The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1788: Suspected

Yang Qinglian didn't quite understand it, but she didn't think it made any difference, so her small face was already gloomy, and her face was gloomy and pitiful, as if she was bullied by Li Zedao.

"This time I was rumored to have died in the great earthquake and tsunami in the island country, do you know?" Li Zedao asked. Then with a flick of his finger, the stubbed out cigarette **** drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then steadily got into the trash can dozens of meters away.

After seeing this scene, Yang Qinglian was simply stunned. She felt that this hand was so handsome, so handsome that her eyes started to bubble. You tease me so, how could I let you off easily?

Then, Li Zedao lit a cigarette again, and Yang Qinglian had a feeling of being picked up again. The posture of this guy smoking is really cool.

"I've heard that everyone thought you were dead." Yang Qinglian nodded gently and said, "Moreover, it seems that some people have a banquet to celebrate after hearing the news that you are dead. They set off fireworks as an early Chinese New Year... They are too much. Up."

Yang Qinglian was very angry.

Li Zedao laughed and said: "I have heard about this, and I have also asked people to investigate. When I find out who has set off the banquet and who set off the fireworks, I will let them set the banquet again and set off the fireworks. Celebrate my return."

"..." The kind-hearted Yang Qinglian felt that those people seemed pitiful inexplicably.

"I almost died, even the bones were gone... At that time, I totally thought that I was dead, and there was no possibility of surviving." Li Zedao's face was filled with inexplicable emotions, like a soul. Has entered another plane, returned to the past, witnessing the scene of the nine deaths with his own eyes.

"The danger is not a natural disaster. It has nothing to do with the earthquake and tsunami that happened to DJ. It is a man-made disaster. In short, someone wants to kill me.

Li Zedao certainly wouldn't tell Yang Qinglian that the person who wanted to kill me was your grandpa. Of course, this is not entirely true.

The **** determines the thinking, so it is reasonable for Director Yang to give such an order to completely destroy things that are dangerous and uncontrollable. This is human nature.

In terms of personal emotions, Director Yang actually didn't want him to have an accident. Li Zedao could still see this.

Yang Qinglian's eyes widened slightly, and an inexplicable emotion was already in her heart. It turned out that this man's world was much more complicated than she had imagined.

"After that, as you said, everyone thought I was dead, and more than half of my women thought I was dead. After that, they left me to find a new life for them." Li Zedao said again . The voice is neither sad nor happy, nor is there any mood swings, as if saying something that is irrelevant.

He had asked someone to talk about this a long time ago, but he did not find a suitable person, and Yang Qinglian is undoubtedly a very good listener, so Li Zedao wouldn't mind talking more.

Yang Qinglian had a complex complexion and nodded slightly. She probably knew about it with her heart. She even knew which women had left Li Zedao now. She felt that they were really stupid and excessive.

"Seriously, they leave, I don't want to give up, but I am very happy, and I also wish them, after all, I restrained them." Li Zedao looked at Yang Qinglian's small face and said, "So, Miss Yang, I What I want to tell you is, don’t think I’m so sunny, so handsome, so rich, so attractive. I’ll hit anyone I want, no one dares to provoke. Actually, there are so many dangers in my life, I don’t even know myself. Can you live through tomorrow... This is not an exaggeration, but it is true."

"Do you want me to...give up?" Yang Qinglian looked at this face with complicated eyes, and the inexplicable heart began to pump.

It turned out that he was not as strong as he thought, and this man seemed to have a fragile side. He was now showing himself his fragile side. Seriously, this made Yang Qinglian's heart very useful.

A man is willing to show a weak side in front of a girl, which proves that the girl has a place in the heart of a boy.

Inexplicably, Yang Qinglian wanted to hug him, she just wanted to give him some care of her own.

"I didn't ask you to give up. I was just telling you a fact. You can treat it as small chat, and you can treat it as small chat between friends and complain." After Li Zedao gave such an explanation, he continued to complain.

"Moreover, I'm actually infertile... Don't you know that?" This kind of thing is naturally quite difficult for a man, but Li Zedao is relieved now, so after speaking it out, there is no fluctuation in his heart. Too big.

Since he enjoys the god-defying power brought by the yellow stone, he naturally has to endure the disaster it brings. Can't you take advantage of it?

