The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1787: Internal and external


After thinking about it seriously, Yang Qinglian felt that she still had to say thank you to these two thieves. After all, if it weren't for them, she wouldn't have been hugged by Li Zedao so quickly.

"Save some effort. It's useless for you to call the police now. After the police arrived, the two thieves would have slipped away. Even if they didn't slip away, you wouldn't be able to do anything. If I'm right, , You must think he should have another wallet on his body? Even if there is, he would have thrown it away a long time ago, but he will stay on him? Then he will only bite you back and say that you are malicious as a policeman. It hurts, you may have to pay for medical expenses."


"What should I do? Did you let him go like this?" Yang Qinglian said with an unhappy expression, "I clearly saw him stealing the wallet. No matter what the reason is for stealing this wallet, it is illegal. They accept legal sanctions."

"It's hard to imagine that your Miss Yang would actually say such a thing." Li Zedao glanced at this woman with surprise, and teased with a slight smile. There was some pride in his heart, he felt that he had saved a lost lamb.

Some time ago, a woman who was so arrogant and arrogant, who would interrupt your hand without saying anything, has now become a policeman who defends justice in the world. She knows to talk about the so-called law... Li Zedao silently ordered three for herself in his heart. Twelve likes.

"Or, did you deliberately say it in front of my face?" Li Zedao's mouth was already filled with an extremely playful smile.

"Ah...Why do you think of me so...unbearable?" Yang Qinglian was depressed and embarrassed again, her face flushed, and she gave this guy an angry white.

Although it is true that there are some reasons why I say this kind of thing because of you, but I do have this kind of mind, OK? How embarrassing you are to say this.

"Because, the impression you gave me before was really unbearable." Li Zedao smiled.

"..." Yang Qinglian shrugged her head and was speechless, and wanted to hit someone.

"I already know that I was wrong, and I have worked very hard to change it." Yang Qinglian muttered looking at this handsome sunny face.

"So, my overlord spirit in that restaurant conquered you that day, and now you are chasing me?" Li Zedao asked simply.

Of course, he did find that this woman had indeed changed, she was less aggressive and unreasonable, and a little bit more shy and cute, plus she was easily confused in her mind. This kind of Yang Qinglian looked undoubtedly more attractive.

"Uh..." Yang Qinglian sighed that this guy was too direct and shameless, at the same time, Xiaotong was very red, as if he was drinking too much, but she still nodded hard.

Like you is like you, chasing you is chasing you, although it is so direct and unavoidable, but there is nothing to hide.

"What do you like about me?" Li Zedao asked with interest. Now he can say such things frankly. He is no longer the shy kid, although he is just like the kid from the outside.

"Uh...why should it be so direct? It's embarrassing." Yang Qinglian's small face became even hotter, as if there was a deer in her heart, she smashed wildly.

Suddenly thought of something, the expression in his eyes became a little wary: "You don't mean to tell me what you like about me, can't I change it...Is that kind of thing? This will disappoint you..."

"This rhetoric is too low, I'm not so boring, I just want you to praise me."


"Of course, Shuai doesn't need to talk about it, everyone knows this." Li Zedao said again.

Yang Qinglian couldn't hold back her joy. This guy had a thicker skin than she thought, and he was about to catch up with the walls of Yanjing City.

"I like you, not because you are handsome...No, there are still factors in this aspect." Yang Qinglian looked at this sunny and handsome face with a slightly shy expression. If this guy has squinted teeth, slanted nose and slanted eyes, and his height is comparable to Wu Dalang, of course he cannot like him.

As a beauty who needs a figure, a face, a face, a taste, a taste, a family, a family, and a connotation, Yang Qinglian is a senior member of the Appearance Association without exception. She has always had a very high vision. The most fundamental reason why she hasn't fallen in love yet at seventeen is the boys around, she simply doesn't like it.

But at this time Li Zedao appeared in the air. No matter which aspect, he met Yang Qinglian's criteria for choosing a mate. In addition, he seemed to have an extremely strong attraction. This attraction would make the girl couldn't help approaching, so Yang Qinglian was decisive. The fall.

Li Zedao smiled, and said sincerely: "This is normal. After all, appearance is the first impression. After all, this is a world that looks at the face. If you are not so beautiful, you are just like flowers. I was too lazy to save. you."

"Do you also think I'm good-looking?" Yang Qinglian was delighted and shy. Many people praise her for her beauty. Of course, she herself thinks so, but there has never been a compliment that can be compared with this time. That feeling is completely different.

