The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1784: Silly girl

Yang Qinglian raised her brows and shouted in a cold voice: "Don't be a hippy smile, dare you steal your wallet in broad daylight? Take it out and follow me to the police station."

After Yang Qinglian accidentally saw this young man’s actions, she originally didn’t want to care about it, but when she thought that she had said that she would completely change herself, she also thought that although she has not reported yet, she is considered a glorious people’s policeman. Just let it go, it seems too unprofessional, right? So after hesitating, she decided to intervene.

But this **** thief dare to stare at his chest with such eyes? You wait, you will feel better after arriving at the police station!

"I'll go to your grandma. If you have a big chest, you can be brainless, right?" The expression on Xiao Young's face instantly flustered, and immediately became gloomy. He was very uncomfortable defending: "What did I steal my wallet? You Which eye saw me stealing my wallet?"

"I saw it with both eyes, take it out!" Yang Qinglian said with a serious face again, "then follow me back to the police station."

Muttering in my heart, the lines and expressions should be like this, right? His face was solemn and righteous, his tone of voice was tough and could not be rebutted, he was not frightened by the threat of evil forces, and he didn't argue with the other party. If there is something to talk to the police station.

And inexplicably, there is an unprecedented sense of justice in my heart, and this feeling of sweeping the world seems quite good.

Yang Qinglian felt that she seemed to like this profession a bit.

Of course, she didn't put such a thief in her eyes at all, and Yanjing didn't know how many brothers had suffered from her loss. Such a thief who was not in the flow was considered a ball.

I originally planned to report in the bureau tomorrow, so let's go one day in advance. As for this thief, it's a meeting ceremony.

"Hey, I said you are sick, right? And it's still crazy." The young man's attitude is even more arrogant, and he doesn't put Yang Qinglian, a beautiful girl, in his eyes.

At the moment, she stared at Yang Qinglian's chest with a squint, swallowed her saliva, and said, "I persuade you to take the initiative to let go of Lao Tzu's collar, and then obediently apologize to Lao Tzu. Otherwise, don't blame the counterattack. Now, I accidentally ran into you when I happened... oh..."

Xiaoyoung's face changed drastically, and a screaming scream came directly from his mouth.

Yang Qinglian simply kicked it over, hitting Xiaoyoung's stomach with a knee, and directly pushed him down.

Born in a military family, Yang Qinglian has been practicing military sports since she was a child. Of course, she has no talent in this area. In addition, Director Yang is willing to train her to death, just like those elites who train fc. In addition, Yang Qinglian Basically, he was fishing for two days and drying his net for three days, so his skills were average.

But even so, there is no problem at all for playing a few gangsters.

Looking at the young man who was holding his stomach and howling on the ground, Yang Qinglian said with a sneer: "Seriously warn you, don't pretend to be a calf in front of this lady, otherwise you will feel good. I am giving you a chance to steal you obediently. Take out his wallet and follow me back to the police station, otherwise I don’t mind punching you on the spot and kicking you into the sea to feed the fish."

On the seaside with a lot of people, such a beautiful beauty who looked so violent on the knees, simply and neatly put such a man a head higher than her on the ground. This is undoubtedly extremely popular. , So it quickly caused everyone to stop and stay, centering on the two of them, it immediately surrounded them into a circle.

"Hey, beauty, are you going too far? He is my classmate, and we are all college students. How can he be a thief when he comes to the beach to blow the sea breeze when there is no class?"

A young man in red quickly squeezed through the crowd and came to the front, looking at Yang Qinglian and said angrily: "And you do it if you don't agree with you, your tone is so arrogant, not...your father's name is Li Right?"

His words immediately attracted pointers from the onlookers.

The crowd gathers around to watch the excitement, and the bigger the trouble, the better. They prefer to make some self-righteous remarks without knowing it to show their reasoning ability. As for the truth of the matter, they usually don't care so much.

"My dad's surname is Yang." Yang Qinglian said coldly. My dad is Li Gang. She naturally heard this, so she already felt a sense of being insulted. Just the deputy director of a small branch can talk to her dad. On par?

"Also, I am a policeman. I have witnessed this guy with a wallet on his head. Is what the police said is false?" Yang Qinglian puffed her chest out and said with a just and awe-inspiring expression.