"This...I know, my grandfather told me, I don't care, really, not every woman wants to have children and be a mother, at least I don't want to." Yang Qinglian whispered, her eyes showing distress. I want to hug this big boy even more.

"Uh... okay." Li Ze twitched his mouth, and wanted to run to the old man to have a good theory. I can do this for myself, so that girls can feel that I am so sincere. Alone, what are you talking about?

"Anyway, this is the case. I don't know when I will die, and I have no fertility. In addition, I have too many women. I can't take care of all their emotions 100%, and I can't all the time. Which woman is with you, so..."

Li Zedao stood up and patted his butt: "If it's okay, go back to Yanjing, Chuan Anliang is not suitable for you. Some of your ideas are too simple and too easy to be emotional, so don't force yourself, this time I I just met and saved you. I’m afraid I won’t be so lucky next time...Of course, if there are a few bodyguards around you, I’m not saying this."

After speaking, Li Zedao turned and left.

At the moment of turning around, Li Zedao's expression was so helpless, this woman, what a good figure, her lordosis, her face is also good, her **** has been verified, she is very elastic, so she gave up... Isn't this a beast? Why do you want to pretend?

Yang Qinglian raised her head, her teeth bit her lip, her eyes filled with distressed look at the back that seemed so lonely to her at this time, and then her eyes showed stubbornness and determination.

Then, her small hand was clenched into a fist, and she yelled at Li Zedao's back without a doubt: "Li Zedao, listen carefully... I will show it to you. Also, I really have thought about it. , I will not give up, I will not let you go, I will definitely let you accept me... After accepting, in the days to come, no matter what happens, I will face it with you, I Won't leave you like those women..."

"What I said is true, if there is a lie, I will not die!" Yang Qinglian even took an oath.

Li Zedao stopped when he heard this oath, and was inexplicably moved. He liked this kind of woman who was so persistent in feelings.

Want to remember such a good and handsome boy like yourself, what is such an easy thing? The girls are crying and crying and holding the boy's thigh to ask for a hundred times a day if it doesn't work, then a hundred days... So now Yang Qinglian is like this, Li Zedao was decisively moved.

Then, he turned his head and grinned at Yang Qinglian.

Yang Qinglian immediately felt dizzy. Mom, seeing the handsome guy, she never thought that one day she would be electrocuted by a boy's smile.

"Don't make a decision so easily, consider it carefully." Li Zedao walked up to Yang Qinglian again, looked at this woman who even made such a vicious oath, and said in his heart that she didn't touch anything. It was fake.

Of course, there was some suspicion of getting up and leaving just now, but Li Zedao would not admit this... He just wanted to make sure that this woman had really thought about it.

"I have already thought about it. If I haven't thought about it, can I come to this place? Can I want to be a policeman and approach that Li Mengchen? Can I catch the thief?" Yang Qinglian squeezed, her face flushed, her eyes a little Not too embarrassed to look at Li Zedao and muttered softly.

A domineering woman, when facing her beloved boy, would seem so at a loss, revealing the little girl's attitude.

Therefore, those who know Yang Qinglian, if they have the opportunity to see Yang Qinglian at this time, they will probably be shaken off their chins. They can't believe what they see, and then seriously doubt whether Yang Qinglian has hit an evil spirit or has been possessed by a ghost. Body.

At this moment, Yang Qinglian felt like she was stepping on a cloud, as if she was pouring honey in her heart. It was very sweet. Although this guy did not expressly accept herself, she did not refuse to death. His attitude It's getting better, not so bad anymore.

"I will go out in two days and deal with something that is very troublesome. It is estimated that it will take a long time to come back... During this period of time, you have been thinking about it. Maybe you are on a whim." Li Zedao cleared his throat and said.

"It's dangerous, isn't it?" Yang Qinglian's heart trembled slightly, which was the focus of her concern.

"It's not too dangerous." Li Zedao said jokingly, "but if you are less lucky, you may not be able to return."

Yang Qinglian's heart trembled again, and then she said firmly, "I believe you will be fine. No matter what, I will wait for you to come back. If you don't come back one day, I will wait for you one day. If you don't come back, I will Stay in Phoenix for a lifetime..."

This is the most true thought deep in her heart.

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