The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1785: Yang Qinglian's choice

"Hey, stop... You have found my buddy's ID card in this wallet. What do you want? You want to continue beating people. The police beat people for no reason, frame good people, help..." That red The man in the clothes pushed Yang Qinglian's hand away, pointed at Yang Qinglian's nose, and shouted with outrage.

That expression, as if he had suffered a lot of injustice, really resonated. Therefore, the crowd of onlookers began to smoke as if a lit cigarette **** was thrown into the dry wood.

They all yelled out of righteous indignation, as if they were the one who was bullied and wronged to the death.

"The police are great. The police can frame people for no reason, and even beat people."

"My uncle, Lao Tzu is a taxpayer. These guys take the people's money as wages and then bully the people. They really treat us people as bullies..."

"If you hadn't been for a woman, I would have slapped me in the face."

"Beat her……"

"Yes, hit her, give her that face a flower, and see if she dare to be so arrogant in the future." The person who shouts such words is naturally female, and for many women, they look better than themselves. All are their own enemies.

"Can you call the police if you don't hit people now? I'm sorry I was wrong. Call the city manager. They are all legal bandits..."

"It was shot, human flesh, exposed her, just like this, she can still be a policeman, saying that there is no tricky thing is fake, it must be a job that was arranged after sleeping with a leader in the bureau."

The people around who watched the excitement joined together. For a time, the shouts shook the sky, as if they had surrounded a street mouse that had stolen their tons of food and shouted.

The surroundings suddenly boiled, and Yang Qinglian was simply silly, she only felt that her ears were buzzing, and her mind was almost blank.

She didn't understand why this happened. She just accidentally saw that the young man took out a purse from the pocket of a young man's buttocks very quickly. After that, because she was also a policeman, It is more because she wants to change herself and wants Li Zedao to see a completely different herself.

Therefore, she took action to stop it, she wanted to punish the **** and punish evil, maintain justice, and she wanted to return the blue sky of Phoenix City.

But now, how come there are faces all around me that seem to swallow her raw? Her ears were full of insults of "kill her". What did she do wrong? Can't the police catch thieves in the street these days?

Yang Qinglian looked around blankly and helplessly, feeling wronged and angry to the extreme in her heart.

I haven’t gone through this kind of thing, but I’ve seen similar things on the Internet, so she quickly understood her current situation. Once the clumsy onlookers took the lead, it would surely detonate everyone’s emotions instantly. , They will do it together.

Moreover, now surrounded by the inner and outer three floors, with her ability, it is basically impossible to rush away... She is not a master like Li Zedao. According to her grandfather, a few meters high wall, he can relax. Jumping over, this kid is a master of stealing jade and incense.

At the moment, Yang Qinglian's eyes fell on the two thieves who were basically a group of thieves, and the expressions in their eyes seemed to burst out of fire!

She has never been a person who will make herself wronged... Of course, the wrongs Li Zedao made her suffer are not counted, it is she... be voluntary. Being bullied by him, being wronged is wrong, but afterwards, he will feel that he is too handsome.

But now, receiving such grievances, she is very unwilling and very upset, and her heart is full of violence.

Since I can’t rush out, I guess it’s not clear from this situation, so...

Her long legs suddenly lifted up, and the movements were heavy and fast, and she kicked the man in red.

He was about to help the young man in red on the ground. He never expected to say that this beautiful police officer dared to beat people even when the anger was already aroused. Therefore, he had no defense at all, so he was out of defense. Yang Qinglian kicked him straight, and kicked directly on the waist.

"Ah..." He screamed, and his body simply fell to the ground and pressed on his brother. That face was twisted into a bun. It was conceivable that the weight of his foot was heavy, he felt Was his waist cut off by a kick?

How could Yang Qinglian kick her opponent in a rage? After kicking him to the ground, she lifted her foot up again, and stomped on the two guys who were lying on the ground fiercely.

While panting, Yang Qinglian regretted it. She knew she would wear high heels today, so she could pierce a few blood holes in these two damned guys.

The man in red and the young man who was crushed by him were so painful that they had no ability to resist. They could only hold their heads tightly with both hands and clamp their legs to avoid this violent woman. "Injured" their brother.