"Of course, inner beauty is true beauty." Li Zedao said.

"...I thought you wouldn't say such things." Yang Qinglian found that this **** was not only shameless, but also shameless.

"I work both inside and outside."


At the moment, Yang Qinglian wiped the strand of hair that blocked her sight, looked at the side face with a slightly complicated look, and said bravely: "What I want to say is, my heart is moved. The point is not because of your appearance. In fact, I don’t know what I like about you. I think it’s a bit inexplicable, and I’m moved by the inexplicable. Obviously knowing that you hate me, I really don’t like me, but I still have no hesitation in the runway Phoenix City is here. My God, I was thinking of trying to get close to you, but I didn't expect anything..."

"But, God is very good to me, you even let me sit on your face..." When talking about this, Yang Qinglian's face became hot. Now think about it, that posture is so Shame.

"on purpose?"

"Ah, no, no, it was accidental. I was walking backwards, plus you were all in my head. I didn't even think about someone lying there sleeping behind me." Yang Qinglian's face flushed, and she whispered. Said, a little embarrassed.

"I thought you, you are retaliating." Li Zedao smiled, "I also think your method of revenge is quite unique."


"Anyway, I found that the person who was sitting on my face accidentally was you, I... very happy, and very lucky..." Yang Qinglian whispered.

Fortunately? Li Ze said that the corners of his mouth twitched, blushing a little.

"You don't need to accept me now, but at least don't look at me so useless, don't hate me so much, I have worked very hard to change myself, otherwise I was at the door of the restaurant, I would have slapped there. The waiter’s face is gone, and I won’t catch any thief afterwards...I just want you to know, I have realized that some of my previous practices are indeed excessive..." Yang Qinglian said while looking at Li Zedao’s profile.

"Some of my previous practices were also very excessive." Li Zedao slowly spit out a puff of smoke and said.

Being confessed by a girl, Li Zedao has become so used to it that he can't get used to it, so now he can completely be in a state of indifferent, without any turbulence in his heart.

"Ah...what do you mean?" Yang Qinglian asked in a daze. Could it be that this guy realized that his aggressive approach when he was in the restaurant before was a bit too much?

So he quickly comforted him in a soft voice: "Then...that's not to blame you, the fault lies with me, I am too bullying, you are just fighting back."

Li Zedao seemed to have not heard Yang Qinglian's words, and his face was full of sorrows: "It can be said that it was getting rich overnight, and the salted fish turned over. In addition, he had been suppressed for too long and too long before, so his mentality was naturally impetuous. Compensation, so..."

Li Zedao inhaled a cigarette and slowly exhaled the smoke: "I have delayed too many women, I should push them away... at least some of them, I should push away decisively, because, think about it now, I actually understand their thoughts, knowing that they are fascinated by the beautiful things in front of me, and I feel unconvinced for a while. Why do you accept that she does not accept me? I am not worse than her... Not for the future life."

"Rather than showing their love to me, I'm so proud and excited. I feel too awesome. I think I can take care of their inner world, and then quickly accept them."

"..." Yang Qinglian's cheeks were hot, and she felt that she was a little bit too affectionate, and she wanted to jump up and slap this **** to death.

"So, you... don't accept me?" She felt that she understood the meaning of Li Ze's words. Isn't this rejection? My heart sank, my face was already darkened, and my nose was even more sour.

It turned out to be rejected by the person I liked, which is so uncomfortable.

Therefore, those who are rejected by themselves will be so uncomfortable...what's up with them?

Li Zedao glanced at the heartbroken woman and slowly spit out a puff of smoke and said: "Not completely right. To be precise, it is not not to accept it, but not to accept it. To be more accurate, it is temporarily unacceptable."

On the one hand, Li Zedao basically didn't want to take some women back to the villa. On the other hand, the violence in his body was about to erupt, and life or death was unclear...This was the main reason. There was no reason to pull a girl into the water before dying.

One more thing, she is the granddaughter of Director Yang. How could Li Zedao not know the little Jiujiu in Director Yang's heart? He didn't want to have a closer contact with Director Yang and FC.

But Li Zedao thought about it again. It doesn't seem to be a bad thing to have more intimate contact with Director Yang. After all, he will leave in a few days. Who is responsible for the safety of the family? At this time, Director Yang is undoubtedly the best choice.

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