It's him, it's really him! When he was most dangerous, he showed up in time.

Yang Qinglian's heart trembled violently, her nose suddenly sore, tears came down again, a strange emotion already filled her whole heart.

As if instinctively, her hand stretched out suddenly without any hesitation, and hugged his neck tightly.

Relying on the power behind her, she is indeed domineering, but she is not so unreasonable. In addition, she is a woman after all. When a woman is bullied or wronged, she always hopes that a hero will come out to save the beauty. He is the one he likes and cares about.

And now, he really appeared, so Yang Qinglian's heart fluctuates greatly.

"Hey, don't hold so tightly, it will strangle people." Li Zedao said angrily.

Li Zedao seriously doubted whether this woman wanted to take the opportunity to kill herself to vent her anger.

Yang Qinglian looked at this face blankly with teary eyes, did not answer, but held her arms tighter.

"Don't hug me tighter, what should you do if you throw me away?" she muttered in her heart.

Li Zedao hugged Yang Qinglian horizontally, his feet were slightly hard, and his body jumped up suddenly. The person was already standing on a young man's head lightly, and immediately after his legs were slightly harder, he jumped to another person. With just a few jumps above his head, he jumped out of the messy crowd.

However, Li Zedao did not stop immediately, so he hugged Yang Qinglian and continued to run forward at a fast pace until he ran four to five hundred meters away, far away from the crowd who did not know what had happened, and then stopped. After stepping, Yang Qinglian was still holding his neck tightly, looking at him with a strange expression in her misty and beautiful eyes.

"Actually, you can loosen my neck and continue to commit nympho." Li Zedao looked down at the woman and said helplessly. Hug and hug, I'm not a stingy person, I don't care about anything with you, but what are you doing so hard? Li Zedao felt that his neck was strangled.

Knowing that this woman is stubborn, her mind can't turn a little bit. I didn't expect this situation to be more serious than I had imagined. When the emotions of the onlookers have been stirred up, she didn't even think about it. To be honest, instead of choosing to continue doing it, Li Zedao was really unable to complain.

Well, Li Zedao had to admire the courage of this woman. Changing to be an ordinary woman, let alone continue to beat people, it is estimated that her legs were already weakened.

What made Li Zedao even more concerned was that she turned out to be a policeman.

After thinking about it, Li Zedao probably understood why she chose to go to Phoenix City to become a policeman.

"I...thank you." Yang Qinglian quickly moved away from her eyes, her face flushed, and she whispered, but her neck was not loosened by her hand.

Finally, he hugged his neck, was held in his arms, and loosened it like this. It was too bad, so Yang Qinglian decisively assumed that he hadn't heard him.

At this moment, Yang Qinglian suddenly felt that her two arms were as if all of her strength had been taken away all at once, and she was simply weak and slipped directly from Li Zedao's neck.

And the moment her hand released Li Zedao's neck, Li Zedao's hand loosened, so the delicate torso in her arms made a free fall.

"Ah..." Yang Qinglian exclaimed, and then sat down on the beach with her **** heavily, although it wasn't that painful, but she looked so embarrassed.

Then, her head crashed for a few seconds, the muscles on her face twitched fiercely, and her heart was trampled crazily by a large group of mud horses.

So, did this **** throw himself like garbage so much?

It was very difficult to raise his head, that flushed little face was full of grievances and looked at Li Zedao, and even tears began to roll in his eye sockets again.

This bastard, how could he just throw himself on the ground like a beast?

"You're welcome, after all, I know your grandfather, and have some...what a deal." Li Zedao ignored Yang Qinglian's aggrieved eyes, then took out a cigarette and a lighter, and lit one.

"For your grandfather's sake, naturally you can't just watch what's wrong with you."

"Asshole!" Yang Qinglian bit her lip and rubbed her eyes fiercely with her arm, making her eyes red all of a sudden, just like rabbit eyes, filled with grievances.

"If it weren't for the **** to save you, you would have been unlucky now." Li Zedao said with a smile, and sat down beside Yang Qinglian, staring at the sea not far away, slowly exhaling a puff of smoke.

"Who wants you to save it?" She was extremely depressed and wronged in her heart. Of course, she didn't say the angry words, and immediately grabbed a few pieces of sand and threw it out.

"Asshole, asshole..."

Li Zedao was smoking a cigarette silently, without much expression on his face, and did not respond.