Of course, the two of them did not forget their performance that seemed so exaggerated, and continued to yell out grievances. After all, the only thing they can rely on now is the masses of the people.

"Ah...Help, the police beat someone..."

"The police kill, help, lawless..."


The onlookers saw that the beautiful policeman was so arrogant and dared to continue to do it, even more ruthlessly, so it was like pouring a bucket of oil on the fire, and the mood was even more boiling.

This is knowing the law and breaking the law, this is provoking the broad masses of the people!

One of the middle-aged men really couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly stepped forward, intending to take the lead to stop this kind of disgusting and angry atrocities!

"Can the police beat people casually? Stop it!" He yelled with a righteous face. A monkey stole a peach and slammed Yang Qinglian's chest with his big hand.

Yang Qinglian still stepped on the two guys who were lying on the ground, her small faces were full of anger and grievance. As for the angry people around, it seemed to have nothing to do with her.

Of course, Yang Qinglian's heart is actually very frightened and helpless. She knows very clearly that she might be beaten up by the crowd whose emotions have been incited next. Even a fistless woman said Uncertain will be beaten to death alive.

This is not alarmist, after all, similar things have not happened.

But she couldn't stop them, and she couldn't explain much, so the only thing she could do was to stom on these two **** thieves a few more feet.

In a daze, a face full of disgust but a very handsome face appeared in her mind.

"Asshole..." Yang Qinglian was suddenly sore, and then the tears of grievance came down all of a sudden...This is not the first time she cried, but the time she cried the most aggrieved.

"It's over, this lady is going to throw her life here..."

"I haven't started chasing that **** yet, I haven't had a good relationship yet, I haven't shopped enough, haven't eaten enough food, even I'm a virgin... Li Ze said you bastard, if I die I've turned into a ghost, and this lady must be going to ask you to pee in the middle of the night..."

Yang Qinglian’s heart is very confused, her spirit is now in a state of extreme trance, her feet are like being set by a machine, basically unconscious, stepping down one foot after another, so she simply I didn't know that there was such a big hand that grabbed his chest fiercely.

"Tsk tsk, look at this turbulent, the hand feels good?" Just when the man's hand was about to grab Yang Qinglian's chest, and this thought came out of his mind, he suddenly felt that his scalp was He was numb, and immediately after his feet lifted off the ground, his body was suspended in the air.

I don't know where a hand came out, grabbed his hair, and even picked him up.

"Ah..." The man felt that his scalp was about to be ripped off, his pain was so painful that he was full of pain.

In the next second, the man felt even more clearly that he was simply thrown out.

Then, in an exclamation of "Ah...", the man overwhelmed a large group of people.

"What happened?"

"Ah, shit, who stepped on Lao Tzu's foot?"

"Ah, who the **** is on Lao Tzu, get out, Lao Tzu can hardly breathe..."

Suddenly, these people who gathered together and filled with outrage to "condemn" Yang Qinglian simply turned into a pot of porridge. The scene became extremely chaotic, and they didn't understand what was going on.

Yang Qinglian was also stunned. She was desperately kicking on the ground when she kicked the **** thief who dared to stir up the masses, her body suddenly lost her balance, and she was hugged. When he got up, his head fell heavily into a strong embrace.

Subconsciously, she wanted to struggle, her small hand clenched into a fist, and she wanted to smash it with a fist.

Even if you are about to be surrounded by angry people, you can't just silly hold your head and curl up there to be beaten, right? She didn't allow anyone to take the opportunity to eat her own tofu, for example, like now, she hugged herself up.

She wants to resist! Rebel fiercely! She wants them to know that her Miss Yang is not annoying! When her Miss Yang went crazy, she even felt scared.

At this moment, an ill-tempered voice rang in her ears: "Don't move if you don't want to be eaten up tofu, your face is scratched, or even beaten to death. Do you know you are heavy? Can't hold you?"

The sound was like a thunder, and it exploded abruptly in Yang Qinglian's ears, making her body stiff suddenly, the fist that was about to be thrown stopped abruptly, and her face was full. They were all shocked and couldn't believe what I heard.

"Li... Zedao? Is it Li Zedao?" She raised her head very hard, already seeing a sunny and handsome face.

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