapse. Don’t even want to dig a hole in this place. .

The sharp gaze of General Skull first swept the room around, and finally his gaze fell on the corner of the northwest corner. The corner of his mouth was already tilted for an inexplicable range, and the flashlight in his hand was irradiated. This faint light suddenly shone on a figure sitting in the corner.

You can vaguely see that this is a thin man.

His hair is very long and very long, and it's scattered randomly, so you can't see his face at all.

There are no strands on his body. The naked eye can see that there is a thick layer of dirt on the skin. The dirt is already black and hard, and it emits a mixture of air freshener and a bad smell that is indescribable. The wonderful smell together.

This smell undoubtedly stimulated General Skull's nerves again, causing his stomach to twist for a while, and he almost vomited out without holding back.

"Oh, that **** guy, so, he didn't help this honorable guest take a good bath, but just sprayed him with air freshener a few times?" General Skull was furious and wanted to go out for a while. After that, he must give that perfunctory lesson severely.

How could he treat his distinguished guest like this?

What is even more unimaginable is that the man's left and right shoulders were pierced abruptly by the thick iron chain of a baby's arm, while the two ends of the chain were forcibly welded to the wall.

In other words, he was passed through the body by two iron chains, and then hung on the wall. I don't know how long this hung was. It is hard to imagine that he is not dead yet, he is still alive.

The reason why I know he is still alive is because when the beam of light from the small flashlight in General Skull’s hand shines on him, his head is very slow, slowly lifting up little by little. stand up.

It’s as if the robot lacks lubricating oil, and as if he hasn’t raised his head for a long, long time, so for a while, he is so uncomfortable, he needs to get familiar with it; it also seems that his hair is too long and too long. It was dirty, there were all kinds of dirt, fleas and even cockroaches on it, which made his head too heavy, so it took a lot of effort to raise his head.

Finally, he finally lifted his head, but his hair is very long, so you still can’t see his face, but General Skull can feel it very clearly. There is a pair. His extremely terrifying and sharp eyes suddenly enveloped him.

General Skull already had a grim smile on his face, and this **** fellow was already like this, his eyes were still so sharp and terrifying.

"Good evening, my old friend." General Skull and Crossbones greeted warmly, "Are you okay? Oh, it looks like your life is going well."

General Skull and Crossbones spoke Huaxia, a standard Huaxia language.

"Cthulhu, it's been a long time since I saw you, Peng Dao thought that your villain is gone." The old and hard voice sounded. It is conceivable that he hasn't spoken for a long time, so he suddenly said something now. , It seems so weird.

Moreover, what he said was also Huaxia, a standard Huaxia language.

"Oh, dear Mr. Niubi, it has only been a year since I visited you last time. For a thousand-year old demon like you, a year should be extremely short, right?" General Skullhead Said with a smile,

"One year? Pindao thought it was a long, long time." The man said in silence, with an inexplicable emotion in his voice. Looking at the beam of light from the flashlight, an inexplicable desire flashed by in those sharp eyes.

He had forgotten how long he hadn't seen the sun. If ordinary people were imprisoned in such a dark place, even if they didn't die, their eyes would have degenerated into blindness.

"Oh, my dear friend, you heard that right, only one year."

General Skull shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "However, you think it has been a long time, that is also a normal thing. Anyone who is put through his shoulders with an iron chain like this and locked in such a dark place, You can’t see the sun, you can’t see the beautiful things, you can’t see the stunning women, no one talks to you, and you’re so quiet around you that you want to go crazy, you can’t eat exquisite snacks, you can’t taste the top fragrant tea, whatever Is it mentally or physically devastated, I am afraid that it will feel like living a year?"

"Anyway, it’s me. Just stay for one day. I might go crazy. So, dear Mr. Niubi, your patience and endurance are really impressive. What's the trick? Recite your Taoist sayings several times through?"

The man was silent, but the look in his eyes hidden under his long hair turned hideous.

Whether it is his spirit or body, he is indeed being severely destroyed all the time, and all of this is due to the proud guy in front of him, so if he can, he wants to die with the other party.

Unfortunately, he couldn't do it. Moreover, the physical torture is nothing. The difficulty is that his soul has been imprisoned, and he can only endure this torture silently in this dark place.

Unless he compromises, agrees to the demon's request, is completely controlled by him, becomes his dog, and helps him do something, otherwise, this dark day will continue.

"So, dear Mr. Niubi, you don't want to stay in this place for a moment, do you?" General Skull said with a smile, and then felt that the smell was too disgusting, so he quickly lit another cigar and felt it. The smell of smoke filled my chest cavity, which made me feel more comfortable.

"If you say that you don't want to stay anymore, would you leave it alone?" the man said, his eyes were no longer the sharp, murderous, and desire for light and freedom, but calmed down.

By now, it’s hard to have anything that can shake his Gujing Wubo heart, even if he sees the man he most wants to split it in half with a sword, and sees the long-lost light. It was only a momentary mood swing, and then calm back.

Of course he knew what this **** guy was making. He was trying to seduce him, and the dignified evil **** was so naive, which made the man sneer in his heart.

"Oh, dear Mr. Niubi, you have seriously distorted my meaning. I mean, even if you don't want to stay for a moment, I won't let you out know it." General Skull There was an inexplicable smile on his face.

"I thought you had fully understood Pingdao's decision a long, long time ago." The man sneered, "It seems that Pingdao is too worthy of you."

"Oh, dear Mr. Niubi, people change." General Skull had a hot smile on his face, "So, I think you have changed your mind."

"Even if you continue to shut down the poor road in this place for a thousand years, the poor road's mind will never change." The man's attitude is firm, undoubtedly, with a rock solid taste.

General Skull and Crossbones wiped the corners of his eyes with a touch of emotion on his face: "Oh, dear Mr. Niubi, your spirit of abiding by your heart really touched me, but I am quite sure to make you change your mind. ."

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