After simply venting his emotions, Yang Qinglian gradually calmed down. She glanced at his close-by side face, breathing the breath that radiated from him, and even remembering being held by him. The feeling of running wild on the beach also remembered the scene when he suddenly appeared when he was extremely helpless, so the inexplicable grievance in his heart disappeared without a trace.

Then, inexplicably, she became nervous, her heartbeat began to speed up, her breathing became quicker, and she felt that her face became hotter and hotter, as if she was about to burn anytime.

Yang Qinglian quickly looked away.

She clearly felt that her nose started to heat up, and if she continued to look at it, she might have a nosebleed that would spray out, and it would only be even more embarrassing.

Bastard, why are you so handsome?

At the moment, Yang Qinglian looked back at the crowd gathered there, there was a real lingering fear. If it hadn't been for Li Zedao to appear in time, and then jumped out of the crowd from the top of people's head with a weird light feat, she was afraid that she was now torn apart by the angry crowd.

Since ancient times, the people who don’t know the cause of the matter the most are those onlookers, and the most passionate ones are those onlookers. Those who are most easily deceived are still those onlookers. The most powerful ones are those onlookers... Especially It is a matter of police beating people, which can easily arouse the disgust and resonance of the broad masses of people.

Just why is it so? I really clearly saw that young man stole a wallet and put it in his pocket, so I rushed over...There must be another wallet on him!

No, you can't just forget it!

Yang Qinglian was very depressed. It was the first time in her life that she caught a thief, and she was arrested as a policeman. Instead, she was beaten up by a policeman for no reason. She was almost beaten up. This really made her very unhappy. So, we must make those two **** thieves pay a terrible price!

So she took off the small bag on her back, and she had to find the mobile phone from it to make a call, so that someone could come and help herself find this place.

The law does not blame the public, so naturally there is no way to make the silly onlookers pay any price, but the two **** thieves must not be spared.

Yang Qinglian decided that after the two thieves were brought back to the game, she would go back and change a pair of high heels first, and then go to them to settle the account.

"Want to call someone?" Li Zedao glanced at the mobile phone in Yang Qinglian's hand.

"Ah... they are thieves. I saw one of them steal something. Who knows that they even agitated the crowd to attack me and couldn't let them go?" Yang Qinglian quickly explained. She was somewhat worried that Li Zedao had misunderstood again, mistakenly thinking that she was starting to deceive others again.

"I know that they are indeed a group. Not only did I see the young man in black stealing a wallet, I even saw another young man in red stealing a wallet." Li Zedao said.

"Ah? Did you see it?" Yang Qinglian opened her beautiful eyes slightly, and asked subconsciously, "Then why don't you stop it?"

Li Zedao glanced at Yang Qinglian, yawned and said lazily: "Why do you want to stop it? I'm not a policeman, let alone an enthusiastic and enthusiastic young man."

"..." This is too reasonable, so Yang Qinglian doesn't know what to respond.

"What if they stabbed me with a knife after exposing them?" Li Zedao said fearfully.

"..." Yang Qinglian was almost choked to death by Li Zedao's words. Why does this guy like to pretend to be a calf? What's more, he looks so handsome when he pretends to be a calf.

"Besides, the two people who were stolen are not a good thing at first sight. The money in his wallet may be **** buns. So, steal it. The thief might steal the money to help the poor. , It is also possible that someone in the family is ill and is eager to save his life with money, who knows?" Li Zedao shrugged and said.

"Uh..." The muscles on Yang Qinglian's face twitched. This kind of thought came out in my heart, not because the two people who were stolen were not good things at first sight, but because they were not beautiful at first sight.

If it is a beautiful woman, Yang Qinglian has reason to believe that this pervert will not sit idly by. He will definitely appear in front of the beautiful woman like a hero, and then an electric eye will pass and her voice magnetically said: "beauty, there is This handsome guy is here, don't be afraid..."

Yang Qinglian started to be idiots inexplicably, and she was even slightly proud of herself. She is still very capitalized. Otherwise, even if he has a good relationship with her grandfather, he would probably open one eye and close one eye as if he didn't see it, right?

"I...I'm a policeman now, so I can't just let them go because they might be robbing the rich and helping the poor because there are patients in the family who urgently need money to save their lives. After all, theft is illegal for whatever reason." Yang Qinglian said. , If it weren't for those people who were still around, she would have wanted to continue kicking those two **** thieves now. Really **** it, it caused myself to fall into such a dangerous situation.

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