"Cut!" Someone secretly raised his **** to express extreme contempt. Why does it snow? That's because there are too many unjust cases in this world. You can just listen to the slogan "Justice may be late, but never be absent" and look forward to it... Was it beaten by these law enforcement officers?

Therefore, these people are even more talking, and the hearts of all gossips are burning, and they look at Yang Qinglian with bright eyes. Many of them even think that this policeman is deliberately looking for things... It is estimated that the boys look at her more. At first glance, she was upset and messed up, right?

Don't come out if you don't want to be seen, and don't dress so **** if you come out? And looking at you like this, even if you are really a policeman, you are a social flower in the police station, right? It's not a good bird at all.

Besides, look at how honest other boys are, how can they be a thief?

"This chick is... the policeman? Are you kidding me?" The man in red was stunned, a trace of badness had already occurred in his heart.

Of course, the "rookie" Yang Qinglian didn't even notice that the surrounding people had begun to complain about the thief on the ground. She picked up the young man lying on the ground and reached into his. In the pocket, I took out a purse out of it, held it in the air, and looked at the man in red and said coldly, "This is the stolen goods, what else do you have? Or are you a party? Then come back with me? Police station!"

The man in red felt a bit of a nuisance at first, but when he saw the so-called stolen goods in Yang Qinglian's hand, the corners of his mouth were already curled up inexplicably.

It turned out to be a silly girl.

Then, as if changing his face, he was already angry and helpless, as if he had been wronged so much, and pointed at Yang Qinglian and shouted loudly, "You said you were a policeman? What happened to the policeman? The policeman? You can frame people casually? The police can beat people casually? This wallet is obviously my buddy's, so why should he say that he stole it? You can't catch people so you plan to find someone to top the street casually, right?"

"Oh, the police beat someone, the police grabbed the wallet..." Xiaoyoung cried out in agony, "It's obviously my wallet, it's irrational..."

I was secretly happy, and I really had no brains, and I took out this wallet! Damn, dare to hold Lao Tzu's lungs and see how Lao Tzu kills you!

The police beat someone? Robbery by the police?

Hearing these popular keywords, the onlookers were even more excited. Some people even took out their mobile phones and started video recording and planned to post to Moments. The title of the video was also thought up.

Shocking! Beautiful police robbed in the street...

"Shut up!" Yang Qinglian was very depressed. All this was stolen and taken, so why does he still have the face to complain?

So he simply stepped on his stomach again, then raised the wallet in his hand in front of him, and said coldly, "Since you said this wallet belongs to you, then you should talk about it, this wallet How much money is there?"

"Ahem...How does I know how much money is in the wallet? Who can count how much money is in his wallet..." said the young man very hard, besides, there are almost no red bills in this wallet, basically some. He didn't have the spare time to count the odds and ends.

His face was almost twisted into a bun, and he was pushed hard with his knees, and he was stepped on his stomach again. He only felt that his stomach was tingling with sour water from his throat. There came out, and I really hated the policeman to the death. I wanted to **** her first and then...I was imprisoned and raped several times a day.

Xiaoyou is a thief, he dare not kill.

"However, there is my ID card in the wallet, don't you know if you look at it?" Xiaoyoung said in pain and grief. His expression seemed to have suffered a lot of wrongs, so it was successful. The sympathy of the onlookers.

"Uh...ID card? Your...ID card is in this wallet?" Yang Qinglian's eyes widened slightly, she couldn't believe her ears.

Yang Qinglian hurriedly opened her wallet and flipped through it. She quickly found an ID card. She glanced at her beautiful eyes, and her brain crashed. This time she couldn't believe her eyes.

My heart is really messy, how could this be? The profile picture on the ID card looks really the same as the man in the black T-shirt. Of course, the photo on the ID card looks more like a fugitive.

But how could his ID card be in this wallet? He secretly put his ID card in when he walked along the other party's wallet?

Impossible, let's not say that he doesn't have this time. Besides, the thief wouldn't be so boring to do this kind of thing, right?

So... he has another wallet on him, which is the stolen property? Did you get it wrong?

Yang Qinglian felt that she really had the potential to be a police officer, and she had a quick brain turn, and she understood the matter at once.

"Don't think I don't know, you have another wallet, and that wallet is stolen goods." Then, Yang Qinglian stretched her hand into the little young man's pocket again, trying to find the wallet he stole.

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